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Posts posted by deepa.bhandari

  1. Dear Raul_ad,


    1. You may like to go in for a Shankpaal Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti. I dont believe in Kaal sarp dosh myself as I have seen people lead normal lives even without shanti puja. However, since yours is an extreme case, pls get it done. For your information, I am appending a text from a book for the same -

    Shankpaal Kaalsarpa Yoga

    When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native may have to face difficulties for domestic happiness, general happiness, comfort and conveyance. The native gets trouble relating to work, progeny, health and marriage. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains if Sun and 10th house are strong and are being aspected by benefics.


    2. Recite this reverese beej mahamrityunjaya mantra to reverse your destiny - Pls dont misunderstand the mantra's name. No threat to your life as such.


    Om Jum Sah Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah

    Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushti vardhanam

    Urvarukamiva Bandhanaan Mrtyor mukshiya maamrtat

    Svah Bhuvah Bhur Om Sah Jum Om


    Its important for me to tell you 2 things -


    (a) Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one of the more potent of the ancient

    Sanskrit mantras. It is a call for enlightenment and is a practice of

    purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level. It can also be

    quite beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical health.




    Here is what it means -


    We meditate on the three-eyed reality

    Which permeates, sustains and nourishes all like a fragrance.

    May we be free from the powerful disease-like bondage,

    And receive the nectar that removes ignorance and brings liberation.

    (b) Dont be conscious while chanting. If you read what maharishi mahesh yogi speaks of meditation (there is a whole book on the complete effect of chanting on our psyche, soul and our transcedental consciousness) you will feel the magic of chanting. I would suggest that you earmark a quiet place, sit in an asana, and chant full throated, in rhythm. Keep your family deity's photo near you.


    Raul_ad, we will all pray for your betterment. Please do not feel so desperate. Strengthen your mind for everything that has to come. I know this is easier said than done. But be strong.


    Best wishes and good luck.

  2. Dear visitor,


    (This reply is not intended for you. I am only a student.)


    Satabhisha - 1- Rahu

    Meena lagna - lagnesh in 9th house!

    Exalted Mars in eleventh

    Exalted Rahu/Ketu (ketu took parents away, gives strong enemies but fame/recognition too)

    Mercury not combust - forms budhaditya yog in 10th house

    Venus - not auspicious for meena lagna - in 10th house indicates luxury in office but its also debilitated in navamsa - Stay away from Office Romance!

    The Sun-Mer-Ke-Ve conjunction seems to me more good than bad for career. Though job changes will be seen throughout. (dasha change will see that happening too)

    Moon is 4th from Jupiter - indicates gaj kesari but not a powerful one because moon isnt bright. Its ill placed and major cause for worry and disease. Its in 6-8 relationship with its own house - a trikona.

    Exalted Saturn in 8th house will give longevity and journey to foreign land. But its aspect upon upachaya (10th house), house of gains and again 5th house - I dont know what the effect will be? Worries it will surely give.


    Its easy to answer the 2 queries asked. According to me, remedies for Moon is an absolute must. As we can see a moon antardasha too. Success, fame, recognition is strongly possible after moon antardasha ends in 2010 Feb. Mars antardasha should give great results even though its 12th from moon. Saturn mahadasha indicates foreign journey, but also worries, inheritance problems, and expenses. Self confidence can be regained through shiva bhakti and positive thinking, counselling sessions, etc.


    I would have been more confused had he asked about wife/family life. There is a group division between planets between two opposite answers.


    Dear sirs, pls explain.




  3. Most respected sir,


    I bow to you. You are doing yeoman's service to mankind. Spending hours on affectionately tidying sufferings of so many.


    I was totally unaware it was a controversy between the two of you. I would not have replied.


    You soft and gentle words are a healing touch in their own way. Kindly continue with your good karmas. People who have a heart and can be so sensitive to the miseries of others, by their very virtue become easily hurt. Yet, the world here at audarya needs you. Sufferers looking for an answer, newer posts coming in each day, people with fingers crossed - just as all those who remain indebted to you for your valuable advise.


    Lets all live and let live. If USR ji quits, I think so will many many more. KInd sir, pls stay.

  4. Dear Paul


    I am not in a position to answer your query at all (If USR ji cannot, I can never!) . All i know is that I have complete faith in god (Shirdi Sai in my case) He has made me rise from the worst that life could subject me to.


