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Everything posted by surentharp

  1. Please use vimsottari dasa (starting from lagna) for your chart, here you can see that now you are running rahu MD, the general statement is that AK dasa will not be good for material concern but it is fantastic for spirtiual concern and in your case AK is in lagna, so in this dasa you will suceed in spiritual matters, I think you know it.
  2. Here you have to use Dwi-saptati sama dasa Dasa : Jupiter MD the possible disease occurred during this dasa for him are listed below and since in d6 Jupiter is the 9th lord worship to Guru, he is the protector for him and will help him overcoming diseases. Region are: the solar plexus region and the middle back region, including the small intestine, as well as body vitality in general through the heart. It reflects the circulatory and digestive system and also with the blood. It may also connect to intellectual mind and to the reproductive system. ---------------------- The above indicated only for this dasa and in general consideration the possible diseases that may affect him are In considering the sign the disease occurring region are of The head, the brain and the eyes, specifically the front of the head down to the eyes and the back of the head to the base of the skull. It reflects the Mars fiery in the head. The middle and lower abdomen, including the colon. It also governs the hands. It rules the digestive system in general,a s well as bodily health as a whole. It reflects the large intestine, Lower abdomen. In general considering the lagna Lord in the 6th: can also indicate surgery. It indicates acute infections diseases, with elevated temperature and the build up of toxins. It produces fever, inflammation and burning sensations of various types. It can also causes liver and gall bladder disorders including hepatitis, jaundice and cancer of the liver. It produces toxic blood conditions including acne, boils and ulcerative sores, herpes and venereal diseases. It results in blood disorders like anemia and cancer of the blood or leukemia. It produces stress, hypertension, stroke and heart attack.
  3. i'm here just indicating the type of curse in their chart and the remedies to it In analyzing son's chart he has curse of wife and from maternal uncle. Curse of wife: Venus is afflicted by rahu and ketu, 7th house is afflicted by ketu and 7th lord is afflicted by Mars, we can conclude that the curse is due to somewhat angry and shock of him. Rahu and ketu has Ghora as Amsa ruler, Mars has Kula-naasa as his amsa ruler Curse of maternal uncle: Mercury is afflicted by Saturn, 6th house is afflicted by mars, 6th lord is afflicted by Saturn. Saturn has seetala as his amsa ruler Current Moola dasa for her is Mars 2006 - 2012 -> which gives the result of the curse of spouse and maternal uncle ----------------- In analyzing daughter's chart: Curse of Spouse: Venus is afflicted by Saturn, 7th house is afflicted by Saturn, 7th lord moon is afflicted by Mars and Rahu. Here rahu has kaala, ketu has kaala,Saturn has Kaala and Mars has Bhrashta. Curse of mother: Moon is afflicted by Mars and Rahu, 4th house is afflicted by ketu, rahu and Saturn, 4th lord is afflicted by Rahu. Current Moola dasa for her is Saturn 2001 - 2013 -> which gives the result of the curse of spouse and mother The remedies for the curses according to and as in Parasara are : Curse of maternal uncle: 1. Establish an idol of Vishnu. 2. Bathe at Setubandha and dig wells etc. Curse of Spouse: 1. Give away a girl in marriage. 2. Donate a bejeweled and adorned idol of Lakshmi Narayana, 10 cows, beds and clothes. This has to be done both the husband and the wife. Curse of mother: 1. Bathe at Setubandha and chant the Gayatri one lakh times. 2. Do grahadänam and feed milk to Brahmins from a silver bowl. P.S : Curses are to be seen only at worst time and Moola dasa will help us to identify the timing of the curses in our life
  4. Mrs. Trisha, I'm analyzing with only your chart, Saturn shows some delay, you will get a female child during 2009/July - 2010/September Here the dasa we want to use is Dwi-saptati sama dasa and the dasa period i explained above is Sat MD - Jup AD
  5. Generally rahu afflicting sun is not good for father of the native and here the PiK Venus is in 9th house and MD period for this is between 1985 - 2005, Ak & PiK is in ninth house, so he will be blessed one and it is great in his 9th house. He can do business, did he done ITI in analytical side?
