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Posts posted by sambya


    what do you mean ,i dont know bengali


    its not bengali !! it should have been " i dont know sanskrit "


    koti means crore


    dandavat mean prostating at someones feet . to fall down like a danda or stick .



    i depart from this thread after offering a crore of respectfull dandavats once again.


    but if Ashtavakra Gita is Advait and Adi Shankara being the proponent of Advait, how can their views be different. The former says "Mind and Intellect are not mine" and Adi says they are mine but not me.


    there might be a mistake in translation ! maybe you should check out a few other translations . interpreting sanskrit in english is really tough !!


    THEy say that various forms of devi is manifestation of brahman.

    THEy pray to devi to attain brahman realisation.


    Ramakrishna - Kali is none other than Brahman. That which is called Brahman is really Kali.

    check out the contradiction !! you quoted ramakrishna saying that kali itself is brahman and that they are absolutely identical . but at the next jump you say kali is a manifestation of brahman . now , being brahman and being a manifestation of brahman is not the same , isnt it ?



    and if she herself is brahman then how can someone pray to her to attain brahman . its not possible . you are quoting ramamkrishna but assuming kali and brahman to be seperate in an useless attempt to forcefully prove that all shaktas are nirguna brahmvadi .


    secondly ramamkrishna was not a shakta strictly speaking .thats a common misconception prevalent amongst masses . he practised many different faiths but only started out through shaktism . in fact if you ever take pains to read through 'the gospel of ramamkrishna' you shall find that his teachings have more vaishnav leanings than shakta . he continuously speaks of gauranga and krishna .


    The encyclopedia of authentic Hinduism


    wow ! such a book really exists ?? why didnt i hear it before . who wrote it ? they all must have consulted before writing it ? there must have been a council then , like the buddhist councils ? when was the first council held . last kalpa maybe ? who presided over it and who were the attendents ?

    sun god vivaswan , syayambhuva manu and seven trunked airavat ?




    This is an honest question, so I hope someone can answer in depth. People say chant mantras like shiva, hare krishna etc., but what's so special about these words? What's the difference between coca-cola and hare krishna? They're just sounds that dull your brain and make you go to sleep. I agree that these mantras come in handy for insomniacs. Otherwise, what's the point of it all? How could a name be so powerful? It's just a normal sound, similar to the sounds we hear every day. So why make a big deal out of it?

    sound lies right at the begining of creation according to both hindu philosophy and modern physics . sound in form of music can be extremely influential to human mind . we communicate , and lead our existence through this sound . this potent medium was taken up by the early practitioners of spiritual discipline as an effective pathway towards enlightment . the mantras ( most of it ) were 'heard' by the sages and seekers at higher level of conciousness . even today you can hear of advanced sadhaks hearing sounds in meditation . such sounds are interpreted by some as omkaar and some as the flute of krishna . much in a similar way the ancient sages heard those words and utterances which they used in their own sadhana and got enlightment . then it was passed on to his disciple . now these mantras were used to denote god and have been used by innumerable sages for millenias . the bhava or the mood of these enlighted souls have settled deep in these sacred words . just like you sometimes feel the gloomy mood the moment you enter a house where a funeral ceremony is taking place . you might have never saw the person but you shall still feel bad . this is the transsmission of the bhava to your mind . similarly the enlighted bhava of the sages get deep inside these mantras . when you get these mantras and repeatedly recite them you are simultaneously causing the same sound vibrations that have caused enlightment for centuries . this cleanses you mind and purifies it for the light to shine . psychologically you are reinforcing your belief every time with every chant . now you might say why do i need to reinforce by belief ? the answer is because it is indeed hard to believe in something that you have never felt directly . but once you feel him even a little your doubts shall wash away ! till that you have to hold on steadfastly with sincerity .


    and one more thing -- definitely it is our own creation !! actually everything that has ever materialised is our own creation of mind . we are useless without our mind and cannot go beyond it easily . it is our own creation for reaching to the truth , just as a fan is our own creation to get some comfort . just as electric chairs are our own creation to execute someone . but mantras are our purest of creation . it aims at purification of heart and broadening of mind . since evrything is our own creation , why not follow that which is our best creation (at leat one of the best , if not 'the best ' )