    Forms of meditation such as trataka, release worry and give wisdom and insight even to people most unfortunate.


    MY actions have enabled me to overcome many material/physical fixations as indicated in my horoscope. I have been able to control my very basic urges and behaviorial characteristics.


    Let go of your horoscope and find peace in right actions and devotion to your family deity.


    I havent seen your chart. But the suggestions are heart felt.


    Take care.

  5. Dear Sir,


    Accept my regards. Arguments augment learning if the purpose is to learn and not win.


    Having said that, I humbly accept my lack of knowledge viz a viz prasna. As a matter of fact, reading the quoted paraphrase a hundred times also will not make me understand. Your example was correct as in the journey of soul I am a kid, and nowhere near evolved people as you.


    There is no definition of who an "ordinary" astrologer is. Fame is attained through destiny. All adjectives are always with respect to our perception. I am poor because people around me have more . You are "not an ordinary astrologer" because your wisdom far exceeds those around you. The astrologer who predicted my daughter's seperation from me did not mean to imply death. He has no connection with this forum and he is a guru in his very own exalted way. I have faith in him because he explained every detail of his technique.


    Rich people must experience a glimpse of poverty to empathise with the poor. Similarly many common and ordinary people may become devastated/miserable or depressed with negative forecasts. Its the duty of learned astrologers to sensitise themselves to misfortunes/failures of the native.


    If the purpose of astrology is to apply remedies and correction, what is the dire need for a verbal outburst anyway? There are alternates - such as warnings, regular remedies, stregthening the native's mind - rather than facing him/her with a gory picture.


    Sasisekaran ji, you are held in utmost respect by one and all on this forum. Nobody can doubt the strength in your wisdom or the confident and learned study of horoscopes. You might be at a "much much higher perspective" than most of us here and therefore accept apologies for any immature behaviour.



  6. Dear sir,


    What about looking at the chart/prashna and deciding upon the mental state of the person too?


    The only reason for not completely agreeing with your very logical and clear rationale is that many people get affected by negatives. It can put them into turmoil and devastate their present. I am a living example. A great astrologer has predicted I will lose my daughter after 2 years. I havent slept for six months at night. Astrologically, present dasha is favourable which ends in november. I am unable to enjoy my present.


    I cant look at a horoscope and tell a pregnant lady that she had a kulika kaal sarp yoga and her child will probably die at birth! HOWEVER< I WILL STRONGLY SUGGEST THE REMEDY FOR A NORMAL DELIVERY!


    Also, I am not in favour of astrologers giving sure-shot predictions. That way, we are telling people that whatever you do, this WILL happen. Thats wrong! There are remedies, prayers, good actions and guru kripa.


    Profound Regards!


  7. i assume u r a male. do you talk really too much? Is your open mouth a reason for arguments. Do you like imposing your ideas on people too much?


    Is your brother younger or older? Have you seperated from your parents as well? you are running rahu dasha-ketu antardasha (8th house) - you want to patch up because of inheritence issues?


    Just as you are required to be genuine in front of a doctor, pls try to be frank when asking remedies from an astrologer.


    Lagnesh in twelvth house makes you give away everything you get to your family/frinds/social norms/religious activities too. You must be popular with people as you are not selfish.


    Shani saadesati along with its placement in 6th house puts you in problems with your brother also and even indicates litigation.


    I will strongly suggest you to stop showing off that you work in the office. Better concentrate upon working!


    This is my personal assessment. I am just a learner.

  8. Dear Sarthak,


    I am a beginner in astrology and this message is for senior members here. Kindly ignore this message as it may be 100% wrong.


    Dear Sirs,


    At first glance, I saw 4 planets in 12th house(all naturally aspecting 6th) and recent beginning of sun's mahadasha - debilitated, aspecting 6th house (do we consider sun's aspect?). And since 12th house signifies loss/surgeries and 6th (accidents) I thought that may be the case.


    But isnt this a great raj yoga too? (lords of 4,5,7,10 conjunct in the same house!!!) Of course venus is in own sign and combust. Exalted Saturn is deeply combust. Further, dual ownership includes houses 3 and 12 also in the conjunction.


