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How Old is the Universe/Earth?

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It is believed that we are in 51 day of Brahma, which will make the universe trillions of years old, but this is not consistant with scientific descoveries. I would like to hear your opinion on this topics.



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Jai Sriman Narayana:


Not a long time ago, one Pilot incidentally found a new continent that was later called Antartica. This was a discovery but doesnt mean that this continent did not exist before. Prior to this science/geography only knew 6 continents.. yet the vedas always said there are 7.


Columbus discovered America and he says it was pretty much civilized as well. This doesnt mean America did not exist before Columbus discovered.


Both Columbus and the pilot got Noble prizes for discovering.... they cant give noble prize to God you see!


Now, has science discovered everything possible... has it concluded anything. Scientists continue to do scientific research which is good but how come they keep concluding now and then... is'nt this contradictory? A conclusion cant mean there is more to research, right?


So, we need to wait for Science (till eternity?) to give a FINAL conclusive complete answer and only then compare the results with what is stated in the scriptures. We cant take half of science and half of scriptures, compare and conclude anything.

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So, we need to wait for Science (till eternity?) to give a FINAL conclusive complete answer and only then compare the results with what is stated in the scriptures. We cant take half of science and half of scriptures, compare and conclude anything.

So do you believe we should trust entirely in the scriptures?

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The entire universe is partially anihilated everytime Brahma sleeps; alsoseveral secondary pralayas occur between the yugas, manvantaras, etc. Thus it will be impossible for people such as ourselves, with limited mind and capabilities, to try to identify the age of any particular combination of matterial elements that manifests to us as a planet, universe, or anything in between.

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Jai Sriman Narayana:


No, but atleast lets not say the scriptures are not scientific or scriptures are mythology or scriptures are wronng unless until science has finished its job.


Let science do its job... science by itself is very good. Let scientists do their job but refrain from propounding theories as facts.. statements "May be, It seems, I believe" are not conclusive and indicates there is more to do. So, at that point why go and say something that they dont know about fully is wrong.


Instead, Scientists must take statements from Vedas and continue their job to verify if its true or not.. then they will know, surely.


There is a saying "Religion starts where science stops".

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According the Vedas we are not in 51st Day of Brahma. This is incorrect information.


One day of Brahma lasts 4,500,000,000 years and one night lasts the same amount of time. In each Day of Brahma 14 Manus live and die. Each Manu lives for approx. 400 million years. I don't have the exact but I believe we are living during the time of the 7th Manu in this particular Day of Brahma.


So each Day and Night of Brahma lasts some 9 billion years. There are 30 such days and nights in his month and 12 months in his years. The lifetime of Brahma lasts 100 years. This is the life of our universe.


According to the Vedas there are unlimited universes. We happen to live in the smallest and least significant one. Our universe is also called Bija (seed). It is compared to one mustard seed in a very large sack of mustards seeds. All the universes taken together comprise only 1/4 of the entire Kingdom of God.


We can listen to this knowledge and out of hand, in a very puffed up way reject it, or we can in awe of God simply listen and accept. Who are we any way - very small and tiny.


We are like ants, in our very limited capacity trying to measure the length and breadth of a large and distant city, with one of us saying it is true and someone else saying it is false, but still the fact remains we are ants or microbes in our size and importance.


To reach the Brahma planet a person has to be completely perfect for 100 lifetimes in a row, never making even the tinest mistake.


The current scientific thinking is that the universe is 4,500,000,000 years old.

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Much of this information I got by studying Sri-Brahma Samhita. The info about 100 perfect lifetimes as a prequalification for attaining Brahmaloka comes from Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrita, by Srila Sanantan Goswami.


Brhad Bhagavatamrita is very interesting for anyone who has faith in Vedic philosophy. I always wanted to know what life is like on higher planets in heaven and the heavens about heaven. There are 7 heavens above the earth, the highest being Brahmaloka or Satyaloka.


In Brhad Bhagavatamrita life is described in the heavens above the earth. In each the worship of the Lord is especially described.


Om Bhur, Bhuva, Swa - these are the first 3 heavens above the Earth.


Om Bhuhu, Om Bhuva, Om Swaha, Om Mahaha, Om Jnanaha, Om Tapaha, Om Satyam - these are the 7 heavens named.


On Brahmaloka all the Vedas personified live and discuss their various philosophical conclusions. Behind the 108 Upanishads, as an example, are personalities who spoke them and this is the place where keep their residence.

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Human civilization is probably older than scientists think also, with the underwater sites being discovered and all that. They now suspect humans are 2 million years old, could we be any older? Scientists calculate the age of the universe and the earth to fit the model of human evolution, they don't actually know.

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But, if we are operating under the assumption that the big bang theory is correct, the formation of the Earth was basically simultaneous with the formation of the rest of the universe. (The explosion of one incredibly dense mass creates the universe.)

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But, if we are operating under the assumption that the big bang theory is correct, the formation of the Earth was basically simultaneous with the formation of the rest of the universe. (The explosion of one incredibly dense mass creates the universe.)

I like the infinite theory better. :)

The big bang lacks many things. What caused the big bang? Where did it come from? If it was a mistake or accident what sparked the incident? What form of existence was before the big bang? Was it a state of nothingness or pure energy?

