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Posts posted by deepa.bhandari

  1. Chinu,


    Be positive. Forget Kaal Sarpa Yoga. You have planets on the other side of rahu-ketu axis. Even if we take it as a blemish, it doesnt affect your married life.


    Good actions + bhaav bhakti should tide you through.


    Wish you luck


  2. Respected USR ji,


    Ketu appeasement is urgent for longevity issues. I didnt want to mention it. Shani's power isnt too much and since its working both ways for the native, I thought why touch it.


    Again, thank you for correcting my perspective. Really, thank you!





    Vipin ji, let him take enough experience or working experience at any pay. Wait sometime for business to avoid mental worry.

  3. Mars is your nakshatra lord, yogkaraka, happy in ascendant, in own house and in 10th in navamsa, lord of 5th and placed in 9th in dasamsa. It will tide you through life nicely. Wear a red coral to augment its strength.


    Saturn in ascendant (dbltd in navamsa) is totally against your marriage even though aspecting the 7th house. Its antardasha and also this period of kantaka shani is likely to keep you more worried for an year and a half atleast. In fact you were even born during kantaka shani. Recite Hanuman chalisa in the evening if you are a male. Burn sesame oil lamp in hanuman/shani temple on saturdays.


    You are practical, and know how to keep your mind stable. Guard yourself against constipation/piles


    Take it this way - DAMN GOOD YOU DIDNT GET MARRIED TILL 28, you are a manglik (thats not really bad) so you shouldnt have got married earlier. Match horoscope before you get married.




  4. Revered USRji,


    Very grateful to you for the insight. You always share your knowledge and experience in a warm, positive way. I apologise for having slightly misunderstood you, though I never took it in wrong spirit.


    There are many things I looked at in this chart. I still do not know whether Rahu exalts in taurus or gemini as there are mixed views.


    Lagnesh Mars is not only very well placed in 5th, but conjunction with an exalted Venus and Debilitated Jupiter in 3rd (parashara equates this to a great dhana yoga)- both the latter planets sharing quite closely the same degree as lagna lord. Moody temperament counters Saturn's ability to harden the heart. In only one aspect I find Saturn good (actually) - is that it saved the native from major emotional crisis of an 8th house moon. Atmakaraka Sun in 3rd house in lagna chart ensures wealth and great friends. In Navamsa AK sits in 9th house. Navamsa lagna being 5th from AK focuses makes the 5th house the most important aspect of the chart.


    I would still suggest saturn to remain heavy upon ascendant as it aids in counter-balancing 8th house moon which troubles a lot more. Not only that, moon renders 9th house dead in lagna chart. That is the reason I suggested empowering Ketu (its 0n 00.29.04 degrees only) through 9-mukhi rudraksha to balance the first house.


    If the native learns humility and freedom from ego, this can help spiritual growth too.


    Your comments, sirs




  5. Vipinji,


    Shani in Maraka Sthana destroys the significance of the houses it lords - in this case - the 3rd and 4th houses. Being 3rd house lord also, shani becomes malefic for the chart. Moon - the primary significator of mother is in the worst placement - 8th house. The native lost his mother. Exalted Venus in 5th house - mathematics had to be strong. I am not very sure but may be mechanical engineering wasnt the best choice. However, I am sure, there is no major problem with career or marriage.

  6. Respected Sir,


    Greetings. I agree with your view. Being an amateur I could not have pointed out many aspects which were not clear to me - such as

    1. how does the venus debilitation get cancelled, there is a vipareeta raj yoga yet there isnt any neech-bhanga yoga I could see.

    2. Moon chart puts sun+mer+venus in 7th = the native must be very desirous of getting married, why wouldnt he?

    3. Ketu in 6th house will act as moon - dangerous for kumbha lagna - being posited in 6th house - i doubt if the native will be happy enough to pursue spirituality. Upcoming Ketu dasha also shows loss of sukha bhava

    4. Except the exaltation of 8th house lord Mercury in 8th house itself which does form a vipareet raja yoga, I dont see any major yogas to substantiate the claim of the native becoming a true sadhaka - look at the dashas coming up - 6th house ketu dasha which is quite afflicted with aspects from various houses + 8th house dasha of atmakaraka Venus (which is also very very weak)


    I dont know if I am on the right track - but I do conclude that a fair amount of intuition is an absolute must for an astrologer to predict accurately. This has to be developed through techniques. Lest we sway in the direction of our own mindset and impressions...