  6. but rahu in AL , the way other look at you will be not like that of a spiritual person and in mercury MD you will do spiritual activities in you life.
  7. Mrs. Trisha, is the birth time provided by you is accurate?
  8. in vimsottari dasa (starting from moon) mercury MD will be a great dasa for you in spiritual concern
  9. From classics it is defined that the presence of AK in Lagna of D20 means the native need not to take any effort to gain spirituality, it will come automatically to him. Definition of Atma Karaka is a simple but loaded question, in explaining it, it is better i will give you some of the teachings of Pandit Sanjay rath, 1. Ätmakäraka definition 1.1 The ätma & rebirth 1.1.1 Varähamihira: Ätma influence cittena bhävayati düragatä api yaà stré garbhaà bibharti sadåçaà puruñasya tasya ||B.S. 75-1½ Translation: The foetus that a woman develops will be akin to the man she intensely thinks of at the time of coitus,even though she maybe very far from him.Science teaches that the genetic makeup of the child is based on the genes of the parents. Yet what is it that causes the child to develop the charecteristics of the man that the woman thinks of at the time of coitus. This is the ätma or soul which is beyond the normal limitations of the gene transmission. If the woman has been thinking of her father or some relative then the child has some of the inner charecteristics of this person. If the woman is in sorrow or fear and remembers a tormentor, then the child develops with such charecteristics that resemble the tormentor. It is only such self realised souls like Devaki who can also keep their minds on Bhagaväna at the time of coitus and then the child born is an avatar. 1.1.2 Varähamihira: Nature & destiny bhaìktvä käëòaà pädapasyauptamurvyäà béjaà väsyäà nänyatämeti yadvat | evaà hyätmä jäyate stréñu bhüyaù kaçcit tasmin kñetrayogäd viçeñaù ||B.S. 75-2 Translation: As a transplanted branch or a seed planted on the ground does not change its nature (and grow into a different tree), similarly the soul is reborn in women (and does not change its nature). However, consequent to the nature of the soil and water, some alteration does occur in the fruit of the tree. Similarly, the nature of the mother (parents genetic make up) and upbringing does influence the child.The noteworthy point is that the ätma, mana and sareera (body or intelligence) are the three factors deciding the nature of the person, although the ätma is the dominant factor and the real self, what appears is the external genetic make up while what decides the mental makeup is the attitude of the mother at the time of coitus. We have an excellent illustration from the Mahäbhärata. The premature death of the two sons of Emperor Çantanu of Hastinapur, Citräëgada and Vicitravérya left the throne heirless. The only solution that was acceptable to all was proposed by the ninty-two year old Brahmisöha, father of Acarya Vibhuti and the purohita of three generations of the Kuru dynasty – Kåñëa Dvaipäyana (alias Veda Vyäsa) was to be the progenitor of the Kuru lineage through Niyoga. The two young widows of Citräëgada and Vicitravérya, Aàbéka and Aàbälika sexually united with Kåñëa Dvaipäyana for the sake of begetting heirs to the throne. Aàbéka closed her eyes in contempt of Kåñëa Dvaipäyana and subsequently gave birth to a blind child Dåtaräçöra who became the bane of the Kuru dynasty. Aàbälika detested the physical contact with a sage but admired his abilities and subsequently gave birth to Paëòu who was a very able king for the Kuru dynasty but developed leprosy (skin disease) and died early. When Empress Satyavaté saw the blind baby Dåtaräçöra, she induced Aàbéka to accept another child from Kåñëa Dvaipäyana. Aàbéka was not happy at the proposal but could not deny the wishes of the Empress. Therefore she set her maid to fulfill the ritual mating. The maid was exhilerated at the prospect of the priviledge and was in constant admiration of the brilliance, wisdom and knowledge of Kåñëa Dvaipäyana. The child produced from this mating was the bright eyed Vidura who turned out to be the most knowledgable man in the land and went on to be the wise minister of the Hastinapur. There are vital lessons to be learnt from this that the wise astrologers could use to advise their well wishers.The moot point is that destiny does have ots role in the attitude of the parents and for this, the planets transiting in kendra should be examined and an opportune time chosen for coitus leading to childbirth. 