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Some good news about my situation

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Hare krsna everyone.


Hope all is well. As you some of you know that I am in a situation that only krsna can help me in.


There is good news however, I talked to the immigration lawyer who said if you are a citizen you just need a job, marriage certificate, photos and you are ok.


I need to have an income.


Now I want your guys advice.


I know Starbucks is hiring with good pay and such. You think its a good place to work.


Anyone have any suggestions or ideas or other places that might be good.


Krsna is to merciful unto me...but i aint complaining.


hare krsna

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just get any job that is available and look for something better as you have time. do not be troubled about dispensing caffeine to people. this form of intoxication is not heavy on your karma. devotees reject caffeine not because of it's bad karma, but because they want to keep their consciousness pure. for karmis that's a mute point. actually caffeine keeps their dull brains a little more awake /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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Hare Krsna prabhu,


I once wrote back about "bus hell" saying you should enter that job of bus driver to attone.


But i meant it, here were i live there is a need for bus drivers, because it takes a great deal of patience and devotees have that. They pay very well to start(atleast here) To me i like driving so i like the idea of driver(i got a job recently being a post man for rural delivery,driving). So if you dont mind driving that would be an idea, and it helps the world to use mass transit.


Just my idea, and think of the fun you could have punishing those who break the rules for paying!

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Hari Bolo Ghari ji. THanks for the job post. I whole heartedly appriciate your help with my situation.


My wife is finally happy which makes me happy.


Now I know that I shoudnt be drinking coffee and such but hey I just want this job tempererly so I get out of my house and on my feat.


I am at school now, doing many things at once so I will look at your link later.


Hopefully starbucks will hire me, there is one in every corner in vancouver.

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"I once wrote back about "bus hell" saying you should enter that job of bus driver to attone"




Well I would love to be a bus driver but I dont have a freaking driver's licence.


And yes they do have great pay. Here is 18dollars to start and then after two years its 24dollars an hour.


I want to be a skytrain attendant here where I can make 24 dollars an hour but in order to do that I need my first aid,drivers licence,and atleast my ged.


I am working on my ged so early next year I will get that job hopefully.


Just have to depend on krsna.


Also there are oil refinaries in B.C that working for six months I can make 50,000dollars so I might do that.

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Starbucks sells many pastries, muffins, etc which are made with eggs.


If you work for Starbucks you will have to sell such items, which are therefore nonvegetarian, to people.


This is against the principles of Krishna-consciousness.



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Yeah, i hope i can do some of those, I have school from monday to friday.


Monday, Wednesday and friday from 4 to 6


Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30pm to 8:15pm


Hopefully I will get something.


Some of those jobs listed there were with good pay but I dont think I am qualified for them.

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but, i would advise to get a job that may help you in the future. yes Starbucks can help you get the money you may need now, but, in the future you may want something more. an easy job for anyone who knows how to use a computer is data entry it also pays better than starbucks.


i dont see anything wrong with starbucks....its not like you are forcing the customers to drink to coffee, they are paying..i dont think that is bad karma.


please dont get me wrong, starbucks is good..any job that pays is good. i was just saying something a little better can help you especially if you are going to school.


also, im glad things are getting a little better for you.

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The big thing about the first real job is to establish to future employers that you can show up on time every day and do a good job. That becomes a reference for future jobs. You may bust a gut for six months but then another job will come up that is easier or pays more, and now they'll hire you because you've demonstrated that you can work.


Some places run three shifts, with some people working from midnight to 8AM. You may find a company that will allow you to take off early for school. If there is a personnel agency associated with any of the manual jobs, they will help fit you in. Some of the other boards like Monster.ca and Workopolis.ca have many agency ads. They will set you up - they're paid to do it.


Many many manual jobs require no experience. "General Labourer - Warehouse" or "Line Assembly" these jobs only require a little strength and endurance. They can get you established as a 'good worker', 'punctual', 'good attendance', 'works well with others'. Around here, these jobs pay $8 to 12 starbucks an hour. Some are only 20 hours a week, which could well fit into your schedule. Remember: there is no excuse for being late or off work. Period.


I assume you've already arranged to get a Social Insurance Card or number so you can work in Canada.

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Don't worry if they specify high school; many will accept you as you are, especially since you are now showing the initiative to get your diploma.


Just viewing the jobs gives you an idea of what is out there. Once you graduate, you will have some idea of where you want to go. The paper will make a difference, but not a great difference. You can start now.


Sometimes you get in a job and learn a lot of skills like tools or fork-lift driving which make you even more marketable for other jobs in the future. Or you can even be promoted within the same company.


