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Posts posted by sandhu.jp

  1. Try these simple combinations in FIRST BHAVA in judging benefic good

    and bad results wrt SKIN depending upon the strength:

    1.Ravi + Budha = Red skin, tanned skin, HOT feeling, bright

    2.Chandra + Budha = sweatting skin, delicate skin, humid-wet, lustful

    3.Kuja + Budha = sanguine skin, oil red, hot blistered, rough and

    dry, scarred

    4.Guru + Budha = Oily skin, low surface tension, bright and lusty,


    5.Shukra + Budha = sensitive skin, lusty and gorgeously bright, warm,

    smooth, pimpled

    6.Shani + Budha = rough skin, hairy, dusty and scalpy, cold and wet,

    usually dark

    7.Rahu + Budha = blistered, scarred, wounded, changing lust and


    8.Kethu + Budha = dotted, scarred, rough and tense skin, patched and

    mixed colour

    The above are just an idea to start with and not complete rules or

    dicta; more than bhava judgement, they are of use in their dasha-

    antara combinations in my experience. Here is an example chart of an

    interesting case; please try to find out WHAT is so special about the

    skin of the native:






  2. diseases are classified into three categories viz. tridosha.


    1. sun and mars represent bilious

    2. jupiter represents phelgmatic

    3. moon venus and saturn represent airy

    4. mercury represents bilous, phelgmatic and airy.


    vayu is the devta for skin.


    saturn with vayu tatwa and mercury with prithvi tatva are the

    planets to be considered for any skin related diseases.


    in diseases such as psoriasis or leprosy, mars and moon also play a

    role besides mercury and saturn.


    simply put, affliction of mecury, Lagna, lagna lord, 6th house, 6th

    lord by the malefics (saturn, rahu, ketu) denote skin diseases.





  3. Dear


    All combinations leading to irritations,chronic skin diseases

    can be identified from 6th house,6th to 6th in lagna as well as navamsa chart.basically sixth has to be an earthy sign and effected

    by nodes by placement,aspect and conjunction

    1.Afflicted mercury when joins with rahu in 6th and aspected by

    mars will give skin irritations.

    2,Lagna lord in 6th aspected by mercury and debilitated sun

    will give rise to white patches

    3.when moon joins mars in11th and aspected venus,skin eruptions on forhands and arms can be predicted

    4.Mercury in 7th in paapakartari yoga will give persistent irritations in groin area










    I have read several conflicting things regarding graha causing various skin aliments. Some say Surya is responsible for skin while others say Budh or Sukra.

    For example what graha would be more responsible for a disease such as acne? Or just skin blemishes.

  4. Dear vk shridhar ji,



    WE do miss you out here ,please do the needful and heedto our request of sharing your valueable insights.









    Dear vk Shridhar ji,


    We just miss you valuable inputs, i hope to see you participating more often.






  5. Dear anusha ji,


    It is a quest for knowledge and will to share what i find intresting and useful nothing more. Do i deserve the appreciation for the effort, i hardly think so. Anyways thank you for the appreciation, i do hope that i will be able to cater to the expectations.









    Sandhu Ji, Pranams,


    Posting thread after thread on variety of important topics very helpful & useful not only to learners but also to astro practitioners is really an untiring effort as rightly said by JogeeJi amidst your tight official schedules.I know how much patience it needs. As long as YOU,V.K.Shridhar Ji,USR Ji,Deepa Ji and other such veterans are there in this great forum there is no dearth of Gurus for learners like me.Really lucky we are,when you are all feeding such a nutritive food to those hungry.

    Deep regards,


    Some male horoscopes can be more educative on this subject.


    Dear sanjeeva Rao ji,


    A couple of male horoscopes.



    Male born 6th August, 1959, 0235 Hrs Gurgaon


    The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the fourth house is closely conjunct with the lord of the third house in the second house. The lord of the seventh house is placed in the house of emotions. Jupiter is weak as it is in old-age. There are three planets in the third house including Mars. The Moon ruling emotions closely influences the most effective point of the third house. This indicates the native is fully under the control of emotions and takes initiative in this regard. The weakness of the lord of the seventh, second and fourth houses delayed the marriage and the native could not resist the emotional initiatives. The native had many emotional involvements during the sub-periods of the Moon, Mars and Rahu in the main period of the Sun and was finally married in the sub-period of the Jupiter with a girl of his choice after a pre-marital love affair.

