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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. ZrImad BhAgavatam is insufficient. They must read ZrI Caitanya CaritAmRta. In Bushala's case, someone'll have to read it to him.
  2. The word 'Anthrax' reminds me of Walt Disney's bhajan ballad: Swamp Fox, Anthrax, tail on his hat. Nobody knows where Anthrax's at.
  3. Tatastha-VicAr: Unbiased Perspective. This body is Amerikan. I was born near the Hudson River. My grandfather swam in the Hudson. My father swam in the Hudson till he got tired of dodging the 'debris'. The Red Sea is as clear as glass. The sand is so white, it looks like sugar. Its reflection forces you to squint or look away. Arabian air is dustless. Arabia's night sky in so clear, you're sure you can reach up & touch the stars. You're sure of it. We're feigning environmentalism. We have no idea what standard of environmentalism should be maintained. India is perhaps most corrupt when it comes to pollution. Neck & neck with Amerika. Personally, I wouldn't bother to visit India if you gave me 10 free tickets. No bribe large enough. No charm. It's not what it used to be. Maybe after this big war, things will improve, less congestion. Enough with the commercial nonsense. Enough with our "Work like an Ass, Consume like a Pig" Routine. It's dastardly dull, dreadful, degrading, degenerate... PrabhupAd gave the "New Crows, Old Crows" analogy. Saturday Afternoons 3pm Peter Bochan 99.5 FM WBAI Pacifica: Very Informative Broadcasts all week long. To further reinforce our KC. To make it intensely real.
  4. I think we/they should set aside the guns & missiles. Instead we/they should have an international boxcutter war. Round Robin or Free-for-All. And they/we can ride around in boxcars. No petrol allowed. Even Steven. Why should Mother Earth's blood be burned to shed human blood? Double Indemnity vs Doubly Guilty.
  5. We'll go through the whole VedAnta sUtra in Vedic Verses Forum. Starting from the end. That way if you die soon, you're closer to the finish line. At most, you'll have to keel over for the sparzAdho = touchdown. See you there.
  6. 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Get Caught If ignorant public & media ever find out who really downed Manhattan's Twin Towers... Nah! They won't get caught. They won't get caught because it's so obvious. So obvious that everyone (almost everyone)is determined to remain illusioned by it. Kaliyuga is so so amazing. So amazing. Duh, maybe we should have a Warren-type Commission to investigate? They did such a great job back in Nov'63. Why not hire'em again?
  7. CCji: Which SP Gita translations you find whacky or out of line? Which edition?
  8. He doesn't want to destroy Yisrael; he wants Yisraelis/J*ws out of that region. Adolph didn't want to kill Jews; he wanted them out of Germany. No one else wanted them. England etc. refused them. J*ws want to be loved & secure like everyone else. When M*sad heard Florida Arabs agreed to vote as a block wholesale for Bushala in exchange for Palestinian Statehood, Mosad sensed Amerika distancing. So M*sad concocted this 11Jan2001 caper to regain Amerikan support. M*sad fingerprints are on every aspect of this catastrophe. Bushala can't produced any evidence. All he can say is: "No Negotiation!" No Negotiation means Bushala is a fool. He doesn't believe in next life. Not for a second. He thinks he won't reap any viphalam from murdering Afghani citizens. Like his moronik daddio before him did in Panama, Iraq... And all his idiotik Sukracarya guru Grahamya-kathA can say is: "I don't know why God let's these things happen." Whatta jerk! You call this a country? You call this guy spiritual? They're not Republicans; they're not Christians. They're dvi-pada-pazus. Nothing more. NUclear Weapons? Yes. M*sad would even use them to get their way. Talmud states in several ways: "All non-J*ws either support J*ws or deserve to be killed." Koran sales are up 800%! This means Amerikans are totally lost, totally unaware. And to top it off, to make it even more obvious: PBS broadcast another nonsensical Holycaust 6 million show tonight. Do I have to remind you who manages PBS?
  9. As Mahak typed/posted 2 yrs ago on VNN Forums: "Anyone who can remember the 60s really wasn't there." I didn't take any drugs, so maybe I recall more than most. Then again, there's a big GAP post 1971, after I joined ISKCON. Peace Rallies were one of our best sources for making new bhaktas. Peaceniks on Parade reminds me of MayDay Moratorium 1971 at Wash DC. Even Vietnam Vets were throwing their badges & medals over/at The Capitol Bldg in protest.
