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Everything posted by classic72

  1. Dear Sonia, Planets in the 7th House indicate the qualities in your spouse. Specifically they are qualities that you are looking for and finding in your spouse. A well Mercury can give a intellectual, learned, talkative, witty kind of spouse. Rahu in the 7th gives a spouse who is short tempered, may have multiple relations etc., Rahu in 7th can also give a foreigner - also a person from other cultures in general (caste, religion, country etc). Depending on who is strong you can combine these two together and arrive at a conclusion. These also apply to planets conjoining 7th lord. Well love marriage predictions is not so simplified - just Venus/Sun combined cannot give this. There are some threads dedicated for this - you can read them and learn more about this. Regards Classic72
  2. A Neecha planet gets neechabhanga due to placement of multiple planets in Kendras from the Lagna. 1) Dispositor of its debilitation Rasi. 2) Dispositor of its exalatation Rasi. 3) Planet that gets exalted in this debilitation rasi. 4) The planets' placement in Navamsa. The debilitated planet get a strong cancellation based on the ALL the above factors. Based on your email - Moon as the dispositor of Mars debilitation rasi is just one factor. Check the placement of Jupiter and Saturn in the chart as well. Check how well is Mars is placed in Navamsa - if it is exalted very good. Retrograde planets usually make the planets very determined and steadfast in their agenda. So Mars though is debilitated, he receives cancellation of debility and now strives hard to come out of its debility, overcome weakness - basically fights its way. Moon provides some support in cancellation. Retrogression may be good or bad in what the planet signifies in the chart. For example - A badhakesha lord in debility may be good but retrogression makes it stronger - causing more problems, obstacles etc., Here Mars is lord of 2 and 9 debilitated but retrograde - I would say it is a positive sign - but would involve a lot of effort. Moon is in badhakasthana with Rahu. It is advisable to post your birth details for the full picture. With Best Wishes Classic72
  3. Dear Anusha, For Scorpio Asc - with Mars in the 8th along with Moon. Now in this specific case Mars now acts more as a dusthana lord (lord of the 6th) - since he is associating with dusthana houses. Also Moon as the 9L in 8H can cause loss of fortune/bhagya. Also in cases of Vipareeta Raja yoga of placement of 6,8,12 in other dusthana (6,8,12) houses - it is assumed that other kendra and trikona lords are not involved by placement - Involvement of Kendra or trikona lord in these house would affect the Vipareeta Raja Yoga and also be detrimental to the Kendra / Trikona lords. Classic72
  4. Dear Megala, Using JHora 7.2 and Modified Lahiri ayanamsa - You are born with Makha Nakshatiram 1st quadrant (1st pada) in Simha Rasi. Classic72
  5. Dear All, Sandhu.JP's description about Badhakesh is very enlightening. Astrology students should read this carefully and apply appropriately. Yes there is tons more on this - but this is a good start. Yes - Badhakesh in 12th is the best place for minimal damage. This is preferably without any conjunctions for absolute low. For example - Libra Ascendant, Sun is the Badhakesh and his presence in Virgo without any other planets is considered best placement. 12th house is also Marana Karaka Sthana for Sun in this case. According to a classical dictum - This combination will make the person live a 100 years. Just thought I'd add this small example to illustrate this. Thanks Classic72