    CHART 20:Male born 15th June, 1961, 1050 Hrs. Delhi


    The sign Leo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the third house, Venus, closely influences the most effective point of the third house. The lord of the fifth house is weak as it is debilitated and badly placed. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is badly placed in the sixth house ruling conflicts. The Sun, ruling the ascendant, is weak as it is in the state of infancy in the chart and debilitated in navamsa. When Rahu occupies the ascendant and its lord is weak, Rahu influences the personality of the native to be a pleasure seeker. During the sub-period of the Moon, ruling the emotions, in the main period of the lord of the seventh house, the native was emotionally involved. The marriage of the native was finalised with his beloved after lot of problems. The marital relationship continued with persistent conflicts as both the lords of the fifth and seventh houses are placed in the house of conflicts.










  7. Rashi sandhi


    Lagna being a sensitive point, any planet placed in rashi sandhi loses its power to do any good for its own house, and subsequently destroys the house. A planet in bhava sandhi on the other hand, will only be concerned about saving its own house and not be bothered about its environment. Bhava and rashi sandhis therefore act in opposite ways while meting out their negative results. The lagnadhipati when placed in the lagna, usually gives a person name and fame, but if placed in bhava sandhi, it will not do anything remarkable for him. Let us take the example of the native given below.

    Chart 1 Male

    <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 281.25pt; HEIGHT: 165.75pt" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:title="ns_chart" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\abc\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape>

    The native in Chart 1 was born with an unrecorded but an approximate birth time. Upon his birth it was predicted that he would achieve great fame for himself. On this basis the placement of lagnadhipati Jupiter in Pisces lagna was ascertained outside the bhava sandhi boundary. For a lagnadhipati placed in bhava sandhi would not have made it possible for the native to have written several books and acquire a name for himself as he did internationally in astrology. The lagnadhipati in this case has not only protected the bhava, but being the lord of the lagna placed in its own house, reached the native to great heights of intellectual creativity and fame.

    Chart 2 Female

    <v:shape id=_x0000_i1026 style="WIDTH: 281.25pt; HEIGHT: 165.75pt" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:title="ns_chart" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\abc\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image003.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape>

    The above chart is an example of rashi sandhi, whereby the planet placed in rashi sandhi has destroyed its own houses. Mars, lord of 2<SUP>nd</SUP> and 9<SUP>th</SUP> houses is placed at rashi sandhi at 0°5´ Taurus, the transitional point between the rashis Aries and Taurus. Being lord of the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> and 9<SUP>th</SUP> houses, it has denied the native the fruits of these houses at a physical plane. As lord of 2<SUP>nd</SUP> house, Mars at bhava sandhi has prevented the native from creating and sustaining a home and family. While as lord of 9<SUP>th</SUP> house it has denied her pitrisukh, as she lost her father when she was 21 years. This is a clear example of how a planet placed in rashi sandhi destroys the houses it owns.

    The worst forms of rashi sandhis are known as gandantas. Parasara has identified 3 gandantas, namely, Pisces-Aries, Cancer-Leo and Scorpio-Sagittarius overlapping their nakshatra gandantas at Revati-Ashwini, Ashlesa-Magha and Jyeshta-Moola. Of these he considers the Jyeshta-Moola gandanta to be the worst afflicted and the Revati-Ashwini to be the least problematic. The deity of the nakshatra lord is to be propitiated for the solution to this predicament.

    One must note that a planet placed in rashi sandhi may or may not occupy the same bhava. If the planet is in rashi sandhi and in the same bhava, it will give the result of the bhava rather than the rashi. If it is placed in a different bhava, the results of the ownership of the house will prevail. In the case there are too many planets in one rashi, the native will be confused as to what he truly desires. In this instance the placement of the lords of the bhavas in the different houses becomes very important.


    <!-- #EndEditable -->

  8. The following article belongs to SJC and is written by Smt Sarbani Rath





    Sandhi or the transition zone between one bhava and another and between two rashis, is a problematic field of study in jyotish. It is a nebulous area where astrologers have so far failed to throw light on the reasons behind the peculiar nature of planets in sandhi and their effects on people’s lives. Being transitional in nature, sandhis are fuzzy and grey areas and planets placed in them are extremely fragile. They not only provide troublesome lives to their natives, but continue to torment them throughout their lives by being unable to provide the results of their bhavas or their rashis. The asymmetrical juxtaposition of the rashi and bhava chakras complicates the situation further whereby bhavas and rashis overlap each other and planets caught in these points, affect both their rashi and bhava positions. Astrologers have tended to overlook this aspect entirely where planets in sandhi occupying different rashis and bhavas will not yield results of one or the other. It is therefore necessary to examine this phenomenon from closer quarters.

