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Ayurvedic -heavy metal

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What we don't want as well as the heavy metals in our medicine is the FDA using this as an excuse to regulate herbs like drugs. Avoid all Ayurvedic products made outside of US.




Lead, arsenic in imported herbal remedies-US study

14 Dec 2004 21:07:34 GMT


Source: Reuters

CHICAGO, Dec 14 (Reuters) - More than a dozen "Ayurvedic" herbal remedies imported from India and Pakistan were found to contain harmful levels of the heavy metals mercury, lead and arsenic, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.


"Although the prevalence of heavy-metal-containing Ayurvedic herbal medicine products use is unknown, the number of individuals at potential risk is substantial," said Robert Saper, who did the study while at Harvard Medical School, and is now at Boston University.


Saper purchased 70 traditional Ayurvedic remedies at Boston-area South Asian grocery stores touted as cures for ills ranging from child colic to urinary tract infections and found 14 contained potentially toxic levels of mercury, lead and arsenic.


The report, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, urged consumers of these products to get screened for heavy metal poisoning. It also renewed the American Medical Association's call for closer governmental monitoring of herbal remedies.


A few Ayurvedic products legally manufactured in India and Pakistan are herbs deliberately "cooked" with metals such as mercury, but any such product would be banned in the United States, said Michael McGuffin of the American Herbal Products Association, who was asked to respond to the journal article by Ayurvedic education groups.


"Mercury is an ingredient in traditional Ayurvedic formulas. They might be comfortable with it, my association is not," he said.


The tainted products purchased by the researchers would not be widely available, and customers were likely immigrants and others familiar with them, he said.


Ayurvedic products made in the United States and sold in many health food stores are free of such toxins, McGuffin said. Like most herbal remedies, they are benign and usually less powerful than prescription drugs, which he said do need close monitoring by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


Based in philosophical theories propounded in India thousands of years ago, the Ayurvedic medical system encompasses a range of treatments and lifestyle measures said to prevent disease by balancing "principles" at work in the body.




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"Saper purchased 70 traditional Ayurvedic remedies at Boston-area South Asian grocery stores touted as cures for ills ranging from child colic to urinary tract infections and found 14 contained potentially toxic levels of mercury, lead and arsenic."


looks like an organized witchhunt. what are the actual levels of metals found? without such a reference it is just a propaganda piece (for which US media is famous)


but there IS a real risk when buying food or herbs from other countries. sometimes herbs or edible plants are collected or grown in very polluted environment (like busy roadsides where leaded gasoline is still used or industrial "wastelands". such plants can absorb and/or have on their surface incredible amounts of heavy metals.


if I can avoid it, I NEVER buy non-US grown food or herbs.

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Yes a man came down with what was determined to be lead poisoning. His blood level was at 89 and the normal is 2. What those numbers mean I don't know but it is obviously 87 over where it should be. It was later traced to a product called Googalru? or something like that which he had been taking for the last 6 years.

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Google has links to 180 article3s about this.



Ayurvedic medicines contain toxic amounts of heavy metals: Study:

[Health India]: Washington, Dec 15 : A new study has found that herbal medicines may not be completely natural, and may contain potentially toxic amounts of heavy metals.


An analysis of a sample of Ayurvedic herbal medicine products found that 20 percent contained metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic at levels that could be toxic if taken as directed, according to a study in the December 15 issue of JAMA.


The researchers found that 14 (20 percent) of the 70 the herbal medical products contained lead, mercury and/or arsenic, and that if taken as recommended by the manufacturer, each of these could result in heavy metal intake above the published regulatory standards.


Although the prevalence of heavy metal-containing Ayurvedic HMP use is unknown, the number of individuals at potential risk is substantial," the authors write.


"Public health and community organizations should consider issuing advisories to current or previous Ayurvedic HMP users, encouraging them to consult their physicians about heavy metal screening."


"Our findings support calls for reform of DSHEA that would require mandatory testing of all imported dietary supplements for toxic heavy metals," they concluded. (ANI)





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the only place heavy metal is good for you is music /images/graemlins/smile.gif


but seriously:


dont trust ANY medicine or supplement you dont know. and I dont use ANY medicine or supplement (Ayurvedic or homeopatic) that contains arsenic, lead or even worse - mercury. these metals have no place in your diet. some forms of chromium (eg chromium picolinate) however are useful, for example in diabetes.

