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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Liar, liar, house on fire Your nose is longer than a telephone wire Ask me, Prabhu, why I'm sad You been out all night, know you been bad Don't tell me different, know it's a lie Come kill me, DevI, see how I cry Why must you hurt me, do what you do Listen here, strI, can't you see I love you Make a little effort, try to be true I'll be happy, not so blue If you keep on tellin' me those lies Still goin' out with other guys There'll come a day I'll be gone Take my advice, won't be long When that day comes, won't be mad Be free of you, but I'll still be sad In spite of your cheatin', still love you so I'll be unhappy if I let you go
  2. Before 11Sep there was ample communication between major power leaders. This whole thing is a multi-purpose ploy. 1) to reduce world population in certain areas. 2) to distract attention from domestic complaints. 3) to help us forget who was really elected president. 4) to make us think they're patriotic. 5) to 'entertain' the troops.. & so forth.
  3. All these numbers are exaggerated. If you only knew how much.
  4. War is Hell; Earth is Hell. Material Life is Hell.
  5. I couldn't hear it. Was it that Harry Belafonte hit? Hey Mr Taliban Tally Me Banana Daylight Gone & Me Wanna Go Home
  6. Yet another viewpoint: According to 2 Indian devotees, one lifetime in ISKCON, there are One Billion Moslems (of Islam) in the world, and Six million members of Islam in the United States. They both tell me that no matter what images you see on TV, big meetings with Islam ministers, your loving Islamic students at your local school, etc.; that, basically, ALL ONE BILLION members of Islam worldwide, and All Six Million members of Islam in US, are ALL sympathetic to terrorists, and BIn Laden, and many actively (and now COVERTLY) support the terrorists; mentally, financially, philosophically, etc. They are all actually dangerous. The Truth of ONENESS of God's presence, as preached by Muhammad, etc., has been totally and universally perverted; and, like many religions, they now believe in superiority of Islam to every other religion. (Specifically they would love to destroy Hinduism). They universally hate their being suppressed, and United States bankrolling Israel $3 Billion/year used to kill and suppress them, they deeply resent, and feel this WTC and Pentagon attacks are totally warranted and send a message they want to get out. However, often terrorism causes a huge backlash, as has happened. This may also simply be a prelude to Great World War III between real powers of Russia and US. However, more attacks are coming, maybe to your neighborhood, and any members of Islam, no matter how sympathetic, innocent and "Americanized", etc, they seem to appear: be discerning; protect your back. Regardless of how you feel about US, governments, terrorists, etc. just be aware of this extra potential danger. Your local friendly mosque members would love to destroy your temple, and probably you. Allah is great. It is ONE, and simultaneously different. But Islam today is long gone in a different direction. http://community.webtv.net/lakshmi/TheLakshmiSampradaya
  7. Surf City or Kabul City Jan Ali & Mujama Dean (Jan bin Berry - Brian Akbar Wilson) &&/+ Two girls for every boy **/< (Two Christians for Every Muslim) I bought a '30 Ford wagon and we call it a woodie (Kabul City, here we come) You know it's not very cherry, it's an oldie but a goodie (Surf City, here we come) Well, it ain't got a back set or a rear window But it still gets me where I wanna go And we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun You know we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun, now Two girls for every boy You know they never roll the streets up 'cause there's always somethin' goin' (Surf City, here we come) You know they're either out surfin' or they got a party growin' (Surf City, here we come) Yeah, and there's two swingin' honeys for every guy And all you gotta do is just wink your eye And we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun You know we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun, now Two girls for every boy And if my woody breaks down on me somewhere on the surf route (Surf City, here we come) I'll strap my board to my back and hitch a ride in my wetsuit (Surf City, here we come) And when I get to Surf City I'll be shootin' the curl And checkin' out the parties for a surfer girl And we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun You know we're goin' to Surf City, 'cause it's two to one You know we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun, now Two girls for every boy 2 Christians for every Muslim
  8. Tarun


