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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Posts posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. My dear friend,(pl change your ID name)

    How you are able to find that the life span is >32 using Jaimini Sutras , can you explain in detail what you have understood. Can you tell ,what is the exact illness of your sister.Finding life span is a difficult chapter in astrology, and many astrologers fail in this. If in your right hand palm(if you are a right hander) ,the lifeline,headline and heart line are continuous without any breaks simultaneously on all the lines at the same age and their length is good , there is no danger to life and the person lives his full life.Purchase a good book on palmistry (St.German is a good book) and see your lines and apply this with astrology. You will get very good idea.

    with best wishes,


  2. Dear Joshi,

    Whom you are asking to send the horoscope as early as possible. The way you are asking doesn't seem to be polite. Pl learn to respect ,before you want to know your future or put your post seperately without mixing it with that of other member.

    with best wishes,


  3. Kalaivani,

    There is no chance of love marriage. It will be arranged . You got all the planetary combinations for study and employment abroad. Jupitor-Mars and Jupitor-Rahu dasa-antardasa periods upto 10/2008 and 3/2011 favour higher studies/employment at distant land. The marriage takes place during Saturn mahadasa and Saturn Antar dasa staring from 3/2011. If at all your parents try ,it can be before 10/2008. Though you are slightly out of Kala-Sarpa dosha, it's effect is there ,as all the planets except Moon are in the 180 Deg axis of Rahu-Ketu.Moon is in the same house Midhuna with Rahu ,but out of the axis by 3 deg. You have to do Kala Sarpa Nivarana Dosha puja. You can go to Kala-Hasti which is nearby to Chennai and do it personally in your name. Next your lagna lord Venus(Sukra) is debilitated(Neecha) and is in 12th house within 6 deg of Sun, so a little bit combust. Wear a diamond in any of your ornaments regularly and pray Sri Lakshmi on every friday.


    wish you good luck,



  4. Dear ramakrishnahari,

    Don't be confused about lagna.As per the events in your life mentioned by you , your lagna is Meena. Once you are in Meena lagna ,all the planetary effects are to be seen from this only. Lagna Sandhi is not to be taken into consideration to count the predictions of Kumbh or Meena lagna. Praying Sri Jagadamba or Mahalakshmi on friday's for Venus is good along with other things.



  5. Dear Meera Rai,


    When i give some advice, it covers all the aspects including the specific problem.I don't mention all the other points as they are not required to be known.I give my analysis (in your view they are inputs,in my view it is the final output) only for the problem asked by the member.In her chart only Sani has to be taken care .It is immediate . I think based on this information(input), you also analyse and give your view or advice.Without any malice or intention of hurting you or your friend,I feel you should double check the information as it deals with the life of a person.You are correct if you are doing the same. As you have asked, I gave the astrological reasons for delay in her marriage and it is only with a wish that she should get married like any normal individual and have her family, which will make her life complete in all respects. You also advice her ,as chances are there astrologically.

    Generally I reply only once and it is complete, but it is your request that made me reply more than once.

    Still any doubts are there about this horoscope don't hesitate to ask . I will try my level best to reply.


    With best wishes,



  6. Meera rai,

    The above prediction on Sani and Sani Sadesath applies for Job and all other issues also. Sani's 3rd aspect on Jupitor the 1/10 lord and in 10th the 2/9 lord Mars,4/7 lord Mercury, are placed.The blemish on Jupitor has to be nutralised.



  7. My dear Meera Rai,


    Your friend having so many problems is quite pathetic.It happens to some people who doesn't have support from parents and family members or early astrological advice. She is already above 45 years of age. Love or marriage by mutual consent is for physical and emotional support when they become aged.Still she can bear children before she reaches 50 years. In her horoscope Jupitor the lagna lord is in lagna is good to protect her from all curses or evils. She need not worry for life. The 5th lord , lord of romance and love Chandra is in 7th (house for spouse). Naturally her mind thinks of association by love. I think she loves all her friends,relatives etc.Basically her's is an affectionate nature.But she is slow to respond due to position of Sani in her chart ,thereby lost all chances.

