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Tulasi question

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Hari Bol! Since you were so helpful with my last post I was hoping you may help me again...

I have a dilemna regarding Tulasi. Ever since I was given Tulasi she has not come off of my neck,but my husband has not been so lucky. He is in the US Air Force and they have rules regarding necklaces,they basically can not be seen. Every day he goes into work when he gets dressed he has to take Tulasi off and this upsets him and I very much. His Tulasi is three strands tightly wrapped around his throat so it is very noticeable but they said that he can wear long necklaces under his shirt, b/c they are not that noticeable. He has tried long tulasi necklaces but she gets caught and pulls at his cheast hair.


(after all of that rambling) My question for you is:


Do you have any suggestions of ways for me to make him another Tulasi to wear while he is at work that won't pull at his hair? Do the size of beads matter? Or the way I stringe them?


Thank you so much in advance once again for your help. Please realize I do not mean to offend anyone with my posts, I am just very new and unexperienced...If I do offend you in anyway please od let me know though so I may learn from my mistakes! Thank you!!! Hari Bol!

Your Servant,


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if it is not possible do not put tulasi, krsna recognizes his loving devotee even if he has no "religious" signs on him, The devotional service of your husband is to work in us air force and offer the results of this activity to krishna.. so everything is less important than doing it without unnecessary troubles..


.....or maybe you can try with a little string with one or few "big" japa tulasi grains,


i think (from movies!!!!!) that militars have a necklace with some identification plates or similar.. is it possible to put in it a japa tulasi grain ?


or a tulasi bracelet...?


but do not make of it a big problem


you make me remember that my spiritual master have said that one has to put on tilaka, water tilaka if clay is not possible... and i am not obeying.. but i think that this is very important

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Personaly, and i say personaly, I can't see how being in the US army could be a service to Krishna. How can being part of a demonic cult ever be a service to Krishna ?


And I'm not trying to offend the original poster here, I just think that it's our duties as devotees to really think about what kind of profession we want to have, cause some just don't suit with being a devotee.

And yes, ofcourse there will be the remark that Arjuna was also a fighter on the battlefield but the way I see it, he got instructed by Krishna. I have a hard time believing that the US force exists to serve Krishna.


I would say, leave the army and wear those beads...then again, I'm pretty radical in stuff like this so I wouldn't take my advice to the heart. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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I dont think we can judge whether or not a person should have joined the armed forces after the fact, and still be a devotee of Krishna. Of course they can. Tho not the perfect system anymore, and not Arjuna receiving instruction from Krishna, but there are a 'natural' four divisions of society that always occurs, therefore some people by nature are drawn to activies of kstriya. Anyhow, this poster sounds like her and her husband are new devotees so should be encouraged. Our opinions on who runs the armed forces and on the war are another topic or inquirey.


As for how to wear tulasi neckbeads so they wont be seen - first it is very important to always wear them, so many devotees who work in an office, etc., wear extra long ones that go under their shirt. But I just reread and you said they get caught in his chest hair. Tell him to wear a t-shirt. lol A sleeveless one. Or, tho secondary, he can wear a Tulasi wrist bracelet.


By the way, if necklaces are not allowed, what about the men who are Christians and want to wear a cross? Are they allowed to? Maybe to find out what they do, and if explaining that neckbeads are religious and protection, they may let him wear them. Even he could wear them 'with' a cross to avoid any religious prejudice.


And Nichole, I find no offense in your posts at all. They're wonderful! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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In another thread, you may have seen, the topic was brought up whether or not it was offensive to wear Tulasi as a bracelet. I don't know. I've never seen scriptural quotes that say one way or the other. One thing could be to make sure to wear the bracelet on the right hand/wrist which is considered (and used as) the clean hand. The left one is used for going to the bathroom, cleaning, etc., so not to wear the bracelet on the left. Maybe that helps. Ya sure he can't find some angle to wear a necklace? I'd check into that cross thing. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Yasodanandana had some good ideas too.

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Over the years, I've been reading a lot of western Vaishnav publications, and I notice there are several devotees in the US Military. They're all in ISKCON, so you may want to make an inquiry with them, and they will put you into contact with their devotees in the military.


In the meantime, experiment with the beads that you loop around your neck 3 times, and loop only one or two times, maybe you'll find a compromise. When I'm wearing a dress shirt, I find that if I button it all the way, my beads are concealed (I don't do this often, but there seldom comes a time I feel the need). If you are not required to wear just one type of shirt, you may want to try that too.

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"You should see some of the bloopers I've posted in the past"


I actualy don't feel like I posted a blooper. I just realize(d) that certain things can not be discussed.

I don't want to offend or hurt anyone and that's why I said that I should not have posted in a thread like this one.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I disagree that military forces is demoniac cult. This devotee is serving army trying his best to protect citizens. I hope he offers all his reslts to Sri Krishna while he acts to please Him. In this way this devotee is free from karmic reactions and indeed is doing great service saving us all from these real muslim demons who throw airplains on innocent citizens, who explode bombs in Moscow's subway killing > 50 men women and children.


He is duing duties of ksatriya and I sincerelly hope he is doing it like Arjuna did for Sri Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

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Haribol! I apologize that it took me so long to get back on here and reply. My husband is in the military and his spiritual master thinks its the best things for him. He discussed it with him before he joined.He see it exactly as you mentioned about Arjuna. We have to remember there are warrioe spirits,too! ThanX everyone!


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  • 1 month later...
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i took a saftey pin and put tulsi beads on the opening end and put it on a small metal chain, as in school we aren't alowed to wear chains that are too tight to our necks

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