    Bhava sandhi


    There are two existing methods of defining bhavas. One is the universally accepted method of Parasara and the other is the Sripati Paddhati. The Sripati Paddhati recognises the midheaven or the tenth house as a very crucial point in a horoscope and one, which cannot be ignored. He therefore charts his path from the lagna to the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house, or from Prajapati (the ruler of lagna) to Indra (the ruler of the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house), and divides the area into three parts. This comprises half the lagna, the 11<SUP>th</SUP> and the 12<SUP>th</SUP> houses and a half of the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house.

    Parasara’s position on the other hand begins with his object of worship, namely Surya and Brahma. Surya the sun god, the source of all light, is but another name for jyotisha, or the light of god. Brahma is the creator of this universe. Together, Brahma and Surya represent Prajapati or the lagna. To Parasara, everything in the horoscope is based on the lagna, a point depicting the moment of creation. The horoscope is thus nothing but a map of the heavens at the time life began. Since the lagna is the entirety, it is but only natural that bhava should be based on the lagna and the lagna lord. Bhavas portray a person’s perceptions regarding his own life. The self or the created being (which is lagna), once created, begins to perceive and bhavas represent his perceptions of the different aspects of his life, as characterised by separate houses. The Sripati Paddhati therefore fails here as it cannot be applied to the created being, but only for the devas like Indra.

    A bhava or a rashi may be defined as nine navamshas. Navamshas are fixed and comprise one fourth of a nakshatra. The last navamsha of a bhava which is 3° 20´ and the starting navamsha of the next bhava, which is again 3° 20´, comprise the areas delineated as bhava sandhi.



  9. It can help to understand the difference between the 5th and 8th house if we keep in mind their placement relative to the 7th house (relationships). The 5th house is before the 7th house, so the 5th house is about the kind of romantic love we have before we are "serious" and partnering with someone. This "romantic love" includes dating, casual sex, etc. The 8th house is after the 7th house, so the 8th house is about the results that come out of the 7th house partnership. So "sexual love" (making a baby, having married sex, etc.) comes from the 8th house. Ideally we date around until we find the best romantic partner for us (5th house), make some form of commitment to the partnership (7th house), and then form a bond with the partner that includes sex (8th house). However, in the real, non-idea world, some people only want to date and others only want to partner!


    In different houses,







  10. What causes a child's sexual abuse?

    The close affliction of Rahu or the most malefic Planet to Venus or the lord of the seventh house. At the same time, operation of the sub periods of afflicting or afflicted planets.

    4. What planetary influences cause a rape?

    The close affliction of Rahu or the most malefic planet to Venus or the lord of the seventh house. At the same time, operation of the sub periods of afflicting or afflicted planets






  11. Some more inputs from a thread at Some other Forum By my Dear and esteemed friend Rajeev Sharma.


    Phaladeepika very clearly says that a planet may be in its exaltation sign or any other good sign (it may be its own or a friendly planet's sign) but if it is in the first or the last degree of a sign (i.e. in rashi sandhi from 0 deg 00 min to 0 deg 59 min or from 29 deg 01 min to 30 deg 00 min) it is regarded powerless...


    I also read some where else that the most effective point (MEP) in a horoscope is five degrees on either side of the degree of the lagna... e.g. if lagna is 15 degrees then the planets (anywhere in the chart) having long. between 10 deg to 20 deg will be most effective in exerting there influence...



    case of a kid who was recently born (I can not reveal his full details as it would be against the ethics however I will mention those details which are necessary for our present discussions), the ascendant is Aries 00 deg 42 min and Jupiter’s longitude was Cancer 29 deg 15 min. according to Phaladeepika the Jupiter, though in exaltation, should be powerless however as its longitude falls within 5 degrees of the degree of the ascendant it should be in its most effective region. One way to check the effectiveness of Jupiter was to check that whether the child survived or not. It is said that if Jupiter is in Kendra (in this case it is exalted too) the new born kid survives come what may as it overrides other new born death causing combinations. The child is alive and is very religious even at a very young age. To explore it further I went to the hospital where the child was born and checked their records with in two hours of this birth (but not before I loosened my pocket for Rs. 500; a small sum for making astrological research) i.e. as long as the Aries ascendant remained. Three kids were born there after about 45 minutes of this time with in half an hour, and though the hospital is one of the most advanced in northern India, they did not survive. It was my reading that after the ascendant gained some degrees the most effective point shifted beyond the degrees of Jupiter and as Jupiter was rendered powerless it was unable to save those kids.


