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Everything posted by Coolgimmy

  1. Hello All, Here is the birthdate of a boy: 20,Dec,1984.11.55AM, Jhalod,Gujarat, India. He is no more. What cause his pre-mature death? Did he have Balarishtha.I applied shooladasha, but it didnt fit well. Request feedback from eminent astrologers on the issue. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  2. Dear Sandhuji, A good article on retrograde planets. Is there a certain tolerance degree assigned to the planets which are retrograde that they will be aspecting the previous house. For eg. Jupiter(Rx) in 9deg Sagitarrius will it aspect the previous house Scorpio? Regards. Coolgimmy
  3. Hello all, Please help me understand how do determine the navamsas gained by planet. For eg Jupiter is in 9deg 30 mins sagitarrius and falls in Gemini navamsa. Then how does one determine how many navamsas are gained by this planet. Regards. Coolgimmy
  4. Hello all, The past life experiences are read from AL of the shashtiamsa chart. I wonder whether its possible to do reverse calculation and arrive at the approximate time when the person could have been born in his past life. Can someone send me a link to differentiate with the good and bad shastiamsa and their meanings. Do planets in AL or trines in UL in the shashtiamsa chart show qualities and nature of the person carried forward from his past life?What do the planets in quadrants in shashtiamsa chart show? Regards. Coolgimmy.
  5. Dear Classic72, The girl's details are 26.8.1984,6:05AM, Jamnagar.I dont know much about the girl.When I see the chart, I think she had a relationship around 2003, which broke due to Rahu in second from UL aspected by ketu and Mars graha aspects and saturn by rashi aspects with no aspect of jupiter.Seems the person cheated on her or something bad happened to him.If we assume the first UL in 9th house, then the second UL is in 4th. My brother's friend met her at her residence.What are your analysis on the chart? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  6. Dear Classic72, In one of ur earlier replies you mentioned of career changes and progeny to refer from D-10 and D-7. Do I look for the 5th lord or 9th whichever is the case depending upon male and female in D-7 and 10th lord in D-10? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  7. Dear Classic72, Thanks for your reply. I have a birth chart of someone mine who is expected to marry in December this year. In his case the progression tips fit the wedding, but in the girls Navamsa chart it fits the 2H and the 2nd lord. Does it mean that the girl is in 2nd relation ship? I am asking you the questions for study purpose only. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  8. Namaste Shashikaranji, The scenario is the planets which are cursed in rashi are not cursed in Shastiamsa and theres all-together a different scenario there. In the rashi, one set of planets are cursing and in the shastiamsa another set of planets are cursing them. How do u in this cases link the threads for analyzying the reasons of the curse. I downloaded some MP3 lessons from Srigaruda website on curses. But it mentioned about the same set of planets cursing both in rashi and shastiamsa. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  9. Namaste Shashikaranji, Nice to see u back on this forum. The charts are as mentioned: 1.DOB: 12June, 1971, 11.05AM Vadodara. Nearly all the benefics are under curse in rashi chart. While in Shastiamsa only, Mercury shows curse due to aspect of Saturn and Rahu. 2.DOB: 31,January, 1969,11.58PM Vadodara. Venus and Jupiter are curse in Rashi but not in D-60 3.DOB : 10,December, 1963, 13.35, Bhadrakh. All benefics except moon is under curse in Rashi but not in D-60. If we consider sun as maleific then jupiter is cursed in D-60 by Mars and Sun. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  10. Dear All, I have some charts where the curses are present in the rashi chart but not present in Shastiamsa. What does that indicate? Will the curses on the planets come into play during Moola dasha since they are not present in Shastiamsa? Regards/
  11. Dear Classic72, Thanks for the answers. My question is if there is a relation which results in breakup instead of marriage due to whatever the reasons are, then do we go to the 7H and 7L for marriage again or start from 2H and 2L? If the jupiter doesnt aspect the 2H from UL, then is it that the relation will breakup? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  12. Dear All, JHora and other gives directly the calculation of Shastiamsa. But I want to know how to calculate the same. Is there a weblink or article related to this. I found one but when I used it in parallel to JHora it gave wrong results. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  13. Dear Classic_72 and others, I have questions on sun progression in Navamsha. I was reading someones chart and implementing the progression formula there. The sun progression fits for the 7L in Navamsha, but when it comes to aspecting 7H the things dont materialize.In that case do I assume that the marriage didnt take place and the relationship ended eventually? In this scenario do I have to start again with 7L and 7H or do I consider this as the second relation and start from 2L and 2H? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  14. Dear Classic72, Thanks for your replies, but I have one question here. I use JHora to flash the chart. It provides sun's progression in different divisions. Now for eg someones seventh lord in Navamsha is Mars and seventh house is scorpio. The mars is placed in 6th house in libra. The sun in progression is placed in Gemini for 2008. So do we consider sun in gemini aspect to mars in libra for 7th lord and scorpio for 7th house or do we check the position of sun and the 7L and 7H in the progression chart only? Meaning the progression have to be considered in the progression chart for sun and 7L and 7H or sun progression in progression chart wrt to Navamsha placement of planet? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  15. Dear Classic72, I read your replies given for Peace_lover. I have a question about sun's progression in Navamsha. I read somewhere that when sun progression aspects the 7th house in Navamsha there are chances of marriage. Do you see it by rashi drishti or graha drishti? In Peace_lovers case is it because sun is coming on scorpio or which house. I read about this progression somewhere but could not understand how to calculate the movements like do we have to consider the sun sign itself or the next sign as the first year? Your replies will help me clear my doubts. Thanks Regards/ Coolgimmy
