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There is a trend starting to sweep across the country of granting homosexuals a marriage license by the state for what the state calls a CIVIL UNION. This is a way of giving homosexuals some of the same rights and protections as heterosexual couples.


I persoanlly have no opposition to this kind of CIVIL UNION for gays. In todays world they should be allowed the same rights and protections as heterosexuals. I work with a lesbian on my job and we get along fine. Her sexual preferences make no matter to me.


What I am against is the move to solemnize gay marriage as a religious union in temples and churches. Getting married at city hall is not the same as gay marriage in a religious context. I don't think that gay relationships could ever be classified as sanctified and holy unless celibacy was the rule and then at that point why would it have to be called gay?


There are lots of heterosexual men who love other men in a brotherly kind of way. Their love for each other is very deep and strong. Soldiers on the battlefield have a very deep love and affection for each other. It is when a man's love for another man becomes sexual that it starts to become perverted and sinful.


Civil union for gays is inevitable and fair in a civil context. However, the move to make gay relationships out to be holy and sanctified through religious marriages is heresy. It will only create more dissension and conflict in society and is a form of public nuisance. It should not be sanctioned by the religions of the world.

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I oppose any sanction for it, civil or religious. Civil unions bring parental rights, hereditary rights etc. Be that as it may, I won't concern myself with it as long as it doesn't encroach up religious affairs. Just even more impetus to get off the material plane.


Prabhupada spoke out strongly against religious institutions that offer "marriages" to homosexuals.That is our example. Period.


The idea behind religious instiutions is that they reflect the will of God on Earth, not that they reflect the will of man's mind back up to God.


Their are many examples of marriages taking place in the Bhagavatam for example. How many homosex couples do we see?









Well, we want our religions to be examples of Bhagavat dharma on Earth. What that means is following Bhagavat person and book and not whimsically redefining those religions just to increase the amount of resepect that may come from the material quarter. Its not from that dimension that we seek recognition and approval.

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then brahma created some progeny which wanted to rape him.


SP mentioned what this whole world rotates around sex.


Sex with opposite sex, same sex, animal sex - is all about sex only.


Man always gonna do what he wantes to do, so never forget it.



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Hare Krishna


when you have a government run by sudra's, with sudra's electing them, what can you expect, except total disregard for scriptures, kaliyug, what will we have next a gay Prime Minister/president, but really you have to smile at how kaliyug works it wonder upon people.


ps keep getting this 'smile' simile at the end of my posts?


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Living Entity asked; "Are you saying we should just let it go on?"


It is already going on and not the place of a devotee to allow or disallow gays raising children.


My cousin and her life-partner (for over 20 years)have raised a son who is now in his teens and is a well-adjusted, above normal intelligent boy who is also involved in sports like hockey. As she told me one time, when people know they are a gay couple the first thing SOME people think of is their sexual realationship, which she says in a very small aspect of their relationship. On the other hand, when they meet a heterosexual couple, most people don't automatically think of what they do in the privacy of their homes and bedrooms.


They treat each other respectfully, their son didn't grow up seeing physical and verbal violence that takes place,certainly not all, but in too many families. They have no intention of separating or 'divorcing' and will probably be there for each other and their son until they're old and sex is no longer an issue.


Isn't our role as devotees to give everyone something postive about the KC experience and leave the rest to Krishna? Judging and condemning anyone because they are different doesn't help them to have a postive experience of KC (even gays can read Bhagavad Gita and make spiritual progress in this lifetime) and it doesn't increase our own love for God.


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Hare Krishna


when you have a government run by sudra's, with sudra's electing them, what can you expect, except total disregard for scriptures, kaliyug, what will we have next a gay Prime Minister/president, but really you have to smile at how kaliyug works it wonder upon people.



In the US there are gays in office. There is this gay Congressman, Barney Frank, who some years back went through a small scandel when his gay live in boyfriend was busted running a homosex protitution business from Barney's personal house.


The press said very little and it died down. If it would have been a conservative Christian it would still be on the air.


Anyway I would vote for a gay person that strongly opposed abortion over these straight baby killers the democratic party keeps putting out there. lesser of two wrongs.


Sorry to digress a bit.


What devotees can control and MUST control is how Prabhupada's temples are run. That he set up already so devotees simply need to maintain them as HE set them up.

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