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Posts posted by Subala

  1. Hare Krishna Everyone,


    I wonder if there any references in a vedic literatures about varnas which are not or between 4 main asramas. I thought snataka is one of them (i could be mistaken).


    Everybody knows brahmacarya, grihastha, vanaprastha, sannyas.... Say brahmacari serves in house of guru and as SP says sometimes he remains in service of Guru whole life... then wait a minute... whole life? Say guru passes away, what happens to our brahmacari? Becomes a guru? or continues with his service, but there and how? There is not ISKCON temples in "ancient india" people (saints) live in forest... What happens with our brahmacari whose guru not present?


    Just wondering. So can i assume that there are classes of people who never marry and not live with a guru, ie single man (and some women, well women a different topic because in "old times" they were not able to move around so much...).

    It is not an assumption - this things happening anyway in now days. I just want to find some evidence to this "5th asrama". I would say divorce man/women can be part of it as well.



    Anyone has anything to add to this?



  2. thank you unregistered impersonal for this quote...


    >>>>Shiva is not devotee of Vishnu, He Himself is part of Vishnu. Hari Hara betham or discrimination is the biggest papa people of Kali ...

    Jagadguru Sankaracharya inhis commentaries .....



    you are in a wrong forum dear mayavadi....





  3. it is depending on one's indigestion and one make own's opinion about Krishna and Rama eating meat or having rasa dance.


    If you really like eating fish and you really want to be devotee of Rama (or pretend to be) you will find a guru (or writer) who translated ramayana and telling you Rama ate "ganga prasad" so can you.....


    Krishna had rasa dance - and we also have rasa dance.... it is a same side of the same coin.


    Garuda eating snakes, Garuda is Visnu carrier - does it mean Visnu sometimes have urgent need to eat some snakes too - then he flying on Garuda he may get hungry, garuda may feed him some "deep fried snake burger"???


    all this discussion Rama ate meat, Rama ate Shurpanaka is all production of the mental factory. This is why we listen to the Acharya and "speak as I have spoken and do as I have done".


    Sorry for over-the-board logic examples....





  4. I belive every devotee has been asked this question in some shape or form - if they were preaching out there.


    If you analyze there are handful questions/challenges people have which can be answered/smashed/explained by expert preacher.


    I thought it is a good ground to lay down the frame work to answer this challenges in a simple way so common people can relate to.



  5. Thank you Siva


    description of subconcous mind -




    ".....And what will be accomplished with this habit? Herein lies the hidden secret of all man’s accomplishments. As I repeat the words daily they will soon become a part of my active mind, but more important, they will also seep into my other mind, that mysterious source which never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often makes me act in ways I do not comprehend.


    As the words of these scrolls are consumed by my mysterious mind I will begin to awake, each morning, with a vitality I have never known before. My vigor will increase, my enthusiasm will rise, my desire to meet the world will overcome every fear I once knew at sunrise, and I will be happier than I ever believed it possible to be in this world of strife and sorrow.





    I read/heard lots of descriptions of subconscous mind and not to bother you about it -


    I believe subconscous mind is Paramatma Himself. Wich guiding atma through its course of life. Anumanta and upadrista.


    Sanctioning and observing the deeds of atma.


    I still take it with a grain of salt for I still looking for direct reference... by the way BG 15.15 is closest I seen.


  6. I read about it in many different places (besides SP books)


    Can anyone help me to research this topic or provide references from SP books, your guru or vedas etc...


    Please back up your evidences, because there is so much on this topic was written/spoken.


    subconscious mind - is it paramatma or some other material element?

  7. I thought it may be very interesting to share....


    From - Daily thoughts, by Mukunda Goswami for his students....




    Happiest Place in the World?


    Some of you will have seen Innertain.tv's "Happiest Place" item, and may have

    wondered where they got their information from. The following article from The

    Deccan Herald, a highly respected newspaper, was the source material.


    "London: Would you believe it, Bangladesh is the happiest nation in the world!

    The United States, on the other hand, is a sad story: it ranks only 46th in the

    World Happiness Survey.

    That's way behind India, the fifth happiest place in the world, and others

    including Ghana and Latvia, Croatia and Estonia. Research led by London School

    of Economics professors into the link between personal spending power and the

    perceived quality of life has conclusively proved that money can buy everything

    but happiness.

