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Anyone see Howard Dean in Iowa?

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Man, I don't think I've seen such a political meltdown before. John Kerry was like 3% in the polls 3 weeks before and came back to win it. Dean after losing goes on a pumped up tirade, and at one point makes some sort of animal screeeeeechhhhhh.... Its hilarious but he clearly doesn't realize he looks like a fool. Too much of a hothead. I think Kerry will get the nomination. He's respectable, established, good looking, and looks presidential. Thats my prediction.

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yes, it was very revealing (Dean's "speach"). to me it looked like he took too many pills that day.


it seems very likely now that another Bonesman (as in Scull & Bones secret society) - Kerry - will take over the White House. the power in this age is more and more often held by asuras. but as long as they leave us devotees alone it is not too bad /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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From late night comedians.



Did you see Dean's speech last night? Oh my God! Now I hear the cows in Iowa are afraid of getting mad Dean disease. I'm no pundit but it's always a bad sign when at the end of your speech, your aide is shooting you with a tranquilizer gun." —Jay Leno


"Dean is a doctor but he acts more like a postal worker!" —Jay Leno


"Did you see Howard Dean ranting and raving? Here's a little tip Howard — cut back on the Red Bull." —David Letterman


"Howard Dean has been the front-runner and last night he finishes a distant third. Here's what happened: the people of Iowa realized they didn't want a president with the personality of a hockey dad." —David Letterman


"Howard Dean came in a disappointing third place. Afterwards Dean said 'Iowa is behind me and now I look forward to screaming at voters in New Hampshire.'" —Conan O'Brien

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Howard Dean is going to have a big problem, because once comedians can get a take on you, then you are finished. I mean I can only imagine what Saturday Night Live is going to do with this. Its just too easy.


Here is my breakdown of the candidates:


John Kerry - Respectable politician. Looks like what a President should look like. I think he is the only one with the presence to stand next to the current President (whoever the President is always has a certain extra something just by being President).


John Edwards - Too inexperienced. Seems like a nice guy. Looks too young but is actually 50. He should do a reverse Grecian formula, and put some grey in his hair.


Howard Dean - Runty little scrapper. He's a fighter. But he's angry, and people don't like anger. Guaranteed Bush was wishing Dean hadn't blown Iowa because he'd be an easy beat.


Dick Gephart - I genuinely like this guy. Small town kind of guy. He is an honest, respectable public servant from a working class family. He is a rarity as a pro-life Democrat. Doesn't have charisma and good looks in this television age.


Joe Lieberman - Good guy. Moderate. Could never be elected because he is Jewish. I'm not saying its right, I'm just saying its true. If he was President there would be no credibility in the Middle East with the U.S.


Everyone else - has no chance.


Its easy now after Kerry has had a surge to say he will win it all. He looks the part. But you never know with the volatility of politics. I think he'll get it.

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If it becomes Skull & Bones vs Skull & Bones, each has privately expressed:

"Then it won't matter which one of us wins."

Kucinich & Sharpton would solve Iraq & Afghanistan quagmires most expediently, simultaneously reducing our foreign oil dependence.

Kucinich would have Amerika's budget balanced + Bushy's entire cabinet behind bars b4 Christmas 2005.

What better gift could we ask 4?

Sharpton would improve our relations with all African, Asian & South Amerikan countries.

Kerry will just "Carry On", but unlike Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young suggest.

Dean's scream, though frightening at first, shall soon prove advantageous.

Kucinich Pres, Sharpton VP, Dean Sec'y of State, Lieberman Defense Sec'y, Kerry Att Gen

Kucinich will gradually close all slaughterhouses freeing up grain enough to feed 5 billion Amerikans, setting the example for minimum 40 billion worldwide.

Petrified petrol presidents cannot help anyone, specially their higher selves.

Except for encouraging celibacy, marriage & prison release reform, his Union State speech wreaked.

Hydrogen-fuel cells + other alternative energies r already being used on 5 continents.

Due to our thoroughly corrupt, presently bankrupt, severely retarded leaders, Amerika is near last on line once again.

Indeed, only morons r still refining, buying & burning gasoline.

"What fools these mortals be." Macbeth

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If Bush looks weak this fall the allmighty money circles will throw everything behind the strongest animal on the democrat's side - they are allready hedging their bets by giving money to most of them. Pretty much all US politicians that have real influence are fully sold out to the international big money people. these folks control power down to the very local (county!) level, destroying "uncooperative" candidates before they have a chance to build their career.


In short: if Bush loses (and that is quite possible, and Kerry is probably the most electable of this gang) we will get another big business puppet with a different packaging

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What can b done.

Democrats can't c the forest for the trees.

Republicans cut down your forest, then hide in their tree.

Kaliyuga reigns Supreme.

So many new books & films exposing so many scandals.

Ron Susskind's "The Price of Loyalty".

Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 coming soon to an ashram near u.

A literal barrage! A visual feast! KalkyavatAr where r u?

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Haribol, kuchinich is the only one viable, but he wont make it. Sharpton, too, is okay in my book, all the rest must play the game, meaning that they have to find their way out of iraq, which is pure disaster no matter how ya cut it. Its all moot, though, because when bin laden is caught (or a look-alike paraded for bushwhackers benefit), all hell will break loose, and it will be like "The Politics of Heroin" and the 1972 proposed san diego convention of nixon before mcgovern chose eagleton and self destructed. (only tarun will catch the gist of my post, which translates as martial law in place of viable competition to bush).


Haribol, mad mahax

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mahak: If passionate response is seen as a detriment, woe the ---- is us.


Babhru: Until last night, I had only heard the speech/screech on the radio. Last night I saw video of the speech, and I have reconsidered my opinion. It was an exuberant yelp, not the desperate scream I thought before. However, I'm still not joining his camp. Can't the Greens find a candidate with the kind of experience that makes him or her a real candidate? I have admired Nader's activism for 40 years, and I have voted for him in the last two elections, but shouldn't the Greens have a candidate who's a Green?

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Dean's shouting reminded me of a pro-wrestler's battlecry, but I dont think even Jesse Venture ever shouted during the time he was running for Minnesota governor. Now the internet is inundated with these "Dean Speech Remixes".


I don't like any of the candidates at the moment. Kucinich seems like a very candid person, but I doubt he has enough support to get his campaign off the group. In this time of warmongering, however, Kerry may be the best choice; at least he has seen the horrors of war in Vietnam. Bush couldn't even bother himself with the national guard, according to reports.

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