Need to count cash at gas station:



Parking Lot Attendant:



This may be rip-off commission only pay. Avoid commission only jobs:






Find out where in the city the job is:



I guess now during the day you work for your father? If not, then you have to realize that one company in three weeks is pretty lame, dude; not counting the space alien religion job of course. I know you won't have a bus pass until November 1, but let's get the internet cranking. Computer skills will buy you lot in this world; no computer skills and you'll be left behind in the dust, more and more as every year passes.


From now until the end of the year stores will be adding staff. Perhaps even the shops in the Indian district will be busy. If I were of Indian heritage I would walk into these shops and ask around. Networking like that can produce surprising results.


You must prepare a resume on the computer, because many companies expect it either in person, by mail or by FAX. If you want it to happen you must hit several companies every day. Apply by e-mail wherever possible - costs nothing. Your home computer can send FAXes to local phone numbers for free.


You should save these gems of practical life I have written and act on as many as you can. You did after all request them. Didn't you, young Siddhartha?

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Your name is unique, whats it mean anyway?




Yeah I sent in my resume and application form for starbucks and who knows when something might come up. Hopefully they will call me.


I dont like the fact that they have eggs so I dont know if I want to work for them.


Who knows.


I am doing school now, so as soon as my ged is done more choices will open up. I can type 40 plus words per minute so hopefully that might help.


I dropped off my resume tonight after school to this lounge place that pays 10 dollars an hour. Its a doorman position. Who knows I need something for now but its up to ksna.


Also I found out that I can train to be a fitness trainer in two months and I get a job at lets say Fitness World or something I can get paid 18 plus dollars an hour.


So who knows.


Krsna Does.....

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Thanks for all the posts. I have a job appointment at 1:45pm on the 23rd of october and I will let you know what happens.


You are right when you say that after getting my GED more doors will open up. I went to apply at hotels but most are in the offseason accept a few and I will give them my resumes tomorrow.


I also have sent in my resume for a doorman which pays 10dollars an hour. Its at some lounge but anything for now is good.


Also I can train to be a physical trainer and after two months you are eligable to work for people like Fitness World etc for 18 bucks an hour.


Hopefully I will get something. I mean there is a starbucks, rogers video, blockbuster video right near my house which I will try for tomorrow.


I dont want to work for indian people because they know my father and things could be awkward.


I dont work for my father at all. I dont talk to him much because we might end up fighting or I might let my frustration let out after a years worth of it inside of me.


Its going to be a year on Saturday(my birthday, Goverdhan Puja, diwali, I am in a play as Hanuman) that all this started. Thats a long story I will post some other time.


There are many free services where they help you with the resume and help you find a job so I will check those out too.


Things are a lot less foggy compared to my original post about needing help.


Things are much better.


hare Krsna

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with whom? Come back Monday because you did not give a phone number? Come back Monday because it's likely they want you to start working Tuesday? What would you do? When? This does sound very promising; they may just be checking with the movie theatre to verify your resume or application. They don't have people come all the way back, just to kiss them off. Nobody's that callous, especially in Canada; we're golden rule folks up here.


Always be positive, as if you have the job already. Talk confidently in the interview - they are lucky to get such an asset that will boost their business; you can do damn near anything. KRSNA BROUGHT YOU TO IT, of course He'll bring you through it. Reach out and take it.


We deserve all the details, young Siddhartha, being kept in soap opera suspense for all these many weeks.


We're your adopted parents - whuz up, doc?

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well its an independent distritibution company. Not even sure what they distribute. No name either. I am serious, they didnt even tell me nor did they tell me how much you get paid per hour. They just told me to come monday morning and impress the managers and they will either hire you on the spot or tell you no thanks on the spot.


Thing is its from 9am to 6pm on monday and I have school in the evening. So I am not sure If I want to go. I think its a job by commision basis thats why when i asked how much you get paid they avoided the question.


Now I am thinking what I need to do before monday, I rather not miss school but time will tell what I need to do. I cant handle commision right now, even though I am good at it.


Why do you call me Siddhartha prabhu.


Wow Bugs bunny adopted me. I am huntin wabbit...ahahhahaahhaha

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Yeah, sometimes I think all the doors are closing for me.


Something will come up. I will apply at chapters and they are hiring so hopefully I will get it. Krsna's mercy and my endevour will prove true. It gets hard somethings though.



I will be ok though. This weekend I will be relaxing because its Diwali, I am in a play and its My birthday at the same time.


I dont celebrate my birthday because it brings me one day closer to death. This year especially because its the one year anniversary of the nonsense my parents and sister pulled. I am going to avoid them tomorrow or else I might get angry and say some word that might shoudnt come out of vaisnavas. I am turning the big 25....wow and I feel like a looser, not siddhartha.


Yes, I am not sure if I will go to see these guys and spend a whole day there just to find out they do commision. I will have to figure out that by monday.


If I knew why you called me Siddharta then I woudnt have asked prabhu.


Please tell me.

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