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The Origins of the Satan Myth and impact to global politics

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why are the Jews killing palistinians...

killing killing killing what is this with the Jews through history of their 40 year flight from Egypt to the PROMISED land ?

you have spoken in this conversation but never of the muderous ways of the Jewish people, when in the Jewish scripture it is against Talmud and laws, curious isn't it



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why are the Jews killing palistinians




Let's turn that around - why are the 'palistinians' - [why did you spell it wrong?] killing?


Killing killing killing - it's bad no matter who does it!


Here are points I've wrote in this string - did you see:


Both parties wrongly identify with their own justifications of their violent reactions - as opposed to rejecting such justifications - irrespective of the circumstances.


That is the point – in today’s world they are fighting for the wrong purposes and - they are fighting without rules or regulations – it seems that they must exponentially out-do each others atrocities – indeed it’s becoming the sickest one-upmanship process one could imagine.


Who isn’t getting fed-up with this nonsense? What do we do with a world like this - where the majority becomes thus bent?


Without doubt as the populations of the globe become more and more desensitized and apathetic to the realities of this age of quarrel – the more likely God is to pullback the ‘constraints’ that protect us.


The only reason that God prevents complete hell on earth is for the good people – the purer people – the more debauched and hate motivated the populations become - the 'less' there is 'protecting' our world.


We know that 'war' cannot be entirely checked – but the fact is quarrel cannot – must not – be cultivated – neither by ill-dealing nor - by unfair and inequitable resources appropriations.


"...the head of the state should never fail in chasing an enemy..." [sB 1.12.22, purport]


Why shouldn't 'Heads of State' engage their peoples in turf wars?


Is that what you do - encourage hate based quarrel - in the guise of justifications etc., because these justifications have no real connection to reality.


You better read my postings again and see what is my actual position...


So what do you have faith in - in your opinion what is truth? Defend your comments?


If you think your Tradition is so much better in this regard - then - why do you have such a poor 'exclusivity' attitude yourself?


"A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well." [bG 6.5]


"One who sees the Supersoul in every living being and equal everywhere does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination." [bG 13.29]


Why do you want to go on and mix 'kuli yuga' with this form of race exclusivity can you be happy as a point or a counter-point - unable to calm the masses - what to speak yourself?



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Positive news:


Leaders of Palestinian factions including rivals Fatah and Hamas have pledged to refrain from violence in settling Palestinian problems after a firefight between Hamas activists and Palestinian police left three dead.



Farouk Kaddoumi, a leader of Fatah, the ruling faction of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the exiled leaders of Palestinian groups agreed in Damascus that dialogue should be the only way to solve their disputes....




Let's pray to God that they are that serious - let's see them do something about the smaller factional problems - and - they should do it without violence.


One point here to consider is that in issues like this it is less difficult to deal with and satisfy groups as opposed to individuals - the longer the problem goes the more fracturing and factioning and thus - the increased difficulty to bring calm to the individuals of consequence - as by that time the masses tend to act as though there are no leaders.


But we see this very important pledge by the two main groups and I take it as they are serious.


Jaya Narasinghadeva!



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More news:


Some 46 percent of Israel's Jewish citizens favor transferring Palestinians out of the territories… overall shift to the right…




The leaders of Israel have to move forward with a proper and complete resolution - and NOW.


All the leaders with direct and indirect consequence to this conflict all must understand this fact:


All these point counter-point 'leaders' must NOW understand - violent retaliations are not any good way of inducing reformations in each other.


Reading this noted news of these recent polls - I recall this point of a potentiality – [as noted in one letter I sent to some of the world's leaders - on Fri, 04 Apr 2003 it’s now posted here in this string - click on the message link that I am replying and you’ll see the letter] – that there may [through manipulations by noted outsiders] - emerge a plan of an underhanded and foolish partition of Iraq:


…What if Bush and Co.'s - "Road Map" - to 'Statehood for the Palestinians' fails on their - "Plan A" - scenario - [whatever that plan really is - it will undoubtedly include an Order for 'representatives' from Bush and Co.'s crew to rule within the "provisional" Palestinian's State's government - it will be veiled as keenly 'needed' for "training" purposes - this calculation will be to marginalize] - thus one must ask - has Bush and Co. "invaded Iraq" - as part of its - "Plan B" scenario - is there a future possibility of a NEW forced 'partition' within Iraq [or perhaps Syria or elsewhere in the arab World?] - where all the Palestinians will be "transferred without delay" [by force?] - with so-called lucrative 'future' 'monetary settlements' and "empty promises" etc., - When one looks at probable long term reactions - one must ask these questions...


