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prophecies and fulfillment according to bible

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I find Christians seem to live in a sad and Paranoid world. They will find wrong not only in other religions but in simple things like a sculpture. (Granted not ALL are like that.) I knew this guy once who claimed he had a gift to sense evil in objects. He would touch China Dolls and pronounce them a tool of Satan.



I knew a guy like that also!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif A fad suddenly developed around him and people would have him come to their houses to chase out the evil spirits.


He would find them everywhere. Tables, dishes, doorknobs everywhere evil spirits were lurking. That is until he chased them out by using his "gift of discernment" and "powers from God to cast them back to the pits of hell from whence they had arisen."


He accepted no money as he was "a man of God" and received rewards from "worlds we knew not of."


Actually he was just feeling lonely and cut off. Hope he is doing better now.


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Why do people feel inimidated by someone who might have a different way of doing things ?


Im not some scared little boy...I'm not trying to hide anything.


What I AM doing is expressing myself the way that I want to and know how to. Its not an ego thing it is who I am.


You can psycholigcaly analyze me anyway you want but it still wont change who or what I am.


Some things in life have to be learned the hard way....consider me the hard way...you dont have to like it or me....thats not my concern.


Many people have had success this way and if I reach just one who may think that maybe he is not exactly in the right in being intollerant or judgemental then well....


your servant



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It's not so much intimidation.It's the fact as they can't respect our Diffrences. This thread was posted to try to convert people who ALREADY have a faith or their own.. He comes in.. Flashes his Holy Doctrine around and will refuse to listen to your side of the arguemant. His only agenda is to convert you.

So If he's gonna come in and proclaim his beliefs and views.. why not us to him as well? I'm not even a Hindu.. I'm a Buddhist.

As for them finding Demons in things.. It's sad.. As I look at it. Demons are but nothing but a construct of your own mind.

The point is they put demons in things that there is none.


How do you look at the Movie Harry Potter?

Christian Fundamentalists see this movie as a tool to get kids to dive into the occult. (Pagans and Wiccans are not all EVIL people to begin with. Their Karmic beleifs work in threefold when it comes to doing a wrongful act.)


They see this as a horrific tool of Satan to corrupt our children.

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I dont need a Book.. I can find scriptures in the Bible that would proclaim every God and Religion as a product of Satan.


If I had to choose between Jehovah or Krishna.. I would Choose Krishna because he has a vast amount of Patience compared to Jehovah.

Jehovah says - One life!

Krishna says - Many untill you get it right. (Right?)



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It is true that christians always sense devils because the devils are away from them , You never sense a devil because it is there in your heart and soul.

The same thing was happend when noah warned people about the greate flood, As it was in bible you people will not understand until the judgement day!

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who has taken birth in the material world is an envious fool.


Yes they do not listen to us. So why listen to them? They just assume all the talk back is their expected persecution for being 'a soldier for Christ' and delivering the straight truth.


And since they are not listening, and we know it,why do we continue speaking?


Sometimes we can play off their posts for others out there who are listening, but that only goes so far.


Carry on.


Hare Krsna

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I hade made a post about Christians not knowing their own history outside of the bible...


and here is more proof...


there never was a world flood during the existence of mankind...a regional flood, yes...world, no!


So...to those handfull of jews that Noah spoke to...I'm sure they didnt listen...but what does that have to do with the thousands of other cultures that were in existence at the same time, that were not destroyed by this "flood"????


It's funny how something taught to this teeny little group of ex-slaves ,by God, at a certain place and time for a certain reason has become something that they believe is relevant to ALL of mankind...yet when most of mankind had already had this knowledge and yet probably a deeper understanding of it. i.e. the Vedic scriptures.


It's ALL relevant to each belief system that has come after the first words God spoke to man.


Your servant

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It is true that christians always sense devils because the devils are away from them , You never sense a devil because it is there in your heart and soul. <<


But I know many follwers of Christ that sense the innate goodness in others.


Isn't that why people preach? There must be at least the potential for goodness(Godness) within everyone or what is the use preaching.


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Don't Just Throw some lies..


Genesis 6:17 "Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.



Satan will always lie since it was his nature..


Joh 8:44 - "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

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These authors are simply poseurs just like you, and you all only shame Lord Jesus Christ.


First know God. Seek the Kingdom. Do what you are told to do. Stop speculating like little girls. Find God, then you won't be so ignorant and offensive.


Arrogant fools write/read books filled with words thinking that somehow this is better than seeking the Kingdom of God. You are simply blasphemers; stuck in your minds, too lazy and too attached to the world and your minds to seek the Lord.

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"Arrogant fools write/read books filled with words thinking that somehow this is better than seeking the Kingdom of God."


Thanks for the passage , You may have to read that again which better suites for you..I never post any thing other than bible (read every thing from the scratch)

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taken from the hebrew word Ahsatan ..meaning advisary..that which takes you away from God.


How is that you say that these people that worship God in a different way than you are being mis-led by the devil...(by the way the devil is a late middle-ages creation to try and control the populi by scare tactics.)...when all they are doing is following God they way that has been presented to them by Him.???

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I am really worried about all of you guys..I am angry not on you but the sprit which is controlling you..I will keep you all in my prayer. I am sure jesus is power enough to break any bondage and lead the sheeps to eternal SALVATION..Bye.

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do not acknowledge the existence of other forms of belief puts you in the class of people who think they are God by controlling God.


If you think that God couldnt reveal Himself to others in a differnet way than the Judeo-Christian one...then you are putting a limitation on what God is capable of doing. In turn making you better than God or trying to control or say what God can do..

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It was so clear in bible that the satan is the one who is controlling the earth, Jesus will take it back after the "Armeggedon"


Matthew 4:8 "Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; 9 and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."


Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him"


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