This is my belief:

There is no beginning and there is no ending of the universe. It has always been.

Science says our galaxy was created by many large factors of the cosmic spectrum.

Scientists must realize that time is useless in the scope of the universe.

Time is man made. The universe is not run on time my friend.

The universe is a cycle or circle if you will in all it's existence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am Gnostic and based on my recent reading of the Upanishads, part of the Rig Vedas and some of the literature that those translations have led me to, I believe that Hinduism and Gnosticism have a common root or the same reilgion.

I would like to comment on some of the comments that have been made in this thread.

Guest wrote:


It is believed that we are in 51 day of Brahma, which will make the universe trillions of years old, but this is not consistant with scientific descoveries. I would like to hear your opinion on this topics.


Scientists currently estimate that the universe is approximately 14 to 16 billion years old; since the Big Bang.

Nekozuki wrote:


And I would have to know how scientists would know how old the universe is anyway. It's pretty difficult to conclude.


Scientists estimate the age of the universe based on the time that it would have taken the background radiation that was created during the Big Bang, to decay to its current levels.

Guest wrote:


According to the Vedas there are unlimited universes.

String theory [which is state of the art in material science] has the hypothesis that there are potentially an infinite number of universes. Our universe is only one of these universes and it is the one that is being studied in the Big Bang; that we have evidence of. String theory also requires the existence of eleven or more dimensions.

Guest wrote:


One day of Brahma lasts 4,500,000,000 years and one night lasts the same amount of time.


Aninash wrote:


That is approximately Earth's age, not the age of the universe.


Astronomers currently estimate that our sun will go red and expand to the point that it will burn up the earth in approximately 4.5 billion years and at approximaely the same time, the Andromeda galaxy will collide with the Milkyway galaxy [our galaxy]. I find it interesting that the previous life of this planet plus its projected future life is equal to one Brahma day.

If anyone can provide me with the Vedic hymn and verses that give the information on the length of a Brahma day and the comment on unlimited universes, please post same.

Sporkubus wrote:


So do you believe we should trust entirely in the scriptures?

Verse 5 of the second Khanda of the Talavakara or Kena Upanishads says:


The wise who have thought on all things (and recognized the Self in them) become immortal, when they have departed from this world.


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But, if we are operating under the assumption that the big bang theory is correct, the formation of the Earth was basically simultaneous with the formation of the rest of the universe. (The explosion of one incredibly dense mass creates the universe.)

It is true that Bing Bang talks about Explosion. But everything that we see now did not get created together. Earth came much later.

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Aninash wrote:


It is true that Bing Bang talks about Explosion. But everything that we see now did not get created together. Earth came much later.


As I said in my first post, scientists currently estimate that the universe is approximately 14 to 16 billion years old; since the Big Bang and I agreed with Aninash’s comment that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. This is an age difference of approximately 10 billion years.

When we speak to creation in material science as opposed to religious science, we reach another juncture. Gnosticism is a pantheistic religion holding that God is all and all is God. From that perspective, God does not create anything, in a material sense, but only emanates what is already existent. The universe was molded from this already existent essence into its form, by the Gnostic Demiurgus [craftsman] which may be comparable to the Hindu manifestation Prajapati [this was spelled "Pragapati" in 100+ year old Upanishads translation that I read].

I find it intriguing that the Vedas, which some western scholars estimate may have some parts 6000 years old, speaks to multiple universes and time units that correspond to the life span of our planet. Since these concepts are only about fifty years old in material science I find this phenomenal.

Is there any place in this web site where I can find the verses that speak to the multiple universes and or the length of a Brahma day.

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Nekozuki wrote:


If I'm not mistakened they have actually found bacteria older than the accepted Earth date.


I am not aware of any scientific data that contradicts the currently estimated age of the earth.

Redhead estimated that Brahma is trillions of years old.

I would not propose to put an age on God, however for the purpose of putting time into a mortal perspective, if we say that God is atleast trillions of years old, then life almost certianly has existed on some other planet prior to life on Earth. If a fragment of one of these ancient planets arrive on Earth carrying some of that life, then we could have a life form here older than the planet. There has been a rock fragment found that is said to have come from Mars that carries indicators of possible life there, but that fragment has been estimated to be much younger than Earth.

This might also be the source of the origin all life on Earth, without contradicting my religion or the Hindu religion, if I am not mistaken.

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Nekozuki wrote:

I am not aware of any scientific data that contradicts the currently estimated age of the earth.

Redhead estimated that Brahma is trillions of years old.

I would not propose to put an age on God, however for the purpose of putting time into a mortal perspective, if we say that God is atleast trillions of years old, then life almost certianly has existed on some other planet prior to life on Earth. If a fragment of one of these ancient planets arrive on Earth carrying some of that life, then we could have a life form here older than the planet. There has been a rock fragment found that is said to have come from Mars that carries indicators of possible life there, but that fragment has been estimated to be much younger than Earth.

This might also be the source of the origin all life on Earth, without contradicting my religion or the Hindu religion, if I am not mistaken.

Well, I personally think life would have had to come from space. More than likely there was life on Mars too, and it might've had an advanced race on there too, look at the Cydonia region....it looks like a city.

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