  10. dattvA vidyAuSadhaM bhaktAn, niravadyAn karoti yaH | dRk pathaM bhajatu zrImAn, zrI tyAtmA sa hariH svayam || He who gives vidyA tonic to His devotees, making them disease-free, may that Joyous One, Hari Himself, come within my vision's scope. adhyAya/section 4.pAda/part, root 1.sUtra/code 1 4.1.1 AvRttir asakRd upadezAt Repetition repeatedly instructions Practice sAdhana requires repetition because scripture itself repeats instructions. 482 4.1.2 lingAt Due to/from indication And there's indication showing repetition's necessity. 483 4.1.3 Atmeti tupagacchanti grAhayanti ca Supreme Self as but acknowledge apprehend and. But Masters contemplate Brahman & teach it so to their disciples. 484 4.1.4 na pratike na hi Not in symbols not because Brahman is not contemplated as Self in symbols like manas/mind for the symbol is not God. 485 4.1.5 brahma dRStir utkarSAt View of Brahman due to superiority God should be thought of as Brahman, for such meditation is most exalted. 486 4.1.6 AdityAdi matayaz cAnga upapatteH About Sun etc. ideas and in limbs that being proved reasonable Contemplation that Sun etc. (emanates from His Eyes) should be held with regard yo His Limbs due to its reasonableness. 487 4.1.7 AsInaH sambhavAt sitting due to, from possibility God should be meditated upon by devotee in sitting posture. 488 4.1.8 dhyAnAn ca due to concentrated meditation and And because meditation is possible in sitting posture only. 489 4.1.9 Acalatvan cApexa motionlessness indeed referring to And zruti refers to motionlessness as dhyAna condition. 490 4.1.10 smaranti ca They recall (mentioned in SmRti) also SmRtis also teach same (sitting posture meditation requisite) 491 4.1.11 yatraikAgratA tatrAvizeSAt where mind concentration unspecified Whenever mind's one-pointedness occurs, there let meditation be performed. 492
  11. Animesh: Nice translation. How did you draw that out? 11Sep2001 certainly supports your vision. Those Twin Towers were not only New York's Deities.
  12. Vaisnavas are always awake, 24/7. BrahmaNas are awoken by logic. Xatriyas are awken by praise. Vaizyas are awoken by bribe. Zudras are awoken by sensation. Candalas are awoken by dreams. Mlecchas are awoken by cancer. YAvanas are awoken by disgrace. Raxasas are awoken by death.
  13. Do people who want to protect our environment hate Amerika? Do people who want to stop violence & its reactions hate Amerika? I've lived most of my life in Queens, New York City. I was only held at gunpoint once: in Houston, Texas. Siddhavidya & I were doing door to door sankIrtan in saffron. The apartment complex owner didn't appreciate our presence. Too much beef in his blood. So far all 11Sep WTC attack evidence points to Mosad. All of it. Not 90%, 99%! Bushala (as he's known amongst Yiddish speakers, accent on 1st syllable) is playing right into their hands. Whether he knows it or not? That I cannot say. Maybe Randomji can ask him face to face.
  14. On TV today, amidst famous Latino Stars, Bush looked nervous. Like if he was thinking: 1) Are these people Hispanic or Arab? 2) Anyone carrying a boxcutter? 3) Where am I? Who am I? Am I? Am I?! Why of course! M I! M-I-C - see you real soon. K-E-Y - Why? Because we like you! M-O-U S-E - our online weapon of choice. Watch out where you point that there darn thing!
  15. Can anyone name the 10 commandments? Without peaking? I'll try: 1) Thou shalt love no other demigod. 2) Thou shalt not worship graven images. 3) Thous shalt not take My Name in vain. 4) Honor thy father & mother. 5) Keep the Sabbath. 6) Thou shalt not kill. 7) Thou shalt not steal. 8) Thou shalt not commit adultery. 9) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor possessions. 10) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. According to Mel Brooks, there WERE 15. One his way down from Mt.Sinai, Moses dropped one tablet. Too much to carry. One of those missing 5: "Travel Light".
  16. SatyarAj-ji: A question in my nerves you lit Yet I think you have no answer fit To satisfy & show me not to quit... In other words: By Hari's Grace, who attained mukti sans mukta-sanga? Hint: if even ZrI RAm & ZrI KRSNa accepted gurus...