1.1.3 Varähamihira: Ätma, mana & senses ätmä sahaiti manasä mana indriyeëa svärthena cendriyamiti krama eña çéghraù | yogo'yameva manasaù kimagamyamasti yasmin mano vrajati tatra gato'yamätmä ||B.S. 75-3 Translation: The ätma (soul) merges with the mana (mind); the mana merges with the indréyas (senses) and the senses with their respective organs in rapid succession. This entire merger is instantaneous. With such a (strong and intimate) bond is there anything unattainable by the mind? Besides, wherever the mind goes, the soul shall follow. The ätma (soul) is the master of the chariot and the mana (mind) are the reigns. The intellect is the charioteer and the horses are the indréyas (senses and their organs). The objects are the goal. Our view is that the number ofhorses attached to the chariots of the various planetary deities indicates the number of fully developed senses and sense organs that the animals represented by them possess. For example, the Sun symbolising birds, has seven horses and this could mean seven fully developed sense/organs. The Moon symbolises the human being and has the ten horses to its chariot indicating that man is the onlt animal which has all ten senses/organs fully developed. There was a debate as to whether the ätma separates from the mana at some stage after death and many astrologers felt that this does not happen, else how could the person remember his past incarnation. Our view is based on the above teachings of Varähamihira and other Vedic seers and we believe that the ätma is separated from the mana and the senses/organs as a part of the process of death. This is the greatest gift of Maheçvara. How else could the ätma and mana reunite during the birth process (as explained by Varähamihira above) if they were not separated beforehand? Secondly, memory is a function of the ‘dhi’ (intellect) and not the mana (mind). ...... http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">...... name="ProgId" content="OneNote.File">...... name="Generator" content="Microsoft OneNote 12"> 1.2 Nature of the ätmakäraka Käraka means a doer as used in the pacakädi relationships where the relationship between planets based on their placement and nature is considered. However, a more prominent use of the word käraka is as a significator, a producer or a controller. 1.3 Three types of signification Ätma is technically, the incomplete form of ätman, which is variously derived from - 1. The individual soul, self or the abstract individual as a part of the paramätman (the highest personal principle of life, Brahma). This is the natural self where the body is viewed as a whole instead of being composed of individual parts and is referred to as the naisargika ätmakäraka. 2. an - to breathe implying that which is alive or is associated with life and hence one aspect of the ätma is the life principle and is called jévätma. This is the sthira ätmakäraka and determines the life in the body/being. This is the soul as the principle of life and sensation. 3. at – to move or that which is altered based on karma and hence, one aspect of the ätma is cara (movable or changeable). This is the cara ätmakäraka and determines the karma associated with the present incarnation. It is also called the karmätman where the essence, nature, character and peculiarity of the individual being is determined (and is perceived as different from others). The Sun is sarvätma or the soul of all and this is its natural signification (naisargika käraka). Agni, the adidevatä of the Sun gives the ätma-prabodhana or cognition of the soul or supreme spirit and ätma-bodha or knowledge/illumination of the soul or supreme spirit. This is the nature of the soul, like a tiny spark of light, residing in the eight-petal heart lotus. The pratyädi-devatä of the Sun i.e. lord Çivä, the Ätmeçvara (Maheçvara) or the lord of the self/soul is responsible for delivering the individual soul. This concept is associated with the sthira käraka. He causes ätma-suddhi or purification of the soul. The concept of ätma-gati or the course of the soul’s existence or life of the spirit, is associated only with the cara ätmakäraka as gati implies movement that is akin to cara (movable, changing, temporary state of being). This is the carakäraka. Protection comes from the ninth house and for the soul (ätma), this is the ninth house from kärakämça. Since the ninth house is also seen for dharma, the deity associated with the ninth house from kärakämça is Viñëu (avatar) as the dharma devatä Who is also known as the ätma-rakñaka. 