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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Posts posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. Dear Sri....?


    Thanks for your Ugadi greetings and wish you and your parents the same. You too must have celebrated happily. Salient features of your horoscope are Lagna,Kuja,Venus are vargottamam and Saturn is exalted.Moon mahadasa is upto Sept 2009. Moon mahadasa Sukra antardasa is upto March 2009. Moon mahadasa Ravi antardasa is upto Sept 2009. It seems marriage takes place during Sukra antardasa ,earlier to your trip abroad. Your spouse has a clear indication for stay at abroad. Before Sept 2009 your chances are bright for foreign travel ,for higher education and employment along with spouse.Placement of exalted Sani in 12th aspecting 9th lord Chandra in 6th is not giving result to your efforts to go abroad for higher education. Do tailabhishekam to Sani on every saturday in any temple and pray Sri Chamundeswari Devi or Sri Durga Devi regularly for Chandra. These remedies you have to do life long.


    wish you good luck,


  2. Dear Meera rai,

    Rahu maha dasa ended by July 2007. The parental and job related issues might have delayed her marriage during this period. Rahu is placed 6th to lagna and its 18 years period doesn't give benefic results . Now Guru mahadasa has started from 7/2007 for 16 years period gives all benefic results. Marriage, children ,employment etc will be solved. Association of Ravi lagna lord and Sani 7th lord in 10th is not favourable. Better she should recite Suryashtakam daily and do Sani puja on Saturdays in a temple. She can wear a green emerald ring on her right hand little finger to give strength to Budha the 2nd and 11th lord to improve finance and family affairs. Ask her not to wear any other gems including pearls.


    Good luck,


  3. Dear Vrishali,

    You are best suited for legal profession. Try to do LLB or similar course. Now you are in Rahu mahadasa and Budha antardasa upto October 2009.Marraiage by love can take place in this period. If you miss this you will have arranged marriage before November 2010 in Rahu mahadasa ketu antardasa(subperiod). You are likely to settle in a foreign land after the marriage. There is nothing to worry about future except that your lagna lord Budha (Mercury) is in 6th and the 5th and 6th lord Sani in Lagna. Budha is 1st and 10th lord in 6th is not bad as the Dwikendradhityapati dosha gets cancelled , but 6th house effect cann't be nullified on 1st house.So the remedy is wear a ring with green emerald on your right hand little finger (first test it ,if results ok continue) and Pray lord Vishnu regularly for good health and occupation. Venus is exalted in 7th , Moon exalted in 9th and other planets position in the horoscope give good results.When Venus subperiod comes in Rahu mahadasa from Nov 2010 to Nov 2013 ,you may face some excess expenditure . During this period you do Rahu-ketu shanti to get good result and relief.


    Good luck,


  4. Dear Vijaymangal,

    Astrology is vast subject. With devoted concentration one has to study and also learn with respect from people who already spent enough time on this. It is just like any field of study.Different principles are used in different branches of astology like Horary(Inviduals),Prasna, Muhurtha ,Vastu,Naadi etc.Each has it's own relevance. A person who study one, the other branches take less time to understand. There is no qualification or religion or caste are involved. Some learn within their family by tradition. Some acquire by study through a teacher or by self. It is a tool to guide the person,community and nation when to do or not to do. It is to be used along with other factors prevalent at that time. Not necessary it is to be used always. It can be used while making important decisions and for important events. It is an integral part of Indian community used unknowingly like celebrating the festivals, marriage , birth etc.Prediction is only 1% of the Astrology. Hope you relish my thoughts.



  5. deepa bhandari,

    When a patient goes to a doctor, he has to tell his illness in detail and has to undergo the various tests for diagnosis, then take the doctor's prescription ,purchase the medicines , take them in at prescribed time and dose as per prescription and report back to the doctor to tell him that the illness is gone or still there. When we follow this sort of procedure in all our activities, we can as well follow while seeking astrological advice.Make clear the astrological illness of the person you mentioned with all details , some one in this forum may answer you.



  6. Dear Gupta,


    For Libra ascendent Mars in 4h house Capricorn ,Kuja doesn't give any dosha. You are not mangalik due to this.Your 7th lord is exalted and is in Kutumba stana 4th house. She will become part of your family easily. Her father will readily agree but her mother will agree , after persuation. Hope ,astrologically , your doubts are cleared. The advice is already given. Pl follow it.