I am not saying it will happen that way – but I won’t say it couldn’t happen that way.


They may think they can sell this idea – but what they think isn’t often prudent.


When are the real leaders in the world - going to step forward and - shut down all the theaters of terror – by resolving these cultivated problems...


When are the good peoples of the Earth going to collectively demand this of the real leaders...


Here is another point I’ve made in this thread – it must be understood by both parties to this conflict:


There is a certain fact of life that is to be understood by one and all:


“…This is injustice. How can you gain justice by yourself doing injustice?…” [srila Prabhupada]


If we are in need of obtaining justice – then how can we gain justice by doing some unjust act?


It’s that simple – the tit for tat must stop here – as noted in this string before - the whole issue is being calculated by ‘outsiders’ who care little for either party.


They are simply waiting until they can fully usurp the two parties and - their conflict is their mutual trap.


We the collective world noted - better - altogether - forget these ‘outsiders’ and all their graveyard activity – better to leave the past and move ahead with something new – decide that ‘enough time’ has been spent mourning and fighting – that to really honor those lost - is to see that real peace emerges - to be unbroken under any circumstances.


I again mention this good Talmud quote:


The cat and the rat make peace over a carcass


What does that mean here?


It means that if the conflicted parties continue like this - they shall not be making peace with each other - [over the region and its issues] - but rather - the 'cats and the rats' shall 'make peace' and thus 'feast' on them and - the spoils of their loss...


In context:


The cat and the rat make peace over a carcass


Consider that one could see the cat and the rat - as the neo-cons and the evangelicals and - one could thus see the carcass - as the failed peace process...and of course - the peace they make would be what kind of - ill-calculation?


We must pray for Bush and Co. that they step aside once and for all and permit the world [including themselves] to heal and move forward.






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best defense is as instructed by Vaisnava philosophy, tell every one of Krsna give them prasad and kirtan as did His Grace AC Bhaktivedanta....he really had a nack for it did'nt he.


to bad many don't appreciate what he has done ..really.

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KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA hey !that would be really something to see a joint Palestinian and Jew kirtan chanting Lord Caitanya Nityanada Hare Krsna Hare Rama.


that would be true indication of successful negotiations.

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"...We don’t even demand you say “Krishna.” You can say “jehovah.” you can say “Yahweh.”..." [sb 5.5.1, lecture]


"...spiritually, the name Krishna or the name Allah or the name jehovah is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead..." [lecture, June 15, 1968]


Often dear 'guest' - preaching can only entail encouraging people on their own levels and within terminology that they are familiar with.


Prabhupada did this himself - often.


Many shall take it [KC] up - but we know that not everyone is going to come to Krishna Consciousness - but - we can at least 'lead the pack' in bringing the mass of people closer to God within their own faiths - who but Krishna's devotees can best do this?


If we cannot learn the universal truths within these ‘other traditions’ and thus relate them [with a vedic perspective] to the ‘theologically cautious’ within those traditions - [from their own perspective] - then we shall fail to reach the vast majority of people – it is that simple.


If you cannot look into other traditions and - see what truths are within - then how can you help save our world from the impending moment of global conflict?


Whether you can see the reality or not - devotees of Krishna - are in a most unique position - to bring the faiths together - a task you're not suited to...not because of a lack of knowledge – but rather because you are biased for some reason.


If we cannot do this - kuli yuga is certainly going to encroach upon us - much deeper.

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"...gunmen abducted three local Hamas leaders in a series of kidnappings elsewhere in the chaos-ridden Palestinian territories..."




So reading that - sort of contrasts the importance [to those political groups] of what I posted:


...let's see them do something about the smaller factional problems - and - they should do it without violence.


