sometimes God knowing my ignorance decides to help me by speaking thru somebody else. The person speaking doesnt have a clue what they did. Makes me like Krishna.
Right now Gauranga.. when yr on a coach and some nobodies say Gauranga spontan.. 3 times. Then you start to think whats going on. Was like Vishnu Himself speaking.
okay i am chanting, no.2 the mind will follow us wherever we go is totally false. If it did why did i chant again? Problem comes when you back to original place. Thats when mind follows you. Just do it means .. Just Let Go, forget it all.
Comments like that. Funny yeah. But funny how? Its not funny. Okay, poeple that chant usually make those comments. (maybe u do who knows). The comment is total maya in my opinion.
What discouraged me was people (devotees) did'nt understand. Which made me realize 'I'm just a normal Hindu'! Just chant prabhu! is general replies. THAT did'nt help. Now I know it was FEAR. Just like 18.66 Gita Krishna says Do not Fear.
When I stopped.. and could'nt start. Think I realize I felt weak because I did'nt chant.. I think if happens to somebody best thing to do is change where you are for while or stay temple for few days...
Gita.. Bible.. Quran are all in hell. They ask what happened? Micky Mouse shows up and says Donald Duck is actually God. Confuced the scriptures decide to change the lightbulb (!)
My made up jokes by Pankaja dasa