    Before I catch it under my armpit, Frisby Style. Smedley: No, I'm not a communist; I'm a ventriloquist. Come out on HarinAm with us. You won't be able to tell who's leading.
  9. [don't forget to read last line aloud! (forever)] ^^^^^^^^^^Give Peace A Chance^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^John Lennon And The Plastic Ono Band Two, one two three four Ev'rybody's talking about Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m. All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance C'mon Ev'rybody's talking about Ministers, Sinisters, Banisters and canisters Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes, And bye bye, bye byes. All we are saying is give peace a chance All we are saying is give peace a chance Let me tell you now Ev'rybody's talking about Revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations, meditations, United Nations, Congratulations. Ev'rybody's talking about John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary, Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper, Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna, Hare, Hare Krishna
  10. Who really murdered John Lennon? Who programmed this fellow for months to do what he did? Why he timed it halfway between Reagan's election & inauguration? Who really broke up the Beatles? Who's the Fool on the Hill? Who's the Walrus? Why "Help" was filmed in India? Why a "Hard Day's Night" was NOT filmed in India? Which songs did they record AFTER meeting ZrIla PrabhupAd? Why Lennon did not surrender to ZrI Guru?
  11. Come 31 October, Beard + Turbin door to door just won't be the same. Bin Laden Halloween costumes are being manufactued as we type. This year they're a sure shoe-in for most popular/"numero uno" nationwide.
  12. At Timessquare I street chant with a mixture of Rtvik, Officiating Acarya & Gaur-Govinda Mhrj zisyas. In Alachua I street chant with ISKCON devotees. In Miami I street chant with VRNDA &/or ISKCON devotees. I'm criticized for associating with each by another. By whom? By those who don't street chant themselves. When they decide to street chant I'll join them too. Should I hold my breath?
  13. We can do plenty right here even before you find a book. BTW - Have you tried your local library? Otherwise, just open up any Gita, BhAgavatam, Isopanisad. As ideas, questions arise, start posting.
  14. AMERICA by Bhakta Simon & Garfunkel Prabhu Let us be lovers we'll marry our fortunes together I've got some real estate here in my bag So we bought a pack of yogi bars and Devidasi's pies And we walked off to look for America KathA I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh Michigan seems like a dream to me now It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw I've gone to look for America Laughing on the bus playing games with the faces She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy I said be careful his bowtie is really a camera Toss me a yogi bar I think there's one in the raincoat We honored the last one an hour ago So I looked at the scenary she read BTG magazine And the moon rose over an open field KathA I'm lost I said though I knew she was sleeping I'm empty and aching and I don't know why Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike They've all come to look for America All come to look for America
  15. Tarun


    Though the Masters make the Rules, For the Wisemen and the Fools. They've got nothing Ma, to live up to. Dear Hedley, If any King or President doesn't physically join in the fight, he's not qualified to be leader. Random may give his random though standardless account. Nowadays Presidents surround themselves with disqualified advisors. Their advisors are very qualified in one sense: for sure they're speeding up KalkyavatAr appearance. Who knows? At this rate He may arrive ahead of schedule!!
  16. Only if Georgy comes out to play with him. Out of that Nebraska bunker now, O Brave One! What will it be? Hide'n'Go Seek? Roller Derby? Running Bases? Tag? Both should carry flyswatters... in case one of these 17 chintzy mosquitos lined up above decides to attack.
  17. Tarun


    Where have all the Bhaktas gone? Long time passing Where have all the Vaisnavs gone? Long time ago Where have all the sAdhus gone? To Vaikuntha everyone When will WE ever learn? When will WE ever learn? Karma-phalam, vikarma-viphalam. Bushwhacker is digging his own grave. He'll never go to the front line himself. He's too brave for that. He'll watch it on TV with his feet propped up on a hassock. "The Sun isn't Yellow it's Chicken."
  18. We chanted HarinAm along entire Wall St yesterday. Tonight Timessquare 45th & Broadway. We didn't create this World. AvatAra avatArI MahAprabhu did through His pleanary portion. He/They suggest we perform sankIrtan nAgarAdi grAm. NAma vinA kichu nahika Ara caudda bhuvana mAjhe: Apart from this, what is there? Hot air can certainly elevate balloons. Unfortunately, they must return to Earth due to inevitable cooling stage.
  19. Vaisnavas are interested in relationships, not in becoming one another. Vaisnavas conquer ViSNu with love, not by merging. Not by crashing into buildings either.
  20. Om namo nArAyaNAya: 1st, 2nd & 4th syllables are vibrated 2x as long. On Internet we use vowel capitals to designate double length. r preceding n effects N cerebral, id est, causes n to become N. Examples: KRSNa, KarNa, karaNa, karuNA, TaraNa, TaruNa, dAruNa
  21. Randomji: Looks like what I had for breakfast this morning. Same formation, same substance. No indigestion, though I must admit, afterwards, I had to floss.
  22. Sorry. Where? I didn't see it. And how come I can't delete this extra one?
  23. Better to rebuild an old mandir than to start a new one. Similarly, better we tack onto existing threads than start new ones. In that spirit... A woman accompanied her husband to his annual physical checkup. Afterwards, his doctor took his wife aside saying: "Unless you follow my advice, your husband will surely die." Doc went on to say, "Here's what you need to do: 1) Every morning, make sure you serve him a good healthy breakfast. 2) Meet him home daily at noon so you can serve him a well balanced lunch. 3) Make sure you feed him a good hot meal each evening. 4) Don't overburden him with any stressful conversation. 5) Don't ask him to perform any household chores. 6) Moreover, keep your house spotless & clean; this way he won't be exposed to any threatening germs." On their way home, he asked his wife what his doctor said. She replied, "He said you're gonna die."
  24. Better to rebuild an old mandir than to start a new one. Similarly, better we tack onto existing threads than start new ones. In that spirit... A woman accompanied her husband to his annual physical checkup. Afterwards, his doctor took his wife aside saying: "Unless you follow my advice, your husband will surely die." Doc went on to say, "Here's what you need to do: 1) Every morning, make sure you serve him a good healthy breakfast. 2) Meet him home daily at noon so you can serve him a well balanced lunch. 3) Make sure you feed him a good hot meal each evening. 4) Don't overburden him with any stressful conversation. 5) Don't ask him to perform any household chores. 6) Moreover, keep your house spotless & clean; this way he won't be exposed to any threatening germs." On their way home, he asked his wife what his doctor said. She replied, "He said you're gonna die."
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