One point here to consider is that in issues like this it is less difficult to deal with and satisfy groups as opposed to individuals - the longer the problem goes the more fracturing and factioning and thus - the increased difficulty to bring calm to the individuals of consequence - as by that time the masses tend to act as though there are no leaders?.


These two Fatah and Hamas better stop the fighting and competition – they need to know that they must cooperate to make and keep 'overall peace' – here is a good suggestion – Hamas can become part of a ‘proper’ police force under the Palestinian Authority.


Let the next vote go - one way or - another.


These two groups must cooperate to survive - if Fatah loses the election then - the Hamas would do the right thing and more ahead with real peace and - Fatah would have to cooperate.


This isn't a time for factional partisan political posturing - it is a time to make peace and a future for themselves and the region.

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There were and are many political and social heroes who have conquered enemies of equal power, yet due to their ignorance in believing that the land is theirs, they fight one another and lay down their lives in battle. They are not able to take up the spiritual path accepted by those in the renounced order. Although they are big heroes and political leaders, they cannot take to the path of spiritual realization. [sB 5.13.15]
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Well here is a bad idea - how can the Israeli Government not be aware of the great potential of many serious problems from this 'project'?


Do they really want to help these propagandists opening such a facility - there:


Along the northeastern edge of Lake Kinneret, the landscape is quiet, the wind blows gently and the Korazim River meanders tranquilly, much as it did in the time of Jesus, but this undisturbed vista may not last much longer. Plans are underway to develop an evangelical Christian center in the area - a mini-Israel of sorts and perhaps a biblical theme park...




A innocent theme park [good for needed tourist dollars] - or - a bold targeting of secular Jews for conversion into the maldicted evangelical's amrageddon/antichrist cult?

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Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Friday it was in the world's interest to have a regime change in Syria, which he accused of being "up to its neck" in terror.




<big>The cat and the rat make peace over a corpse!</big>


Regime changes - is that the wave of the future?


Lord Brockway: No, I’m not saying that democracy as we have it is perfect. I am saying that a people will advance only as it is a reflection of the progress of the people themselves, and that they, and that they cannot be changed by an external pressure...


Prabhupada: That is not possible. [Room Conversation July 1973]


So there it is 'democracy' is non-transferable non-trans-plantable!


Regime changes do not lead to democracies - they lead to puppet regimes and later - civil war.


When is it their turn - would the brits and the yanks become so power mad themselves so as to do that to Israel - well their born again evilangelical cult promises it!


It is in the world's interest that all point-counter-point leaders are pushed aside. The right wing leaders in Israel right now are not being very fair to the future - nor are they using their intelligence [if they have any].


It would seem that they want a full-out age of quarrel - too bad they shall be denied it.


The future of the State of Israel must NOT be risked by these greedy power mad warmongers.


The people in Israel are being played...


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...In this battle, every inch counts...




Here is this nice quote again:


"It is better to have ten inches to stand upon than a hundred yards to fall." [Avoth d'Rab. Nathan, chap. 1]


Let’s take a look at something else that seems of importance here:


And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne unto Abraham, making sport. Wherefore she said unto Abraham: 'Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.' And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight on account of his son. And God said unto Abraham: 'Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah saith unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall seed be called to thee. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.' And Abraham arose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away; and she departed, and strayed in the wilderness of Beer-sheba. And the water in the bottle was spent, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs. And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bow-shot; for she said: 'Let me not look upon the death of the child.' And she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice, and wept. And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her: 'What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him fast by thy hand; for I will make him a great nation.' And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. And God was with the lad, and he grew; and he dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer [Genesis 21.9-20]


And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean, of Paddan-aram, the sister of Laban the Aramean, to be his wife. And Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD let Himself be entreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her; and she said: 'If it be so, wherefore do I live?' And she went to inquire of the LORD. And the LORD said unto her: Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. And the first came forth ruddy, all over like a hairy mantle; and they called his name Esau. And after that came forth his brother, and his hand had hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob. And Isaac was threescore years old when she bore them. And the boys grew; and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. Now Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison; and Rebekah loved Jacob. And Jacob sod pottage; and Esau came in from the field, and he was faint. And Esau said to Jacob: 'Let me swallow, I pray thee, some of this red, red pottage; for I am faint.' Therefore was his name called Edom. And Jacob said: 'Sell me first thy birthright.' And Esau said: 'Behold, I am at the point to die; and what profit shall the birthright do to me?' And Jacob said: 'Swear to me first'; and he swore unto him; and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way. So Esau despised his birthright. {P} [Genesis 25.20-34]


Since the time of the renewal of modern Israel - the Arab's have had an ill perception of being cheated - the Arabs and especially the Palestinians - are now looking to these ancient passages to try to justify their angry hate for their close cousins?