    The study revealed that people in Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries

    in the world, derive far more happiness from their small incomes than, for

    example, the British (32nd on the list) do from their relatively large bank


    In fact, people in most rich countries including Austria, Netherlands,

    Switzerland, Canada, Japan and others are much unhappier than their poorer

    counterparts in countries like the Dominican Republic and Armenia.

    Most unfortunate, however, are Russians and people in some other parts of

    the former Soviet Union. They are neither rich nor happy, indicates the World

    Happiness Survey.

    Slovenia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria and

    Moldova follow the United States in the list to bring up the rear. The study

    shows that although the British have twice as much money to spend in real terms

    compared with 40 years ago, their perceived quality of life has not improved.

    Earlier surveys revealed that many Britons thought money could bring

    happiness. The new study shows that such a link still exists in poor countries

    because a small increase in income can mean large improvements in lifestyle.

    However, beyond a certain income-level that direct

    relationship breaks down. According to the research, happiness in rich countries

    now is far more dependent on close personal relationships, good health and job


    "People in Britain are generally less happy than they were ten years ago.

    Two-thirds would rather see the environment improved than have more economic

    growth and personal spending money", said Robert Worcester, visiting professor

    of government at the LSE and co-author of the study.

    The researchers have concluded that although Britons are rich compared with

    most other countries, many suffer from an emotional poverty caused by

    consumerism and the breakdown of family life.

    "We are being seduced by an economic juggernaut and our

    personal needs are not being met", said Nic Marks, a social sciences researcher

    at Surrey University who also worked on the report."



  8. 1. Purity of Ganges

    2. Chastity of the gopies

    3. About your mother

    4. About your Guru


    ..list goes on.


    Just 4 from a top of my head - about this things any devotee should not argue if questioned by anyone. If one does argue about this topics he is insulting them.


    One's mother may brought one up from the prostitution profession but you never discuss it in public or discredit her. Same with a Guru. Even common riksa-valla will not discuss about his guru who tought him about pulling his 1st riksa. This is common sense.



  9. /clap


    very nice post!


    I saved it and probably use it in future (like slip into the mail to the girl I may wish to marry so she can read it)





    PS. But yes - it is very nice post. Man usually quote the part of women is created to serve the man... and forgeting what man is supposed to do.... like man without vision (goal in life) shall perish. There is much more but this post is really needs to be somewhere on matrimonial page somewhere....



  10. Regarding Swami vivekananda attracting to boys sounds pretty redicules, and i would agree on that.


    Regarding Vyasa ramayana and Rama and Sita eating meat.... boy! where from you getting this information??? One thing for sure the point which you are missing


    1. Vivekananda does not belong to any Paramapara = this negates any statements he makes be they from veda or from vyasa or from his beard.... he is are not part of parampara! Broke people cannot help poor people to get unbroke! Only rich person can help someone how to become rich. Same way with a spiritual values.


    2. Rama and Sita eating meat?! The Ramayana you were reading is translated by meateater - go and check it, it is a best way to prove.


    Even if suppose Rama eat meat - it does mean you have to eat it too or listen to people who eat meat because Ramaaaa! aaate meat toooo! He can do that, He is Bhagavan - He can eat whole earth - we not imitating Bhagavan we are His servants. he can do whatever He likes and How He likes we may not understand why God is God.


    In my opinion people who qoute about Lord Rama eating something are misled and using it as excuse to eat filth. Eating meat is worse that eating your own stool, and you saying "even Lord Rama" was eating this.... common no masala in somebodies head?!



    PS. sorry for too harsh language, I can stand people being ignorant - but I cannot stand people who is stupid and trying to spread it.

  11. mlee-ch-ha



    In Srimad Bhagavatam there is a verse -



    TEXT 18





    abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah

    ye 'nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah

    sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah




    kirata--a province of old Bharata; huna--part of Germany and Russia; andhra--a province of southern India; pulinda--the Greeks; pulkasah--another province; abhira--part of old Sind; sumbhah--another province; yavanah--the Turks; khasa-adayah--the Mongolian province; ye--even those; anye--others; ca--also; papah--addicted to sinful acts; yat--whose; apasraya-asrayah--having taken shelter of the devotees of the Lord; sudhyanti--at once purified; tasmai--unto Him; prabhavisnave--unto the powerful Visnu; namah--my respectful obeisances.




    Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana, members of the Khasa races and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power. I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.






    Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the

    Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as

    the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal

    Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province

    named Kirata.

    Huna: The area of East Germany and part of Russia is known as

    the province of the Hunas. Accordingly, sometimes a kind of hill

    tribe is known as the Hunas.

    Andhra: A province in southern India mentioned in the

    Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. It is still extant under the same


    Pulinda: It is mentioned in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 174.38),

    viz., the inhabitants of the province of the name Pulinda. This

    country was conquered by Bhimasena and Sahadeva. The Greeks are

    known as Pulindas, and it is mentioned in the Vana-parva of

    Mahabharata that the non-Vedic race of this part of the world

    would rule over the world. This Pulinda province was also one of

    the provinces of Bharata, and the inhabitants were classifiedamongst the ksatriya kings. But later on, due to their giving up

    the brahminical culture, they were mentioned as mlecchas (just as

    those who are not followers of the Islamic culture are called

    kafirs and those who are not followers of the Christian culture

    are called heathens).

    Abhira: This name also appears in the Mahabharata, both in the

    Sabha-parva and Bhisma-parva. It is mentioned that this province

    was situated on the River Sarasvati in Sind. The modern Sind

    province formerly extended on the other side of the Arabian Sea,

    and all the inhabitants of that province were known as the

    Abhiras. They were under the domination of Maharaja Yudhisthira,

    and according to the statements of Markandeya the mlecchas of this

    part of the world would also rule over Bharata. Later on this

    proved to be true, as in the case of the Pulindas. On behalf of

    the Pulindas, Alexander the Great conquered India, and on behalf

    of the Abhiras, Muhammad Ghori conquered India. These Abhiras were

    also formerly ksatriyas within the brahminical culture, but they

    gave up the connection. The ksatriyas who were afraid of

    Parasurama and had hidden themselves in the Caucasian hilly

    regions later on became known as the Abhiras, and the place theyinhabited was known as Abhiradesa.

    Sumbhas or Kankas: The inhabitants of the Kanka province of old

    Bharata, mentioned in the Mahabharata.

    Yavanas: Yavana was the name of one of the sons of Maharaja

    Yayati who was given the part of the world known as Turkey to

    rule. Therefore the Turks are Yavanas due to being descendants of

    Maharaja Yavana. The Yavanas were therefore ksatriyas, and later

    on, by giving up the brahminical culture, they became

    mleccha-yavanas. Descriptions of the Yavanas are in the

    Mahabharata (Adi-parva 85.34). Another prince called Turvasu was

    also known as Yavana, and his country was conquered by Sahadeva,

    one of the Pandavas. The western Yavana joined with Duryodhana in

    the Battle of Kuruksetra under the pressure of Karna. It is also

    foretold that these Yavanas also would conquer India, and it

    proved to be true.

    Khasa: The inhabitants of the Khasadesa are mentioned in the

    Mahabharata (Drona-parva). Those who have a stunted growth of hair

    on the upper lip are generally called Khasas. As such, the Khasa

    are the Mongolians, the Chinese and others who are so designated.

    The above-mentioned historical names are different nations ofthe world. Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts

    are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they

    take shelter of the devotees of the Lord. Jesus Christ and

    Muhammad, two powerful devotees of the Lord, have done tremendous

    service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe. And

    from the version of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami it appears that instead

    of running a godless civilization in the present context of the

    world situation, if the leadership of world affairs is entrusted

    to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide organization

    under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna

    Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the

    Almighty Lord there can be a thorough change of heart in human

    beings all over the world because the devotees of the Lord are

    able authorities to effect such a change by purifying the

    dust-worn minds of the people in general. The politicians of the

    world may remain in their respective positions because the pure

    devotees of the Lord are not interested in political leadership or

    diplomatic implications. The devotees are interested only in

    seeing that the people in general are not misguided by political

    propaganda and in seeing that the valuable life of a human beingis not spoiled in following a type of civilization which is

    ultimately doomed. If the politicians, therefore, would be guided

    by the good counsel of the devotees, then certainly there would be

    a great change in the world situation by the purifying propaganda

    of the devotees, as shown by Lord Caitanya. As Sukadeva Gosvami

    began his prayer by discussing the word yat-kirtanam, so also Lord

    Caitanya recommended that simply by glorifying the Lord's holy

    name, a tremendous change of heart can take place by which the

    complete misunderstanding between the human nations created by

    politicians can at once be extinguished. And after the extinction

    of the fire of misunderstanding, other profits will follow. The

    destination is to go back home, back to Godhead, as we have

    several times discussed in these pages.