    My conclusion to this whole exercise is that the planets in Rashi Sandhi are totally powerless but if they fall with in the most effective point of the horoscope their being powerless is overridden.


    I may be incorrect in my conclusion so I would like to have a discussion here in this regard.

  12. Planets give results due to their placement in a Rasi and Bhava. When

    the planets are placed in the Rasi Sandhi, the planet becomes

    extremely weak to support the houses it lords and hence the houses

    ruled by this planet becomes weak and suffers. However when a planet

    is placed in a Bhava sandhi, the planet's affect of placement in that

    bhava is almost nill. For example, we all know that Sun's placement in

    the Lagna Bhava makes the person Bald and have defective eye sight.

    However, if Sun is placed quite far from the degree of the Lagna, near

    the sandhi (around 15deg away each side of lagan degree), these

    effects will not be prominent.


















    Ppena, Sandhu Ji, USR Ji, Deepa Ji, anyone?
  13. Female born 30th August, 1968, 1610 Hrs


    The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the fifth house is debilitated and is placed in the eighth house. The planets placed in the eighth house give inclinations for indulgence in sex. The lord of the third house is placed in the fifth house. The lord of the eighth house is debilitated and badly placed in the twelfth house, indicating deep interests in carnal pleasures. Venus is weak as it is debilitated and is in infancy. As the Moon is the prime determinant for marriage for Sagittarians, its weakness delayed the marriage and the native was involved in so called love affairs to satisfy her urges for carnal pleasures.




  14. CHART 18: Female born 22nd June, 1966, 0900 Hrs.

    The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The significator of the emotions, ruling the ascendant, closely influences the most effective point of the ascendant and the seventh house. The lord of the third house is under the close influence of Ketu from the fifth house. The lord of the second house is badly placed in the twelfth house along with Jupiter. Venus, the lord of the fourth house, is exactly conjunct with Rahu. The affliction of the lord of the fourth house and the bad placement of the lord of the second house could not give an early marriage but the influence of Rahu to Venus gave intense desires for gratification of sensual pleasures. The girl had an affair in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of the Ketu at the age of 15 years and in the 16th year she eloped with her paramour.




  15. CHART 17: Female born 25th March, 1958, 1208 Hrs.

    The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the seventh house is in the fifth house and is under the close influence of Rahu. Mercury, ruling the fourth house, is weak as it is in old-age and is debilitated. The lord of the fifth house, Venus, is placed in the eighth house. The lord of the eleventh house, ruling friends, is also in the eighth house. The prime significators for marriage in this case being Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury are all weak which caused delay in marriage. The delay in marriage and the involvement of the lord of the seventh house with Rahu gives uncontrolled passions and intense inclinations for carnal pleasures. The delay in marriage resulted in a very long spell of a pre-marital affair with a boy of another faith. The affair started in the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Rahu.


  16. CHART 16: Female born 1st January, 1963, 0646 Hrs.



    The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The most effective points of the eighth, twelfth, second and fourth houses and the planets Venus and Mercury are under the close influence of Rahu. The lord of the eighth house and the significator for emotions, the Moon, exerts influence on the lord of the ascendant in the third house. During the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn, the lord of the third house, the native was involved in a love affair with a boy of another caste. The affair was short lived as the weak Venus is influenced by Rahu.

  17. CHART 15: Female born 16th June, 1964, 1630 Hrs.

    The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the third house, Jupiter, closely influences the most effective points of the seventh, eleventh, first and third houses. The planet of emotions, the Moon, exactly aspects and influences the most effective point of the fifth house. The lords of the twelfth and seventh houses are placed in the eighth house. Rahu closely influences the lord of the fifth house and the lord of the ascendant. All these influences on emotional aspects and on the eighth house created deep interests in intimate relationships with the opposite sex. During the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Mars, the native had fallen in love, which was, in fact a short lived involvement. Rahu’s influence on Venus only resulted in cravings for physical pleasures.

