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Is Ashwathama still alive?

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I've heard that Krishna cursed Ashwathama with immortality. Is that true? If so, where is he now? Is he somewhere in present-day India? How to find the great man? Or is it all a big lie?


Only intelligent people need respond. Thanks.

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I know. But consider this. Since we have all taken birth in the land of death can anyone really claim to be intelligent?


Please be willing to accept the answer even from the so-called less intelligent.


I don't know anything about Aswattama. That would be interesting if he was. But how would that work since the Earth itself is not eternal?

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I heard one devotee saying that Prabhupada says the so called abominable snowman which is frequently sighted (in himyalayas?)is Ashwathama....! (do an internet search on abominable snowman if u don't know what it is!)


He is also the next Vyasadeva when the new Satya-Yuga begins (golden age).

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Aswattama wanders around aimlessly, covered with wet sores, in the himalayas. Yeti is stated to be eight feet tall, which is quite a bit shorter than the Dwarap Yuga Ksatriya types (12 to 14 feet).


Never heard who he will be, this is the problem in murdering vaisnavas, hard to beg forgiveness for sauch an offense. But vaisnavas forgive anyway, wholesale, like Lord Jesus Foragve the all. And Queen Draupadi also forgives Aswattama, so who knows if he properly atoned for his act. Even Duryodhana was appalled by Aswattamas act, so what does that tell ya?


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I've heard that Krishna cursed Ashwathama with immortality. Is that true? If so, where is he now? Is he somewhere in present-day India? How to find the great man? Or is it all a big lie?



Ashwathama wanders in the Himalayas, but since he is a siddha you won't bump into him so easily unless he wants you to meet him.


He has been given the duty of becoming Vyasa in the next Satya yuga (an empowered incarnation of Vishnu). This blessing was granted to him due to the Vaishnava seva he performed to the Pandavas while in his fathers gurukula. There is a story in Mahabharata mentioning this, but its too long to write now.

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I want to meet Aswathama. How to do it? I am not being frivolous, I really want to. Is it possible at all? There is an important thing I need to know from him. Only he can answer, not even god can.


Also, as someone else mentioned, is he the snowman everyone talks about? Please take time to explain everything in detail. Thank you so much.

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Being Siddha Purusa He well may be on the internet or any where he chooses,

"Beware to entertain strangers, for they may be entertaining devotees unawares"

Then again he could be in America or Vrndavan or the Kumba mela. I don't think you'll find him in a 16' body but then he may be, at will, you never can tell with perfected souls. Mr.das

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Haribol, theist, I dont remember where I heard it, my memory is failing (along with the rest of the matter the US Navy systematically destroyed while I faithfully served them for over 20 years).


I dont know where I heard about the size of Dwarapa yuga humans, but I think it was from Srila Prabhupada himself. In the discussion, he was describing how muchukunda, when awakened (see Krsna Book, about Sri Ranchor), saw Krsna and the other warrior as pygmies, because muchukunda was from Treta yuga. I had heard that Arjuna was very tall, 16', while Lord Krsna was about 14'. Also, for those who want bones to prove size from other yugas, I had also heard that the density of matter is different in each age. Meaning that the combination of earth, fire, water, air and ether is different. Bones may have had greater water and air, less earth. I had also heard that all dinosaur bones were remnants of a previous kali yuga, that they were actually mutated insects, lizards and frogs, and that the cavemen who hid from them, were also pygmy sized, like the SB description of beings still in kali yuga at the end.


Also, about bones, humans dont usually hang out near peat bogs, so bones dissolve by water. Deserts have greater evidence of early (or late, all is relative, eh) bones due to lack of water.


Aswattama may tap you on the shoulder, but maybe you wouldnt see him with kali yuga, dirt and water eyeballs. Just like demigods, who wander earth at will, invisible, extra dimensional. The theoretic physicists have a bit of a clue on their multi-verse model, simultaneous reality and the like. gHari is more qualified to talk about Matrix ideology.


hare krsna, ys, mahak

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I had heard that also about the size differtial. Even the Bible talks of giants of past. I don't know what to think of it all one way or another, all I can do is put my hands up and declare anything is possible.


I am hoping a 16' abominable snowman doesn't tap me on the shoulder though. My heart is not strong enough these days.

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Specially if its aswattama. I mean he nuked twice without knowing how to control his weapon. He still has many years to go before he gets atonement.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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the degradation of body size with cosmic time is gradual, just like everything else - therefore I doubt Arjuna was 12 feet tall. It simply does not work that way. Plus, there are great many daily use objects recovered from that time period in museums around the region and they appear to be quite similar in size with contemporary objects of similar use (pots, knives, seals, etc.)

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He is performing tapasya and sadhana in the himalayas, and will continue for another 400,000 years. That will certainly give him an elevated position spiritually. And when the time comes, Vishnu will empower him with his shakti (shaktyavesha) for the purpose of compiling the Vedas.


Valmiki was once a criminal, but by sadhana he was also given the post as Vyasa (in the 24th divya-yuga).


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