    Can some one give a detailed explanation of the cause of attraction between two people. Is it the spiritual powers which make humans attracted towards another human being or is it due to the planetary positions or is it due to karma or any other thing


    since you have posted this question in a hindu spiritual forum you cannot expect an answer without containing any spiritual thing. this problem can be answered through the law of karma . its up to you to accept or reject .



    actually whatever we do ........... any action ......leaves behind an indelible impression known as samskars . these are the key factors in determining our next birth and our overall nature . every moment we are doing something and these samskars are going on -- some good , some bad . this is the cause of persons being born with criminal psychology , pious hearts , abitious nature etc etc . in fact our existence is totally dominated by samskars . we are bound to act in acrodance with our samskars . say if i have bad samaskars , no matter how hard i try i shall be drawn towards doing evil things . when we meet any person even for a while it is also our samskars . say we wanted to be very rich last birth - we get birth in lap of rich industrialist . sometimes we might feel drawn towards some individual at the first sight . this is also our latent samskars working inside us . this creates a strong liking for that person . it works in every case whether lover , friends , spouse , family accuaintence .


    i dont know of any other 'spiritual' explanation to answer this riddle !!


    In dvaita, one says, " I am not the mind and intellect, nor they are mine. In advaita, one says, " I am not the mind and intellect but they are mine."



    theres a little mistake !


    dvaita doesnt say they are not mine but says that they are not my true identities . my true identity is my soul the atman . mind and intellect comes under the material energy and are parts of the subtle body as per gita . dvaita seperates itself from them but does not discard them .


    advaita strightway discards them . they say that all things like mind and intellect are mere illusion and by meditation , concentration , yoga ,purity and by repeatedly convincing oneself ( the process of na iti na iti i.e. this is not this is not ) one can reach that perfect nondual unity .



    ashtavakra gita is a mostly advaitist book !!


    Regarding the Self, there are contradictory opinions on Mind and Intellect. Some say that "I am not the Mind or Intellect, Nor are they Mine" (AshtaVakra Gita), and some say "I am not the Mind or Intellect, but they are Mine" (Swami Sukhbodhananda who often quote Adi Shankara besides Bhagwat Gita) and thus I presume Adi Shankar and/or Bhagwat Gita says so. I agree to the first part of both but the second part confuses me.

    the true nature of an individual is not mind or intellect nor linked with it . because in sankaracharyas stotra itself you find ....."im not mind nor intellect im chidananda roop shiv himself " . here it is clearly stated that our true nature is entirely divine and has nothing to do with illusory mind and intellect . advaita believes that in the perfectional stage neither mind nor intellect exists . they exist so long as there is this percieved duality due to maya .


    but dualists does not discard mind and intellect altogether but seperate it from your true self - the atman . dualistic veiw says mind and intellect exists but are under the atman . and its our duty to realise that mind and intellect are not our true self .


    so i think "I am not the Mind or Intellect, but they are Mine" would be a dualistic explanation .

    and "I am not the Mind or Intellect, Nor are they Mine" is a perfect non dualistic explanation . more so because ashtavakra gita is a advaitist text .


    sambya it is not easy to turn spiritual and everything will be fine.

    Specially when you are being attacked and your condition is deteriorating day by day.Iff she'd got fever then would you tell her to go to the mandir? certainly god will help but youre going to give a crocin.IT is easy to give advises on on othe peoples lives but when you yourself suffer and go through problems you realise that not everything is under your control.Or you are too weak too know that things are under your control.

    i know that and feel for her !!


    but i thought nothing to break the spell could work without a faith in god . thats why i was instructing her . with the hope that she might turn spiritual after her recovery ( i know that doesnt happen without innumersble good samskaras) which would prevent her in falling victim again . all were said in the best of intentions .





    IT is easy to give advises on on othe peoples lives

    you are forgetting that it is precisely what even you are doing to angelic devil and me right now !!