    According to the cult of devotion, generally known as the

    Vaisnava cult, there is no bar against anyone's advancing in the

    matter of God realization. A Vaisnava is powerful enough to turn

    into a Vaisnava even the Kirata, etc., as above mentioned. In the

    ▼Bhagavad-gita (9.32) it is said by the Lord that there is no bar

    to becoming a devotee of the Lord (even for those who are lowborn,

    or women, sudras or vaisyas), and by becoming a devotee everyoneis eligible to return home, back to Godhead. The only

    qualification is that one take shelter of a pure devotee of the

    Lord who has thorough knowledge in the transcendental science of

    Krsna (Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam). Anyone from any part

    of the world who becomes well conversant in the science of Krsna

    becomes a pure devotee and a spiritual master for the general mass

    of people and may reclaim them by purification of heart. Though a

    person be even the most sinful man, he can at once be purified by

    systematic contact with a pure Vaisnava. A Vaisnava, therefore,

    can accept a bona fide disciple from any part of the world without

    any consideration of caste and creed and promote him by regulative

    principles to the status of a pure Vaisnava who is transcendental

    to brahminical culture. The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma,

    is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the

    system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional

    function in the present context of social, political and economic

    revolution. Without any reference to the particular custom of a

    country, one can be accepted to the Vaisnava cult spiritually, and

    there is no hindrance in the transcendental process. So by the

    order of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the cult ofSrimad-Bhagavatam or the Bhagavad-gita can be preached all over

    the world, reclaiming all persons willing to accept the

    transcendental cult. Such cultural propaganda by the devotees will

    certainly be accepted by all persons who are reasonable and

    inquisitive, without any particular bias for the custom of the

    country. The Vaisnava never accepts another Vaisnava on the basis

    of birthright, just as he never thinks of the Deity of the Lord in

    a temple as an idol. And to remove all doubts in this connection,

    Srila Sukadeva Gosvami has invoked the blessings of the Lord, who

    is all-powerful (prabhavisnave namah). As the all-powerful Lord

    accepts the humble service of His devotee in devotional activities

    of the arcana His form as the worshipable Deity in the temple,

    similarly the body of a pure Vaisnava changes transcendentally at

    once when he gives himself up to the service of the Lord and is

    trained by a qualified Vaisnava. The injunction of Vaisnava

    regulation in this connection runs as follows: arcye visnau

    sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati-buddhih sri-visnor namni

    sabda-samanya-buddhih, etc. "One should not consider the Deity of

    the Lord as worshiped in the temple to be an idol, nor should one

    consider the authorized spiritual master an ordinary man. Norshould one consider a pure Vaisnava to belong to a particular

    caste, etc." (Padma Purana)

    The conclusion is that the Lord, being all-powerful, can, under

    any and every circumstance, accept anyone from any part of the

    world, either personally or through His bona fide manifestation as

    the spiritual master. Lord Caitanya accepted many devotees from

    communities other than the varnasramites, and He Himself declared,

    to teach us, that He does not belong to any caste or social order

    of life, but that He is the eternal servant of the servant of the

    Lord who maintains the damsels of Vrndavana (Lord Krsna). That is

    the way of self-realization.


  12. Hare Krishna Christopher,


    Krishna didn't reserved only to Prabhupada to be the "only way" to back to Godhead, but it is just like in games many teams playing in a league and there are only 1 winning team. It may not be perfect, but it is a winning team.


    So in this age there is only 1 winning team right now conquiring the ignorance in this world - is followers of HDG Prabhupada. And anyone who is on this winning team IS going to win at the end and get a medal.


    It doesn't mean other teams won't - it is just personal preference on which team you want to be. Winning team or 2nd best or 3rd best....




  13. instead of chanting 20 extra rounds of Nitai - Gour -- better chant 20 more rounds of hare krishna,


    don't change it. Why, because 2-3 generations from you (in case of you becomming popular and guru with many disciples) people will stop chanting hare krishna and will be chanting gaur-nita japa, and it will be one more very nice apasampradaya.


    Or even if you chant it now - some neophite devotee will see you and say why chant hare krishna - we will chant nitaigaur now.


    Keep it pure, if you want to be be a good follower.


    Prabhupada gave us all we need.




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