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  • 1 month later...

i read the articles establishing that ayurvedic medicines manufactured out side US contains toxic substances like lead, mercury and arsenic.There are so many companies preparing ayurvedic medicines in this world. Even in India different schools are there. The north Indian ayurveida is different from south Indian ayurveda. Iam prwcticing ayurveda for the last 20 years in kerala. We are not using any kind of medicines prepared from the heavy metals.Actually medicines manufactured out of heavy metals are called SIDHA medicines,which are not ayurvedic medicines.SIDHA medicine system is like ayurveda system practicing in north India.


So it is not fare to blam all the ayurvedic practictioners out side US. Always think that ayurveda originated in India .




dr.devidas vellodi


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  • 1 month later...
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ayurveda, as well as homoeopathy, makes extensive use of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and others. they are used in prerparations like makaradvaja, in such amounts that they work as medicines.

everything is poison. whether it acts as poison or medicine, depends on the dosage. even if the total amount of a metal in a medicine is toxic when taken in toto, that does not mean that the small doses you take are toxic.

Whoever said the pen is mightier than something else overlooked the mightiest of all and that is the scissors. If I should say that disease is triggered by immaterial causes, I am not more of a trimmer of circumstances than such a barber whose clips are said to be scientific. Maybe they are. Most barbers though, are artists, although some consider themselves scientists.

They have listed phenomena that - in their case - appear before medical catastrophes. They clip these catastrophes from events, with barbershop science. They lather events with the soap of their explanations and then shave them clean of all details, except for the whiskers of convenience, which suit their style of clipping. It is a neat and well-trimmed account. There is however a smell, which I identify as too much Old Spice.

Those heavy metals form excellent remedies and many ayurvedic preparations contain them.

I see however, that nobody complains about chawanprash, which contains gold. Gold is also a heavy metal and if you knew it could make you suicidal, you might create a ruckus.

here are the ignorant, talking about a subject for which they take the information off the internet and of which they know little more than they have read in a popular book on the subject. talking about contamination, when it is an indispensible ingredient of the ayurvedic preparation.

Ayurvedic doctors have used these medicines for thousands of years and here are the arrogant, saying they buy nothing grown or coming from outside the US. as if the US standard was so pure and good!!! on the contrary - it is the worst in the world!


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  • 1 year later...

What these people dont realise that heavy metals in Ayurveda are purified and then used.As in China Poisonous snakes are consumed removing the poison,in the same way Ayurvedic samskaras remove the ill effects of the metals.

I personally have taken purified Arsenic, yellow Arsenic, Mercury etc.

They have benefitted me tremendously ,according to them I should have been ashes by now.

When the scientists have not read the scriptures how can they judge and criticise our Science,and call us uncivilised and the Revered Vedas as Song of Cow Heards.

Do they posses the sole rights to Scientific development.

They have a lot to learn and discover, what we already have.

When say fourty years ago if somebody talked about Pushpak Plane of Sri Ramayana, People would have laughed. But now flying is a reality.

We had space armadas and astronaut training in the Vedic age.See Bhardwaj Samhitas ViMan Shastras

It is because of Buddhist influence people started Lessening the Armed forces and refused to fight.Givibg way to Mughals who burned whole Libraries of the Ancient Golden Vedic Super Civilisation and thus we became Hermits and Villagers.

Still we have a parallel government of Rishis ruling from Kalap Gram also known to Tibetians as Shangri La . Only few Know there exists a parralel underground Kashi beneath the known Kashi.

Even in Vrindavan today You can hear the music of MahaRaas but nobody dares to glance. Many have heard including me. You can verify it yourself by Visiting there.

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  • 2 weeks later...


ayurveda, as well as homoeopathy, makes extensive use of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and others. they are used in prerparations like makaradvaja, in such amounts that they work as medicines.

everything is poison. whether it acts as poison or medicine, depends on the dosage. even if the total amount of a metal in a medicine is toxic when taken in toto, that does not mean that the small doses you take are toxic.


what is a small dose of heavy metal to you?