  10. <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->


    <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by hindustani

    Not seeing him in forum shaing his thoughts,hope he is well.Any inputs will be welcome.

    </td> </tr> </tbody></table>

    I am fine, thanks.



    is that you bija ?!!


    The human being is created by the supreme and gods are our nurturer.


    sorry but i couldnt understand the difference between supreme and god . are you talking of brahman and the devas ?



    Even, i don't believe in past life and what i believe is that what you do is what you get but all is pre-destined. People are poor and rich not by fate but by goods and bads they have done in their very own present life.



    karma !!



    Each and every human being in this world has a specific reason for existence. The child who dies in birth had a reason to come to mother earth and it is very likely that his objective was fulfilled in the womb itself and hence he dies at birth and returns to the supreme.


    i think the same way :)




    And once you know the reason for your existence and you accompolish your objective you are free of this world.


    do you really think that every man that dies does so after knowing his reason of existence ??!!! and since you dont believe in reincarnation why do you think you are binded ? you know you are going to live only this one time and no more . so you are already free ........... there was no bondage at all .isnt it ?


    I agree to your point sambya but angelic_devil thinks all these are because of black magic. ........ type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1140206", true); .........>


    yes !! if she can strictly turn spiritual and surrender to god accompanied by creating a spiritual atmosphere in the home , no harm can be done to her . god always protects his son . thats why things like black magic are mostly ineffective on strong spiritual persons.............. !!


    Don’t relate it with the sin committed in the past life. There are people religion who doesn’t believe in past life.

    if you want the question to be answered to satisfaction you cannot possibly do without karma .


    karma works on its own and its accruing results leads us to our next birth ........this in short is the essence of karmic law .


    now the question comes why must we believe in this law ? because karmic law is the only philosophy that neatly solves the puzzle that you are speaking of . and it is in the nature of human beings to accept that hypothesis as true which solves the problem most satisfactorily until a more potent hypothesis comes up and takes the place of the former . in this case no hypothesis has yet come up to take the place of karmic law .


    without karma in its place it must be god who decides our fate . therefore it must be him who is responsible for all these poor children rich children stuff . thus it means that he is partial and unjust . anyone who is partial cannot be god !! therefore by not accepting karmic law you automatically reject god !!


    if god is just and equal there must be a karmic law working out there !!

    if karmic law isn't there then god must be biased and heavily partial , and hence no god !


    the religions which do not accept karma , is obviously not enriched enough in this field . but that does not make the religion futile , of course . every religion has shortcomings and lack of belief in karma is theirs .


    if you wanna talk about god talk about karma

    or else

    talk about a bloodthirsty tyrant sitting in the heavens ............

  14. look here , god never ever harms her children . so if any unwanted things are happening to you its because of some other problems and not because of her wrath . now this chandi paath has lots of rules . its to be done by a pious brahmin with proper initiation who has an unstained character and is a man of virtues with correct intonation and pronunciations etc etc . and chandi as you know is extremely powerfull text . i think the first point of mistake was in reading the chandi all by yourself .


    in todays era of inforamation technology everything seems to be going very public . the strictly confidential gayatri is sung aloud over microphones and internet sites advising every man to personally worship salagrams ........... such advises are not only dangerous but also killing !!!


    secondly mantra jap without having recieved the grace of guru is mostly ineffective and can produce adverse results . exccessive meditation for long hours and unsupervised attempts in raising the kundalini also creates serious mental imbalances-- so much so that one might go even crazy . so refrain form overpressuring you capacities if thats what you were doing .


    do a normal puja to devi with flowers incense and nice bhoga offerings . think of her beautiful face and peacefull pastimes . and recite the four stavas of chandi only - with correct pronunciation . dont attempt to read all of it . pray for her mercy always .......... and lastly try to develope complete surrender at her lotus feet . think of her as your benevolent mother -- nothing else ... not kali ......not durga .......not chandi --- only mother who takes you up in lap and kisses your forehead . visualize her compassionate hand over your forehead . hug on to her neck tightly .............never let her go and cry out your heart to her ........ she is your own and she must help you out of this distress ..........................................................


    things would be fine !!!:)

  15. she is meenakshi or one who has the beautiful eyes like fish . she is non different from durga . she is a famous deity specially in south india . in order to marry her shiva assumed a beautiful groom's dresses and became sundersena -- the beutifull one. they have a huge ancient palatial temple dedicated to her in madurai where she is considered to be the queen of the city .