    Exhilirating to know abt effects of 8th lord in tenth. There is no question of the remotest comparison with Shri Vajpayee, but I was actually enquiring about my own chart.




  7. Respected Sir,


    In case you are asking for the person who analysed the chart - well, he just has a username - SA. This horoscope was an example as a part of an online training module and they havent mentioned whose chart this is.


    WHile on this, may I ask you a very simple question? Mars is malefic for virgo ascendant. Suppose, in a virgo ascendant chart, Mars is vargottam, what does it mean? Does that mean Mars will gain more power and become even worst for the native or will the effect be balanced? In this case, Mars is in tenth in lagna and navamsa.


    Thank you in advance




  8. The final analyses by the proposer of this Quiz-


    Native b. 3.10.1971 at 4.47 pm, New Delhi


    Aquarius rising in Rahu's star, and Pisces in navamsa. Saturn, lord of 12th and 1st is placed strongly in the 4th, and fortifies the lagna. Rahu (star lord) is placed in the 12th in Saturn's sign with exalted Mars. The navamsa ascendant is Pisces, with Jupiter aspecting it. Saturn (lord of lagna in the rasi chart) is debilitated in navamsa but associated with friend Mercury.

    The first house is therefore strong and confers great vitality to the native.


    The 2nd house is aspected by Venus, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and has the full Moon. In navamsa, 2nd lord Jupiter is located in a kendra, in Mercury's house. When considering the 4th house, Saturn in retrogression and exactly opposing Jupiter, and this is the most striking aspect of the chart.


    Based on the analysis of the 1st and 2nd houses, one may say that the native is tall on account of Saturn and Rahu influences. Considering 6th house influences of Mars, Ketu, Rahu and Saturn digestion may be poor despite the

    aspect of Jupiter. Yet, with Mars strongly placed renders the native with good physical health.


    The influences on the 2nd house indicate a pleasing countenance, and the ability of sweet speech (madhura vakya). The aspect of Mars on 2nd from Moon, and Saturn in Aries in 2nd from navamsa lagna might confer a certain element of

    sarcasm and tact. The aspect of Venus, Mercury on a Full moon aspected by Jupiter can also give abilities in singing, speech (oratory). Jupiter's aspect from the 10th may also give vak-siddhi, if the person is an astrologer.


    The native is not likely to have any younger siblings given the afflictions to the 3rd house, from Moon and Lagna. Saturn in the 4th with Venus in the 8th may suggest malefic effects on mother's health, but Venus' cancellation of debility and the aspect of strong Jupiter will offset that. (since this is a daytime birth Venus governs mother, and is also 4th lord). The overall strength of the 4th house allows the native to earn a lot of money and live a comfortable life.


    The affliction exerted by Mars on the 2nd from Moon and 7th from Ascendant, along with its placement with incendiary Rahu in Capricorn are enough to deter marital happiness.


    The placement of planets in the 8th and 12th are not conducive for a mundane existence. Consequently, the lords of the 7th, 8th, and 9th house in the 8th, and the lord 3rd and 10th in the 12th with Rahu points to occult tendencies, including astrology. The influence of Rahu, who is said to be strong in Capricorn, is notable as it may predispose the native to also dabble in tantric/mantric practises, meditation, reiki etc - which may be considered beyond the realm of astrology per se. Given that the 5th lord is exalted in the 8th, and Ketu in the 5th in the Moon's house, the person is worldly-wise, and may be able to read people's minds also to an extent and is probably a very good judge of character.