Some herbs in countries like India or China are collected from very polluted places and then kept in bags thet used to contain chemicals or pesticides. Even spices coming from these places are often dirty or adulterated. These are common, every day facts that can be verified in a laboratory.


Yes, some Ayurvedic medicine works great, but there are bad medicines as well, made poorly by unqualified people, that do more harm than good.

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ayurveda, as well as homoeopathy, makes extensive use of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and others. they are used in prerparations like makaradvaja, in such amounts that they work as medicines.

everything is poison. whether it acts as poison or medicine, depends on the dosage. even if the total amount of a metal in a medicine is toxic when taken in toto, that does not mean that the small doses you take are toxic!



China and India are poisoning themselves in ways that will be difficult and costly to reverse.




Every single piece of farmland is bombarded with fertiliser, pesticide by totally uneducated, ignorant people.

Critics say India has become the developed world's dumping ground, rapidly poisoning itself and its billion-plus people with toxins from both the waste and the pollution from the sometimes dangerous methods used to recycle it.

Every year, India imports millions of tonnes of plastic, steel, other metals and discarded computers to break down and re-use, often with unskilled workers ignorant of the risks.

Already babies are born there with such a high arsenic contamination that it is real critical.


"Our world faces a crisis as yet unpreceived by

those possesing power to make great decisions

for good or evil..... a new type of thinking is

essential if mankind is to survive."

Einstein on Peace

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An Ayurvedic approach to the issue.


The recent publication of “Heavy Metal contents of Ayurvedic herbal medicine products” based on research findings by the American Medical Association Journal has made news in the media and on the internet asking people to exercise caution over the use of herbal medicines. The Telegraph published an article under the title “Slur on Herbal dirty dozen” on 16th Dec 2004pg:5 col 1.

The study seems to be unbiased and they have accepted very clearly that their study has limitations and so cannot be generalized because of the following observations –


Statistical data about the number of people on Ayurvedic medicines0.8 billion in India and 7,50,000 in the U.S.A

Number of cases of herbal medicine related heavy metal toxicity.

55 cases in 24 years

Whether these patients have taken medicines by prescription from a qualified Ayurveda practitioner or were they on a strict dietetic regimen -

Not known

Number of individual Ayurveda medicines 6000 approximately

Percentage of medicines actually containing metals and minerals in processed form. 20 % approximately

Can just the presence of heavy metal mean that it can create toxicity? - Uncertain

Do these compounds really get absorbed into the blood stream? Unknown

Do plants have heavy metals in them by nature? - Uncertain


Further the ambiguity is deepened by these facts


Uncertainty over source of heavy metals in the samples whether they are added intentionally, incidentally or whether they are already present in the raw herbs naturally.


They are not very clear about which of those medicines are likely to produce toxicity clinically and when taken for how long and at what dosage, whether or not supported by strict dietetics.


Inability to ascertain the metals’ chemical forms, which can impact bio-availability and toxicity.


The pharmacological section of Ayurvedic system of medicine recognizes 3 major sources of medicine, those of herbal origin (ex: herbs), mineral origin (ex: salt, metals like gold, silver, iron etc) and animal origin (ex milk, honey etc). Kashtaushadha (purely herbal) and Rasaushadha (herbo-mineral/metallic) are the 2 main groups of medicines. The former is devoid of any metals or minerals and is purely a herbal product and can be considered as the safest of medicines and this class of medicines are used more frequently and up to 80% of prescription medicines consist of Kashtaushadhas, and the latter (rasaushadha) contains metals and minerals in the form of Bhasmas or compounds which are considered as potent medicines in Ayurvedic pharmacology that have to be used with utmost caution.


