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Why does God appear only in India?

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When He comes personally, why does He always choose that specific tract of land?

In addition to jndas' comments, Avatars may have taken place the world over but not reognised as such because only the ancient Vedic civilisation attributed God to God-like men/women. Others may have just been seen as great leaders or warriors or peace-makers or sages - who knows? That is the humility of the Lord - He doesn't need to show off, He just comes and enjoys His creation and shows us the right way.

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Also we can consider that it appears that the more highly spiritually evolved souls destined for an Earth birth have been grouped in that area so naturally the more advanced understanding could also be released there due to the receptivity of the inhabitants.


Why is advanced physics only taught in a certain building on campus? Like that. It has been set aside for that purpose.


But what is earth in relation to the whole universe? And what is this universe in relation to all the other universes? Just one mustard seed in a large bag of such seeds.


There is no end to the Lord's Divine manifestations like waves on a shore they just keeping coming.

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Dear all,


Somebody (a guest) has asked a question, why God appears only in India.


God will appear anywhere, to the minds of people, who have sincerity and devotion. God does not look for one's money or prowess, He looks only for one's devotion. There too, He may come in any form He chooses, not necessarily in the form of Rama or Krishna, but He will give His blessings and give the message what he wants to give.


I have an experience to quote:


A friend of mine, by ame, Vishnupuram Narayanan, fairly knowledgeable in spiritual matters, used to come to my house, sit for hours together and discuss about spiritual matters. Once, it was the day of Pradosham. Pradosham time is between 5 P.M. and 7.00 PM approximately. Only Lord Siva is supposed to be worshipped during this time, as He will be performing the Cosmic dance and all other Gods would have assembled to witness the same. So it is believed that worshipping any other God will amount to disturbing and disrupting the Cosmic Dance of Lord Siva.


Vishnupuram Narayanan suddenly realised that it was almost 5 p.M. and he must quickly reach home to perform his Pradosha Pooja, and took leave of me.


I too, after his departure, started doing my worship of Lord Siva by chanting Rudram, Siva-thandava Stotram, etc. After a few minutes, somebody knocked at the door. I opened. It was Vishnupuram Narayanan. I asked him, it is Pradosha time and he is supposed to be doing Pooja, why did he come again? He replied that he came back to take his chappals. Then he told me casually, "During Pradosham, it is not enough if you worship Siva, but at the end, you should worship Sakti also". He then took his chappals and left.


Next day, he again came home. I thanked him for coming back the previous day and giving me the advice to propitiate Sakti also and I am now doing it, I said. He expressed total ignorance of his coming back. Then I reminded him that he came back for his chappals. He totally refuted me and said he never wears chappals and walks only bare-footed.


A strange feeling of romancha, hair standing on end passed through my whole body. I called him inside the house and prostrated to him. I knew it was Lord Siva Himself who had come in his form.


What more blessing is required?




K.V. Gopalakrishna

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When He comes personally, why does He always choose that specific tract of land?

I assume you mean Indian Gods because biblical Gods and events only happen in the Israel/Syria/Jordan region just like Indian Gods and events are only found in India and nowhere else.


The reason is the authors were all from North Western India and they could only write about places they knew. This is why no there is no account of avatars in Beijing, Athens, Memphis (Egypt), Rome, etc., although the places existed during that time.


I think it was Herodotus (?) of 500 BC who listed the ancient 7 wonders of the world. If you examine that list, all those places are close to the place he lived in. No surprise...people can only write about things they know or can imagine.



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Dear Shiv

                    I had a similar doubt like these earlier, i was able to

discuss it with some scholars in vedic literature and this is some of the

information which i got i would like to share it with you this might help

you, We are basically dealing  with a Civilization which is thousnads of

years old, Definitely older than the first monkey who turned into Human, Our

concept of Bharath or India is limited to Kashmir at the top to Kantakumari

in the south, But the vedic concept was that the whole planet Earth was

concidered as Bharath Varsa, we can also seee from history that India was

much larger, even so close as a few hundred yeats ago before the english

came into india, So so there are traces of vedic culture in other

civilization  for e.g. in a Painting found in one of the walls of  ancient

Mayan Culture , You find the painting very similar to the "Churning of the

ocean"  between the Demigods and the Demons episode, similarly we find many

similarities in stories of Greek Mythologies, Sanskrith is also concidered

as the mother of all languages, Even if do see the some of the science

practised in diffrent fields such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Metalurgy,

Architecture, we can deduce that the people who were practising were mature

in thier understanding of the world and were inteligent, So things which

they have written must also have some truth in it .  You may get more

information on these topics in a site www.Stephenknapp.com  Hope this mail

is of some help and sincierly aplogising if this mail by any chance hurts

you, My intention is just to share some information

Regards and Cheers



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India is the land of spirituality.It is the essential life force for the entire of the hindu race.No faith system is so strong and unconquerable as hinduism(used in sense of sanatan dharma) is.


As the hindus were a civilized race before anyone else, they knew everything about cultivation and hence did not have to waste time in defence or gathering food.That precious time they gave in speculating about htis cosmos and its creator.Thus they discovered those wonderfull eternal principals long before anyone even got a idea of it.


In India a ordinary illiterate farmer knows a lot more about god than any other part of the world. It is that land which gave birth to buddhism,jainism,sikhism,sufism,etc.Perhaps this is indeed lords chosen land.


Throughout history India is the country who taught religion to others.Its religion(remember buddhism is a off shoot of hinduism) even captured china,who already had such a strong culture.Buddhism also shaped the christian thought.In fact modern theories suggest jesus to gather his ideas in India .It even moulded the strong islamic faith into sufism.


India is the fountainhead of spirituality.For that reason may be lord appears more in this land than others.Also other races frequently denounce the avatars,making them unrecorded in history.


And dont you think god is too scared to alight in other places,lest they crucify him again.he he

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India is the land of spirituality.It is the essential life force for the entire of the hindu race.No faith system is so strong and unconquerable as hinduism(used in sense of sanatan dharma) is.

Similar claims can and will be said by people of every faith in the world. The Jews have their own chosen land and they are the chosen people. And this chosen land is not India. Moreover, the old Brahmin texts only state that North Western India or Aryavarta is the chosen land – not the entire sub-continent.


As the hindus were a civilized race before anyone else, they knew everything about cultivation and hence did not have to waste time in defence or gathering food. That precious time they gave in speculating about htis cosmos and its creator.Thus they discovered those wonderfull eternal principals long before anyone even got a idea of it.

Before anyone else? Mesopotamian civilizations are dated earlier than the IV civilization and far earlier than the Vedic civilizations of India.


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Why God incarnates only in India?


But first of all why assume that Avatars all came from India. Where is the evidence for this? It seems to be more of an assumption. Puranas were written in this region. But that doesnot mean the subject matter discussed in them are confined to this region.


Puranic authers are Indians but stories are of the world.



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