    Best of luck



  7. Dear Roshan Gupta,


    You are going to marry the girl whom you love by this year end. It seems she is from a known family to you.

    Your horoscope is good in all respects except Ravi is close to debiliation and is in association with exalted Ketu. Do Gayatri or Aditya stotram daily. Sukra is with exalted Kuja in 4th in the house of Sani. Sani is exalted in lagna.Sukra and Sani have exchanged houses. This parivartana yoga is good ,but association of Sukra with exalted Mars make the 1st and 8th lord weak. Do prayer to goddess Jagadambe or Lakshmi on fridays.Exalted Ketu in 2nd and exalted Rahu in 8th will bring fortune from your wife by salary or other sources. Overall your job in a distant land or in India is good. You are more likely to work in a distant land, as your 10th lord Chandra is in 9th in the house of Budha the 9th and 12th lord, aspected by Guru and Budha itself from 3rd.


    Good luck



  8. Dear Mrs Gudash,


    Rahu mahadasa and Venus antardasa is running for you upto 9-9-2009. For your husband Ketu mahadas Jupitor antardasa is running upto 1-6-2008. Before 1-6-2008 there is every chance for you to conceive and have the baby by 2009. But ,both of you have to perform Rahu-Ketu puja in any temple where these dieties are installed. This is because of their placement in your horoscopes.

    Good luck



  9. Dear Ram Krishna Hari,

    Your lagna is Meena. You are born at 7.29 AM or afterwards close to this time.Your birth star is Magha pada 4. Chandra is in Simha rasi. So, you are in Sani Sadesath since 6-9-2004 upto 3-8-2012. Vargottama Guru in 9th house ,its 5th aspect on Lagna is very helpful in keeping you cool inspite of facing many difficulties. Moon is strong as you are lucky to be born on Purnima. Regarding bald head, the exalted Sukra in lagna which is supposed to make you highly handsome, is unable to give its result ,as Kuja is occupying the same house ie lagna. Lagna represents face and head .Both the planets oppose each other in giving their results. The result is ,you become more bold and dominant than beautiful. So do shanti to Sani upto the end of your Sani sadesath and Kuja regularly throughout your life. Your chart indicates good future ,except the above mentioned . Take nutritious food grain like soya beans/black eyed white beans which represent Sukra, for hair growth along with other medications if any.

    Good luck,



  10. Dear Aswani Sachdeva,


    I developed curiosity for this subject since long , studied Palmistry,Numerology,Vaastu and astrology.My observations are :- Many astrological books are available on vedic method and it's application.Many authors write books based on the study of their own horoscopes and apply the theories to others. Each astrologer is familiar in a particular area. His/her statement in other areas doesn't contain relevent information. We have to study many good books and take what is best stated and forget the rest. Some books are trash.You can't straight away apply the rules given in ancient texts , if you do, you are sure to end-up in a messy prediction. Many of the rules/ predictions frighten the people to their skin, they feel life is worthless. I find ,if correct principles are applied , astrology and palmistry can give good and accurate predictions. The destiny can be modified from worst to best or best to worst by our actions. This is what i observed after seeing many people horoscopes and palms. It is a good tool to guide and caution.It is a vast subject, it can be learnt by study and practice and developing your own method.

    By profession i am an Engineer. IITian.



  11. Dear Aswani Sachdeva,

    Thanks for prompt reply. If you find any good Indian Vedic text in English on this subject pl inform me. What is your experience as an astrologer ? What method you adopt for prediction. Just to know new things , i am asking. You can also offer your astrological observations on the problems posed by the members.Revealing the secrets of astrology to others can educate other aspirants and also updates our knowledge.

    Thank you,


  12. Sachdeva,


    I think much astrological data is not available on this subject.What is your observation astrologically ?. Can you enlighten me on this. Any good advanced literature on this available. The general happening is one day before Amavasya or Poornima. But when and where ,accurately no body so far has predicted. The celestial bodies are very active on these days. But the rays of concentration on a place either on earth or sea is to be researched with proper tools.



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