1.4 Ätmanä The simplest definition of the ätma is the self and the self can be defined from various angles when considered a part with other elements. Ätmanä is an instrument of the ätma in compound and is normally expressed with ordinals. 1.4.1 Ätma dvitéya Varähamihira: Self realisation ätmäyamätmani gato hådaye'tisükñmo grähyo'calena manasä satatäbhiyogät | yo yaà vicintayati yäti sa tanmayatvaà yasmädataù subhagameva gatä yuvatyaù ||B.S. 75-4 Translation: The minute and subtle ätma (soul) immersed in the paramätma (Supreme Soul), is situated in the heart [lotus] (håtpuëòaréka or håtapadma). The ätma can be realized through constant practice by a steadfast mind. Such a person attains the nature of Him who he constantly seeks just as young women are mentally attached to their beloved. Ramakrishna Bhatt interprets this verse of Varähamihira as advaitin thought to which we have our reservations. Self-realization is a part and parcel of God-realization and the simile used by Varähamihira is clearly symbolic of the highest bhakti yoga. Varähamihira also indicates that if people have as much love for the Supreme Soul as they do for their beloved ones, then mokña would not be hard to attain. Literally, ätma dvitéya means ‘being one’s self the second’ and implies being together with someone else. Here the reference is to the hådaya padma1 (heart lotus) where the ätma sits with the Iñöa devatä2. Ätma yoga is the union of the jévätma and paramätma. Every movement (as at 3 above) must have direction (gati), objective or goal called äyana and protection (rakña). The ätma-devatä or tutelary deity of the soul, guides it and gives it the direction. This is the guru devatä and is indicated by the bhratåkäraka planet. The objective or goal cannot be ätmabhäva (indefinite independent existence of the individual soul) and instead, is the ätma-mürti (one Whose body is the soul) and the ätmabhaväyana i.e. Näräyaëa. The concept of ätma dakñiëa or the sacrifice where one gives (12th house) oneself as the dakñiëa is associated with the Iñöa devatä Who sits in the 12th house from kärakämça to receive this dakñiëa. 1.4.2 Ätma tåtéya Literally, ätma tåtéya means ‘being one’s self the third’ and implies being compared or in a group with two other elements defining the self. We find the use of this in the tripod of life comprising the Sun, Moon and Lagna being the natural significators of the self, which is composed of three parts – soul (Sun/ätma), mind (Moon/mana) and body (Lagna/çaréra). In Vedic astrology this concept of ätma tåtéya is used in the sudarçana cakra where the three charts drawn from the ascendant, moon and sun are used to delineate the life events regarding the self. Varähamihira advises the use of the ascendant chart for childhood & youth, candra lagna (moon chart) has a greater say in middle life and sürya lagna (sun chart) has predominance in old age where the spiritual inclinations increase. The ätma tåtéya is made more personal when instead of the natural significators, the Carakäraka (temporal significators) are used. Then the tripod of life comprises the ätmakäraka (soul), äruòha lagna (mind) and päka lagna (intelligence/body). Yet another reference to ätma tåtéya is the union of Väsudeva with the three Çakté i.e. Çré Çakté, Bhü Çakté & Käli Çakté in the three guëa – satva, rajas & tamas respectively. 