  18. CHART 14: Female born 28th October, 1971, 0805 Hrs.

    The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mars and Venus become also functional malefic planets. The Moon, governing the emotions, is under the close influence of Rahu, in the third house ruling initiatives. Mars closely exerts its influence on the fourth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses. The Sun is weak as it is badly placed and debilitated. Mercury is weak as it is combust, badly placed and its dispositor is weak. Venus is weak as it is in old-age. The lord of the fourth house, ruling the chastity, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are additionally weak as the most effective points of their mooltrikona houses are closely afflicted by Mars. Saturn is additionally weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is also closely afflicted by Mars. The Sun, ruling the will power, is very weak in the nativity. During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu, the girl eloped with a boy even before attaining the age of 18 years.

  19. Inclinations for sensual or lascivious pleasures stem from strong emotional nature and courage. The fifth house, its lord and the Moon govern the emotions and make a person highly emotional by their influence on the ascendant, the fifth or the seventh houses. The third lord and Mars govern the courage. Rahu and the lords of the twelfth and eighth houses signify cravings for pleasures and for sensual pleasures when closely connected with Venus, the Moon, the eighth house, the ascendant or the seventh house. Rahu, Venus and the lord of the eighth house when connected with the factors of emotions and courage give passions for love during their operating sub-periods and the natives strive for the fulfillment of desires of sensual pleasures leaving all social norms, disregarding the age of the person, whether an unmarried youth or a young person or one in advanced age and disregarding the sex of the person whether a male or a female. The weakness of Jupiter and ninth house are additional contributing factors. The close influence of Rahu on factors governing sexual matters usually gives lust and seldom results in marriage with the partner involved in such affairs. The placement of the fifth lord in the seventh or eighth house or vice-versa gives primarily deep inclinations for sensual pleasures. Delay in marriage due to weakness of the prime indicators of marriage and afflictions, give rise to pre-marital affairs. Under the Systems’ Approach, the lordship attributed to each planet always refers to the mooltrikona house of that planet only and influence means a close conjunction or a close aspect. The analysis is made only with reference to ascendant.

    Let us discuss the matter further with the help of some case studies





  20. Exchange of Planets




    <CENTER>by Meghamala V Natu</CENTER>


    We know that when the lord of a quadrant combines with the lord of a trine a Rajayoga results. Or a mutual exchange between quadrant and a trine lords results in a Rajayoga. A Rajayoga is a very auspicious combination and its placement in a Kendra or a trine increases the value of a horoscope.

    But after studying quite a good number of horoscopes it has been noticed that mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords is quite damaging considering married life and progeny. I will illustrate a few examples to trace my point.

    Birth Chart No.1. Aries: Lagna; Cancer: the Moon; Leo: Venus, Mars and Ketu; Virgo: Saturn; Libra: the Sun and Mercury; Aquarius: Rahu; and Pisces: Jupiter.

    This is the chart of a female native born on 22-10-51. She got married in May, 72 to an Engineer who was class I officer in Railways. Within a month after marriage, the native discovered that the husband was having extra-marital relations with two other ladies. On questioning the husband she got his severe beating and seeing the other ladies coming to her husband on and often made her life miserable. At last after two months she left the husband and went to her parents' place. After two years of separation, she got divorce from the court. Now in her horoscope, we see that the seventh lord Venus is in the fifth and fifth lord the Sun is in the seventh debilitated.

    In addition to this, Venus the Karaka for marriage is spoiled by Mars and Ketu. These damaging factors shattered her married life.

    Chart No.2. Gemini: Lagna, Rahu; Cancer: Saturn and Mars; Libra: Jupiter; Sagit: the Sun, Venus, Ketu and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon.

    This is the chart of a lady who suffered from abortions, miscarriages etc. for seven to eight times after the birth of first born daughter who is luring. Here also we see that there is a mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Venus.

    Chart No.3. Cancer: Lagna; Scorpio: Saturn; Sagit: Ketu; Capricorn: Jupiter and Mars; Aquarius: Venus; Pisces: the Moon and Mercury; Aries: the Sun; Gemini: Rahu.

    This is the chart of a lady who gave birth to two children, but both died within one week or so after their birth. The native suffered from menstrual trouble and had many abortions also. Here also there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Mars and Saturn.

    Chart No.4. Libra: Lagna, Rahu; Scorpio: the Sun, Venus and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon; Aquarius: Mars; Pisces: Jupiter; Aries: Saturn and Ketu.

    This is the chart of a native who is unmarried even at the age of forty years. Here we see that there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Saturn and Mars. In addition, Rahu-Ketu axis is in seventh houses.

    Chart No.5. Virgo: Lagna, the Moon; Scorpio: Rahu, Mars; Capricorn: Jupiter; Pisces: Saturn; Taurus: Venus and Ketu; Gemini: the Sun and Mercury.

