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Everything posted by sushil_kanoria
I have heard of Shiva Puran, but I don't think that there is an epic called Shiva Gita. Hari Bol, Sushil.
what does LOL mean ???
Hari Bol to all of you, Vaishnava das 108, you have given am excellent repartee to Hazrat, I feel he is a fool no. 1 who doesn't know anything, just blabbering something whatever is coming to his mind. Sushil
unable to understand what you are saying ??
Fayarus is not having guts to answer any of the questions. poor chap.
Is Mohammed really a prophet ??? No he is the biggest child abuser, surpassing every one, a biggest rascal as confirmed in the bhavishya puran, what is the fun of marrying the 4 year old girl, I ask Fayarus ?? whatever deeds he has done, shows that he was the most lusty person on the earth. marrying so many people just to gratify his libido. Does all these symtoms belong to a prophet ?? Not to us atleast, but may be to thugs, looters, hooliguns etc. to whom he has preached his religion, to destroy the mankind. Islam teaches to kill animals & to eat it to satisfy their toung, to kill non muslims, just because they are not following islam. presently muslims are the real trouble-maker through the world, wherever they go they just create problem for others in the name of jihad, they came to india attacked it alooted them killed so many people, raped many women, does islam preaches all these things ?? They are the most horrible creatures on this planet. Hari Bol, Sushil [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 07-21-2002).]
Shivaji, Are you fron Saudi Arab ????
Krishna is Ambidextrous
Please accept my humble Obeisances & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !! The story told by Radha is a true one, happened in the Golkunda Fort of Hyderabed, the name of the muslim king is kuli kutub shah, & the name of the minister who built the Ram Temple at "Bhadrachalam" is "Bhakta Ramdasa", he was put in the jail for several years I don't know exact figure but aroung 25 years. I persaonally visited that fort, & saw that place where he was kept, while he was in the jail for so many years he made the deties from his finger nails carving the stones, The temple built by him at Bhadrachalam is very famous one & it is said that every morning Lord Ram comes there along with Sita & Lakshmana. Hari Bol, Sushil. [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 06-02-2002).]
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Yes I agree with the views of Ram & Abhi-the-great, we have to do something like that, but the thing is muslims defend each & every act of mohammed, the child abuser. But still we have to try our level best, & rest to leave at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. Haro Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Ram, Presently they are doing the same, Go to Kashmir you will come to know. Hari Bol, Sushil -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Hari Bol Legh, Exactly one should always kill in the self defence, & the same thing we are doing, In godhra they have killed many hindus, & if we don't start killing them now then in future they will kill us, So, in order to take a precautionary measure we have started killing them. They will not come & say come on, beware! now we will be killing you, be ready to face us, they will just come & will kill us, So according to me "ATTACK IS THE BEST DEFENCE" hare Krishna, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Bol Ram, I am extremely sorry & please please forgive me for my fault as I didn't read the thread fully, I again apologize for the mistake I have comitted, I am really feeling very embarassed, hope you will forgive the blunder I have commited. Now coming to Mr. Legh, if we should not indulge in killing muslims then they will kill us. You tell me one thing what was the need to kill so many demons during Trete yuga & dwapar yuge by so many Kshatriya's, just to protect Brahmins. Hari Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
originally posted by RAM ----------- The problem today is those who are impure are trying to do kirtan and engage in temple construction. These rascal Hindus are trying to fight back and correct what great muslim rulers like Babar did - demolish hindu temples and build mosques. These foolish people are raising questions about slaughter of children, cows and rape of women. They dont understand that one should not see the lowly activities of spiritualists and only see that they are doing it in the name of God. ----------- Hello Mr. RAM, Don't try to be Gandhiji, Today if hindus are facing such type of situation then the whole credit goes to Gandhiji & the hindus like you. You call other hindus as rascal, I call you a biggest Rascal, Sorry I cannot restrain myself to call you that. You know during the partision of India & Pakistan what happened ?? when hindus where trying to migrate from pak to India, all the muslims people killed ONE FULL TRAIN of all those hindus who boarded the train to come to India. Then you know what hindus did, they