1.4.3 Ätma chaturtha Literally, ätma chaturtha means ‘being one’s self the fourth’ and refers to the four fold division of the body of Näräyaëa. Extracts from book Näräyaëa daçä, “The whole body of Näräyaëa is divided into four parts called Brahma, Viñëu, Çiva and Väsudeva. These parts cannot really be differentiated from the whole and are complete in themselves like dividing infinity by four, we still get infinity as the result. Thus, Näräyaëa with ‘Çré’ Çakté is called Viñëu and is of pure satva guëa; Näräyaëa with ‘Bhü’ Çakté is called Brahma and is of rajas guëa; while Näräyaëa with ‘Käli’ Çakté was called Çiva and is of tamas guëa. These three parts are full of nectar and are imperceptible. The fourth part of Näräyaëa is called Väsudeva. This part is both perceptible (with three Çakté i.e. Çré Çakté, bhü Çakté & Käli Çakté and three guëa intermingling) and imperceptible (with two Çakté: Çré Çakté & Bhü Çakté).” In this theosophy, the ätma is equated to the paramätma and is Viñëu, being a part of Väsudeva. 1.4.4 Ätma païcama Literally, ätma païcama means ‘being one’s self the fifth’. Mahäpuruña Acyuta däsa speaks of the seven-fold païca ätma5. The seed of a banyan tree shall grow into a banyan tree and not any other tree. The essence of the banyan tree was in the seed itself, in the form of a balance of its guëa which defines its nature as different from other banyan trees, while the balance of the tatva shall define its form, name, etc, which shall differentiate it from other species of trees and other living and non-living beings. The ätma in the seed associated with präkåti (material energy) in five different ways based on the tatva to form the seed. These five aspects of the ätma are called the païca ätma. Table 1: Païca ätma ( in the attachment ) Now consider the teaching of Çré Kåñëa in the Bhagavat géta (appendix-1.). It is evident that the beings created are of two types – the inferior non-living and the superior living beings. The living beings are essentially jévätma (living beings) of which some have a higher proportion of mänava-ätma-amça (human being potential). The difference between two human beings spiritual potential is also the difference between their mänava-ätma-amça. The Lord Viñëu incarnates in ten different forms based on the highest spiritual potentiality of the navagraha (nine planets) and lagna. These incarnations are called Yuga (era) avatar as the their appearance is at the junction of the Yuga and the day they leave the planet marks the beginning of a new Yuga. There is no doubt about this theosophy of the Vedic seers. The very presence of the paraà-ätma-amça in them marks these incarnations, as that of the lord Viñëu Himself. Paräsara states that most of the incarnations of Viñëu had very low proportions of paraà-ätma-amça while the highest proportion was in His incarnation as Jagannätha - Çré Kåñëa. To be able to decipher the proportion of the jévätma-amça, mänava-ätma-amça and paraà-ätma-amça in any horoscope is the penultimate objective of every Vedic astrologer, and the day we can do that, Jyotiña would have reached its highest pinnacle meriting the admiration and respect of society. This was the level of the subject at the time of Paräsara and we should not spare any resource in trying to emulate their achievements. 1.4.5 Ätma saptama & Ätma añöama Literally, ätma saptama means ‘being one’s self the seventh’ and refers to the seven sthira käraka which represent the physical body. This can also refer to the seven-planet carakäraka scheme applicable to the inanimate world. Literally, ätma añöama means ‘being one’s self the eighth’ and refers to the eight-planet carakäraka scheme applicable to all living beings. i think this might help you in undestanding about Atma Karaka
  10. use D-4 in JHora software, it is freely available from SJC
  11. Ak in vimsamsa lagna is a blessing for spiritually concerned, yes you must be a great spiritual person
  12. bagwe, did she had a deep long affair at past?, from her chart i can say that she have 90% possibility in falling love. Let's Sun shine be always with us
  13. Mrs. Malar, now it gives pretty sense, see on your husband's chart d7 counter clockwise from Pisces rahu is placed afflicting sun, which results in miscarriage. As i told already you will get a female child during mar/2010 - jun/2010. From your husband's chart also the planet which is responsible for second child is with Venus, So pray to Lord Lakshmi. He can pray to any Lord regarding Venus. From his chart i think the family God for your husband must be a protector type,firey (Jupiter placed in mars house), like karuppanasamy etc. He may be interested in Lord krishna and Vishnu. Lord Murugan is the ishta devata for him.
