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Lord Jesus did not resurrect

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i also think that it is most offensive


if we do not learn to debate without offend what is the difference with the materialists?


prabhupada is like jesus, he is saving the world , not like a roman policeman who cowardly, wash his hands and puts jesus in the hands of the people who will nail him on the cross....



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It wasn't the length Priitaa, I could just tell where it was going. I don't care for materialists speculations on the nature of God's avatar's. I can imagine the writers opinon on if Jesus is presently alive or dead.


On the other post, I stopped reading when I got to the Prabhupada is like Pilate quote.


Actually Prabhupada was glorifying Christ. Much more than these so-called Christians. Not a chance in hell one of these so-called Christians has the love and respect for Jesus that Prabhupada has in one hair from his sika.

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Haribol, I did not take offense, because I have had realizations (with adequate bonafide evidence) about Pilates position. He did not cricify Jesus, nor was he a cause in any way shape or form. Nor did he allow it. He washed his hands specifically to note his opposition to the will of the folks who governed the region autonomously.


Pilate met with Lord Jesus and was taught by him after the "resurrection". This meeting is archived at the vatican, and I will try to access when I get more internet time. Pilates wife was a devotee and follower of Jesus, as was the wife of tiberius.


Srila Prabhupada did not come to teach christian theology, and when he commented on some of the points, he did so on the strength of his theologian disciples who he actually commissioned to study, to get good info to combat the demoniac christian impersonalism that has virtually destroyed the actual teachings of lord jesus christ.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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to continue, Srila Prabhupada, though the christian greatly opposed everything about him, did not oppose the philosophy of Lord Jesus Christ, in fact, he clearly describes Him the same way Jesus Christ describes himself, not only as servant of "He who has sent me", but as the servant of his disciple as well.


Pilate did not oppose Lord Jesus, when it was time for him to pass his unbinding judgement, pilate stated that "I see no guilt whatsoever in this man". This statement is unfathomable to a christian, but it is a fact. Pilate is seen as a cricifier, just as thomas, who has the greatest scientific faith, is called doubting thomas. The fact that pilate sees the purity of jesus is confirmed as a vision not from himself, but from the Father, as described by jesus in discussions with his disciples. Pilate is equal devotee with peter and the other uncultured disciples, in my opinion.


Everything in today's christian thought is topsy turvy, due specifically to the 2000 years of political manipulation to make a great acarya a means to control the masses. Not just the unholy roman empire whose barbarians actually make atilla the hun as not so much different, but all factions.


I do take offence in the context that the person compares prabhupada with pilate, because he sees pilate as a cricifier or implicated in the assassination attempt.


To theist. I accept that Srila Prabhupada noted the resurrection as you have stated, but SWARUPA, spiritual form, is not born nor does it die, so there is no question of resurrection in this context. Thomas was also concerned, and is disregarded to this day by the christian because of pure discernment. He wanted to touch the wounds, and at such a touch, recognized SWARUPA essence of the form of lord jesus christ. He knew that Lord jesus was not ordinary, therefore, he cries"My Lord and My God". This is not the beginnings of the perversion that the father and son are the same being, which, BTW, nullifies all the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, but recognizes that He is who he is, and who he says he is, of the father.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Haribol, I did not take offense, because I have had realizations (with adequate bonafide evidence) about Pilates position. He did not cricify Jesus, nor was he a cause in any way shape or form. Nor did he allow it. He washed his hands specifically to note his opposition to the will of the folks who governed the region autonomously.



if that were the posters position and understanding of pilate, that would be different. we must also take into cosideration what is going through their mind. his intent was to insult Prabhupada on the highest level. when we accept or ignore intentional mad elephant offenses, we become part of that offense. its not good for him either.

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Haribol, agree in full, in fact I previopusly noted as such




"I do take offence in the context that the person compares prabhupada with pilate, because he sees pilate as a cricifier or implicated in the assassination attempt."


ys, mahaksadasa

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Forgive me for my ignorance of the Bible because admittedly I don't know much about it but I always recall someone saying Jesus said something to the effect of "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". If indeed this was said was it said in the context of those who crucified him or some other context? Possibly this is the statement Srila Prabhupada was refering to or possibly I have gotten everything out of context. If so I apologize for my ignorance.