The leaders in modern Israel should be aware of this perception and - the propensity for groups like the evangelicals - to calculate these points like - "the children struggled together within her" - how could they ill-calculate that?


It is very important to see the ancient karma that is playing out here. This is a time for REAL understanding - even in the face of pain - it isn't a time for building walls!


Jerusalem is to have a new Temple - a House of Prayer for all Nations - and that includes the Arab Nations.


It is time to move forward before the age of quarrel usurps the entire situation - to end it in total chaos.


Both parties have to consider:


"It is better to have ten inches to stand upon than a hundred yards to fall." [Avoth d'Rab. Nathan, chap. 1]


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The Bush administration has determined that plans to establish an independent Palestinian state over the next three years have been hampered…final status talks between Israel and the PA in 2006 and the formal establishment of a Palestinian state, with sovereign air space and territorial waters, by 2008…




Well surprise surprise – did anyone think this would go any other way?


What is wrong with the continued delusional direction of this colossal mess? It may have something to do with these ‘outside’ directors?


We know that the majority of the groups of peoples who put Mr. Bush into Office are expecting the [fictional]antichrist to solve this peace issue – especially with respect to Jerusalem and - the resultant re-building of the third Temple.


Of course - Mr. Bush isn’t exactly being fair to the Israelis because he and his noted lobby think that the [fictional] antichrist is going to be a Jew and that rebuilding of the Temple shall signal his ‘identity’ - starting from- ‘whomever brokers’ - the move of the Dome - to make this rebuilding possible.


Some Muslims ascribe to a similar false teaching about the fictional "antichrist" - they call it 'Dajjal' - they too claim it is to be a Jew.


This is a very involved subject and I’ll say it again and again - I do not think that the American Administration should be involved in this peace process - due in part to their noted views of the [so-called] prophetic future unfolding - as the various evangelicals lobby these leaders and the masses - the reasons are that much more direct - these points are discussed in other posts in this string.


The fact is these leaders [and their lobby] do not care about the Palestinians either.


As noted in my last post they have interpolated a Torah text into their dogma with all sorts of delusions with a so-called ‘history’ - recorded in Genesis 25.20-34 wherein they think they see God - rejecting the Arab nations – they twist other verses into this delusional bigotry as well.


The cat and the rat make peace over a carcass


Again - what does that mean here?


It means that if these conflicted parties continue like this - they shall not be making peace with each other - [over the region and its issues] - but rather - the 'cats and the rats' shall 'make peace' and thus 'feast' on them and - the spoils of their loss...


In context:


The cat and the rat make peace over a carcass


Consider that one could see the cat and the rat - as the neo-cons and the evangelicals and - one could thus see the carcass - as the failed peace process...and of course - the peace they make would be what kind of - ill-calculation for the parties?


We must pray for Bush and Co. that they step aside once and for all and permit the world [including themselves] to heal and move forward.


As noted before the Israelis and the Palestinians have to get a hold of this – trying to nullify all factions isn’t going to work:


...in issues like this it is less difficult to deal with and satisfy groups as opposed to individuals - the longer the problem goes the more fracturing and factioning and thus - the increased difficulty to bring calm to the individuals of consequence - as by that time the masses tend to act as though there are no leaders?.


Fatah and Hamas - these two out-of-control groups - better stop the infighting and competition – they need to know that they must cooperate to make and keep 'overall peace'.


Their society is at a stage that does not need to have this kind of rivalry – they shall cancel themselves and their futures in this present course.


This isn't a time for factional partisan political posturing [with so many innocents dead in the process!] - it is a time to make peace and a future for themselves and the region…


The Israelis have to STOP taking advice from the Bush administration.