  14. kath, if you don't mind, can u tell me that he is good with his parents, because i can't see any good for his parents in his chart, since nodes have good karma may reduce it, according to his dasamsa it is good for business Let Sun's blessing will be always with us, -------------------------------- Since the chart is interesting i replied u, if you don't know about the accuracy of your brother's birth time you can send some of his life events to sunlionel.ad@gmail.com, i will do my best to help him
  15. Mrs. malar, in predicting about children d7 gives more sense and also UL in rasi also give us some idea 1.From your chart: your miscarriage is due to the placement of rahu in d7, your chart gives more sense, second child is difficult and only venus can help you in getting second child, the remedy can be given by mercury and venus placed in leo, so pray to vishu avatar having weapons in his hands or simply worship Lord Lakshmi during Sundays and tell some mantras, if you do regular worship i'm sure that you will get a female child during mar/2010 - jun/2010 2. While predicting your husband's chart i'm not cent percent sure, because i have doubts about his birth time accuracy, in your husband's chart me, ve & sa are in mutual kendras (d7) (normally if these planets in mutual konas give no children, but in general if these planets aspect each other it will give difficult in getting children) all the best Let's Sun blessings be always with us
  16. In my opinion chandra kavacham is great, Some other sthothrams for Lord Chandra are 1)Padhma Dhwajaaya Vidhmahe Hem Roopaaya Dheemahi Thanno Soma Pracho Dhayaath. 2)Dhadhi sanka Thushaaraabham Ksheero Dhaarnava Sambhavam Namaami sasinam Somam Sambhor makuta Bhooshanam. 3)Om Cham Chandraya Namaha 4)Om som somaya namah
  17. One should experience his karma of his past life in this life, Lord Shri Rama made his life as the example for this,he stayed 14 years in forest due to the curse by the great maha rishi
  18. recite the below kavacham mainly on mondays <st1:place w:st="on">Om</st1:place> Ganesaya Nama<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Salutations to Lord Ganesa <o:p> </o:p> Asya Sri Chandra Kavacha stotra Maha Manthrasya<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> What follows is the great prayer called “Armour of the moon.” <o:p> </o:p> Gowthama Rishi<o:p></o:p> Anushtup Chanda,<o:p></o:p> Chandro Devatha<o:p></o:p> Chandra preethyartham jape viniyoga.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Sage for this prayer is Gowthama, meter is Anushtup, God is the moon and this is being chanted to please the moon. <o:p> </o:p> Samam , chathurbhujam vande, keyura makutojjwalam,<o:p></o:p> Vasudevasya nayanam, Shankarasya cha bhooshanam. 1<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I salute the four armed Moon god who is calm, Who shines in a gem studded great crown, Who is the eye of Lord Vishnu, And the ornament of Lord Shiva. <o:p> </o:p> Yevam dhyathwa japen nithyam shasina kavacham shubham,<o:p></o:p> Shasi pathu shiro desam, phalam pathu kala nidhi. 2<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Thus praying ,this holy armour of moon, should be chanted daily, Let my head be protected by moon, and hairs be protected by the treasure of arts. <o:p> </o:p> Chakshushi chandrama pathu , shruthi pathu nisha pathi,<o:p></o:p> Pranam krupakara pathu ,mukham kumuda bhandhava. 3<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Let my eyes be protected by he who has moon light, Let my ears be protected by the Lord of the night, Let my soul be protected by he who is merciful, And my face be protected by the relative of Lotus. <o:p> </o:p> Pathu kantam cha may soma, skande jaivathrukasthadha,<o:p></o:p> Karou sudhakara pathu, vaksha pathu nisakara. 4<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Let Soma protect my neck, Let my shoulder be protected by one who is long lived, Let the maker of nectar protect my hands, And the maker of night protect my chest. <o:p> </o:p> Hrudayam pathu may chandro, nabhim shankara bhooshana,<o:p></o:p> Madhyam pathu sura sreshta, katim pathu sudhakara. 5<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Let my heart be protected by moon, Let my belly be protected by ornament of Shiva, Let my middle be protected by chief of devas, And my hip be protected by he who makes nectar. <o:p> </o:p> Ooru tharapathi pathu, mrugango januni sada,<o:p></o:p> Abdhija padhu may jange ,padhu, padou vidhu sada. 6<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Let my thighs be protected by the Lord of the stars, Let he who has a deer protect my knees, Let the maker of time protect my calves, Let my feet be protected by Moon. <o:p> </o:p> Sarvan anyani changaani pathu, chandro akhilam vapu,<o:p></o:p> Ethdhi kavacham punyam bhukthi mukthi pradayakam. 7<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Let all my other organs be protected by Chandra who is everywhere And this armour would give one devotion and salvation. <o:p> </o:p> Ya padeth srunyadhvapi sarvathra vijayi bbhaveth. 8<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> If one reads or hears this , he would win in everything. <o:p> </o:p> Ithi Sri Chandra kavacham sampoornam.<o:p></o:p> Thus ends the armour of the moon.