    Moon is not bright and is aspected by saturn. jupiter also aspects 8th house - where we have rahu. also lagnesh mars is in lagna, in own sign but is also in old age.


    there are so many considerations. one thing is certain - gemstone for mars + propitiating sun is a must. but is also rahu-ketu in gochara that was troubling (which is now changed) or jupiter mainly ?


    I would request USRji, Sharmaji and Sasisekaran for there comments!


    Best regards,



  9. Respected sir,


    Greetings and Pranam,


    Did you read the way Khushwant Singh completely debunked astrology in his article on pg 15 in Hindustan Times? He has no consideration for his moral responsibility as a celebrity writer and without even delving into the karma-shreshta philosophy of our vedas he has mercilessly parodied the subject and the masters of the same.

    Only people who know and have felt for this science may actually equate it to something like the sensex. Just as no analyst can tell us exactly what position will nifty be tomorrow, in the same manner no astrologer can say with hundred percent conviction as to what will happen to a native tomorrow! The reason is not only the vast knowledge + intuition that one needs to decipher a chart but also because nothing exists in pre-recorded destiny - We cannot tell what will happen to a man tomorrow because we dont know what course of actions he might take.


    WHat I am getting at - is that conflicting views upon any subject mar faith which is fundamental to applying remedies. People like me who seek remedies want to have faith in the system. Contradictory verdicts will only harm our own subject and will render our own purpose ineffective.


    The solution as i see, is a seperate forum-category for viewers who want advice and a seperate one for beginners/professionals to debate/argue/analyse/exhaustively work towards any controversial issues. Not only will this be taken in good stead, it will also enrich knowledge seekers to formulate what they feel rightly towards. (The same debate in front of a lay man posing a query will just invite ridicule)


    Regards to you always sir (pls forgive me if i am crossing any limits. I have been personally disturbed with khushwant singh's article. Can he not see the truth? Ill fated creature is also blocking a path many might have taken)

  10. A very dear friend of mine (I have known her only since last year) has been through severe pregnancy-related traumas (twice) + has been through the pain of unfaithful husband (love marriage in her case, she hasnt divorced).


    She is currently quite disturbed (understandable bcos of saturn sadesatti + 12house dasha). Yet I am quite disturbed to find saturn-mars-moon conjunction in her lagna.


    Does this mean she isnt a good person / or not trust worthy/ or does this mean she is ill fated? She is trying to recover a reasonable amount of money from someone. What remedy should she go in for?


    I am disturbed for her because till now, we have been great friends. Kindly help.


    Thanks to all here.



  11. Hi rastaban,


    I am an indian myself and I started with Linda goodman when i was a kid but I still remember i was so obsessed with it, I would ask the sun sign of a person first and his name later. MY brother and I would gasp at how typical leo extravagance is or how ill tempered scorpios can be.


    My conversion into vedic system leaves me with no iota of doubt as to its totality. Yet, pls do not apply vedic astrology in a similar manner as western. Sun mostly conveys our nature/behaviour. In the vedic system, lagna is of paramount importance as it immediately opens doors to signs contained in all the twelve houses and gives an astrologer immediate insight into functional benefics or malefics in the chart as well as different karakas.


    The gist is, pls dont think you are a scorpion+virgo etc in the same perspective as you have been thinking of yourself as a saggitarian.


    Ok, now since i took lat + long details from a website i just wanted to confirm - I get virgo ascendant + aquarius navamsa + virgo dreskana in the third pad of uttara phalguni.


    If I have the correct chart with me, then on a preliminary look you are running the 12th house dasha of an afflicted saturn - and mars antardasha (8th lord for virgo asc + 12th from saturn, debilitated + cruelly aspecting 5th house of romance etc) Also, we had an afflicted mars in gochara.


    Regarding exchange of houses - I dont know if parivartan yog works as the strongest factor in your case because sun (our powerhouse) sits debilitated in navamsa and so does jupiter. Also lagna lord mercury (though not combust) is in infancy and being the dispositor of the 10th house I think that makes your 10th house quite weak.


    You are probably better off in astrology than i am (very very new). I will be eagerly awaiting posts from the great ones here, to learn and learn and learn!