    Some points responsible for her problems I feel are Sani sadesath has started from 11/2006 and will be upto 11/2014. Sani is in Makara Rasi,his own house is powerful and is aspecting lagna,lagna lord Guru, the 5th house (House of Chandra) and 8th(good for longevity). Naturally there is delay in her marriage. Overall her horoscope is ok except Sani's effect.Had she propitiated Sani early she would have got married in 82-86 or in 94-97.Anyway I wish her a better luck this time.Ask her not to wear any blue gems or blue dress.



  8. Dear Narsingh,

    Except Ravi and Chandra all the balance planets own two houses. Not only the lords of 1,5,9 are benefic but also the planets placed in these houses give benefic results for those houses only. We have to see the result of the other house owned by them and aspected by them. If it is 6,8,12 we have to judge its effect.Then dasa lord and subdasa lord relation like 6-8,8-6,1-12 etc are to be seen . Based on all these the gem is to be suggested. This is what i feel about gems. Semi precious stones are not useful. There is another gem therepy in Ayurveda. They make the gem as bhasma and given internally for certain diseases. Gems are used in a veriety of ways since ancient times including gifting to people to ward of their evils. Books/TV sales give a blind prescription without analysing individual charts. Anyway it is left to the person who follows these shortcuts.



  9. My dear Raj Singh,

    Saturn is lord of 4th and 5th houses is exalted in Lagna requires no further boost by wearing Neelam.You can safely remove. Venus as lagna lord is a benefic. Coming to Sun the 11th lord in 2nd with Budhatitya yoga is good. Your 2nd lord and 7th lord Mars is exalted and vargottama is good and aspecting the 7th,10th and 11th.For gains 2,10,11 houses and lords are well placed.For speculation and business 7th house lord Mars make you take hasty decision on the spur of the moment causing losses sometimes. Mars is in the constellation of Sun ,the 11th lord in 2nd. If you want to stabilise Mars for steady gains and get continuous profits, wear a Ruby(pure gem) on the ring finger.Your Sani sadesath has ended by 7/2007. Things will improve and benefits can be expected. Before 5/2010 in Sani mahadasa Sani antardasa you are sure to get married at any time.Search for the girl and be ready.The girl most likely has to be from your place ,but stay at foreign land for the purpose of business.


    With best wishes and good luck,



  10. Dear Sarma,


    Your horoscope seems to be a rare one.You are in Rahu Mahadasa. Sani Sadesath has started on 1-11-2006 and is upto 2-11-2014. Moon is powerful as you are born on Pournima. Venus is exalted but combust . Kuja is in 7th from Lagna and Chandra.You got Kuja dosha.But Kuja is aspected by Pournima Chandra ,4th and 7th lord Guru from lagna cancel Kuja Dosha.Also Kuja is combust due to very nearness to Ravi(less than 3 deg). The result I feel is ,your kuja dosha is totally cancelled. But you have to take care of other things like Sani Sadesath ,combust kuja etc.



  11. Sri Kathpal Kapil,


    It is an interesting article. Can you give the source of this information. Gems are mentioned in almost all Astrology books and books exclusively dealing with gems are available. They come under remedial action ,to improve the strength of planets when required. Caution is required suggesting gems , as some gems mostly for the natural malefics like Sun,Mars,Saturn,Rahu and Ketu cause destruction instead of benefiting if unnecessarily used. The function of the gem is to change the light colour pattern of the person, and hence influence his/her actions either for good or bad. Our mind and body works on electro-magnetic light pulses and the gems can influence this. Sincerity/Hard work/Meditation/Prayers/Satsang etc also improves the thinking along with the gems.



  12. Dear Raj Singh,


    I remember that i already replied you . I was busy replying some of the members, whose problems i felt require immediate attention. Some may follow and some may not follow, is left to their wisdom. Pl ask only one question on only one thing ,which you feel important. I will reply.


    Thank you for waiting so long for a reply.



  13. dear ravi77,

    You will find all answers in the reply. Sukra and Shani are lords of two houses. Combust planet looses all its power and can't do good ,even if it is exalted or vargottam. Shani as 12th lord in 6th ,though lagna lord, gives its effect on 6th and 12th house results. I think we have to take care of all these things and do the things carefully. Otherwise, you gain in one and loose in another .


    Pl take care . With best wishes.


  14. Dear Ravi,

    For getting money and for profit the 2nd and 11th house lord is Guru (Jupitor) in your horoscope. Guru is in 4th the house of Venus (Good Parivartana Yoga is present). But Guru is not aspecting his houses 2nd and 11th . So ,you can't derive the advantage of these houses.

