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ISKCON is transcendental to whatever one may think about it. To praise it or criticize it is equally as foolish. ISKCON must be seen as the vehicle in which His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami spread krsna consciousness to the west and beyond, even back to india. ISKCON is the property of Srila Prabhupada. regardless of whom rightfully or wrongfully claims such property.


So, the word has great meaning to a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, because everything connected with an associate of Krsna is as good as Krsna. Nothing changes by one being skeptical of those who may use such a term to describe themselves, now as well as then (The criminals were here even during his physical appearance, misrepresenting His preaching vehicle). We never have to connect ISKCON with anything other than Srila Prabhupada, if we do or have become accustomed to doing so, this is our problem, not Srila Prabhupada's not with the innocuous acronym ISKCON.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Iskcon is Prabhupads Idea. We should never call it something else.


When Prabhupad decided to form the movement a disciple asked him what the name of the movement should be.


Prabhupad relplied immidiatly with ISKCON.


The disciple asked what does ISKCON mean


Prabhupad said International Society for Krsna Consciousness


Disciple asked why dont we call it the International Society of God Consciousness


Prabhupad said No.


This is the house Prabhupad built. Lets not desert Prabhupad now.


Prabhupad said that if you leave iskcon your in illusiion


I take my self to be one of the many who are the future of iskcon.


Hare Krsna

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we just have our frustrations with everything.


ANd yes, I am also frustrated with somethings iskcon has done and such.


all I can say is that this reminds me of what prabhupad once said.


Some disciple told Prabhupad I dont like the way a certain devotee gives class.


Prabhupad said dont complain, you should become qualified then to do the class.


So instead of complaining about iskcon's(in the future) problems we should just become qualified to change them.


Hare Krsna

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"This is the house Prabhupad built. Lets not desert Prabhupad now"


to be krsna conscious is to live in this house

joining iskcon with a sectarian, exclusivist, fanatical, bureaucratical mood.. is not joining iskcon and be in the house of prabhupada



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to be krsna conscious is to live in this house

joining iskcon with a sectarian, exclusivist, fanatical, bureaucratical mood.. is not joining iskcon and be in the house of prabhupada



Well, I dont find it sectarian. This is a bonafide Sampradaya, exclusivist???? To Who? The whole world is in this movement. People who would never even chant the names of the lord are chanting because of Prabhupad. From the west to the corners of Africa. I havent met many fanatical devotees and I dont know what the word bureaucratical means so no comment on that.


Just follow prabhupads instructions, read his books, chant hare krsna, associate with the devotees that fit your nature and you will be ok.

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no problem prabhu... you are right and you are pure and devotee.

I was only saying that an oganization is made by the people, and some people use the "brand" or the acharya to push forward their sectarianism


(this happens everywhere)


my simple point is : to join iskcon is not to say "i am iskcon", but to be krsna conscious, if we follow.... we are prabhupada followers





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Whats with the you are right and you are a pure devotee nonsense. I am hardly that. Just get to know me and you will see. I dare you. lol.


Well vaisnavas are people that krsna directs but if they themselves think they are tha controler then thats not good.


Well, nobody is saying I am iskcon. Nobody is bigger then Prabupads movement or Prabhupad.


I agree with you though.

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