  6. Dear Mohan, Analysis Currently Mars/Merc in Vimshottari Dasa system. 2008-06-10 to 2009-06-07 Merc is a badhaka in the 2nd house with Mars. Venus and Mars are also lords of dusthanas - so there is a confluence of negative elements in the 2nd house - causing some negative events in the areas of family and fiances. The bhoga of Mars/Merc falls in the 8H of sudden ups and downs,hardships, debts etc., In your case - Ketu with Sun and Rahu and Sat aspecting signals misfortunes for father. Next antardasa of Ketu may continue with current condition or even worsen since Ketu is co-lord of 12H and is with 9L - there may be some problems for father figures in your family. Rahu co-lords 3H is in 7H from lagna, 9H from Arudha lagna - Rahu dasa though should be good, but Rahu/Jup may cause to work hard in for Career - causing straining in marital life. From Rahu - Jup is 7L and 10L in 6H dusthana - 2014-08-25 to 2017-01-16 Career and Marital life. 10L from Moon is in a dushthana in 2nd from Lagna and 4th from Arudha lagna. Venus placed in a dusthana from Moon, cause the work place environment to be rough, full of rivals competition. Marriage. Arudha lagna is associated with exalted Saturn, but UL and 2nd from UL is not. So there is delay in the marriage. Marriage should happen in your 30th year.(beginning 2013-01-04 to 2014-01-04) This is based on Sun's progression in Navamsa and Jupiters progression in Rasi. UL in Rasi is aspected by Jupiter, but is 7H has multiple malefic influences Sat,Rahu and Mars are aspecting - Marital life will include mistakes, sadness and anger. Debilitated Mercury in 8H in Navamsa is also a concern indicates miscommunications. Work hard on keeping your communications open and clear. This chart can be analyzed using Shasthi Hayani dasa (Sun in lagna) as well but for simplicity sake I've used Vimshottari dasa. Using Shasthi Hayani - he is already running Rahu dasa which ends in end of 2011. With Best Wishes. Classic72
  7. Dear Anuradha, To begin with I would like to know what software you are using. If it is JHora - then what view are you looking at? JHora has different views (Right click) in the Basic info tab. The definition of these sublords should be displayed on the column header. Classic72
  8. Dear Devaki, Namaste, Well I reviewed your chart and here's my findings. Lagna lord debilitated Venus in 5H with Mars and Rahu. By a classical dictum - The presence of LL in 5H draws its life force from 5H - hence depriving the children. This along with Mars and Rahu is also bad for progeny. Mars as the 7L and 12L(hospitalization, confinement, bed rest, loss) Jupiter though in Marana Karaka sthana, is a firm argala in the 11h with Sun and with collaboration of Rahu in 5H has given the first child. Currently you are running Saturn Dasa/ Saturn antardasa Sat and Merc are working on providing Virodhargala on 5H matters. They will be strongly opposed to the 5H matters - this seems to be happening even with Mercury being the 5L. Mercury so becomes the 5L in 12th from it - hence causing the loss. Actually Sat and Mercury are extremely close to each in 4H with A6(Rogapada) In cases where there are no progeny for long periods, Ketu will usually step in an provide to continue the lineage. There is some hope in Ketu Antardasa - Ket: 2011-07-26 - 2012-09-04 In any case strengthening Mercury as the 5L Mercury will help you in your efforts. Worshipping lord Vishnu, simple Vishnu Sahasranamam listening and chanting will also benefit. Presence of Saturn and Mercury in the 4H in Rasi will cause loss of peace of mind in your household. Saturn as the 10L (4th from 7H, Mother of your spouse) placed in 4H, in an inimical sign (Leo) will make him uncomfortable. Antardasa of Ven: 2012-09-04 (19:56:13) - 2015-11-05 (11:01:16) should see significant improvement in this situation. Venus is actually exalted in Navamsa in the 8H. With Best Wishes. Classic72 Om Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanamastu
  9. Dear Coolgimmy, To answer your question - Sun's progression in Navamsa is by using Rasi drishti. In the Navamsa. The native meets his partner when the Sun aspects the 7L. The marriage occurs in the progressed year when Sun aspects the 7H. In some cases when the Sun is in trines to Venus - the person falls in love with his partner. For completion sake - In Rasi we use Jupiter's Rasi drishti on the 2nd from UL. We have to keep in mind which marriage(first,second . .) we are timing and use the appropriate UL(in Rasi) or the 7H (in Navamsa) The same thing can be used for timing career related changes and birth of children using progressed Sun in D10 (work) and D7 (children). Hope this explains this well. Classic72