    The 7th lord Sun is in the 8th. In navamsa, he is the 6th lord in the 3rd and in a parivartana with Venus. From Moon, the 7th house has 6th,7th and 8th lords. Venus as a karaka for marriage blemishes the 7th. Similarly, Mercury (lord of 7th in rasi) is associated with debilitated Saturn. Mercury-Venus may have given rise to marital opportunities but they may not have fructified, and in Mercury-Sun the native may have decided not to pursue marriage, and instead concentrate on the higher aspects of life. This sort of wisdom also comes from the Sun.


    The 7th house by itself is actually free from aspects or influence, and

    given the benefic aspects of the 2nd may be conducive to inter-personal relationships. The person may have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.


    The 10th house is the best feature of this chart. Saturn and Jupiter in perfect opposition almost at bhavamadhya. 10th lord Mars exalted. From Moon, Jupiter is lord of lagna and 10th placed in 9th, with the 2nd and 9th lord Mars exalted in 11th. This gives rise to a powerful dhanayoga, and the person will be very wealthy.


    The strong planets for this chart are Mars and Jupiter, and also Saturn. Venus and Moon are weak, but Sun is a malefics for this chart. Jupiter,

    despite his 11th house lordship, will not do bad.


    The current operating dasa is Mercury (16.4.1994 to 17.4.2010). Jupiter's transit at end of this year will be during Mercury-Venus/Sun/Moon, and will give better results during Mercury-Mars which starts in May 2009. Mercury-Rahu may see the person attain more perfection in the occult arts. The remainder of Mercury dasa will be good. Ketu dasa may see an increase in hidden enemies, loss of prestige, but since Jupiter aspects his house of exaltation with the 6th lord attaining a trikona from his house, these will be moderated and the native will be able to overcome those obstacles. Venus being weak, the dasa of Venus will be moderate. But bear in mind, that Venus dasa operates for 20 years therefore the initial antardashas of Venus, Sun, Moon will be long. At that time, transits of Jupiter and Saturn will have a huge bearing on the greatness this chart will attain.


    This is definitely an unusual chart, and given the placement of Saturn and Jupiter in kendras, one that is destined for great success.

  9. Respected Sir,

    These points were made by someone else with whom the discussions are in progress. I am only following the discussion and not participating at all.


    1. Kumbha Lagna, lagna Nakshtra is Satabishaka, lorded by Rahu (good friend of Saturn) and sub Lorded by Mars (another friendly planet to Saturn.) So Saturn should surely act as a benefic planet for the native.

    2.Saturn would be a benefic for this chart and a decisive player in the subject's life...that would be due to its placement in the nakshatra of moon and possessing sub lordship of rahu.



    However, after reading your comments, I find that shastiamsa remains the same even if D-60 lagna alters. The planetary combinations alter but shastiamsa doesnt change. So I think you must be right that Saturn is malefic.



  10. Dear Eshwar,


    I am aware that kaliyug came to an end in 2006 February and this phase of transition to Satya-yug supposedly on 21 Dec 2012, can spell disaster due to Mars-Saturn war. However, lets all change spiritually anyways. I am sure nobody can predict accurately in this matter.



  11. thanks for the replies! Paul I agree with you,


    vipin- look again. According to me, all the malefics listed by you are actually benefics. Look deeper - this chart has a purpose.


    I would like to mention that I have no idea whose chart this is. I am on the same boat as you all are.


    Awaiting Sasisekaran ji's comments.


    Regards to all

  12. Should she wear a neelam to augment yogkarak shani in bhagya sthana? Its either the fight between budha and mangal (triggered by rahu-mangal) or the 6th house dasha (which puts 5th house as that of loss) which might have triggereg all this.


    Shani_Mangal conjunction shd have made her tuff nut from the beginning.


    quite strange..i am waiting for others to reply

  13. The order of good or bad results is the same that we follow for atmakaraka - exalted-friend-neutral-enemy-debilitated.


    It depends upon the aspects too. Since jupiter signifies guru, marriage in case of females, etc - results will vary with other planetary aspects and jupiter's relation in the natal chart with the planets sitting in those houses.


    rastaban, you will end up being a jack of all and master of none - JUST LIKE ME. Lets do a basic vedic-astro course first. And pls dont begin with your stain-gun of hundred more questions which i need to read ten times to understand.



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