Bhasmas are that form of metals which have undergone stringent processing and incineration and reduced to finest ash (Bhasma). Studies have revealed that these metals lose their chemical identity after they are made into the Bhasmas, and this quality control measure in Ayurveda is technically termed as Apanurbhava, meaning the metal or mineral has undergone a permanent and irreversible change both physically and chemically. For example loha bhasma (iron ash) prepared as per prescribed procedures is chemically not identical with iron (ferrous / ferric compounds) the same holds good for other metals and minerals. One more fact is that people who are known allergic to these metals / minerals have no symptoms of allergy whatsoever to Ayurvedic medicines containing them in a processed form.


American medical Association’s Inability to ascertain the metals’ chemical forms, which can impact bio-availability and toxicity, makes it clear that just the detection of heavy metal content in the medicine samples need not necessarily translate into heavy metal related toxicity symptoms clinically. Karela capsule produced by The Himalaya Drug Company is supposed to contain only a standardized powder of the harmless bitter gourd, so traces of lead 7 micrograms per gram, though very close to the recommended daily allowance, the content of lead may be a naturally occurring phenomenon in plants and the same holds good for similar related medicines like Bala Guti manufactured by Zandu.


Today because of adaptability of Ayurveda with the principles of modern sciences we have been successful in generating a lot of research by clinically evaluating the efficiency and benefits of these medicines when taken under the supervision of Ayurveda doctors at quality health care institutions. Ayurveda clearly has recognized and established all the symptoms of Heavy metal toxicity at least 3000 years ago, and has advocated stringent standards to use the metals therapeutically only after eliminating its toxic effects by processing. Still as a support system, Ayurveda prescribes a strict Pathya - A scientifically valid dietary regimen customized according to the person, intensity of the disease and nature of medicine in such a way that there is absolutely no adverse effect from the prescribed medicine.


55 people being affected in 24 years and with nearly a billion users makes this AMA Journal report of poor relevance, and seemingly not a valid allegation on Ayurveda; a system of medicine that has been perpetually helping billions of people since the dawn of civilization. But my advice as a responsible Ayurveda Doctor is that people need to consult a qualified Ayurveda practitioner before they start taking any of the medicines. This is as simple as what you do when you need any medical attention from the conventional system of Allopathic medicine. All that is labeled herbal need not be Ayurvedic and not all herbs are safe, for example opium is a herb and when misused shows disastrous effects. Every one should realize that medicines are not to be underestimated as OTC (over the counter sale) products. A qualified practitioner knows best about what medicines to use when and how because there is seemingly no difference between food, medicine and poison, they can play each others’ roles, so it only depends on the dosage and intention behind using them.


Dr CM Pradyumna

of Medicine

The Vedic Village


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I have several friends who suffered from toxic poisoning due to taking ayurvedic products processed in India regularly.


I believe that alot of ayurvedic manufacturing plants do NOT have sufficient standards and even the containers that the herbs are stored in are not un-contaminated.


This of course does not apply to all products or ayurvedic brands in India, but there are some that it does apply to and India needs to get on this FAST and establish nationwide standards and a system to check the application of the standards.

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I have several friends who suffered from toxic poisoning due to taking ayurvedic products processed in India regularly.


I believe that alot of ayurvedic manufacturing plants do NOT have sufficient standards and even the containers that the herbs are stored in are not un-contaminated.


This of course does not apply to all products or ayurvedic brands in India, but there are some that it does apply to and India needs to get on this FAST and establish nationwide standards and a system to check the application of the standards.


Heavy metals might be used in the preparation process in ayurvedic medicines,, but the end result medicine should not contain any traces of Heavy-Metals if they are manufactured properly.


If such traces of Heavy-Metals are found, then the medicine was not manufactured properly, following the proper procedures.

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  • 9 months later...

ayurveda has greatest technology of using metals as medicines with out any side effects.


this is practiced in India since thousands of years and so many diseases have been cured using this science.


this is the greatness of Indian science i.e. ayurveda. every indian shouldbe proud of this.


no body else can invent this kind of technique.


any metal if it is purified and processed properly as per ayurvidic texts, can be used as medicine.


if it is not purified and processed properly then it will definately show toxic effect. (even this has also been explained clearly in ayurveda)


those who can't invent this kind of technique and can't understand the princeples & greatness of ayurveda they can claim any thing.


any body can use ayurvedic medicines with metallic ingredients if it is manufactured properly.

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