  10. Dear Peace_Lover, I would like to correct a few typos as below In your 40th year - you will be able to get married and start a new relationship. Jup in Kumbha (Aq) (After Dec 20, 2009 ) aspecting the 2nd from UL will influence this result. Sun's progression in Navamsa is also indicating the same time. Also additionally you are advised to fast on UL lord day Thursday, maintain austerities and pray to Lord Vishnu. With Best Wishes. Classic72
  11. Dear Peace_Lover, I reviewed your chart and here's my brief analysis. Rasi Analysis Saturn's Rasi drishti on Arudha lagna is mostly the reason for the delay in your marriage. But this is only delay not denial. Currently running Jupiter Dasa who lords 5H and 8H and most importantly is the lord of UL. He is well placed in the 4H with Lagna lord Sun. He definitely has the power to give marital bliss. Within Jupiter Dasa you are running Rahu antardasa - Rahu is the co-lord of 7 and placed in the 7H - so the time is even more beneficial. This period last until Aug 27, 2010. In your 40th year - you will be able to get married and start a new relationship. Jup in Kumbha (Aq) (After Dec 20,2010) aspecting the 2nd from UL will influence this result. Sun's progression in Navamsa is also indicating the same time. Navamsa Analysis Your spouse probably hails from a good well-to-do family with good conservative values. With Best Wishes Classic72 Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanamastu
  12. Dear Anuradha, Well honestly I am not very experienced in matching charts for marital compatibility. I am still learning this and far from proficient in this. So I will not comment on matching these charts. Others are welcome to take this up. But I did glance at the girls' chart quite briefly. In Rasi - Moon as the 12th lord in the 7th and in parivarthana with Sat as the 7L in 12th house - should indicate relations taking her to faraway lands - probably abroad in this age. In the Navamsa - I do see some misfortune in store for the girl with regard to relationship. Moon as 8L in 7th (8th is a maraka for 7th) and Sun as 9L in 8H. (loss of fortune or bhagya). I would recommend reviewing these from other experienced astrologers as well. With Best Wishes Classic72
  13. Dear Shalini, Namaste. I reviewed your chart and here's my analysis on this. In Rasi chart Lagna lord in 8th house (of turmoil, hardships, sudden ups and downs) but with Jup. The 8H also happens to be the upapada lagna has Jupiter and Mars two contrasting planets, but nevertheless they do signify a wedding ceremony. Arudha lagna is aspected by Saturn and Venus. This aspect would cause you to look at marriage as optional but Upapada lagna is pointing at marriage. being surrounded and influenced by people, who support the institution of marriage. The exalted UL lord Mercury in Rasi is highly afflicted by Sun,Rahu and Mars indicating the an environment of ego, anger, aggression as the prevailing conditions for marriage. In the Navamsa. Libra navamsa lagna with debilitated Saturn in 7th house, not receiving neechabhanga Mars,Sat in 8H while Venus is debilitated in 12H. This Saturn is instrumental to obstructing and delaying a marriage. Jupiter is also debilitated again with negligible cancellation. Three vital planets in debility in navamsa is not helping the situation. Currently you are running Rahu/Merc until Apr 27, 2010 Antardasa of Merc as the exalted UL lord does have the opportunity to bring about the important event. The next antardasa of Ketu until May 16, 2011 in 5H also has the capability. Using the Sun's progression in Navamsa. You should be able to meet your prospective partner in the 32nd year and the wedding should happen in your 34th year (after Oct 2010). This progression would match with Jupiter in Rasi as well, aspecting the second from UL giving the start of a new family life. So in short you will be meet the person this year and wedding will happen in 2yrs from now. With Best Wishes Classic72 Om Sarvam Srikrishnarpanamastu.