have sent Two full trains of dead muslim people to pakistan. Do You Know the conclusion ?? Muslims stopped killing the hindus because they understood that we too can retaliate. So they always want a lesson to be taught to them. So, what the hindus have done in GUJARAT I fully support that, See I don't support RAPE but definately I support killing of muslims & the killing of Hindus people like you. If you come in front me definately I will kill you, WITHOUT HESITATION. because just because of the people like you we are suffering till date, Alraedy Gandhiji has done a great favour to them by allowing them to stay here, So see the result.... :-)& now people like you & the politician for getting the votes from muslims, Actually neither your mother & sister got raped by these muslim demons, that's the reason you are trying to show as if you are sophisticated person, You haven't felt the agony of those people who have undergone through this trauma, sitting safely at your house & putting such type of comments is very easy sir. When those suffered hindus get the upper hand what they will do, OFCOURSE REVENGE. So whatever my hindu brothers have done in Gujarat, I fully support them & I am with them. Now coming to the "Ram janam bhumi" If you don't need the temple then shut your mouth, many hindus like me need the Ram temple at Ram janam bhumi itself. I ask you one question How many times you go to temple in a week, in a month or in a year, ask me how many times i go to temple i will tell you. If you don't visit temple regularly don't think others are also like you. Like me there are many hindus, & We want the temple at any cost, I am also ready to give up my life for that. Not only Ram Temple but also Krishna temple at Krishna janam bhumi at Mathura where again these muslim demons have demolished the temple & constructed the Mosque. I request you please don't use any words (like rascal) for the gujarati hindus. hari Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
----------- The problem today is those who are impure are trying to do kirtan and engage in temple construction. These rascal Hindus are trying to fight back and correct what great muslim rulers like Babar did - demolish hindu temples and build mosques. These foolish people are raising questions about slaughter of children, cows and rape of women. They dont understand that one should not see the lowly activities of spiritualists and only see that they are doing it in the name of God. ----------- Hello Mr. RAM, Don't try to be Gandhiji, Today if hindus are facing such type of situation then the whole credit goes to Gandhiji & the hindus like you. You call other hindus as rascal, I call you a biggest Rascal, Sorry I cannot restrain myself to call you that. You know during the partision of India & Pakistan what happened ?? when hindus where trying to migrate from pak to India, all the muslims people killed ONE FULL TRAIN of all those hindus who boarded the train to come to India. Then you know what hindus did, they have sent Two full trains of dead muslim people to pakistan. Do You Know the conclusion ?? Muslims stopped killing the hindus because they understood that we too can retaliate. So they always want a lesson to be taught to them. So, what the hindus have done in GUJARAT I fully support that, See I don't support RAPE but definately I support killing of muslims & the killing of Hindus people like you. If you come in front me definately I will kill you, WITHOUT HESITATION. because just because of the people like you we are suffering till date, Alraedy Gandhiji has done a great favour to them by allowing them to stay here, So see the result.... :-)& now people like you & the politician for getting the votes from muslims, Actually neither your mother & sister got raped by these muslim demons, that's the reason you are trying to show as if you are sophisticated person, You haven't felt the agony of those people who have undergone through this trauma, sitting safely at your house & putting such type of comments is very easy sir. When those suffered hindus get the upper hand what they will do, OFCOURSE REVENGE. So whatever my hindu brothers have done in Gujarat, I fully support them & I am with them. Now coming to the "Ram janam bhumi" If you don't need the temple then shut your mouth, many hindus like me need the Ram temple at Ram janam bhumi itself. I ask you one question How many times you go to temple in a week, in a month or in a year, ask me how many times i go to temple i will tell you. If you don't visit temple regularly don't think others are also like you. Like me there are many hindus, & We want the temple at any cost, I am also ready to give up my life for that. Not only Ram Temple but also Krishna temple at Krishna janam bhumi at Mathura where again these muslim demons have demolished the temple & constructed the Mosque. I request you please don't use any words (like rascal) for the gujarati hindus. hari Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Bol Leyh, Come to India, & I will take you for ride, in all the muslim dominated area. I won't say