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haribol, all

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Hare Krsna. Before yall get away, I take this opportunity on a glorious day to offer yall my humble obiesancies. You folks are my devotee association, and I cannot appreciate yall enough. This is not a pat on the back for just my friends like stony, gaurachandra and those I get along with. I especially appreciate those who do not patronize me for any sentimental reason, like theist, BB, and those who have not cared for my opinions.


This is what makes devotee association so sweet, the variegatedness. Sweet and sour, agreement and dialogue. To say, "Brother, you are severely mistaken" is no different than "Boy, you hit that nail on the head". For devotees, that is. We get just as mad at each other as anybody else, but then the chanting comes through and we bow down.


So, I bow down, before the slam, before its too late to tell yall what ya mean to this lonely soul.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Mahakji Hari bolo.


Vancha Kalpa Prabhu. I am a recent poster on this forum and I have seen some of your old posts and wish to say that I am glad I finally get to write to you. You are a really good devotee and I dont know what encounters we will have but it seems you havent posted in a while. You are absolutely right when you say devotee association is a must.


I had wondered what had happend to some of the devotees in the past.



Please accept my humble obesensies as well.


My name is Haridham, what does your name mean anyway? I have never heard of that name. It sounds nice thats for sure.


Hare Krsna

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Hare Krsna Mahak,


Like you this is my main association and often my only, even though I live a five minute walk from the temple. My hermit like nature is dominant I guess but not total, so I also greatly value this and other forums where I can make some contact with others who kindly remind me of Krsna. You are certainly one such kind soul.


On the mundane protest lines we may be on the other side from each other by in the blessed kirtan I am right behind you.


I am presently trying to learn a more mature and refined way of communicating and will try not to get too involved in such heated topics that really only serve to divide. Yoga afterall means union. My positions remain but in time I hope to quiet my false ego as far as possible in expressing them.


I have found a mountain of a "I am siksa-guru, so listen to me" attitude in myself and my previous posts. So much work to do, so little time and no real strength to complete the task.


Krsna is making me remember the sparrow on the beach and Garuda. Without that hope I would have floated to the void long ago.


What was that about controlling the urge to speak?


My apologies to all I have offended by this brusque and ungenerous nature that currently encases me.


My respects to all.


ps whatever happened to BB anyway?

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Hare Krishna Mahak,



I actually live here .

I don't associate with anyone else

except perhaps with my wife and kids

This is it

the end of the road leading to Krishna

the audarya mood of acceptance,forgiveness

tolerance and alot of patience

to see the good

and avoid the bad

usually in ourselves


I guess it's a wonderful opprtunity to become self-realized through the medium of posting

hari haribol


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Haribol, frient. Strife is inherant in this age, but we can mature. When all is said and done, there is still the fact that Srila Prabhupada is always with ALL of his disciples. So, if we see him, we also must recognize those who are his. This is cooperation, not an artificial agreement on all issues like mindless robots.


We offer each other the respects as we do Srila Prabhupada, because we cannot separate ourselves from him.


Mo latah, brah, hare krsna, ys and fellow hermit, mahaksadasa

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I have found a mountain of a "I am siksa-guru, so listen to me" attitude in myself and my previous posts. So much work to do, so little time and no real strength to complete the task.


Krsna is making me remember the sparrow on the beach and Garuda. Without that hope I would have floated to the void long ago.


What was that about controlling the urge to speak?


My apologies to all I have offended by this brusque and ungenerous nature that currently encases me.


My respects to all.





First, thank you for saying all of this. You have brought up a good point, though I have not found any of your posts to sound like you viewed yourself as siksa guru at all. Matter of fact, I very much enjoy reading your posts, finding them to be quite humble and informative.


As for myself, I hope I have not come across as sounding like some siksa guru. I am not. I realize that when I read sometihing in Prabhupada's books it is the Absolute Truth, and I stick to it no matter what. Or if someone makes an offense to Prabhupada, I will defend him at all costs. This may appear that I think I am so great. I don't. If anything, I am struggling too.


Not much is a given in this age of kali, so each day has its individual challenges. But Srila Prabhuapda coming to the West, without him where would I be? Or many of us. Therefore sometimes I may speak strongly when I feel it is what Prabhupada taught, or in his defense, because he is my saving grace, my everything. Without him, I would have never known Who Krishna is. But who am I? Some little ant somewhere just looking for a grain of sugar to enjoy. I do feel tho, if we just keep on chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, we will get there. That is, find our way back to Home, back to Godhead.


Please forgive me for my offenses everyone.


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Just like a tumbler for making rocks smooth and shiny, we are put together in this forum like rocks put in a tumbler. We start out rough some jagged even sharp edges, but after some time of "rubbing"/"hitting" against each other we will become smooth and shiny, showing our real color that was covered by dull stone.


Ditto what Pritaa Mataji said, and i bow deeply to Mahak prabhu too.

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