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Posts posted by deepa.bhandari

  1. Dear,


    I request you to change your username. Limit your depressive call. There is hope, not only for an answer, but a detailed analyses to the best of our very limited abilities and also a remedy which must be worked upon with faith and hope.


    Pls cheer up a little and keep faith. I promise to reply when you cum back with a hopeful username, your chart is open on my screen even now.


    Best wishes


  2. 1. Chances of becoming a good writer - 10th lord moon in 6th in paap kartari along, mercury (significator of writings) in 8th, parivartana between 8th and 9th lords is inauspicious, jupiter is combust...i find these factors averaging out the effects of exalted sun and lagnesh in 9th house.


    2. Chances of immigration - Extremely good - Venus-Mercury dasha distinctly points at it.


    3. Very good married life. Stable and materialistically good relationship. Pls do not look at sun in 7th house and deduce divorce. There are many good factors on 7th house.


    4. I do not visualise any money problems at all - venus dasha + sun dasha I can definitely vouch. Probability of money income from spouse/inheritance is more than career.


    5. There are tendencies towards anger/ego(atma karaka sun) + stubborn-ness + depressions (moon in 6th) - IF I AM RIGHT, PEARL in SILVER should take care of career + mood swings both - PLEASE CONFIRM WITH SENIOR ASTROLOGERS HERE. THERE ARE NO SUICIDAL TENDENCIES AS SUCH.


    6. Let her also wear Gomedh (pls confirm with senior astros) - for overall power and strength to good points in the chart.


    Best wishes


  3. Vishnu Yog is a combination formed by the lords of the 9th and 10th houses as well as the lord of the Navamsa sign lord of the 9th posited in the 2nd house. It makes the individual favored in an important way by the state. By nature, he is patient, is erudite, skilled in debating and is an engaging conversationalist. He becomes rich and lives for long.

  4. There are some who say that the Ishta and the AK cannot be the same planet (though this combination often makes a person very spiritual- as long as Sun and AK have good relationship in Rashi Chart). So in this case you take the strongest planet aspecting the jivamuktamsha (12th house from Karakamsa). In general the planets aspecting the jivamuktamsa will represent deities that will lead one to their Ishta.

  5. Respected Dinesh Sir,


    Great to have your valuable comments here. I have been ardently reading since very long the way you reply posts at Vaughn Paul Manley's forum.


    Has moon's placement no bearing upon the illness? If you look at a particular case (A), if i am not mistaken, you get exalted moon or in another case even exalted lagna lord.


    Juvenile diseases apart, beyond certain years, I take it that the manifestation of a continued period of suffering cannot be contributed to either the lagna kundli or dasha alone. Effects must be evident from navamsa. I know of 2 cases in my own family where there are 4 exalted well placed planets yet a waxing moon with aspects from multiple planets gives the native a mental disorder which is beyond my aptitude to describe in any medical terms.


    In another case, the native (suicide runs in the family) though a musician par excellence was bedridden for 6 months owing to endless pains - only to be diagnosed in the end as psychosomatic disorder. This person's IQ matches a genius'.


    I cringe from microscopic scrutiny of varga, etc as purpose is not to open kundli of an infant and pronounce insanity. The remedial aspect - and most importantly - whether such exceptional cases (where even navamsa charts hold planets in exaltation) - should be touched???


    I dont know if i make sense - but there must be celestial reasons for such cases to live a life such a way. On a particular day when this post was mentally disturbing me, I was in reverie trying to recall Shirdi Baba (my whole and soul) when suddenly such a thought dawned upon me.


    Remedial aspects could be used for mental illness that disturbs the native (as opposed to a vegetable existence or illusionary living where the relatives suffer more)


    The best mantra as per my limited study - jyotirlingam mantras - to propitiate saturn/moon as per their raasi, as invocation to Lord SHiva becomes essential.


    With profound regards,



  6. eshwar,


    Tell me about your mother - whats your relationship with her? does she help? I have looked at your chart more than once - I have a feeling your birth time is incorrect. Because you ought to be in a different situation altogether ...but I might be faltering somewhere - so tell me abt yr mom.


    If I am right in what I see, and if this is the correct birthtime - success is assured - you have multiple vipareet raj yogas which guarantee success after strife but health problems/loans/litigations and very very weak ascendant ...so i need to get deeper. Lagna lord Venus exalts in 6th but - 6th is not only dusthana its also marana karaka avastha for venus.


    Best wishes,


  7. Dear kingofhearts,


    kingofhearts you shall be! Excellent chart for the profession you have selected. You are very emotional, sensitive, creative, good looking but also a bit too talkative (and therefore you lose vaak-siddhi - people do not get much impressed with what you say)


    Develop more of inter personal skills to get contracts - may be hiring a secretary who is well-connected will prove to be a boon in your case - I suggest that you shud not get into dealing personally.


    Initially my software was giving leap-year error so i was unable to reply.


    Do you have eye-problem?


    Remedy- appease shani devta as now you are at the last stage of saade-sati - take care of your back/legs etc. I wish you luck and dream fulfilment!



  8. Dear Indyan,


    USR ji has correctly pointed out the need for wearing pearl. Moon is the only worry in this otherwise excellent chart. And exalted Sun in tenth will give her excellent career undoubtedly.


    In my opinion, diamond is not urgent necessity - Moonga is a great balancer - as it can effectively combat saturn which is causing delay in MBA results/success. Moonga is a must, SHRI USRJI, pls verify.