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Haribol, the vaiosnava forgives before the offense is even committed, but the Supreme Lord does not unless the offender begs foirgiveness from the one they offend. This is covered in bhagavatam with durvasa being chased by sri sudarsana and being unable to get narayana to withdraw. Perhaps a scholar will tell this story here.


Main thing, a devotee will never take offence seriously, if he does, he is not very advanced and falsely thinks of himself as imp[ortant.


hk, ys, mahak

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I just wanted to mention one more thing concerning this.


Becoming angry when Srila Prabhupada is insulted is most natural for a devotee and it is one of the 64 Practices Of Vaidhi Sadhana:


Don’t tolerate malice or insult to Krishna or His devotee.


That said I am out of here because we are also taught not to stay any place where Krishna or His devotees are being insulted.


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Haribol. Certainly, Prabhupada takes no offense, but Krsna doea, and because Krsna is offended, the devotees of Krsna are also offended. However, offense when one is in the beginning stages of the science of bhakti (which may include many christians who are not guru-assassins and are thoroughly honest) is normal and expected. We do not rush to kill all who deride the devotee in our presense, this is utter fanaticism. We use what we have been given to try to change their opinions. If we are hypocrites and make like all are offensive except our divine selves, whose offense is taken by Prabhupada, who supports the ideas of "humble persuasion".


So, an off hand remark never disturbs me, it is only the continuance of beligerant behavior toward the devotee that will get me to cry out for banishment (or worse if need be).


Now, I forgot some good info on the creation of demoniac irreligion that calls itself christianity. The Council of Nicea is a tool used by the holy roman empire to co-opt the teachings of Christ to formulate their heinous government programs. I believe the year is 391, and this is where jesus and the Father were artificially merged into one person. It is known as Filioque. The greek orthodox church has never accepted such teachings of the vatican, and their theology accepts divinity of Christ, but not in equality with the divinity of thew Father. The filioque denials are many, and within these documents are contained many references to the day of the attempted assassination of Lord Jesus Christ, including confessions of Peter that make certain that Lord Jesus was rescued by the efforts of Joseph Armethia, the midwife Salome, and others. Ample evidence, both scripturally as well as secularly (Note: Rome was fanatic about record keeping, and many archives exist dealing with the man known as Emmanueal ben yusif.) This was not done to fool anyone, it weas as simple as faithful followers protecting their guru (I only wish the Krsna movement had the same when Prabhupada called for us in the summer and fall of '77).


All this stuff to create an artificial impression that Jesus was god is manmade, and rejected. An old teacher of mine, in a pamphlet he wrote under the guidance of Srila Prabhupada, discussed "miracles" quite nicely. It is not raiksing the dead, healing the sick, even thwarting death. The miracle of the vaisnava is touchstone, that by the association with such representatives of the Supreme Lord, one who is eternally conditioned to the cycle of birth and death is able to transcent thew entire cycle of samsara, as well as not be further disturbed by trroubles artising from natural and social forces, as well as the troubles produced by the mind.


Even Lord Jesus states that miracles are needed by the faithless, the honest do not require the butchery of Lord Jesus to be His Own.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 2 years later...

First I do not understand why ppl do not believe in themselfs. IF a god existed, would he/she not be more kind to us?

sure, many of you will say that we choose our own destiny etc. BUT If Jesus was my son i would protect him from all i can, God did not!

further the bible is full of horse ., adultery, bigamy, and incest

and sure when you believe you look the other way for those kind of things but this is plain ignorance.


Further i would like to raise one question...

If you die and you come to your god and he sends you to hell or heaven (right?) if he can say where you go he is infact ruler of both hell and heaven, which in turn makes him the same as humans with a good and a bad side. therefore he makes mistakes. so it would not be any different from believing in yourself or your best friend.

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Why? WHY? WHY?


Why are devotees from Christain backgrounds always talking about their previous religious backgrounds?


Who cares about Christainity? Just chant Harinama!


I don't care if Jesus died, didn't die or rose from the dead, as it has nothing to do with Gaudiya Vaisnavaism.


Maybe those devotee should call themselves Gauidya Christians instead.


I doubt many will read this as this will be deleted by Admin...


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