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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Posts posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. Dear Ramesh,


    you are experiancing these difficulties as you are in the Sani Sade sath period .This ends by 10-9-2009.It has started on 23-7-2002. Propitiate Sani by puja or (Nuvvula oil)tailabhishekam in any temple having Navagrahas ,on ever Saturday, to get relief.Your lord of profession is Venus .It is weak, as it is close to debilitation and by association with Saturn the 6th and 7th lord in lagna . Pray regularly Goddess Lakshmi along with whatever prayers you do. Be fair with your parents , with your father in special.Their blessings will help you.

    Good luck,



  2. Mrs Apally,

    It is a general observation. If correct data is given , it simplifies the analysis and saves time. Anyway i hope you are satisfied with the reading and remedy. Generally in this forum most of the people with severe similar problems are having a similar pattern of planets positioning and the predictions look as repetitive. Innocently people suffer for years ,which they can avoid if they get early advice and do the remedial action.It is difficult to understand life and destiny.

    Wish you all goodluck for the early marriage of your son.


  3. Mrs Apally,

    For the new birth date, Saturn is in lagna Cancer .Lagna and Saturn are in the constellation of Satun.Lagna lord is Moon.As already said that when Saturn influences Moon, in this case ,by its presence in Cancer ,the house of the Moon, delays or denies marriage. Saturn is highly powerful in this chart.Propitiate Sani in the name of your son for getting better results. Now Sani Mahadasa and Sani antar dasa is running upto 21-8-2010. You have to propitiate Kuja also as Kuja is in the 11th house in the constellation of Moon ,the lagna lord and is casting it's 4th aspect on 2nd house , 8th aspect on Venus the 11th lord. Though the DOB is different by mistake , the results are identical.


    Good luck


  4. Dear AP


    Mangalik is seen from lagna and not from Moon. There are different theories to see it from lagna,from Moon and from Venus ,which ever is strong. It complicates the subject and confuses. If the boy is good, has education, Job and the family background is fair enough , you can go ahead. Pray God and do good to others ,helps you and your kith and kin.



  5. Dear AP.


    The points scored in marriage matching are 27/36. Both are not Mangalik (No Kuja dosha).Both the horoscopes have similarities like lagna lord associated with 7th lord in 9th.In boy's horoscope lagna lord Mars (debilitated) is with Venus(Retrograde) in 9th. As you say the debilitation is cancelled.A retrograde planet gives the result of exaltation. Similarly in the girls horoscope the 7th lord Sun is debilitated and is associated with lagna lord Saturn in exaltation in 9th.Here also the debilitation is cancelled. These planets in angular house 9th ,gives extreme benefits and a rare combination of charts. They indicate that they stay in a distant land away from their parents. The girl dominates the boy and controls the affairs of the house.Rahu and Ketu in exaltation in both the charts helps success wrt the affairs of the houses they are in.


    Good luck


  6. Mrs.Apally


    Astrology has become a mockery . Some basic principles while approaching an astrologer for guidance are forgotten. In a forum , the gender , name , some background details , correct information etc are not mentioned by some. It is like testing or teasing to know something without any relevance. It will be disadvantage for people who seek real advice.All the people who reply are spending their time,money just to help others. Wrt your new birth date i will leave it to other astrologers in this forum to reply.



  7. Dear apally,


    The mentioned horoscope data is incorrect. Your son's birth star is Uttara Bhadra ,pada 3. Lagna is Tula. The delay in the marriage is due to 2nd and 7th lord Kuja(Mars) is debilitated , is in Cancer(10th house) with Sani 4th and 5th lord. The lord of this house Chandra is in 6th.

    Whenever Sani influence Chandra the marriage gets delayed or may not take place at all. Until ,you do puja/santhi to Sani and Kuja in the name of your son ,expecting positive result is difficult. Sukra mahadasa and sukra antardasa ends by 4-10-2009. Sukra mahadasa Ravi antardasa starts by 5-10-2009 upto 4-10-2010. The marriage chances are more after 5-10-2009. But if the remedy suggested is done effectively, it can take place in Sukra-Sukra period.