anything, you will say, 99.99% of the muslims are demons, or worst then that. I will tell you one incident, when I was in Louisville, U.S. I was working there for GE Appliances. One of my indian collegue was happened to be a muslim, was close to me. Whenever he used to go to the toilet, he used to clean his genitals with the tissue paper(As prescribed in their religion) & used to throw that paper in the urinal rather than throwing in the litter box & just due to that urinal used to get blocked. one day my American collegue, Dave, asked me sushil you know who is doing such type of foolish act. I knew that, but just India & indian should not get maligled, i said I don't know who has done. Then he asked me, sushil what do you call a foolish in your language. I said, "BEVKUFF" He said, the person who is doing such act is much more than that. So you can see, they are notorious everywhere, for their any sort of act. Just go through the speech given by our Prime Minister of India, who used to support the muslims a bit, but now his patience has also gone please go through it.... An outburst by Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee against Islamic extremism marks a throwback to the hardline jargon of BJP, belying the PM's image as a moderate among hardliners. In his remarks at the party national executive here that shocked the media and much of the public, Vajpayee condemned what he suggested was a Muslim disposition towards intolerance. "Hindus stay in millions but never hurt others' religious feelings. But whereever Muslims are there, they do not want to stay peacefully," Vajpayee said late Friday. "It is happening in Indonesia, Malaysia, everywhere. They (Muslims) stay by threatening and frightening others." But while warning about Islamic militancy around the world, Vajpayee said his party was committed to India's secular traditions. "We have always been secular. We don't believe in religious violence or religious fundamentalism," Vajpayee said. The remarks mark a sharp departure in tone for Vajpayee, who earlier this month said he was ashamed as he met Muslims who have been made refugees from communal clashes in Gujarat. He then urged the government of Gujarat, to treat its citizens without discrimination. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, accused by opposition parties and even some BJP partners of turning a blind eye to the mass killings of Muslims, Friday offered his resignation, but it was rejected by the BJP executive council. Vajpayee Friday again condemned the violence in Gujarat, but put new emphasis on Godhra carnage. "We should not forget how it all began," Vajpayee told his party. "Who started the fire?" The BJP urged Modi to seek a fresh mandate instead of resigning. Grassroot party workers meeting here said the strategy was simple. "Gujarat today is burning with strong Hindutva (Hindu revivalist) passions. Make the best of it. Why not go to the electorate and get their clear mandate?" said a BJP legislative assembly member. "Why not relaunch the Hindutva wave from Gujarat, which is anyway claimed as the laboratory of Hindutva by the media and the opposition alike?" Hari Hari Bol, Sushil -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Bol Bakta joy, I think you haven't gone through the bhavishya puran. Just read it & then tell me your opinion. Shri Suta Gosvami said: In the dynasty of king Shalivahana, there were ten kings who went to the heavenly planets after ruling for over 500 years. Then gradually the morality declined on the earth. At that time Bhojaraja was the tenth of the kings on the earth. When he saw that the moral law of conduct was declining he went to conquer all the directions of his country with ten-thousand soldiers commanded by Kalidasa. He crossed the river Sindhu and conquered over the gandharas, mlecchas, shakas, kasmiris, naravas and sathas. He punished them and collected a large ammount of wealth. Then the king went along with Mahamada (Mohammad), the preceptor of mleccha-dharma, and his followers to the great god, Lord Shiva, situated in the desert. He bathed Lord Shiva with Ganges water and worshipped him in his mind with pancagavya (milk, ghee, yoghurt, cow dung, and cow urine) and sandalwood paste, etc. After he offered some prayers and pleased him. Suta Goswami said: After hearing the king’s prayers, Lord Shiva said: O king Bhojaraja, you should go to the place called Mahakakshvara, that land is called Vahika and now is being contaminated by the mlecchas. In that terrible country there no longer exists dharma. There was a mystic demon named Tripura, whom I have already burnt to ashes, he has come again by the order of Bali. He has no origin but he achieved a benediction from me. His name is Mahaoda and his deeds are like that of a ghost. Therefore, O king, you should not go to this land of the evil ghost. By my mercy your intelligence will be purified. Hearing this the king came back to his country and Mahamada came with them to the bank of the river Sindhu. He was expert in expanding illusion, so he said to the king very pleasingly: O