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thou shall not kill/murder?

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We are all mostly still in the offensive stage of chanting. With few acceptions just beginners.


Long ago I read where the word for name in the New Testament, as in "In the Name of the Lord", actually meant 'in the nature of'.


I am not sure if that is true but it would make much sense. This is the pure name or suddha-nama which is the actual name of God that flows forth from the purely devoted.


Do you know if that is true about the word for name in the NT?


ps what is a ZITI? And why did I become hungry just by you mentioning it.

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You know, when I listen to the wonderful MP3 files on the net I realize I have wasted my life providing cell phone coverage for Mexico and Colombia and piles of other computerized nonsense. If I could make such sounds I would feel accomplished and completely content.


The group Atma or Gaurangi dasi bring me to tears everytime. They give such stature to our life.


How long will we keep wasting our time?


On topic: taking the Lord's energy in vain.


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I agree with you in essence, that its always best to do the first class thing. I think tho, we have all lived such austere lives that we even forgot how to laugh, how to tell a joke, or take one. Even Prabhupada joked, and he commented on topics like Charley Chaplin.


Of course, the objective is to always be thinking of Krishna in one way or another and not loose sight of the goal. But I dont know if we can always have tears in our eyes at this stage.

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Actually, I am very much happy now that I (recently) got myself an MP3 player. We had many Prabhupada MP3 discs, but only could play on computer, which clogged it up intensely. So now I have this new player and its great to be able to hear Prabhupada so often! Sometimes I just put on a disc and let it run all day. Always transcendental sound vibration. Not saying I'm so transcendental, but with Prabhupada playing, I have a better chance of achieving the goal. Enough of my ramblings.

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I dont know about the Gurukuli kid being on his cd but I have heard from one devotee that on his cd's song book(you know where the songs are listed and where he thanks people and such)he says something to the sort of God has no form and something like that.


But I should research it myself


His songs are wonderful though

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"Long ago I read where the word for name in the New Testament, as in "In the Name of the Lord", actually meant 'in the nature of'."


"Do you know if that is true about the word for name in the NT?"



YES and NO. Yes because in the New Testament, "In the Name of the Lord" means 'in the nature of' but No becasue its meaning is not limited to that alone.


The Bible specifically in the New Testament uses the words "In the NAME of the Lord" because His NAME must have a very special meaning. Even more, God reveals Himself by His deeds and by His names (old and new testament), that is why the BIBLE or VEDAS uses different names, because only one name wouldn't be enough to say everything that God is.


Let's go back to the Old Testament first. The Main names of God are revealed as EL or ELOHIM, YAHWEH, ADONAI, SHADDAI or EL SHADDAI, ELOAH and YAHVEH OF SABAOTH.


EL or ELOHIM - refers to God as the Creator as One who is over everything. It is used frequently in plural as it were several, not because God is several but because that is a way to refer to God as somebody magnificent. On the cross, Jesus called God by that name, as we read in Mark 15:34.


YAHWEH - This is the proper name of God, this is the name which says what God is, who He is, because this name means I AM. When Moses told God: If the children of Israel ask me, Who sent you to us? what shall I say to them? God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said: "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you" (Exodus 3:14). God is the One who exists by Himself, the One who does not depend on anybody else to be: HE IS.


ADONAI - means Lord: God is The Lord. This means that He has power over all mankind and the whole universe, and He deserves our reverence and service. This is a name that says what God is, and His relationship with us, His creatures: He is The Lord.


SHADDAI or EL SHADDAI - means God Almighty, Sustainer, and was the name given to God before the name of YahWeh was revealed to Moses, as we read in Exodus 6:3: "I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord I was not known to them."


ELOAH - means The Only One, The Incomparable, The Truthful, as we read in Isaiah 44:8: Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one. This name is found in particular in the poetic books of the Bible; Job uses it 57 times. Eloah means also Dread, in the sense that we must "fear" God, that is, that reverence is due to God; this is the meaning of the fear of God.


YAHVEH OF SABAOTH - means Lord of Hosts; that is, that God has "hosts," probably of angels, who serve Him.


In the Old Testament there is a question: "What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know?" (Pro. 30:4).


In the New Testament, Our Lord Jesus Christ declared: "I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me,......." (Jn. 5:43)


His sacred name "I AM WHO I AM" (YAHWEH) God had also revealed His memorial name "I AM" that is pronounced "YAH" in Hebrew. Jesus Christ applied God's memorial name "I AM" (YAH) to Himself. He said: "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." (Jn. 8:58). Bible records this name "YAH" in Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4 and 38:11.


In fact they use this name all the time. Take the names of the prophets in the Bible for instance. "Isaiah" means salvation of YAH, "Jeremiah" means exaltation of YAH, "Elijah" means God is YAH and "Zechariah" means YAH is renowned. When the Jews praise God in the temples they say "Hallelujah" which means "Praise You YAH". We now come to an important name "YAHSHUA" that means YAH is Savior. This name is sometimes mispronounced "Joshua" but the correct pronunciation is "YAHSHUA" because the Hebrew language do not have the letter "J". "YAHSHUA" is the Hebrew pronunciation of the Greek/English name "JESUS". YAHSHUA means "YAH is Savior" in the Hebrew/Aramaic language.


Whewwwwwww! It's indeed the intensity or the intrinsic value of His Name and the Lord God is far deeper than we can fathom, and the extensity or the face value is already with us and already includes our lives and our history yet, also goes measurelessly beyond.


Theist, I hope I have answered your question with the help of the Holy Spirit in me.




God Bless Everyone! Let the Name of The Lord sink deep inside our hearts! Jaya Yahshua! Hare Krishna!




P.S. Now you theist, /images/graemlins/smile.gif you can chant Jaya YAHSHUA... HARE KRISHNA (name of God in Vedas) without difficulty.


God always reveal His ever lovingself and His immeasurable Mercy to those who seek His Glory and say His name. I am still amazed the indefinite fullness of the LORD GOD in the Word, in his NAME in our hearts 'puts us right', makes us fully human and transcedental. And as we constantly speak it, it continues in us and amongst us.

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Sorry theist, I forgot this one...but also, upon remembering this food makes me wanna fly home and eat!


It's an Italian Menu actually, made of pasta with lots of parmessan cheese and tomatoe sauce and leaves (I forgot the name of that sprinkled leaves hmmmmmmmm).


Gonna go home now. See you on Monday!


Have a nice weekend everyone!


Take care,


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I dont know about the Gurukuli kid being on his cd but I have heard from one devotee that on his cd's song book(you know where the songs are listed and where he thanks people and such)he says something to the sort of God has no form and something like that.



In that case, he is merely lacking in knowledge. I have read posts by some here on these very message boards who identify themselves as Vaisnava's, but also insist one should merge into Krishna's brahmajyoti! :-) So I am not sure Krishna das is inimical to ISKCON, its simply a matter of how far one wishes to go with transcendental knowledge in this life.
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I don't have most of his song books, and even if I did, to read thru each and every one, no time. But that would be the source, at least from what you said. I hope it is a misunderstanding, but I would not be surprised if its not. It wasn't until Srila Prabhupada started to preach in the west, that most understood merging is maya, and that one should not give up their individuality, but instead use it to serve God as a Person. So unless he reads Prabhpuada's books, whoever his guru is may not have told him this cuz he may know it either. I really dont know about his guru. But since he is favorable toward devotees (not necessarily toward ISKCON but to devotees) then he may have been told this, or he may have Prabhupada's books on his shelf. We can hope. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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