    This female native got married at a very late stage, i.e. at the age of thirty years. But it has been reported that domestic happiness is totally lacking due to some unknown reasons. Here also there is a mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Saturn. Also Venus is spoiled by Mars and Ketu.

    Therefore we see that even though mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords results in a Rajayoga according to Astro-Science, its effects are damaging considering married life and progeny.


    (Condensed from Planets & Forecast, April, 1985)

  21. Karaka-lagnas & houses:

    1st house from Surya-Lagna (Sun) and Chandra-Lagna (Moon) is for the person himself, his physical appearance, character etc.

    2nd house from Jupiter is for wealth, financial trend.

    2nd house from Venus is for family, household.

    2nd house from Mercury is for speech

    3rd house from Mars is for brothers & sisters, courage.

    4th house from Moon is for mother, mind.

    4th house from Venus is for vehicles and general comforts.

    4th house from Mars is for house and building.

    4th house from Mercury is for relatives, and friends

    5th house house from Jupiter is for children

    5th house from Mercury is for intelligence and education

    6th house from Mars is for enemies.

    6th house from Mercury is for maternal relatives, maternal uncle.

    6th house from Saturn is for disease and depts.

    7th house from Venus is for spouse, love-affairs, marriage.

    8th house from Saturn is for longevity, death, inheritance.

    9th house from Sun is for father.

    9th house from Jupiter is for dharma, religious matters, Guru,

    10th house from Sun is for honours/dishonours, king, chief,

    10th house from Saturn is for karma, work, job.

    11th house from Jupiter is for gains & profit,

    12th house from Saturn is for financial loss, foreign travel,

    12th house from Ketu is for Moksha meaning final emacipation




  22. Karaka-Lagnas

    The Karaka-Lagnas are very useful and highly predictive in its own way as an additional argument and also in case the birthtime and the Ascendent are unknown.

    The principles behind this are very simple and follow the normal basic rules of Hindu astrology. Information about it can be found in many textbooks, and I have seen many examples of the application of Karaka-Lagnas in Nadis like Saptarshi-Nadi and Suka-Nadi.

    It works like this:

    We have the 12 houses and each of them has got a lot of different meanings. Then we have the Karakas, meaning the significators, and each of them has also got a lot of different meanings. It is however possible to combine the Karakas and the 12 houses in a special way.

    It is well known that Jupiter is the karaka for children and that the 5th house is the house of children. By combining these two things, we then take the 5th house from Jupiter to indicate children. The natal sign position of Jupiter then becomes the Karaka-Lagna and we look for matters pertaining to children

    in the 5th house from Jupiter.

    In some Nadis it is stated as an argument for Putra-dosha, meaning blemish regarding children, that Rahu is found in the 5th house from Jupiter. In the same way there is Kuja-dosha, being bad for

    marriage, if Mars is found in the 7th from Venus. The delination of the different houses are done in the usual way.





  23. Dear


    One has to look for obstructors , its not that the parents stopped the prospects they were mere tools to obstructor or badhaks, one should look for ketu and its positionings as it is a natural obstructor,then one should locate secondary and primary badhaks to the cause. Lastly look for affliction or aspects of natural significator planets for eg moon for mother ,venus / jup for marriage etc.












    Namaste Sandhuji,


    Its not that person is interested in marriage, but somehow he/she is forced to marry some other person by his parents due to social norms when he/she likes some else . Can we know this from the chart? Because recently I had a case of a colleague of mine who was not permitted to marry a person of her choice on the threat that if she marries they will commit suicide. The boy belong to another caste. She had to eventually let that person go and now the girl's parent's are unable to find someone who is compatible with the girl and forcing her to marry any Tom, Dick or Harry. So is there some indication in ones horoscope whether the first choice was good or the second one. Because in these circumstances parent's make a wrong choice as they see from their point of view and the person from their perspective point of view and sometimes leads to a marital discord.





  24. Dear Madhusudhan ji,


    Thank you for appreciating the effort, the information shared by you is precise and your work laudable.Please keep the lamp burning.














    Respected Shri Sandhu ji,

    I have gone thru your thread on ‘A blind chart and Kaal sarp dosh, Very interesting Case Please participate ‘.

    The knowledge shared by you, respected deepa ji and respected usr ji is very very informative. I have first time come across the reference from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam as a remedial measure for KAY.

    Thank you very much for this information.

    Best Regards,


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