great king, your god has become my servant. Just see, as he eats my remnants, so I will show you. The king became surprised when he saw this just before them. Then in anger Kalidasa rebuked Mahamada, “O rascal, you have created an illusion to bewilder the king, I will kill you, you are the lowest..." [...] That city is known as their site of pilgrimage, a place which was Madina or free from intoxication. Having a form of a ghost (Bhuta), the expert illusionist Mahamada appeared at night in front of king Bhojaraja and said: O king, your religion is of course known as the best religion among all. Still I am going to establish a terrible and demoniac religion by the order of the Lord. The symptoms of my followers will be that they first of all will cut their genitals, have no shikha, but having beard, be wicked, make noise loudly and eat everything. They should eat animals without performing any rituals. This is my opinion. They will perform purificatory act with the musala or a pestle as you purify your things with kusha. Therefore, they will be known as musalman, the corrupters of religion. Thus the demoniac religion will be founded by me. After having heard all this the king came back to his palace and that ghost went back to his place. The intelligent king, Bhojaraj established the language of Sanskrit in three varnas - the brahmanas, kshatriyas and vaisyas - and for the shudras he established prakrita-bhasha, the ordinary language spoken by common men. After ruling his kingdom for 50 years, he went to the heavenly planet. The moral laws established by him were honored even by the demigods. The arya-varta, the pious land is situated between Vindhyacala and Himacala or the mountains known as Vindhya and Himalaya. The Aryans reside there, but varna-sankaras reside on the lower part of Vindhya. The musalman people were kept on the other side of the river Sindhu. On the island of Barbara, Tusha and many others also the followers of Isamsiha were also situated as they were managed by a king or demigods. & please for GOD sake don't say anything untill you have concrete proof. If you think by giving quotes of "so called big people" will be able to make your point right. then please read the above passage of Shri suta Goswami. ------------ This Hindu-Muslim mentality is taking over India and bewildering the minds of even so called learned men.Big time nonsense ------------ And let me tell you one thing just because of the hindus like you in India, the condition has become like this (horrible), one day will come that these muslims will make whole India as another pakistan, then I will see how people like you will go to temple, as all temple will be demolished by them, Frankly speaking we too have immense love for the Supreme personality of the GOD head Lord Krishan, but at the same time we also know how to tackle these demons(Muslims) What Hanuman has done in Lanka ?? he killed many demons there, do you think after doing this he lost luv for Rama ?? I am not saying I am Hanuman, but we have to tackle these demons (Muslims) Sorry bhaktajoy for being bit harsh. Hari Bol, Sushil. [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 04-12-2002).] -
I'm new here....interested in serving Krishna
sushil_kanoria replied to nachiketa's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hare Krishna MR. Myanmar, For your kind information, let me tell you that a human digestive system is made exactly like that of a herbivorous animal there are 4 points which differentiates from a meat eater 1.)Have you ever seen a cat or dog(carnivorous animal) drinking water....... now have you ever seen a cow or buffalo(herbivorous animal) drinking water.... they will suck the water, we too will drink in the same fashion & not like like cat & dogs. 2.)Intestine of all the carnivorous animals are 7 times the size of your their stomach, where as in case of herbivorous animal it is 15 times, & same for the human beings, do you know the reason for it, because meat gets rotten soon as compared to vegetables, so in order to let it out soon, as soon as it get digested, the intestine of carnivorous animal is small. 3.)when the carnivorous animal is exhausted after a long run it will take it out his tongue & will do huf.. huf.., they don't get sweat, but not in case og herbivorous animal & same for the human beings. I have forgotten the 4th point, I will write after recollecting it. So all the points indicates that we(human beings) are by nature Vegetarian. Hari Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Hari Bol Karthik, I am happy atleast you know true picture of islam. Yes mohammad was a not less than a child abuser, Exactly! A grown up person(mohammed) marrying a four year old child(Aayesha),what sort of act it will be called..... A PIOUS ACT I want to ask Audarya, what is it, an act of serving GOD ???? When I asked the same thing to the muslim people, you know Karthik what explanation they gave me ?? As Ayesha was an orphan & there was no one to look after him that's why he married that 4 years old infant. Then I told them what was the need to