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Everything posted by livingentity

  1. This is a safe and non-toxic way to clean brass paraphernalia: Wet the brass item with lemon juice and then sprinkle salt on the item. I use the lemon wedge then to scrub the item and also use my fingers to get into the small spaces. This works really well - try it! I tried it on silver with equal results. Please note: do not use this method on brass deities - much too rough. Use gopi-candana or almond paste for deities but avoid getting it on any painted areas.
  2. eternally blissful always in ecstasy
  3. Oh, I have heard of her before. Attached to Jesus as an infant - so amazing and so beautiful.
  4. Actually, now I am not sure if it is the same or not. Because I went to the Krishna Culture catalog and it says that the book is an autobiography and that she was a nun from the age of 16 to her death at 25 so maybe this is a different one. Therese seems to be a common name for a nun. So it is confusing. I am not even sure how to explain these people but they are certainly not on the same level as the rest of us. I am so fallen that I probably would not recognize such a soul if they knocked on my door and introduced themself.
  5. There is another book about her called "Story of a Soul". I have been thinking of getting that book and reading it. Now that you have given these details - I know I will get it. Krishna Culture has it.
  6. I do like the taste of fresh peaches but... I have a little trouble eating them now because once I found a little surprise in a particularly yummy juicy peach.. well, actually it was half a surprise. ICK!! Soy Kefir - I need to try that. Haven't tried the soy ice creams either. I was not real thrilled with Rice Dream.
  7. Not being able to drink milk products anymore - I can only vicariously appreciate this ice cream recipe. But it did make me remember when I was a kid - one of my aunts had a milk cow and a peach tree - you do the math. Nothing was better on a hot humid Louisiana summer afternoon than that creamy cold goodness of my aunt's fresh milk and peach homemade icecream!!
  8. Is anyone here familiar with Siddha Medicine?
  9. I contacted a friend that lives in one of the temples and the only info I got was that it is a tree that produces very fragrant flowers that can be used for garlands. I would like to find out more about this tree and why there is a day set aside for it's planting. I have a couple of other sources to contact that may have more info....
  10. Didn't even the demons that were sent to "kill" Lord Krsna receive liberation when they were killed by the Lord. Just the thought of the Lord's names, fame and pastimes even by accident can save one even the most fallen and demoniac at the time of death...I agree that an inescapable hell is not true. Where does it say this in the Vedas? Punishment for a time, yes. Inescapable, show the scripture.
  11. I have not tried these yet but it might be the spaces.
  12. The Hari-bhakti-vilasa gives the following definition of a guru: One who is an ocean of mercy, who is fulfilled in all respects, who is possessed of all good qualities, who always works for the benefit of all souls, who is free from lust, who is perfect in all respects, who is well-versed in the scriptures and who knows the science of Krsna, who can remove all the doubts of his disciples, and who is always alert in the service of Krsna is to be known as a guru.
  13. sravanayapi bahubhir yo na labhyam srnvanto 'pi bahavo na vidyum ascaryo 'sya vakta kusalo 'sya labhda ascaryo jnata kusalanusistam Many cannot even hear about the soul, and even after hearing about the soul, many cannot understand it; this is because it is hard to find a guru who is a genuine seer of the truth. Such a qualified guru is a great soul and is very rare. At the same time, realization of the truth can be had only by those disciples who carefully follow the qualified guru's teachings and become expert in the science of God. Such disciples are also very rare. Thus it is that only a few ever come to know the soul in truth. (Katha Upanisad 1.2.7.)
  14. I think they banged their heads one too many times!! These guys should have unplugged their mics a long time ago.
  15. The owner said that there were other fire exits that were clearly marked. But the people all tried to leave the way they entered. This was an old building that had been allowed to go without fire sprinklers which appears to have contributed to the extent of the damage. There should be a general annoucement before such events about where the emergency exits are in case of emergency and also what to do in such an emergency. Only would take a few minutes and more people would have survived. Sounds like the band might be in a great deal of trouble here.
  16. It is not on my calendar so I went to the web for the answer and all I could find is that this is a day for planting and worshiping damanaka trees.
  17. This is the second good news I have heard in the past couple of days. The other is that McDonald's continues to have big problems and is losing money and business!! Cows of the world unite!! Moo on!!