  14. Namaste, Well in simple terms - Kemadhruma yoga is when there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon (not including the Sun). Moon is the significator of the Mind. To give an analogy (Mind) is like an ocean in which there are waves. This ocean goes thru high tides and low tides due to a variety of external conditions like the phases of Planet Moon. Similarly the Mind (as signified by the Moon) is influenced by the planets on either side of the Moon causing desires, emotions and generating a reason for action. When there are no planets then the Mind can become "desireless" - which in the material world can be detrimental - because without desires, there are no emotions, feelings, need for action etc., This may cause the person to become directionless, recluse, lose his position etc., This may not be the lost cause here - When there are no planets around Moon, but if there is strong presence of planets in Kendras from Moon and also from Lagna - Then the person will believe in power of action, taking initiative, being proactive (rather than being reactive to conditions). To add further when the chart itself has planets giving strong spiritual direction, this same yoga can be a great advantage. Desireless mind can lead strong meditation, contemplation of the self - Absolute bliss. So the relevance of this yoga - depends more on the general disposition of the chart (material/spiritual). Based on what I have learnt - Kemadhruma yoga is considered fully operational when there are no planets in 2nd,12th, 6th, 8th from Moon. These are basically what I learnt from my Master's on this yoga. Feel free to comment or correct my mistakes here. Classic72
  15. Dear Pooja, Namaste. I reviewed your chart and here are the answers to your query. Analysis In RASI - Scorpio Ascendant Reviewing 5th house and 9th house matters for this query. 5L(Moon) and 9L(Jupiter R) are together in a trine which is very positive. Venus as a nature benefic in 9H is welcome. But Moon is debilitated and does not receive Neechabhanga (Mars in a dusthana and Venus in a trine). These two are hemmed between Ketu and Sat. Moon is still well supported by Jupiter and aspected by Merc. In Navamsa - Pisces Ascendant 9th house has retrograde Sat and hemmed between Sun, Rahu and Mars. Mars as the 2L,9L is very vital in this chart is in 8th which 12th from 9L associated with Rahu. Add to this Saturn and Merc are in trines to each. In my limited experience I have found that when Venus and Mercury are in mutual 6-8 or 2-12 there will be some miscarriages as well. In Saptamsa Scorpio Ascendant looking at the 9H has Jupiter retrograde, hemmed by Rahu,Mars and Sat while the Moon is again debilitated and does not receive Neechabhanga again (Venus, Mars in a dusthana) Based on the position of 9L in Saptamsa - The first child would be a girl child. Moon as 5L, in Scorpio debilitated gives feminine child. With all these negative and debilitation influences on the 9L Moon - I still believe that Jupiter as the Karaka is still with strength to fight the malefic influences. It would be recommended to strengthen Jupiter with worship to a Guru form or Dattretreya or Sadashiva. Prayer to any Guru form will strengthen Jupiter. The Current Vimshottari dasa of Venus/Merc until 03 Aug 2009 is very conducive for childbirth and progeny. The Bhoga of Venus to Merc falls in the 5H of children/progeny.Missing this the next strong positive is in your 28th year based on Sun's progression. Please feel free to email me on this forum with any further questions or concerns about this. With Best Wishes, Classic72
  16. Dear Ships, Looking at the Lady's chart - here's my analysis. Mark the presence of Putrakaraka and 5L Jup well placed 9H, but with LL Sun and Ketu aspected by Sat(6L,7L). Rahu is aspecting this combination and also aspecting Mars the 9L signifying children in womens' chart. But the 9H is subjected to subhakarthari yoga. Venus/Moon and Merc on the other. According to some dictums - it is said that Ascendant lord in 9H uses up the resources in that house - weakening that house - may be this is what is happening here - add to it many other influences. In Navamsa 9L and putrakaraka Jup is again well placed in 5H but hemmed between Sun/Sat and Ketu and aspected by Mars from the 2H. Sat is with 5L and Rahu is aspecting the 5L. Venus and Saturn are in trines to each other in Rasi and Navamsa - also signifying difficulties in childbirth. In Saptamsa Jup again (signifying the first child in this case) the 5L is hemmed between Sun-Ketu and aspected by Sat. The first child should be a girl baby based on Saptamsa analysis. Chara Putrakaraka Moon is in 8H MKS. There are lot of malefics influences on Jupiter in Rasi, Navamsa and Saptamsa. Currently running Ketu/Sat until 2009-11-17. This period is not seem very promising. The antardasa of Merc (as 2L signifying family) having an argala on the 9H can give some results - but he is opposed by Venus and Moon in the 8H. The next positive chance is in Venus/Venus between 2010-11-14 to 2014-03-13. Venus though is placed in 8H is very strong exalted or well placed in 5Vargas and Ashtakavarga bala of 6. Venus/Venus bhoga falls in 2H from lagna of family. In the meanwhile it is recommended that they strengthen Jup for improving their prospects by worshipping a form of Guru. With Best Wishes. Classic72
