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Everything posted by livingentity

  1. Why let a bunch of rotting corpses lie around? I have been pro-cremation forever. I was raised in Louisiana and it is so swampy there that originally everybody was buried above ground in vaults. These things take up a lot of space and the wealthy started making them like memorials - fancy and huge! The poor were put into vaults in the graveyard walls and when these were full the older ones would be reopened and the remains shoved to the rear and the new corpse put in and resealed!! Then below ground grave yards developed and whenever it would flood (which is a lot - we were below sea level) you would always discover coffins popping up out of the ground. Cremation would have solved all of these problems and left more space for to grow food, flowers etc etc. to offer to the Lord. Corpses are nothing but empty shells - why keep them around? I got some matches around here somewhere.
  2. It would be simple enough to locate the closest center and ask if they could deliver the letters. Most centers, temples etc have email addresses! Obviously, the "life memember" who "owns" this hotel/restaruant has never read any of Srila Prabhupada's books! As if McDonald's in the Holy Land were not enough!
  3. Bring a letter of protest to this hotel/restaurant and before you leave perform some service for Srila Prabhupada -flowers, garland, incense etc etc! Do not benefit this hotel/restaurant with any Laxsmi!!
  4. I want to find out the address to this hotel so I can write a letter to them and request that others do the same. So if anyone comes up with the address - please post it here. I am also wondering how much it would cost to fax the letter to them from the U.S. I went back and read the article again and am more upset by this disregard and offense to Srila Prabhupada than ever!! I wonder if they ever even pay attention to Him sitting there in the lobby!! If I were there I would stage a protest right in front of their door and hand out literature of Prabhupada and also vegetarianism! Is anyone here close to the area of the hotel? If so perhaps we could email our letters of protest and disgust to you for delivery to the hotel and restaurant. I am very grateful to the author of the article for alerting us to these offenses and thank her for her alertness to her surroundings enabling her to see these things.
  5. I remember the first time I saw a picture of Lord Krishna (It was in a catalog I received in the mail one day). My heart ached with joy! I remember having the feeling that I was looking at someone that I had lost and had needed to so desparately to find. But I still did not know how to reach the beloved image I saw in the picture. I did not understand the feelings that this picture caused within my heart. But I could not take my eyes off of that picture! Everytime I looked at the beautiful image I would feel the intense joy but also the incredible pain. Then Srila Prabhupada came to me in a dream and I immediately understood that this was the one person who was empowered to bring me to understanding why I was feeling the way I did about the image in the picture. I did not realize who He was even though I had seen His picture years before in a book. Krishna brings Guru to you and Guru brings you to Krishna!
  6. This is indeed an outrage! Hotel Prabhupada with non-vegetarian restaurant
  7. Has anyone heard if the keys have been found?
  8. It's a rough world for the encased eternal spirit souls. Always danger and distress. It just keeps getting worse and worse. I did something today that I never should have done - I turned on CNN to watch the news. Bad move - now my concentration is disturbed and my mind distressed more than ever.
  9. might be the only think that will work on them! I pray the pope listens and loses his taste for flesh and quits ripping little calfs from their mothers to satisfy the pleasures of his tongue.
  10. March 14 — VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Gospels say Jesus gave the apostle Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, thereby entrusting him with the spiritual guidance of the faithful. Now the Vatican has lost them. Vatican authorities were searching on Thursday for the left hand -- the one holding the keys -- of a 13th-century marble statue of the apostle in St. Peter's Basilica after the hand and keys mysteriously vanished. Carved from a separate block of marble attached to the arm by a metal rod, the hand would have been relatively easy to remove. The Vatican was tight-lipped about what might have happened to it, saying only it was missing.
  11. "I especially wanted to stay in India for this Mayapur celebration,Such festival should be held very grandly. So I think you should plan that we should definitely be coming to Mayapur and hold a grand festival there to celebrate Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day." Srila Prabhupada
  12. The planned parenthood clinic opened in Montgomery Alabama in an old victorian house in the early 70's. It was discovered that the old doctor that worked there would find out if the black women were illiterate and if so would tell them that they needed some sort of surgery - that something was wrong with them. He would have them sign or mark the form giving him permission to perform the surgery. Well, what the authorities discovered was that he was actually performing sterizations on these young women. Some of them were so young that their parents had to sign or mark the permission forms. If they were pregnant then something was always wrong and he told them they needed some sort of surgery - but he was doing abortions and sterilizations.
  13. I'm afraid to even try - I don't want to be reminded of how bad I was in math. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif Eighth Grade Math Quiz
  14. the answers to all of our questions - everything we need to know - it is all there - in Srila Prabhupada's books. Srila Prabhupada was so kind to us that He left us these wonderful gifts. Jai Srila Prabhupada!!
  15. I remember when abortion became legalized. The excuse was it would save so many women who were dying from illegal kitchen table abortions. And also to decrease the number of unwanted babies. Now the children that are being murdered far outnumber the number of women dying from botched illegal abortions. That was their problem of their own making. The children have not choice. What goes around comes around. Planned Parenthood!
  16. No asian markets here. The closest one is in SF - six hours or so away.
  17. She is such a show-off! I bet she is sitting there chowing down on one right now! I wonder if the Asian markets in SF would carry them.
  18. and people wanted to be allowed to do that!! Demons - all of them! I feel physically ill just reading about it - how can anyone actually do it.
  19. I had a neighbor in California that used abortion as her birth control choice. Every time she got pregant she would run off and get an abortion. She did this so many times that her regular doctor said no more so she would find other doctors to do it for her. I lost count of how many children she murdered. Talk about chalking up the negative karma!
  20. to even think that someone would consider doing such a thing. Now they need to get rid of abortion period! What does it take to get through to these people that it is murder? Demons kill their children and think nothing of it.
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