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I have just recently got married, i had always wishes to be happily married and loved one day, as i come from a background where i wasnt loved. The only problem is i thought i would be happy being married, but it seems like that is not solving my problems.

i always have fears and insecurities about myself. I find it hard to trusy people and i am always paranoid about things. this is driving me insane as i dont know what to do.

I try to belive in KRISHNA but i get so confused people are always teling me dofferent thing what i should and shoulnt do. who to believe in. I alays feel down lack in motivation, sometimes i wish i wasnnot here, as i find this too much to cope with. i dont know what i want in life what is life?

can someone please guide me in the right direction or give me a solution to this problem. As i dont know where i am.(p.s. in additon to the above would Vishnu Sahasranama help with my depression).

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Suffering from a similar mental condition, what I see as my best remedy is to try and understand my fears based on my view of myself. You will see that the main issue is about trusting yourself first, this is not easy, I know I am fighting it daily.


Marriage is not some patch to help, because if you haven't learnd how to love yourself, you can't even accept the love of your spouse.


This is why we call Krishna consciousness, self-realization. There is a favorite verse of mine in Srimad-Bhagavatam:


"When, by mature understanding, one can realize his individuality, then the situatioin he accepts under false ego becomes manifest to him." (3.27.16)


You are asking the proper questions. What you want in life and what is life?


Read some of Prabhupada's books and try to understand yourself in this position. (Now I don't remember web sites, but I'm sure some nice prabhu in this forum can post sites here.) This is not a quick pill that will solve your problems instantly, there is no such thing. That's why it is said "mature understanding"... coming from sproutling, to ripening to ripe, then mature.


Hope this helps.

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your situation is not unique. millions suffer from it every day. there is no magic solution. only if you develop strong relationship with Krishna you will feel really safe. good marriage and association of devotees will help you on your way and the power of the Holy Name will protect you from all dangers: real and imaginary. Always repeat the Holy Name: out loud if you can, or in your mind when it seems more appropriate. Hare Krishna!

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I guess that as long as this world is so divided as it is we will all feel this suffering somehow. I know that I feel it on a daily basis.


And hey, whatever you do: don't solve it with medicins !!

Medicins are evil and artificial and they numb you. You don't want to do that !


If you ever want to talk more about this feel free to write me.



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Hare Krishna



The way I look at depression is, we are in a diseased condition of life already, some ppls have more 'degrees' than others, some ppls need more help, some not so much, there is NOTHING to be ashamed of in this matter, the whole world is under Maya, the mind wants some solace in mundane activities, because it sees it as happiness, which in reality is poison because it destroys spiritual realisation, if you want to get help from the doctors go, but in the long run you can only find solace in the Holy name, no there way, no other way, no other way.



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Because I am a materialist and have some how come to find out there is no happiness now in the material world nor will there ever be I have become depressed.


I am eternal servant of another. Bummer!


They say I will come to appreciate this fact but until then...it's a bummer.



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Hare Krishna


I wish, i could be as humble as you theist prabhu, i am really trying, the words i speak, i try to always conform with guru/sadhu/sastra, sometimes i may say, 'my own personal view is', but i mean the above, see what i am doing?..still trying to worm my way around what i say! Ego is one nasty thing to break, helping others (preaching), is what Srila Prabhupada personified.


Jaya Gurudeva!


<font color="red"> _____ <font color="pink"> _ </font color> _____ </font color>

|Radio Krishna|


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  • 2 weeks later...

I take a bit of offence that medicine is evil and numbs you.

First, it is not evil. Some people's chemical levels are out of whack and there is nothing "mentally" they can do, it is a physical condition where they may need to take something that will level them out. I am one of those cases. Medication has saved me, along with Krishna, from going down a really bad road of deep depression. My family and especially my kids were affected by it.

Medication is not for everyone, but if you truly need it, please don't think of it as evil.

As far as numbing, yes it can be to some people. There are factors that cause that, wrong medication or maybe too much. If that happens, tell your doctor, they can work that out.

Just don't be afraid to ask for help for fear of being evil, when you are deepy depressed nothing could be more important that bringing your head back above water and then dealing with whatever issues are bothering you.

Hare krishna and good luck to you

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Aren't there natural substitutes for all these manufactured psychotropic pharmaceutical drugs?

Has Bhumi become bankrupt? Is Lila inferior to Lilly?

Shall we insert divya-Dupont amidst our mantras?

We do not yet know what is KC. We r somewhat on our way, but unlike Dr Martin Luther King Jr's expression, 'we haven't reached the mountain top' yet.

If the Krishna I'm worshipping is not up to the mark, then I immediately reject that defective Krishna within a split nanu-second in favor of a conceptually higher Krishna.

Look at your iSTadev-murti in a new way.

PrabhupAd said: "There may b many Krishnas, but we r concerned with a particular Krishna that appeared in VRndAvan as the son of Nanda Mhrj & YasodA."


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It is a fact that each & everyday Kaliyuga worsens, meaning trusting people becomes less & less possible. Even kanisthas cannot b trusted. Make sure u get correct full name, address, phone#, driver's license plus collateral. No collateral, forget it.

After remaining brahmacari for years, suddenly marrying was less than uninspiring. Gita Ch 18 happiness in passion. I even tried to imitate PrabhupAd by hitching up with someone I did not like. SP's father advised him to do that so later on it would b easier to renounce. But it hasn't been so easy for me to forget, regret.

I can't do it. I can externally give it all up, remain celibate, but internally I sometimes think:

If I would've married someone more inspiring back then, I wouldn't feel so uninspired right now.

I'm not talking about physical beauty. External beauty is all nonsense. Hollywood glamour & cosmetics is lower than plankton consciousness.

I firmly believe in that pre-ISKCON bhajan's lyrics:

"If u wanna b happy for the rest of your life..."

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