    Good luck,



  8. Dear Bishnu,

    Predictions based on Horoscope as per birth details indicate the various effects ,the planets are going to give during the entire life span of the person ,wrt the 12 houses. The next thing that modifies these effects is the position of planets wrt to each other. If they are in shashta-ashtaka (6-8) , they become enemy to each other and during their Dasa-Subdasa give all types of misery to the individual .This is not generally noticed by many astrologers ,the various Astrology software and the person suffering . So the predictions go wrong and the suffering continues. To help you in advance , the advice is given.



  9. Mrs.Pally,

    I generally find in this forum ,the name in full and gender are not mentioned in the posts. I presume this is the case of a boy.He is already aged and the reasons told by the previous astrologers, if possible can be given. Any major events in the life of the boy ? Is the boy willing for marriage ? .



  10. Dear psg,

    Enquire with some famous temples in India via Internet like Sri Kalahastiswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh. They may be able to do Rahu-Ketu puja on your behalf in absence at some price. Or do Rahu-Ketu japa from the booklets in your language . Or donate blackgram and horsegram pulses to to needy people.If it is not possible for you to do ,ask your relations in India to do on your behalf at your cost. These are the ancient remedies prescribed.


    Good luck.


  11. Dear psg,


    Both you and your husband are having a dosha called "The curse of serpents". It happens when Rahu is in 5th house ,the house of progeny. In your horoscope Rahu is in 5th house associated with Moon the 11th lord. In your husband's horoscope debilitated Rahu is in 5th house aspecting the 5th house lord Mars situated in 11th house with debilitated Ketu. This Naga Shapa(curse) denies progeny. The remedial for this doing Naga puja/ installing Naga diety in a Shivalayam with puja and Praying Diety Subrahmanya (Son of Shiva and Parvathi) regularly on every tuesday. Once you complete the remedy, you will be blessed with good children.

    Good luck.



  12. Rajiv


    Gajakesari Yoga is formed by the union of Chandra and Guru or Chandra is in kendra house to Guru. Not necessary this yoga should give good results always.This depends ,in what houses this yoga is formed. In your horoscope it is in 4th and 1st houses.Exalted Jupitor in karkataka lagna and the lagna lord moon in Tula gives you Gajakesari Yoga with reasonable good results wrt to 1st and 4th house . The 4th house lord Sukra in 8th is likely to make your brothers and sisters not very much helpful to you. As the lagna lord is Moon ,is powerful as you are born on full moon day, but is loosing its power as it is near debilitation. Wear a pearl and Pray Lord Shiva to keep Chandra's power intact.



  13. Dear AP,


    The 1st and 6th house lord Mars is debilitated and it is not cancelled.But Jupitor the 2nd and 5th lord with exalted Ketu is casting its aspect on Mars ,reduces the negative effect of Mars. Pray Kuja or Diety Subrahmanya on every tuesday in a temple , if not, in your place of residence to improve your health and pacify your opponents in personal or professional life.Don't ask me to explain how the debilitation gets cancelled.:) It is a big subject.



  14. There are two types of astrological methods, one is Vedic and the second is western. One is based on Nirayana and the second is based on Sayana system of calculations.The lagna and position of planets change depending on which method is used.As per Vedic system your lagna is Scorpio and Mars is debiliated in Cancer(this is the only house for Mars debiliation),the 9th house from lagna.



  15. Rajnish,

    Your birth time is 6.55 PM in the evening. Your Lagna and Chandra rasi is Mesha. All the above bad events took place during Rahu Mahadasa and Sani Subdasa which runs from date 21-10-2005 to 26-8-2008. This is a testing period in your life.Sani is 10th lord and 11th lord(profession and gains).Rahu is in 10th, Though Sani is exalted ,he is associated with debiliated Ravi and 6th lord Budha.Better you do some Shanti to Ravi and Sani on Saturdays until the end of August 2008.It is best if you can do puja to all the Nava Grahas.


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