  19. Please recite the below ashtakam on thursday (jupiter) or daily Amba, thwadeya pada pankaja pamsu lesa,<o:p></o:p> Sambanda banduratharaa rasana thwadheeyam,<o:p></o:p> Sambhayudhadhipadamapya amruthathi ramyam,<o:p></o:p> Nimbhayathe kimutha bhouma padani thasya. 1<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Oh, Mother, for him whose toungue is pretty,<o:p></o:p> By the contact with the dust of lotus feet of yours,<o:p></o:p> Even the position of Devendra,<o:p></o:p> Made pleasant with holy things like nectar,<o:p></o:p> Tastes bitter and what shall we say,<o:p></o:p> About any positions in earth? <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Matha, sthwadheya karunamrutha poorna drushti,<o:p></o:p> Pathakwachidwidhi vasan manuje na cheth syath,<o:p></o:p> Kaa thasya ghora api dhabhyavaaharanidhra,<o:p></o:p> Bheethyadhikeshu sama bhavamupeyivalsu. 2<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Oh Mother, If your merciful nectar like looks,<o:p></o:p> Does not fully fall on a man,<o:p></o:p> What shall we tell about him,<o:p></o:p> Who does not see even differences,<o:p></o:p> In food, sleep and in grades of fear?<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Vani rema giri suthethi cha roopa bhedai,<o:p></o:p> Kshoni jusham vividha mangala maadha dhasi,<o:p></o:p> Naneeyaseem thava vibhuthimaho vivekthum,<o:p></o:p> Ksheenibhavathyakruthakopi vacha prapancha? 3<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Mother, the world of words in this earth,<o:p></o:p> Is just not sufficient to describe Your greatness,<o:p></o:p> For you grant all that is good for the earth,<o:p></o:p> In the forms of Sarasvathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Sarvagnatha giri sutha kamithir vipaksha,<o:p></o:p> Garvachidhakusalathadivishad guroscha,<o:p></o:p> Charvaartha sabdha ghatana patutha kaveenaam,<o:p></o:p> Sarvam thwadheeya karunaa kanika vivartha. 4<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Mother, the all time greatness of Lord Shiva,<o:p></o:p> The ability to kill the pride in enemies <o:p></o:p> Of Guru, the teacher of devas,<o:p></o:p> And the ability to arrange words of the poets,<o:p></o:p> Are but different forms of the drops of your mercy.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Mooka kavirjada iha prathi bhavadhagryo,<o:p></o:p> Bheekunda durbhalamadhir dharani vijhetha,<o:p></o:p> Nishkinchano nidhipadhir bhavathi thwadheeya,<o:p></o:p> Mekam kadakshamavalambhya jagathsavithree. 5<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Oh Goddess who is mother of all earth,<o:p></o:p> By one mere merciful look of yours,<o:p></o:p> A dumb man became a poet,<o:p></o:p> A fool became the first among the wise,<o:p></o:p> And a very poor man becomes very rich.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Varnathmike , hima sudhakara sankha kunda,<o:p></o:p> Varnabhi rama thanu vallari viswa vandhye,<o:p></o:p> Karnatha deergha karunardhra kadaksha pathai,<o:p></o:p> Poorna akhilarthamima masu vidathsva devi. 6<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Hey Goddess with a colourful soul,<o:p></o:p> Whose body is as white as the,<o:p></o:p> Snow, moon, conch and Jasmine,<o:p></o:p> And who is worshipped by the entire world,<o:p></o:p> Please rain a merciful look on me,<o:p></o:p> From your eyes which extend to your ears,<o:p></o:p> And make me fulfill all my wishes.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Kalam kiyanthamayi they chararavindha,<o:p></o:p> Malambhya hantha vilapami vilolachetha,<o:p></o:p> Balam kurushwa krutha kruthyamimam Shubhiaka,<o:p></o:p> Moolam nidhaya karuardhra mapangamasmin. 7<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> For how long a time ,am I crying,<o:p></o:p> Near the lotus like feet of yours,<o:p></o:p> Oh Goddess ,who is the source of all that is good,<o:p></o:p> Please be kind enough to shower,<o:p></o:p> The merciful look of yours,<o:p></o:p> So that this child will become contented.