  18. Wednesday, February 19 Friend details gruesome visit to cryogenics lab -- ESPN.com news services What would Ted Williams have thought if he knew his body would be hanging upside down in a nitrogen-filled tank with perhaps four other full bodies and five heads at a cryogenics lab inside a strip mall in Scottsdale, Ariz. Williams' close friend, Buzz Hamon, said the last time he spoke with The Splendid Splinter, Williams said, "I need a lawyer ... Because I made a mistake." Then the phone went dead. Hamon provided the details to Bill Madden of the New York Daily News for a story that was published Wednesday. The impetus behind Hamon's cross-country journey two weeks ago from his home in Greenville, S.C., to the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale was simple: He wanted to see for himself Williams' final resting place. Hamon was Williams' constant companion for 4½ years and director of the Hall of Fame hitter's museum in Hernando, Fla. Hamon arranged all of Williams' travels -- to Cooperstown each summer, the All-Star Game and various other baseball events -- and their relationship grew strong enough that Hamon was thought of as an "adopted son." According to the newspaper's account, that was the problem as far as Williams' real son, John Henry, was concerned. So, John Henry gradually eased Hamon out as director of the museum and assumed total control of his father's life. When Ted Williams died last July 5, John Henry arranged to have his father's body frozen and moved to Alcor. Sources familiar with what took place that day told the Daily News that the minute Williams drew his last breath, hospital officials filled his body with blood thinner and stuffed it into a bag filled with dry ice for transportation to the airport in Ocala, Fla., where a plane chartered by Alcor was waiting on the tarmac to fly it to Arizona. In the months that followed, Wiliams' daughter Bobby Jo Ferrell spent more than $50,000 in a failed effort to convince a judge to have the body released from the cryogenics lab so that it could be cremated per Williams' wishes. Meanwhile, no one with close ties to Williams was allowed access to the lab as Williams' body hung suspended in a giant cylinder. Hamon couldn't accept that. With the help of Bobbie Sgrillo, a friend and former mortician who lives in Phoenix, Hamon gained access to Alcor. According to the Daily News, Sgrillo's knowledge of the mortuary business enabled her to gain the confidence of overly protective Alcor officials, who -- after interviewing her for a half-hour -- agreed to give her a tour of the facility. She then asked if she could bring along Hamon, whom she introduced to them as "my friend Art, a public-relations man." "After what I saw and experienced, I just can't contain myself any longer," Hamon told the Daily News by phone Tuesday. "I want the whole world to know what they've done to Ted. This was absolutely horrifying." Hamon told the newspaper he was "appalled" by the cluttered conditions inside the facility, then gave the Daily News the following account of entering the containment room where Williams' body is stored: "There were six huge cylinders along the wall, one of which was filled with liquid nitrogen to supply the other five. I was stunned when [Alcor CEO Jerry Lemler] told me they had 55 'patients,' as he called them. How could they have so many? "Then he told me there were four full bodies and five heads in each of the cylinders. In addition, there were two short cylinders with just heads in them." Hamon said he "was horrified" to hear that Williams' body was not stored in a separate cylinder. "All I could think of was Ted and what he would have thought if he'd known what John Henry had done to him," Hamon told the Daily News. "It was bad enough knowing that somewhere in one of these cylinders, Ted was hanging suspended, upside down, with his head in a bucket. But he was in there with four or five other bodies and assorted heads. "For all the money this supposedly cost John Henry, he wouldn't even see to it that Ted was alone." "I was a little taken aback at the sanitary conditions because of my experience in the mortuary business," Sgrillo told the newspaper when reached in Phoenix. "But what really concerned me were the dangerously low levels of nitrogen in each of the tanks. It was when I asked (Lemler) about that he said: 'Tour's over!' "When I asked them about this whole process, they said: 'We don't promise anything. We don't know what's on the other end.' " When reached by the Daily News on Tuesday, Lemler said he does not recall the visit by Hamon and Sgrillo and denied that there are problems with nitrogen levels in the Alcor facility. When asked by the newspaper about its sanitary conditions, he said "no comment." "I just can't believe people believe in this," Sgrillo told the Daily News, "that their loved ones can be brought back to life. Are they really that stupid?"
  19. Appearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (fast until noon). Disappearance of Gour Govinda Swami. Srila Prabhupada founds BTG magazine, 1944
  20. How big do the miniature Zebus get? Is their milk the same as the full size? Also, is there any way to contact your friend in San Diego? I would like to learn more about these cows and their care. I have five acres and have considered cow protection on a small scale - one or two perhaps. But I would need to learn what kind of care they require before I decide if I could do it here.
  21. I have been researching the Santa Rasa a bit and wonder if I am correct in saying that the Rasas build on each other as the devotee develops in his service to Lord Krsna. I also would like to know if the impersonalists are considered to be in the Santa Rasa as a permanent mood. If this is so, then what about the Yamuna River, kadamba trees, cows, Krishna's cowherding stick and flute - they are not impersonalists. They feel affection towards Lord Krsna.
  22. "Santa rasa is the neutral attitude of devotees who are in appreciation of the greatness of God, but are not actively engaged in His service. "Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur states that in Brajabhumi; the Yamuna River, the kadamba trees, the cows, Krishna's cowherding stick and flute all belong to the santa rasa (the mellow of neutrality or passive adoration)." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 8.294 purport)
  23. Found the following on line: "When ecstatic love develops into the relationship of parenthood and becomes steadily established, the relationship is called vatsalya-rasa. The exhibition of this vatsalya-rasa standard of devotional service can be found in the dealings of Krishna with His devotees who represent themselves as superior personalities like father, mother and teacher." (Nectar of Devotion, Chap. 43) Personalities in Parental Affection Toward Krishna This list is in order of superior important. Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja are considered the supermost of all elderly personalities. Mother Yasoda Maharaja Nanda Mother Rohini, Balarama's mother All the elderly gopis whose sons were taken away by Lord Brahma. Devaki, the wife of Vasudeva Other fifteen wives of Vasudeva Kunti, the mother of Arjuna Vasudeva, the real father of Krishna Sandipani Muni, Krishna's teacher
  24. I am also looking on line to see if I can find more clarification.
  25. According to Monier-Williams: vAtsalya Meaning n. (fr. {vatsala}) affection or tenderness (esp. towards offspring) , fondness or love for.
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