marry a child, he would have adopted her as a daughter, they were mum. This is not the only instance there are several instance like that. My kind advise to AUDARYA is kindly think 100 times before you praise a muslim, because they are not less than a demon. I feel even Ravana was better than these muslims. Hari Bol, Sushil. -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hari Bol Audarya lila, "Aapkee lila to sachmuch aparam bar" I don't know from which part of the world you come from. I invite you to come to hyderabad,which is in India, I will just take you to the old city of Hyderabed, there is one mosque called Mecca Mosque, just go there on friday noon, & just see the trailor, then give the statement whether they are demons or not, Every friday the situation is the same, in the name of sermons the head of the mosque will say we have to fight & kill the kafirs(Non-Muslims) & to take part in the jehad. so when they come out after offering the namaz, they will start throwing the stone at the police & toward the hindus who are just passing through it, So what is it ?? Serving God ?? You can see the same scenario every friday. See it's very easy to give statements, sitting at one place, but when you go into deep then you will understand, what actually it is. It's not only in Hyderadad but in the 99% of the mosque present in India. I ask you one question In india every one has been given freedom of practising his/her religion, or rather say being a hindu country, muslims are given much more importance than the hindus. You go to Saudi Arab, you can not enter to that country if you have the deity of hindu GOD, or even a photo of the GOD, what to speak of building a temple there.why ?? because they don't believe in idol worship. I sincerely advise you to come india & visit the mosqe here on friday, you will come to know what sort of worshiping is going on there.Or in what way they are serving the God. (By spreading non-violence, so that one can say, yes the age of Kali has arrived, in this way I agree, yes they are serving the GOD.) Hari Bol, Sushil -
Hindus and Muslims same?
sushil_kanoria replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hare Krishna to all the devottes, I know muslims have two eyes, two hands , one nose etc. The same thing Ravana was also having, Kumbhkarana was also having & Hiranyakashipu was also having, Is it not ??? Am I wrong ?? But the thing is muslims are demoniac by nature as other Asura's were, They are demons, no doubt about that, Also confirmed in the Bhavishya Puran. So can one say Sura's & Asura's are same, or in other words, Hindus & Muslims are same ??? Hari Bol, Sushil. -
I'm new here....interested in serving Krishna
sushil_kanoria replied to nachiketa's topic in Spiritual Discussions
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, & Hari Bol to all the Vaishnava's !! I am stunned that nobody know why one should not eat eggs and onion & garlics ?? May be you might not have read prabhupada's book properly. First, coming to onion & garlic, Why it is strictly prohibited to eat it, the simple reason it comes under the mode of ignorance (Tamasik) which means, it increases the sexual desire of a person, it is an aphrodiasc, not only onion & garlic but there are some other vegitables also which are not recommeded to eat like mushroom etc., for the same reason. Which is the biggest hinderance in practising the Krishna conscious (spiritual) life. Secondly coming to eggs, As one of the reason gHari has given "to produce chicks" as the eggs are in the unfertilised state it still contains the sperms of cock & hen, so tell me friends, is it advisable the eat the same, as many people eat it with a broad smile on their face, So just for the sake of taste should one eat it ?? Coming to cow's milk, How can you compare it to eggs ??? both the things are totally different from each other, eggs are used by hens for producing the chickens, do think the cow use the milk for doing the same ?? If that is case then I think every one can produce cows in their kitchen........ hope now your doubts are clarified. I am extremely sorry If I have hurt anyone. Hari Bol, Sushil [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 04-08-2002).] [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 04-08-2002).] [This message has been edited by sushil_kanoria (edited 04-08-2002).] -