    Shiva Bhakti+Pearl - do not forget.




  9. Dear Astros,


    I found the following indicators that point towards foreign travel/immigration in a horoscope. Kindly comment/ add to my knowledge base. How do you assess whether to look at foregn travel or immigration? Also, what indicates unsuccessful journeys?


    1. Lagna/Lagna lord in a moveable sign/dual signs: if the lagna and lagna lord both are in moveable signs or dual signs then it would indicate foreign travel. Lagna indicates self so when the sign which indicates self and the lord of that sign are in moveable or dual signs which indicates movement it can mean foreign travel for the person.<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P style="FONT-FAMILY: arial"></O:P>


    2. 7th house is the house of foreign country and so is 12th house. 9th house indicates foreign travel. So if the lagna or lagna lord makes a connection with the 7th house/7th lord, 9th house, 9th lord or 12th house/12th lord it can mean foreign travel. The connections can be conjunction, aspect, mutual exchange, or one lord placed in another's house. <O:P></O:P>


    3. Lagna/lagna lord makes connection with Rahu. Rahu again indicates foreign country so it's being placed in lagna or lagna lord in conjunction, mutual aspect with Rahu can mean foreign travel. <O:P></O:P>


    4. 4th house signifies home so 4th house/lord in connection (conjunction/mutual aspect/mutual exchange/aspect) with 7th/7th lord, 9th/9th lord or 12th/12th lord can mean foreign travel. <O:P></O:P>


    5. 4th house is the significator of home so natural malefics (Sun. Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn) in the 4th house will take a person away from home. Malefic in the 4th house indicates unhappiness from home so it will take him away from home to give him unhappiness as a result of staying away from home.<O:P></O:P>


    6. Same rule applies to the 2nd house of family. i.e malefics (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Sun) in the 2nd house will result in the person leaving his family. Malefic in the 2nd house has to make the person unhappy in regard to family matters so it will take him away from family to suffer detachment from family. <O:P></O:P>


    The last 2 points will give foreign travel if some of the other points indicating foreign travel are there. Otherwise the person will stay at home suffer due to the effects of the malefic. <O:P></O:P>


    If 2 of the first 4 points are fulfilled there are strong chances of foreign travel otherwise there is a weak chance. <O:P></O:P>


    The dasha of 7th, 9th or 12th lord, or of planets connected (mutual aspect, conjunction, mutual exchange, aspect) with 7th house/lord, 9th house/lord, 12th house/lord indicates foreign travel. Dasha of Rahu also indicates foreign travel as rahu is a significator of foreign country. Dasha of Jupiter can also indicate foreign travel as Jupiter is the 9th and 12th sign (9th and 12th houses are foreign travel) of the Kaalpurush zodiac (natural zodiac).



  10. Respected Sasisekaran ji,


    I was waiting for your reply. In case I havent been able to regard your true worth in any of my posts, I beg for forgiveness.


    I can never deny nor forget the valuable source of knowledge this forum has been for me. I know I have faltered and have somehow tread along. There is a lot lot more on this path.


    I wanted to savour the perennial flow of knowledge from all of you here. Seems like suddenly, I have lost it all.


    In any case, thank you very much for jhora and everything else.


    With profound regards,


    Adeiu to all here,


    Deepa Bhandari.

  11. Respected Sirs,


    I wanted to dissolve the matter light-heartedly. Kindly excuse me from your arguments. I hold the two of you in utmost respect. Please do not shatter the image I have of you. It will put me into depression. Lets just answer queries and never stop learning. In each query, past prediction may be done and then remedies/future predicted. Accuracy of past predictions will determine faith of the native towards one of you.


    There is a possibilty where the two of you might learn a lot from each other. I hinted at that. Can we refrain from any "final verdict" as the two of you are using different techniques. Between homeopathy and allopathy can anyone decide who wins?




    Regards always,


  12. Eshwar,


    Your chart, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is a striking example for any novice in astrology to decode. You have extra-ordinary positions and yogas in your chart, however, you are running dasha of mercury-saturn, your saturn saade-satti is on the last stage. The only thing that is problematic is the parivartana yoga between lagna lord and 6th lord. I was waiting for the verdict of my superiors here, to understand if this daridra yoga is enough to vanquish all other great things in your chart.


    Some drastic unfortunate changes might have taken place way back in 1991. Your childhood must have been good. Regarding mantra for yourself, Shri Sasisekaran ji can help you.




  13. Respected Sirs USRji and Sasisekaranji,


    Sibling rivalry is a constant warfare yet the most potent form of growth in a child.


    Believe me, its all very funny here and not negative. Therefore, as a much younger onlooker, I request both of you to call it quits.


    Sasisekaran ji, your IQ, confidence and analytical capacity is commendable but there is no doubt you tease.


    USR ji, you are "chhatra chhaya " for this forum, humble and most genuine. Yet, you get affected by pranks.


    This is like a family, with astro_tech ji conveniently winning the show with a clean chit and constant effort...


    Best Regards,


  14. My daughter's details are as follows - 09-Feb-2001, 1331 hrs, Delhi.


    I have never tried to decipher her chart on my own.


    Dear USRji, Sasisekaranji, astrotechji - pls tell me about her.


    Any remedies required? Astro_techji told me in reply to a post quite long ago that some great problem might occur in sep-oct.


    Pls do suggest...




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