    To overcome this, wear a ring with Kanaka Pushyarag gemstone (pure) ,on the right hand index finger. Jupitor mount is under the index finger. Don't wear any other gem stone. Your lagna lord Sani is in 6th and also Sani Sade sath is running at present . Chant/pray Sani regularly every day. Venus is exalted but combust due to closeness of Ravi . Pray Sri Jagadamba on Friday's regularly.Otherwise your future is good.

    Good Luck,


  15. Dear Vijaymangal,

    As you expressed , you are passing through testing times. Reasons are one,Sani Sadesath period has started on 1-11-2006 and ends by 2-11-2014. Start doing Sani Stotram or Puja till 2014. The second is you are in Rahu Mahadasa. Rahu-Ravi period is upto 2/09 (8-6 relation), next period is Rahu-Chandra is upto 8/10(1-12 relation), next is Rahu-Kuja upto 8/11(6-8 relation). Due to Rahu placement in 2nd house and due the above evil placement of Rahu wrt Ravi,Chandra and Kuja,their subperiods give bad results ,until you do some good Shanti to Rahu during the above period. Third is ,you are a mangalik as Kuja is placed 7th to lagna as well as Chandra in lagna. Try to find a similarly placed mangalik girl for better compatability. If you start the above remedies , you are likely get married in Rahu-Chandra period ie 2/9 to 8/10.

    Sukra is exalted and vargottama.Kuja,Rahu and Ravi are vargottama.Guru and Sukra parivartana yoga is there. There is nothing to worry about life and future.They are good. Regarding any Gem, you can wear Kanaka Pushya Rag for Guru.


    Good Luck,


  16. pallavi,

    Sani sadesath is running from 9/2004 upto 8/2012 for both of you. Sani is aspecting your 2nd and 5th lord Budha in lagna. You have to do shanti to Sani upto 2012 and pray Sri Vishnu(Venkateswara) daily for Budha. Your husband has to do shanti to Sani upto 2012 and also pray Ravi (recite Suryastakam) everyday in the morning as Surya is debilitated in 10th house.He has to pray Sri Durga on friday as Sukra the 5th lord is in 8th to lagna.

    2nd house from lagna is for addition to family members and 5th house is for children.Hope you are able to understand the above. If your mother says anything you can do that also. If both of you do the above ,you are likely to conceive by the middle of this year and have the baby in 2009.

    With best wishes,



  17. My dear ramakrishnahari,


    Pl follow the advice and do the remedy.These are not my own ,but as told by ancient vedic astrologers. When time is bad everything looks gloomy.Here only God comes into picture. Believe in God, time solves everything. Everybody has to face up and downs in life. Don't think it is happening to you alone. Have courage and belief in God.


    God bless you,



  18. My dear Ravi77,

    what exactly you want by wearing a gem? What other people suggested and for what ? Why you doubted their suggestions ? Any problem you are facing at present wanting to solve by wearing a gem ? Generally information is required on the above qs to suggest, as per your Kundli.



  19. Deepa Bhandari,

    Ketu dasa will be good except during Ketu dasa Venus subdasa 5/2014 to 7/2015. Do shanti to ketu and pray Sri Lakshmi or Durga devi for relief during this period. Since you have some idea that Ketu may do bad for you , recite Ketu japa regularly during Ketu mahadasa.


    God bless you and your family members.


  20. Dear Deepa Bhandari,

    Ketu mahadasa starts from Nov 2013 to Nov 2020. Still time is there .Venus is debilitated and is in lagna.Kuja and Guru are retrograde give benefic results.Guru in 7th is powerful and is aspecting 11th ,lagna and 3rd. I think the aspect of Sani on Lagna is creating doubts in your mind about your husband. Your husband may be using your money for development of family like purchasing assets, saving deposits etc. As it is there is no danger to marital life. Do prayers to Sani Dev, Sri Vishnu (for Budha) and Srl Lakshmi (for Venus) regularly. The Budha mahadasa Guru antardasa from 15-12-08 to 23-3-11 is to be in 6-8 relation can create some discomfort .Follow the remedy to get relief.Pray your family diety also. As you are an astrologer ,don't put further questions on this.


    With best wishes,



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