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Posts posted by deepa.bhandari

  1. I am a 32/f/del teacher, born on 14 Nov 1975, 0258 hrs, new delhi.


    I would like to know what health/family problems can I have during ketu mahadasha? How worse can this be? Is there a seperation from family in the offing? Will this dasha affect me financially also? Pls suggest remedies also.


    Important dates - marriage - 18 Sept 1996

    Job - 14 July 1998 (till today same job, same post)

    Daughter - 09 Feb 2001


    Thanks (deepa.bhandari@gmail.com)

  2. He is a librarian. Has been through business loss. Now settled in this profession since 2.5 years. Is extremely persistent upon settling in australia. Has done M Com and M Lib.


    5 October 1971, 0330 hrs, delhi.


    Sir, is he going to be spiritual bcos of ketu in 12th house? What is the effect of moon in eighth house in the case of simha lagna? (as moon lords 12th house and sits in eighth) Can simha lagna people wear diamond as shukra rules their tenth and 3rd house? (as in this person's case shukra is dbltd)


    Pls forgive my immature knowledge. Thanks for your help.


    (USR ji, you have aptly replied to that girl for being silly. Her post must be deleted.)

  3. Thank you for the info, this peice of information was known to me, as also the characteristics of planets, the natural relationships that they share with each other, the functional relations they have for a specific lagna or horoscope, their strengths, I know of nakshatras and their lords as also deciphering Systems Approach analysis upon natal and transits, the importance of navamsa, shad bala etc. i have read inexhaustively upon the subject. But my approach has been wrong, I am reading in bits and pieces and without a teacher. I have also been selfishly guided by specific things associated only with the horoscopes of my own people.


    After being sharply but correctly rectified by a respectable member here, I am humbled. I must say, vedic astrology is the truth of life - its an amazingly interesting and captivating study - and if i am able to manage time from my duties and some tensions - I will definitely be pursuing it as a study - and that too under the guidance of your good self as well as a few others.


    Indeed I admire the great qualities that you people have - in delving out time and wisdom for the better of mankind - that too free! (who does that!)


    Like hundreds of others who must have benefitted from here, I am also forever grateful to you, sir.


    Best wishes to you too!



  4. My super-georgeous and very successful businesswoman mother was born on 7 August 1952 in Jaipur at 1452 hrs. She is a busy socialite and very popular too.


    Lately however, she is having rough times in her business, she is very worried about her son's career, and mainly all this is affecting her already not-so-good health.


    She has had 8 abortions during her initial married life which has badly affected her health. She always has too much pain in her legs (20 years!) Also for many many years she suffered from migraine but not any more.


    Presently, she is addicted to laxatives, has pills for high blood pressure, and the leg pain never ends.


    Please do suggest remedies for her long, healthy life.


    Best regards,

    Deepa Bhandari

  5. Respected all,


    KIndly enlighten me on a very basic principle of astrology (I am trying to learn on my own). Are lords of 6/8/12 houses better placed in their own houses or is it better if they are weak? I mean suppose like Narsingh ji,if a simha lagna person has a strong jupiter in 8th house (own house)- is that good that 8th house lord is peaceful or supremely bad because now he is stronger?


    In such cases, do gems increase power (as in debilitated planets) or do gems pacify angry malefics (such as suppose ketu in the house of sun?)


    I read somewhere that gems increase power of the planet whereas for graha shanti one must do alternate remedies such as donating specific things on specific days, etc.


    I would be grateful for a reply as in my own case - lord of 12th house (sun) sits debilitated in house of gains(2nd house). In this case, should i wear a gemstone to increase sun's power or not? (The problem is that my janma nakshatra is also poorva bhadrapada (lord-sun) so I guess in my case a debilitated sun brings down my horoscope significantly.


    Thanks all and my regards

  6. Kapil ji,


    Thanks for the info. I was also confused with all this and you seem to have given me a synopsis of the whole thing. However, its vital for all gem users to mention how they feel their stones have affected or not affected them.


    Here is my contribution - (14 nov 1975, 2.58 am, delhi, female) - Kanya lagna - so i started wearing a 5.25 carat emerald just recently. Believe me i have gained inner strength - i used to give absolutely no weightage to my own self in my relationship with my husband - and was also getting affected with adversities very easily.


    WHile there is no controversy that emerald is good for kanya lagna, i am also wearing a 0.6 carat clear, white diamond to appease a debilitated venus in lagna. I CAN FEEL RAISED EYEBROWS! This suggestion was given to me by a very learned astrologer- he strengthened my first house ( a natural benefic) and made me recieve more materialistically. Should I remove it?

  7. Dear Sir,


    KIndly bless my daughter with vidya daan through remedies- ALso if you could just let me know if any graha shanti is required?


    Female - 09-Feb-2001, 1331 hours, delhi


    she is a chanchal girl very sweet but very very fussy about everything. SHe is underweight too.


    She is intelligent and thinks much beyond her 7 years, but not at all hard working - PLS SUGGEST REMEDY AND BLESS MY BABY!

  8. Jai Sai Ram to all respected people here.


    Will Jupiter in debilitation (in gochara) adversely affect all of us? Are there cases where it can be auspicuous? I know of a wonderful lady whose jupiter is akaraka and positioned in sixth house (vrishchika lagna). SHe is also undergoing Jupiter antardasha in the mahadasha of budha.


    KIndly suggest remedies.


    Also, for simha lagna people (jupiter is lord of eighth house) - what if it occupies the eighth house (own sign) and dasha also of jupiter? Is this jupiter transit good for them? (as jupiter also becomes lord of sukha bhava)


    Should such people wear pukhraj?


    Thanks and regards

  9. Dear Sirs, (USR and SS ji)


    I bow at your feet for the prasad of your jyotish vaani on my query. I am greatly indebted and shall pay heed to whatever you have suggested.


    Shri USR ji, I humbly accept the fact that you dont intend answering the effects of ketu mahadasha. I am not at all an astrolger - just too worried about what I was told about my own horoscope. I have replied to 2 people but at that time my family astrologer was with me, guiding me.


    Sir, please do bless me to be well prepared for all that has to come.


    Very many thanks,


    Best regards


    Deepa Bhandari

  10. Dear all,


    I am new here but very grateful to people who have helped me out. My brother was born on 21 may 1974 at 1725 hrs in delhi.


    he is very very fat, unable to earn much, has an excellent wife and son. Is able to maintain good life style as mother is a great businesswoman and father is managing house expenses.


    however, he is prone to depression, indulges in food n drink, is basically a very good human being. Pls suggest remedy as he is going through a very bad career phase (share market)


    is this because of moon in eighth house or rahu mahadasha or multiple planets in eighth house? exalted lagnesh in sixth? My mother remains emotionally disturbed for him. will be grateful for help...

  11. Thanks a ton for the support!


    marriage - 18 sep 1996

    job - 14 july 1998 (i am still in the same place as a teacher)

    daughter born on 9 feb 2001

    ketu antardasha brings ill health without proper diagnosis. after antardasha got over recently, suddenly health became normal?!

    My major problem is a complete emotional/physical cut off wth my husband (4 nov 1971 1935 hrs delhi)i fear he might seperate and is least interested in giving me any financial support. he takes away my salary too.

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