  17. Their plan was to change U.S. Politics bigtime. Supply-side economics. Trickle down Theory. Doggy bags to go. Wall Street film: "Greed is Good!" 1) Bush was sent to Tehran to delay release of U.S. hostages till after Nov1980 election. 2) Carter's attempt to rescue hostages 'mysteriously' failed. 3) Lennon was shot dead 8Dec1980. 4) They feared his future protest songs would damage their plans. 5) Lennon's murderer was psychologically programmed to shoot him. 6) Bush waited for Reagan's inauguration before having U.S. hostages released. 7) In turn, Bush promised Iran arms. Oldest profession? Pr_________ Dirtiest profession? Po______
  18. Random: your left photo reminds me of what Father Bush did in Panama Christmas 1989. Nice way to celebrate the Holiday Season. 3,000 in one grave. No name tags. Wholesale burial. Gregory J. Hand uses the term parasite. Hmm. Okay. In our NYC Elementary School we received Weekly Reader. Remember that? One week we read how 1 average Amerikan uses/wastes as many/much natural resources as 23 Asian Indians. 1/23 Ratio. Hmm. Who's the Parasite? Another question. The Conscientious Objectors aka Peaceniks admittedly refuse to fight. Bush sends others to fight while he stays peacefully at home. Or as SP said, "in the parlor chatting". So who's the Peacenik? Who's the Parasite?
  19. Recruitji: Thanks for the tactical support. ZrIla JIva GosvAmIpAd explains how in any debate, the marginal position/fence is the starting point. Just because I'm born in Amerika, doesn't mean I have to follow the president no matter what he says. I don't believe 1/2 of what commercial media is spewing out. After hearing from PrabhupAd & ZrIdhardev, its not difficult to dissect anything any conditioned soul proclaims, no matter how convoluted. 1) Bin Laden denied having anything to do with 11Sep01. 2) Bush said he'd show us the evidence. 3) Meanwhile Bush invades Afghanistan. 3) As of today, still no evidence. 4) Bush doesn't want Amerika's 5 principle media stations to broadcast bin Laden's speeches. Or they should be edited first. What could be more obvious than this? Same thing he did with Noriega. Before 11Sep01, Bush spent 42% of his presidency on vacation or going to a vacation spot. Should he be paid for such obviously intense vigilance? Or should he be fined somewhere in the order of, let's say $10 billion for starters? After 11Sep01, Bush goes to Langley to congratulate CIA for a job well done. What was well done? That they flew those 4 planes into WTC & Pentagon? Out of 12 rasas, Bush + CIA have mastered only 2: hAsya & bhayanaka = comedy & horror And he's not the only Bush we have to contend with. Less we forget. Even if Tallahassee, Florida's State Gov't officials botched up on Anthrax & Flight Schools, let's remember how well they handled our Nov-Dec2000 'Extended' Presidential Election.
  20. Last week we experienced a numerical palindrome. October 2, 2001 = 10022001. Flip it 180 degrees what do you get? Same thing. Yesterday, Thursday it happened again in another way. October 11, 2001 = 10/11/01. Flip it 180 degrees, same thing. Who in 1964, designed/invented/introduced the Ford Mustang? How did he, Lee Iacocca, become Head of Chrysler? Was it destiny? In his cards? Could be. Must be. I = I A = am C = Chairman O = of C = Chrysler C = Corporation of A = Amerika
  21. 2 days ago I was thinking to start a Palindrome + Peculiarities thread. Now this. You beat me to it. I start another anyway. If any anagrams come my way, I'll add them to your thread.
  22. Distinct SatyarAj, different hemisphere, same stratosphere. Jesus Christ is the Only Way So Chant Hare KRSNa Everyday
  23. JRdd: There ae several bhaktas in New Jersey/New York who won't come out for Timessquare chanting because they don't agree philosophically, especially with Rtvikism. They say things to me I wouldn't dare type & post here. I reply, "Then let's do a separate HarinAm elsewhere." So far, no dice. "Maybe in future." Meanwhile...
  24. Talasigaji: Yes. And I did so on purpose. Silver said he/she's just started. Silverji: Please respond. aA, iI, uU... gItA, bhAgavatam zSs, IzopaniSad
  25. I experienced deafness just after ZrIla ZrIdhar Mhrj departed. 1988-91 my ears were so stuffed. I believe it was my reaction from listening to too much mundane sound vibration.
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