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Pakistan's nukes

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Haribol, and thanks, moderator, for disposing of the sociopathic nonsense.


Bush has to be a brunt of blame for Al qaida still having a foothold, enough to pose a threat to Pak (who has tried really hard to do the right thing, and I praise them for it) Bush dropped the ball terrible, maybe even destroyed our military capabilities in the process, by going after A FULLY contained saddam. Bush lost the war to al qaida, or maybe he won the war and really IS in bed with BinLaden.


All I know is that the morale of the military is worse than vietnam, the suicide rate is 20% higher than the viet nam era draftee. And the evil one jokes about WMD. I cant stand kerry, but Ill vote for him, abortiona and all, to save the world, because Bush is intent on destroying it. Traitor, war criminal, dispicable creature.


mudmon (AKA mad mahax)

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Bush has to be a brunt of blame for Al qaida still having a foothold, enough to pose a threat to Pak (who has tried really hard to do the right thing, and I praise them for it) Bush dropped the ball terrible, maybe even destroyed our military capabilities in the process, by going after A FULLY contained saddam..



What you miss is that invading Pakistan (which is what you suggest) would have caused a revolution in Pakistan and Musharraf would have been assasinaited sp? and al-qaeda would have had a chance to grab either control o the country and/or nukes. So we would have then had to have a war with Nuclear armed Pakistan to get Bin-laden.


Even to this day Pakistan insists on handling the ground work all on their own and they are going into area where they never ventured before.


Saddam was fully contained huh? How do you know? He was funding Hizbullah nsuicide bombings into Israel. They have uncovered mass graves with app 350,000 dead Iraqi's, Shia mostly. Is that what you call containment? It's OK to torture and slaughter people as long as they do it on their own side of the line?




You get the last word.

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And stay the hell out of mine. I mean: how hard can it be? Are we all really this stupid?



Ooops, maybe that's exactly what Ahab said to his camel all these years ago.


JUST STOP - the new slogan of my anti-involvement movement. Everybody JUST STOP.





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I began the SUPPORT APATHY drive in 1967 when the soon-to-be Canadian Prime Minister came to City Hall Toronto where I was working as a co-op student.


There was to be a huge crowd of thousands in the square at lunch. I suddenly got the brilliant idea to make a big placard saying SUPPORT APATHY - I thought it was funny as hell.


Turns out, only a few got it. And the cops and mounties were for the most part very agitated (I guess they thought I was a political kook), but one laughed as I recall. It also seemed that Trudeau, our country's leader smiled when he saw it briefly. I have remained true to my platform and at 57 still have never voted. Some think that's disgusting - I think it's funny as hell.




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Lets get the apathy gang together and do a draft gerry ford move at the repugnantan Convention.


Now theres a prez. When N Korea was ready to invade, he blew up a thousand year old tree, and that scared them back to the stone age, theve been starving cannibals ever since.


His military expertise was front line stuff, he didnt make others shoot his adversaries, he conked them out on every golf course from coast to coast. He had to be the greatest prez of our times, there were two assassination attempts, by the weather underground and the Charles Manson family, and the bullets didnt know where to go.


I mean really, we see kerry with bubba and the carpenter (heckofa nice guy) carter, why cant bushwhack get ford to instill the spirit of lincoln in a photo op.


Or maybe it would be better to have bush pose with ronald reagan, (di mystic mon), and MK Ultra bushy daddy (who thinks his son is a loser as well).


Seriously, if we had stayed the course with Afghan (which was largely supported by even liberals, because taliban was allied with bin ladin, and that war was a bonafide defense strategy for 9-11), we coulda rapped it up and had the whole world behind us. But we defied the world community, refused to give the inspection process a chance (of course, there are those who were impatient, but after we invaded afghan, and the ill effect of the loooong embargo, things were rapidly progressing, weapon delivery systems were voluntarily destroyed just days prior to the invasion of Iraq).


Im not speaking as a left wing liberal here, im speaking as a knowledgable observer of military strategy. We cut ourselves too thin , and if al qaida does make headway and forces us to deal with Paki, we are spread way too thin. If we used three months we should have postponed invasion of Iraq for to continue our surgical activity in afghan, Iraq would not have been better prepared, the place was crawlin with international observers. Just three months, but bush the butcher decided to destroy our american credibility and fairness reputation via an easy target. He even refused to acknowledge the fall of Columbia Shuttle because of his coyboy aggression, he had to start his horrendous murder of tens of thousands of "saddams own people" even before the astronauts were mourned and buried.


Give me a ford, get the false republicans out. Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller, true republican statesmen, are turning in their graves (or have been reborn as ultra liberal socialists).


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


Ahhh, arguin again with theist, welcome back bro. =;-]

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Haribol, Im a spiritual communist, too, but Im a liberal spiritual communist.=;-]


As far as being right, of course you are. This is the really funny thing about vaisnavas debating and arguing the issues, even the mundane political ones. Vaisnavas cannot be defeated, because the goddess of learning is our mother, so when we have two folks who cannot be defeated on opposite sides of an issue, all fun breaks out, like rasslin, or surfin, or playin baseball. The fun part is the chanting after the intellectual sense grat.


haribol bro, ys, mahak

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