  16. trying to lead a more devotional life and surrendering to god would be of help . even the tantrics and astrologers request their clients to have faith and belief in the power of the supreme . so i guess it is the one above who can actually help . god represents the positive force of the nature . so any negative energy cannot stay in front of his positive vibrations . spiritualize your sisters life . advices like intaking of prasada , chanting , puja-archana , etc would definately help . i mean not getting a puja done by pandits but doing it yourself . you might want to do some little pilgrimage to areas like vrindavan and varanasi for a few days , which would not only provide a change of air but also fill her mind with positive vibrations . set up a home alter and conduct worship and arati there evryday . use lots of flowers and good incense . this would create a peacefull enviornment in her rooms . you might play some music of sacred chants or omkaar to give extra moral support . chanting durga saptashati is extremely helpfull . in other words do everything to create a strong flow of positive spiritual vibration all over your place of residence and your mind . and most importantly surrender to god ....dedicate your life to him . remember him always and love him . he personally takes the responsibilty of his surrendered souls . and when you have entrusted yourself to his hands what reason can you have to fear ? he is your own mother and own father . he is the closest person to seek refuge . rush to his lap and be comforted .


    I saw some leaflet/brochure they had printed one time, and it was almost a picture of caitanya, you know the typical one with the arms raised. The guy calls himself Mahaprabhu.



    let him ......... karma works for all i think . if he is doing anything wrong krishna can look into it and if he is doing good krishna would reward him . leave that to gods hand . who are we to interpret ? observe , understand and be silent . the more you shout the more enemies shall you create . moreover do you really think that any one individual can lift the ignorance(if any) off the followers face ?

  18. avatars do not merely come for protecting human or animal lives . the primary reason of their descend is to uphold dharma and righteousness .


    natural disiaters , wars , riots , terrorism , tsunami etc that you are speaking about are nothing but ways of destruction of almighty himself . remeber that he is not just a creator but also destroyer . such incidents have always existed in earth's history -- black death , famines , world war , empire annexations , burning at stake , tartars and barbarian invasions , destruction of temple and cities , destruction of pompeii , sinking of dwaraka and atlantis , holocaust .....the list goes on . they are god's ways to cause death .


    he only appears when there is a crisis of civilization not crisis of any one individual's life . even when lord came to protect prahlad there was an accute shortage of righteousness .


    here a question though an astrologer once told me that the reason why my life is so hard is cause i only pray to sri krsna and not really the other gods is this true??????


    if you have already taken to krishna conciousness why the hell do you need to depend on what some silly astrologers tells you . thats not KC !!!


    You might believe in astrology but try not to depend on it . depend on god . after all who can change your karma , your ishta or your astrologer? surrender to your chosen one automatically releases you from real sufferings . the material sufferings that might superficially persist are actually blessings to help you remember the supreme . a real devotee asks for hardships so that he never forgets god living in the lap of happiness .


    Your Guruji's movement does not match what Caitanya had 600 years ago nor does it match what he has now. I wonder what 600 years more will do.


    i respect mahaprabhu and dont know much about kripaluji .


    but still i would like to ask you , why did you think someone is trying to compare the two movements ? neither the original poster nor sant did anything to compare or create a competition !! why , then is this comparision ? why are the hare krsnas always in the mode of comparative evalution of their own faith with the others ?


    is it because of their own deep rooted chronic insecurity ??