  16. Hello Megala, Swara, I read your discussion on the mails. I read astrology as my hobby and could not resist to give my inputs in your discussion. For Megala, I would say, if you are having dosha whether its love or arranged you are going to face problems whether its arranged or love.I say all this as I have seen a couple who were victims of bad relationship in my family due to an arranged marriage which was approved by astrologers and termed as a good one having all the bhakoot or the 36points matching including mangal dosha as well. If your boyfriend is giving his mother's excuse, there will be problems with you later marrying him, because when he started relations with you he didnt ask his mother or seek the guidance of an astrologer. He just wants to move away from you and its useless waiting for him till he finishes his studies. In other words I would say he is not interested in you anymore. Swara, you should go ahead with your plans of marrying whom you love despite all opposition from your parents due to various astrological reasons. My friend is having nadi dosha and mangal dosha both and she is happily to a person who doesnt have mangal dosha. So just brush all this aside and go ahead, because you in this forum if you read there are many arranged marriages breaking up compared to love marriages. All the best to both of u. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  17. Hi Swetha123, The kundali matching using the 36points hardly effects the life of partners. There are so many with bhakoot dosh happily married and w/o bhakoot dosh having a warlike situation at home. Mangal doesnt always create divorce, but otherwise the courts would be busy handling these cases most of the time. When both of u like each other, then u shud believe in each other rather kundalis, becoz there are a lot of arranged marriages with kundali matching which tend to fall apart like sand castles compared to love marriages w/o kundali matching. Best wishes Coolgimmy
  18. Namaste All, The subject dasha takes into consideration the rashi chart to predict troubles for people. Since the lagna is same for nearly a couple of hrs, people born during this 2hrs with same date and time will all be facing troubles or there is something else beyond this. Can anyone give whether we need to incorporate some other divisional chart also with this to check the results or the story of troubles is same for all the people born during the same day, hr and mins at different places. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  19. Dear Mr.Shridhar, I use JHora 72 and it generates how close are the planets to their Mrityubhaga degrees.It also generates the same for houses as well. For eg if lagna is cancer 20deg then 7th house will be capricorn which will be around 20deg as well. Now capricorn 20deg is close to its MB. I have seen a table somewhere in the net showing MBs of planets and lagna, but not of houses, but this software gives how a particular house due to the sign is close MBs related to it. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  20. Dear Mr.Shridhar, Thanks for your reply. What does the Mrityubhaga of houses mean. I am using JHora and with planets it shows of house as well. Does it mean that the particular house is destroyed and the person will not reap the benefits of that house? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  21. Dear Pandeyji, Thanks for your reply. I am a learner and I came across this topic shortly. Therefore I was curious to know do we take +ve tolerance or negative tolerance and within what numeric. Other issues also has to be considered as well. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  22. Hello All, While taking into consideration whether a particular planet or house comes within the range of Mrityubhaga, what should be the tolerance taken to determine whether a planet is close to Mrityubhaga or not. For eg. someone's Venus is 11.8 deg Gemini. Will the planet be consider in Mrityubhaga or not? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  23. Namaste all, What are the combinations that one should look in the chart to determine divorce/separation both in Rashi and Navamsha chart? Regards/ Coolgimmy
  24. Namaste Shashikaranji, Do we see the placement of A7 and UL in rashi chart or navamsha chart? In Mr.Sharma's chart if one looks at the Navamsha there are some defects in addition to the rashi factors that you outlined. In rashi the Mars in 8th house can also be one of the factor, but in Navamsha the reasons cud be: 1.Mars and Rahu aspecting 2nd from UL. Rahu in 1/7axis in Navamsha. 2. The second house from UL is A6. I managed to read from one article of Shri. P.V.Rao on Navamsha where in he mentioned that if A6 or 3rd,5th or 9th from A6 are in 2nd,7th and 11th from UL one has to be careful regarding the relations. 3. AL and Venus(significator of spouse) having 6/8relationship in Navamsha. 4. UL in the same house with A6 in the rashi chart. Please send your comments on the above, but whatever leads to divorce cases is a combined effect of rashi and navamsha charts and if one is good and other is bad then the result is a mixed effect, but the couples still carry on. Regards/ Coolgimmy
  25. Namaste Shashikaranji, I also do not understand why AL is used for timing death when during death the body is destroyed and not the soul. In shoola dasha analysis also AL is considered as a reference for troubles. But the threads of this site pertaining to divorce or separation I have seen some things to some extent common and that is: 1.Mars aspecting 7th or 8th house rashi. 2.AL/UL in 2/12 relation in rashi 3. Atmakaraka and Darakaraka are bitter enemies or in 2/12 relations in Navamsha. I have here one of my colleagues chart and who is having relationship troubles. Her DOB is 16,OCT 1,1983, 13.00PM, Vadodara. If the Navamsha is seen, then one of the above rules applies here as well the seventh lord is affllicted in Navamsha. Even the 2nd and 7th from UL has maleific aspects. I strongly feel she is going to marry a colleague at work place. Could u please analyse and give your analysis on the overall picture of her married life. She is not married as yet. Regards. Coolgimmy
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