    Bye and tc

  12. Dear Sirs and Visitors,


    My greetings. While googling upon the concern for whether to wear gomedh for rahu (in my case) I discovered a good quote that makes sense -


    A birth chart is a map of the karmas that have to be experienced in this life. The account is kept by the Almighty and the apportionment from the accumulated (sanchit) karmas to be experienced in this life (prarabdha) is done by him. Are we so naive as to think that the karmas can be mitigated by stones? They can only be wiped clean or rendered faint by Him who has written them. This can be achieved through prayer, repentence and worshipping.


    I concur with what this anonymous person says. With respects to whatever our great shastras tell us about using gems as remedies - we cannot expect them to work if our actions are not right. At the same time, whatever prayers, charity or repentance that we might do, I feel sure they would not harm at least.


    I would like to give due credit to Sharma ji (astro_tech) whose remedies to strenghten my married life include touching my husband's feet daily after bath. I have felt the immediate good effects of the same in banishing negativities to a large extent.


    Best regards to all,



  13. Narayan,


    Have you posted the query in the Vedic Astrology forum knowingly, or did you intend a spiritual discussion/tantra mantra discussion upon the same?


    In case this is intentional, you may like to give your birth details so that astrologers here might come to a conclusion regarding any sarp dosha/ yogas in your horoscope.


    :) Friendly suggestion from a lay person (not astrologer)

  14. Shalu


    I am sorry I havent clarified that I am a total beginner in this field. This forum has helped me very much on a personal level, so I empathise with all people who are under stress or any mental agony (just like you and me).


    Of the little facts that I know, I asked you to provide a list of important dates as they will be required by the eminent people here to arrive at some conclusion. They might resort to prasna.


    I am very sure USR ji will revert. You may try to start another thread requesting a response from astro_tech also.


    Meanwhile, may be you could give exact birth details of your uncle or their sons as its possible for experts to arrive at a conclusion from their charts too.


    I shall pray for your aunt's peace.


    Best wishes

  15. I am sure USR ji will be giving you the remedies very soon. He is one of the best here, along with others like astro_tech,etc. Of whatever I know, dont run after him, you have a life better than millions! You are disregarding the imprtance this period can have upon your career. Try to deviate from being so intensely romantic. You are good hearted (when not angry) - must be a good socialite too. Move on with dignity. I am sure this guy can never forget you- he is sensitive and sentimental sort I suppose.


    You may like to fast on tuesdays and relate to his mother. Ask some common friends to intervene. You can get him back, i dont see any doubt in that.

  16. Dear Shalu, Its nice of you to be concerned about your aunt. Pls delve details of important events/dates in your aunt's life so that her birth chart can be approximately arrived at (This is a very calculating and lengthy process) . Does her trauma relate to health only or is it something else too?

  17. There is something known as patience and respect has a spelling too.


    Suhana, all the world's miseries have befallen upon you and people dnt have the time to respond!


    Excuse my curtness dear. You do have shining stars in your horoscope. Unfortunately, there are also excessive expectations, selfish + "i am always first and on top" attitude. Your ex-bf has a horoscope that makes him have a lot of patience + listening skills, he will have show-off instincts and great career too + MONEY! BUT BUT BUT - he isnt a flirt and definitely super sensitive + moody.

    Looking at the mental capabilities of the 2 of u, I have a feeling you have been too blinded by your own wish + desire fulfillment (respected sesikaran ji has very rightly targeted at your sexual + materialistic tendencies), and have been dominating the scene without actually understanding the subtleties in his nature - especially when he withdraws into a shell. A cancer sign + cancer raashi + moon in twelvth house - that speaks of a man with too many emotions and you never know what his true intentions are!

    OK, now (if i have been correct in my assessment so far) - the sun dasha-rahu antardasha that has given you a heart break is kind of debatable - but i think the good news is that sun-guru antardasha that will commence in few months from now will herald possibilities of wish fulfillment as it makes a 5-9 combo.

    The key, suhana, is to relate to him with your heart, as true as possible. Diminish your "self". You have been actually over pampering him - which he might have relished initially. But might have now realised you do all that because you like to do all that - and not because you truly and deeply care.


    Is marriage possible with this guy? YES, but nobody can say 100%-there is no such provision astologically. Ok, WHEN WILL YOU GET MArrieD? - all depends upon keeping the faith in one astrologer you connect with - and religiously performing remedies.



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