  17. Well continuing with my explanation of Gajakesari Yoga. Moon in 4th and Jup® in 10H is still a good Gajakesari yoga, even with Jupiter in retrogression. Jupiter is 6th and 9th lord in 10H, while is Moon is Lagna lord. Their Sama Saptaka (opposition) is good in this case. Now since I do not have the rest of the chart etc., Hoping that Moon-Jup are not under malefic influences or curses etc - Rough interpretation would be as follows. The native would be gainfully employed, be very honest, sincere and diligent at work. Be attached to his home, mother, good peace of mind, cheerful. Good material gains can be safely predicted. Jupiter Dasa should be bring good professional growth and the gains will be enjoyed by the native. Mars involvement in this would elevate it to a Dharmakarmadhipati yoga - Make this yoga many times powerful. This yoga occurs in a Quadrant 4/10 axis - Out of the quadrants 10 is the strongest, next in importance is 1,7,4. So this has more potential. For the readers it is advisable that you include your birth details/Planet positions - so that we can assess the real chart and everybody can learn and we do not theorize using assumptions. With Best Wishes Classic72
  18. For a strong Gajakesari Yoga the Moon and the Jupiter should be both be well placed and be strong as well. They do not have to be together - just in quadrants from each other. Jupiter - Moon in quadrants but based off of lagna Trines and Quadrant will be very strong. For Example in Cancer lagna - Moon-Jupiter in Pisces(9) or Scorpio, Aries. Also Quadrants should be good. Extending this into 11H Taurus for Cancer lagna would be beneficial as well where Moon is exalted there atleast for material gains. Now coming to answer the question In my judgement - Gajakesari Yoga in dusthanas houses will weaken the yoga. The beneficience will be there but the full results will not be experienced. Looking at these planets separately - Moon in 8H is in Marana Karaka Sthana - so lagna lord here is highly weakened. Jup 9L in 8H (12th from 9H) will not be good. Depending on how the rest of the planets are placed - This should improve the prospects of the 8H - interests involving occult knowledge, spiritual learning, may be some gains thru inheritances also. Just my thoughts on this. Classic72
  19. Dear Nakai, Examining both persons chart - There are negative indications for childbirth in both the charts. Some are very evidently in the RASI chart - few more in Navamsa and Saptamsa. Just to mention a few. For example - In the Woman's chart. Rahu Mars in 5H in RASI. Sat - Me in trines in Navamsa. Sat - Ve in trines (conjunction) in Saptamsa. In Man's chart. 5H has Mars, Sat aspect - but Sat should be a delaying influence not denying. Navamsa seems fine with A9 in 5H while Venus 5L is in the 9H. Saptamsa the Sat-Me-Venus trine is definitely a striking point. There are a lot more obvious ones - just not writing them here. Based on the Lady's chart - Time period 1 Moon/Jupiter can also provide some good news between 2011-11-16 - 2013-04-13. Jup is in 12th from Moon - so the bhoga from the lagna falls in the 2nd house of kutumba. Time period 2 Moon/Merc dasa should give them progeny. 2014-11-16 - 2016-04-13. Same as above - Mercury is with Jupiter should also confer the same results. Mercury in the RASI chart owns 2 and 5 and being with exalted jupiter should promote the progeny agenda quite a bit. These periods would approximately coincide with Moon/Merc and Moon/Venus periods in the husband's chart. Best Wishes Classic72.
  20. There are some malefic influences involves prospects involving progeny. This is in both Rasi and Navamsa chart. They are only potent to delay and cause anxiety. There should be good progress in this regard - betwen Jan07, 2009 - Dec 15,2009. (Jup/Mars). Classic72
  21. Hi, I would recommend JHora (Jagannatha Hora) - I have tried other free ones and even online ones. This ones comes with awesome features and is well supported by its creator. PVR Narasimha ji. Classic72
  22. Hi, Based on personal experience I would highly recommend Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B. V Raman. Very nice organized for the beginner. One additional you may want to think about is getting in touch with a good learned Astrologer (preferably not Commercial ones) and request him to explain the basics. Depending on the Astrologer's schedule - This does not take very long. Having a teacher ensures improves your confidence & comfort level in the subject. After this the book will help you immensely. Going from there - this book provides next pointers for further growth. If you have a access to the internet - you can visit this website sivashakti.org/astro and download MP3 lessons. These start from the very basics and go to advanced levels. These are lessons conducted by PVR Narasimha ji in Boston who is also developed the Jagannatha Hora software for calculations. Google for sjcBoston free jyotish lessons I would still recommend the book (Hindu Predictive Astrology) and an Astrologer. Classic72
  23. Hi Swati, In order to give accurate predictions - astrologers also need Time of Birth and Place of birth. Could you please post your time of birth and place of birth. Thanks Shrikanth
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