are Krishna to all the devotees, Please Accept my humble Obesainces unto your lotus feet & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !! First of all let me tell you that I have taken "hari naam Diksha" or first initiation from my guru maharaj, Narsimha Das Brahmachari Maharaj. He is not from ISKCON but belongs to the same Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya, Actually his guru maharaj & Srila Prabhupada both were God brothers.<P>Now coming to the Nadi Astrology, First of all let me tell you the brief description of it. In the ancient time all the Sapt rishis they foresaw that few people will be very interested to know about their future, so they wrote every thing on the palm leaves regarding their future life. For a male they take their right hand side thumb impression & for female they take Left hand side thumb impression, they see the the number of spots & line in that & accordingly take out our related palm leaf which tells our past & future. One of my fiends went there & told me about his expierences to me, then out of curiosity I too went there, just two days back to nadi astrologer & was just stunned the way he said my past so accurately.After going through many leaves he came to my leaf & started asking question to me, nadi astrologer asked, were you born on 17th i said yes. n.a : were you born on 73. Sushil: yes n.a :is the month july. sushil: yes n.a : was the day tuesday. sushil: yes n.a : is your father's name prabhu dayal. sushil: yes n.a : is your mother's name rani. sushil: yes n.a :you have one younger sister who is doing post graduation in "commerce" sushil: yes n.a : you have one youger brother who is in class 12th . sushil: yes. n.a : you are a mechanical engr. sushil: yes then he said this is your leaf & then told every thing what will be happing in my future life reading that palm leaf, right from my career to my married life. I am unable to understand how those rishis were knowing all these things, I knew about nadi astrology 5 yrs back & planned also to meet them during that time but due to some reasons I canceled it, It is said only when the right time comes the person visits them, like at this time when my brother is studing in class 12th I was destined to meet them. I am still confused ??? In that, it is also mentioned regarding the mokha "salvation". when that person will get salvation ? whether in this birth or in the next ?? Regarding the moksha I consultated my guru maharaj & asked him, whether moksha can also be predicted by any one ?? He said materialistic things can be predicted, but spiritual life & moksha are the things which cannot be pridicted by any one. This can be changed by three types of people: 1) The Supreme personality of the Godhead, Lord Shri Krishna. 2)By our Forefathers, who are in Pitra Lok 3)By a saint. What is your opinion J.N.Dasji ?? what other vaishnavas think of it ?? Hari Bol, Sushil
Hare Krishna to all the devotees, Please Accept my humble Obesainces unto your lotus feet & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !! First of all let me tell you that I have taken "hari naam Diksha" or first initiation from my guru maharaj, Narsimha Das Brahmachari Maharaj. He is not from ISKCON but belongs to the same Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya, Actually his guru maharaj & Srila Prabhupada both were God brothers. Now coming to the Nadi Astrology, First of all let me tell you the brief description of it. In the ancient time all the Sapt rishis they foresaw that few people will be very interested to know about their future, so they wrote every thing on the palm leaves regarding their future life. For a male they take their right hand side thumb impression & for female they take Left hand side thumb impression, they see the the number of spots & line in that & accordingly take out our related palm leaf which tells our past & future. One of my fiends went there & told me about his expierences to me, then out of curiosity I too went there, just two days back to nadi astrologer & was just stunned the way he said my past so accurately.After going through many leaves he came to my leaf & started asking question to me, nadi astrologer asked, were you born on 17th i said yes. n.a : were you born on 73. Sushil: yes n.a :is the month july. sushil: yes n.a : was the day tuesday. sushil: yes n.a : is your father's name prabhu dayal. sushil: yes n.a : is your mother's name rani. sushil: yes n.a :you have one younger sister who is doing post graduation in "commerce" sushil: yes n.a : you have one youger brother who is in class 12th . sushil: yes. n.a : you are a mechanical engr. sushil: yes then he said this is your leaf & then told every thing what will be happing in my future life reading that palm leaf, right from my career to my married life. I am unable to understand how those rishis were knowing all these things, I knew about nadi astrology 5 yrs back & planned also to meet them during that time but due to some reasons I canceled it, It is said only when the right time comes the person visits them, like at this time when my brother is studing in class 12th I was destined to meet them. I am still confused ??? In that, it is also mentioned regarding the mokha "salvation". when that person will get salvation ? whether in this birth or in the next ?? Regarding the moksha I consultated my guru maharaj & asked him, whether moksha can also be predicted by any one ?? He said materialistic things can be predicted, but spiritual life & moksha are the things which cannot be pridicted by any one. This can be changed by three types of people: 1) The Supreme personality of the Godhead, Lord Shri Krishna. 2)By our Forefathers, who are in Pitra Lok & 3)By a saint. What is your opinion J.N.Dasji ?? & what other vaishnavas think of it ?? Hari Bol, Sushil