The Israeli government and society must do what it takes to encourage the Neturei Karta Rabbi’s to come to Israel and to work with them - to bring justice and peace with the Palestinians. These Rabbis should be Israel’s front-line negotiators – I can explain why another time – but this IS a must.


The Palestinians have the Egyptians and the Jordanians to help them in the final negotiations.


The world community shall assist in this process – but America and Britain – are out of this – of course - they must pay some money to the creation of the Palestinian State and that is all.


Nothing personal - but it is just common sense – otherwise - 2008 shall come and go and - there will be no peace – there [or anywhere?].


At some point on the subtle goading of the Bush Administration - the parties may erupt into a full-scale war – then what? We’ve been over that lost scenario…


Let’s pray to God that these cousins can get a harbinger and - do the needful and - stop these quarrels and their attacks – stop their infighting – ON BOTH SIDES – they must stop now and turn around - because they are at the ‘real’ edge – of either peace or - total chaos.


If this world is to ever become terror free then - we must stop the cultivating of conflicts by western leaders – how to do this?


One way is when you vote – but that isn’t practical for those who are not citizens in the various nations who are bad players – but something more effective we can do [besides praying to God – which is important too] is write to them email letters – post them on the internet - know that we all must speak [nicely] out to extremism by countering its lies as they’re finding a way into the minds of people.


The sickest thing someone can do to make change is to act heinously. That kind of mode of ignorance action does bring change - it brings more power for abusive administrations – it creates a despicable atmosphere for everyone - including those who thus act.


As Srila Prabhupada says – how can you gain justice by yourself doing injustice?


Since this is the Golden Age of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - demons are not vanquished - our demoniac tendencies are.


Thus I’ll be bold and say that we need to find a way to make everyone happy – since there is a spirit of competition that cannot be eliminated – instead it should be channeled into making everyone compete - to make things ‘work-out’ in an honorable way. Sound crazy? We’ll see…


The time is coming that God shall pour His Spirit out on all flesh:


And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My spirit. [Joel 3.1-2]


Of course God says:


One who sees the Supersoul accompanying the individual soul in all bodies and who understands that neither the soul nor the Supersoul is ever destroyed, actually sees.


One who sees the Supersoul in every living being and equal everywhere does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he approaches the transcendental destination. [bG 13.28-29]


God is - as the Supersoul - directing all living beings - according to our desire and our merit – individually and collectively.


If God were to pour His Spirit out it might mean that people will have some realization of the Supersoul which connects everyone and everything:


The Lord, as Supersoul, pervades all things, just as fire permeates wood, and so He appears to be of many varieties, though He is the absolute one without a second. [sB 1.2.32]


With this shall come an collective awareness on individual levels - our real connection – in fact - in a substantial and lucid way - God is through the Supersoul the real Internet – the dynamic connection of everything to everything.


We are all connected to this Supreme Dynamic Consciousness – but in our little exclusive realities - we do not see – Soon we shall…


If Supersoul is opened to everyone - in this way – the inherent cause of violence shall turn back - as everyone shall really empathize for others and – everyone will know that to injure another is to injure oneself.


When the Spirit of God is thus poured out - humanity shall see what they have done to the Earth and - they shall be ashamed.


I will predict that our world is really going to take a good turn and soon – we are going to see BIG CHANGES and - we are going to like them…


We can worry about the naysayers and the dissenters [whomever they are] - in a kind and constructive way – in an inclusive way. All exclusivity IS an unprofitable end…


Pray that the Spirit of God is thus poured out - soon - as only He can do it – and while praying ask yourself why would He want to do it in our generation?





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Here are some neat pics I put together:


Posted Image


"In the center is God - holding His property - then - starting in [order of antiquity and moving right] the bottom left - Hinduism - as symbolized by the Sacred - OM - then - Judaism - as symbolized by - The Star of David stylized into The Burning Bush - then - Christianity - as symbolized by the Cross of Resurrection - and finally - Islam - as symbolized by - Crescent and Star."


Posted Image







I could not choose which to upload so here is the other - it's smaller - which is better?



Posted Image


[it is cool I at last did the gif properly!! Thank you Lord Chaitanya!]


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