    Andrea has never been to India, never had a Sanskrit teacher, and still she can spontaneously chant, read, write, and translate Sanskrit since she was nine years old.


    if its true then its fantastic . i guess its the samskaras doing the work . paranormal science or parapsychology , what is it ?


    i remember one incident where one of our local 24 hours news tv channel was showing a sixth standard boy who can instantly say on which day of the week a particular date would fall on . for example when asked ' 18th january of 2013 would fall on which day ? ' he would immediately reply back with the correct answer , say monday or thrusday . this he did with absolute precision .


    I given up KC.


    I have realized I am just a normal Hindu and should have listened to my parents as they are my Guru. I should never have accepted Guru.


    If I'd listened to my parents I would been happier.


    I know Krishna is God, but I'm still a normal every day Hindu.


    Jai Sri Ram


    to be concious of krishna and dedicate ones life to him is itself very hindu . they do not contradict . krishna has been one of the foremost deities in hinduism . probably the number of hindus worshipping krishna is greater than number of vaishnavas worshipping krishna . so if you believe krishna is god and at the same time love to be a hindu , you can go on with it .


    many normal everyday hindus worship him .


    but if you are meaning iskcon by the words KC then it is a different issue . personally i feel that you mean to say that you have quitted yourself from the ways of iskcon . i guess thats okay .........


    Animal sacrifice in Vedic culture was not about killing an animal, making an offering and eating the meat.

    that proves tantric sacrifices are also vedic , doesnt it ??;)





    Mostly, they were horse sacrifices where the Brahmans tested the power of the Vedic mantras by restoring the horse to full youthful life.


    Horse sacrifices for Vishnu were NEVER meant for the purpose of offering meat to Vishnu or the eating of meat by Brahmanas or anyone.

    its a shame that you are so fond of fantasy stories at this mature age ( you said that you've heard a story 25 years ago .......just a post back ) .

    animal sacrifices were animal sacrifices . there was nothing to bring them back to life . such absurd stories are fabricated in the later puranic ages when vegatrianism has already become a fashion among the educated . it was a idiotic attempt to justify the vedic sacrifices by some equally idotic brahmanas .


    leaving everything else aside , why do you think a priest would sacrifice a horse or a cow and then bring them back to life ? the whole intention of a sacrifice is to offer something in a spirit of surrender . wouldnt bringing the horse alive amount to dishonesty ? should you bring back a horse to life after offering its blood to god ? that would be like offering a nice temple to the lord and then residing in it yourself !!! think rationally !! it shall also amount to a defiance of god's natural laws . do you think that would have pleased the lord ?


    or do you suggest that it was some brahminical hocus pocus magic show intended to please the gods ????


    gomedh (cow sacrifices ) and ashwamedh (horse sacrifices) was the practice of the day . there's nothing to be ashamed of !! religion and culture are never static but are on a continuous change . the practice that were naturall than might not be natural today . but that doesnt mean i shall distort facts to make them appear in a way i like !! admit it !! its historical truth .


    Yet, Chand Kazi himself and many generations of his descendants and subordinates were following vaisnava dharma perfectly while still wearing Muslim dress and adopting all other external paraphernalia and practices pertaining to the Muslim religion. This is simply a historical fact. Vaisnavas to this day are worshiping Chand Kazi's samadhi (grave) in Navadvipa, WB, which they would never do to someone who is not a pure vaisnava.

    Now my question is would you not call it that Caitanya has proved that their real internal religion was vaisnavism? We are not talking about religion in the social sense here but in the personal. Would you personally follow something that you didn't believe yourself?

    ...and that is all Prabhupada is saying here. He is not saying that all Muslims are Vaisnavas as some twisted the meaning of his words later in this thread.

    For more information on this - Jaiva-Dharma, chapter 6.


    just because of some isolated events where islamic and hindu thoughts actually converged , is not sufficient to prove that islam is actually vaishnavism .


    in sundarvan mangrove forests hindus and muslims alike worship vana-bibi or the lady of the forest along with the tiger-ogre dakshinraya . idols are made and brahmin priests officiate the event . does that mean that muslims are basically followers of regional hindu deities ??!!!!!!


    what chand kaji did was out of his own personal convictions and inclinations and it does nothing to reflect the nature of worldwide islam ........

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