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ananda hethu mayi they karunaam vihaya,<o:p></o:p> Noonam na kinchidakhilesi vilokayami,<o:p></o:p> Dhoonam dayarhamagathim karunamruthadrai,<o:p></o:p> Renam shishum shishirayashu kadakshapathai. 8<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Hey Goddess who is the cause of my happiness,<o:p></o:p> Except for your mercy, I do not see,<o:p></o:p> Anything in this world to be happy,<o:p></o:p> And so please make this child drench in cold,<o:p></o:p> From the rain of mercy from your eyes.<o:p></o:p> For I am fit for your mercy,<o:p></o:p> And does not have any one else.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Imam padedhya prayathasthavodhgha,<o:p></o:p> Mananya chetha jagatham jananya,<o:p></o:p> Sa vidhwadharadhitha pada peete,<o:p></o:p> Labhetha sarvam pursharthasartham. 9<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> He who reads the prayer,<o:p></o:p> To the mother of all the world,<o:p></o:p> Would become fit to be worshipped by the wise,<o:p></o:p> And would get all that is to be got.
  20. Dear kanth, D-1: AK in lagna is the good position for any chart, but for saturn is bad, so even though it helps in overcoming obstacles it will destroy the relationships with other people, AK and PK in lagna is soo good for following in public as seen in many charts of leaders but two malefic in lagna is not good in lagna gives a bad yoga, we can't say it will give bad results financialy (because it is D-1), we can say that you can experience some losses in mahadasa of saturn and rahu, venus in 3rd house of its own is soo good but with sun it destroys the capability of the venus, usually the king (Sun) will dominate in a house, even though a dancing girl (Venus) present in the same house, Jupiter can show some instability in your nature, 7th lord in lagna tells that you may have strong desire on what you think, Dharma of this person is not bad. D - 10: Career, it can be a business man since moon is in it's own house, if the native does a service he will be more comfortable in doing computer related administration, since ketu is in mercury's house it can show more analytical attribute, varuna amsa shows some building up or helping, being 11th lord and 5th lord in 8th house can show that the person can have some instability regarding ability and income, if he's a business man he may well do in taking-care of business, his main concept will be helping people through his business by religious way also, 2nd lord in 12th and 12th lord in 11th is not good combination, as i described above it may cause an additional impact on over income (instability), in this combination we can say that the mahadasa of rahu 2000 - 2008 might not be a good dasa financially, especially the year 2005/8 - 2006/9, please comment on the above to get further readings P.S : The dasa for the above is Dwi-Saptati sama dasa sunlionel.ad@gmail.com sunlionel.blogspot.com
  21. Dear Mora, Praying to Jyothir Linga will help in recognition of the career, please chant "Om Namashivaya namo Mallikarjunaya namah" 108 times on wednesday or everyday, All the Best
  22. Dear Lovely, After looking at your chart, in rasi and Chaturthamsa the moon is afflicted, there must be constant struggles in fortune, pray to phalana devata, the saraswati who can save you from losses and if you want you can recite some mantras over chandra also(to strengthen him), because he is your AmK. Since Mercury is in karakamsa, you may have bought some abilities regarding mercury from your past life, that is you may good at speech( but the 2nd house is afflicted by ketu), writing, some commanding speech, or the ability w.r.t Mercury, which must be great compared to others, To get rid-off losses and live without any loss please pray to the Lord Saraswathi, who can remove all the worries.
  23. Dear Mora, In predicting i use SJC teachers principle, for fortunes and travelling we have to see D-4,for marriage D - 9, and for occupation D - 10, i think BPHS also describes the same, please verify BPHS or simply see your chart by using JHora
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