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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Posts posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. neelimaji,

    when elderly support is lacking. we have to face such unhappiness.Though an exalted Jupitor is in 10th,association of lagna lord Venus with Mars and Mercury the 12th lord doesn't give you the required freedom to decide your fate.

    Do regular prayers to Sri Lakshmi Narayan on Saturdays and Lord Subrahmanya on Tuesdays.

    When you get job donate for annadana to Sri Kalahasti Temple.

    Ask your parents to encourage you for independant decisions.

    You have a bright future though a bit delayed.

    with best wishes.


  2. It might have happened somewhere in July 2010.There was a deadly combination of 2nd lord Mars transiting over 7th natal lord Mercury in 6th house with transit Venus.Also 12th lord Saturn by transit over Sun the 6th natal lord in 7th house caused the death by vehicular accident.A rare combination of transit planets over the maraka houses and house of accident.Difficult to avoid the incident.

  3. Pl refer to Sri Valmiki Ramayana –Ayodhya Kanda 52 Sarga –Last sloka

    Sri Rama,Sri Lakshmana became hungry,Killed 4 maha mrugan (4 types of great animals)-Varaha,Mrusyam,prushatam,maharurum(wild pig,sriped deer,deer and bison).

    This is done at the first entry into forest after leaving Ayodhya and crossing the river Sarayu.This is their first meal.

    Jai Sri Ram,


  4. Darapu Reddyji,

    Your horoscope has some malefic influence of planets like

    1. Kala Sarpa yoga - pl do kalasarpa dosha nivarana puja.

    2.Sani sade sath last 2.5 years (balance 1.5 years is remaining) - Sani shantipuja is required.

    3.You are born close to Amavasya.Your lagna lord moon is weak.Do regular puja to Mata Parvathi and wear pearl ring on little finger.

    4.Pray/puja to Sani on Saturdays.Help poor and aged.

    with best wishes,


  5. Dear,

    Sometimes the waiting takes it’s own time.From the end of November 2010 things turn in favour of you.

    Shani sadesath is on and you have completed half the period.By Oct’2014 it ends.Being yogakaraka he will not harm you ,but protects you.But he has to do his duty in slowing the results.

    Pl light a lamp(with sesame seed oil) on Saturdays before Shani idol,offer black sesame seeds.Help the poor and aged with food or cloths etc.

    Continue prayers to Mata Parvathi.

    To continue with other puja and prayers is left to you.

    Hope this information can help you.I feel sorry that my previous advice has not given you the desired results.Let us hope for the best.

    God bless you.


  6. Dear Nikhilesh,

    The name of the child should be as per the birth star. If the name starts with a different letter the nakshatra changes.This can be pro or against the janma nakshtra and there will not be synchronisation between both.Why the nama nakshtra should be same as janmanakshatra is important for fixing muhurtha for different occassions.


  7. Janma Nakshatra - Starting Letters:Each star has 4 padas.For 1st pada it is 1st letter.2nd pada 2nd letter etc.

    Ashwini Chu, Che, Cho, La

    Bharani Lee, Lu, Le, Lo

    Krittika A, E, U, Ea

    Rohini O, Va, Vi, Vu

    Mrigashira Ve, Vo, Ka, Kr

    Ardra Ku, Gha, Ja,tha

    Punarvasu Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi,

    Pushya Hu, He, Ho, Da

    Ashlesha De, Du, De, Do

    Magha Ma, Me, Mu, Me

    Purva Phalguni Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu

    Uttara Phalguni Te, To, Pa, Pe

    Hasta Phu, Sha, Na, dha

    Chitra Pe, Po, Ra, Re

    Swati Ru, Re, Ro, Taa

    Vishakha Tee, Tue, Te, To

    Anuradha Na, Ne, Nu, Ne

    Jyeshtha No, Ya Yi, Uu

    Mula Ye, Yo, Ba, Be

    Purva Shadya Bu, Dha, bha ,dha

    Uttara Shadya Be, Bo, Ja, Ji

    Shravana Ju, Je, Jo, kha

    Dhanishtha Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge

    Shatbisha Go, Sa, Si, Su

    Purva Bhadrapada Se, So, Da, Di

    Uttara Bhadrapada Du, Saa,Jhu,Dha

    Revati De, Do, Cha, Chi

    For a boy even number of letters,for a girl odd number of letters.Name has to be pleasing and not frighting or ugly.Name of creepers,rivers,mountains,trees,birth star etc should be avoided ex.Lata,Bharani,Himalay,Yamuna,Narmada etc.

    This is given again as my previous reply appears to be having some icons.

  8. Janma Nakshatra :Starting Letters:Each star has 4 padas.For 1st pada it is 1st letter.2nd pada 2nd letter etc.

    Ashwini :Chu, Che, Cho, La

    Bharani :Lee, Lu, Le, Lo

    Krittika :A, E, U, Ea

    Rohini :o, Va, Vi, Vu

    Mrigashira :Ve, Vo, Ka, Kr

    Ardra :Ku, Gha, Ja,tha

    Punarvasu :Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi,

    Pushya :Hu, He, Ho, Da

    Ashlesha :De, Du, De, Do

    Magha :Ma, Me, Mu, Me

    Purva Phalguni :Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu

    Uttara Phalguni :Te, To, Pa, Pe

    Hasta :Phu, Sha, Na, dha

    Chitra :Pe, Po, Ra, Re

    Swati :Ru, Re, Ro, Taa


    Tee, Tue, Te, To


    Na, Ne, Nu, Ne


    No, Ya Yi, Uu

    Mula :Ye, Yo, Ba, Be

    Purva Shadya :Bu, Dha, bha ,dha

    Uttara Shadya :Be, Bo, Ja, Ji

    Shravana :Ju, Je, Jo, kha

    Dhanishtha :Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge

    Shatbisha :Go, Sa, Si, Su

    Purva Bhadrapada :Se, So, Da, Di

    Uttara Bhadrapada :Du, Saa,Jhu,Dha

    Revati :De, Do, Cha, Chi

    For a baby girl the name should have odd number of letters and for baby boy even number of letters.The name should be pleasing and not after creepers,trees,rivers,mountains etc names.

  9. Anushaji,

    Homam means sacred fire.Tila is nothing but sesamum seeds.By offering white,black sesamum seeds in homam to Trinetra/Rudra/MahaDev/Eswara/Shiva gives many benefits like cancelling all the sins committed by us,restore peace and happiness,gives wealth,health,long life,progeny etc.

    It is prescribed in Vedas and a reference you can find in Maha Narayana Upanishad :-63,64 etc vakyas.

    It is good to do in a place like Rameswaram ,abode of Lord Shiva.


  10. Dear Vasudevan,

    Your thought towards performing Sradha to your ancestors is highly appreciable.The reply to your doubts are

    1.Yes.You are eligible to do as a grandson.

    2.Yes.You are eligible to do as a grandson.

    3.3 levels/ 3 generations.

    4.The remedy is do Gaya Sradha to the manes(departed souls),bhojan and dan to brahmins and then do Kanyadan (marriage to your sister).

    5.Generally it effects the death of male children in the family lineage.Many astrological combinations are cited in Vedic Astrology.


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