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Is ISKCON Hindu?

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I simply love Krishna as no one else and am hence drawn towards ISKCON.


But I have heard a few controversies to the effect that ISKCON distanced itself from Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) by declaring itself to be a separate religion. Can you please clarify this for me?

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Haribol !


I see ISKON has taken basics from Vaishanvam and grow little away from it .


I am very sorry to say this , being born in brahmin family that too in priest generation . My father has less intension towards ISKON. And he treats it little lesser than what he does in temple.


I am not having any disrespect from him, becasue he has born in circle and brought up in the same circle.

Probably he might have not got the taste of Hare krishna movement , but still trust me he is a pure and great devotee and priest . He has endless love towards Srinivaas on the first place and to the Paartha Saarathy ( None but our hero who has driven chariot to Arjuna ) . This temple is at Triplicane , He is having Shell in one arm and Abhayam in another arm. The Small idol kept for utsavamas ( Also called uthasavar ) has many holes in the cheek and its made out of rare stone and very very old.


This holes believed to be the one bacause of he is getting all arrows in his face which are meant for Arjuna thus saving him in the war.


My Grandfather was the head priest in that big temple and now my uncles are working as priests there. For them Paartha Sarathy ( Also called the Guy of Mustashes - as thats the only place where Krishna is having Mustashes to symbolise his braveness as warrior ) is the almighty.


All for ONE , ONE for All !


Madhava kesava Madhana Gopala









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Is it in Madras? I went there like when I was very young.


I still have the image of the God in my head, I realized I went there when you said the krishna has a mustache. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I also remember the temple, because I was completely embarrased when every one started speaking tamil... All I said was "tamil ille ille" ... I think it translates into "Tamil , no no... " and every one started laughing at me... quite embarrasing.


That is so cool!, I remember that temple.







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Hindu is a broad definition.


there are aborigines in india who catches the birds and eat it while it is alive - they called hindu also.


And personalities like Ramanujacarya, Shankaracharya etc... you can call them hindus as well... But there is fast ocean between them.


If you want more broad definition of hindu and bharata varsa - it is not a the peice of kaupin which was raped by muslims invaders and english after that. Bharata varsha it is whole earth including all continents.


By Gods arrangements only in India up to the time Prabhupada left for USA - only in India this great principles were still existing due to brahmins and vaishnavas who were kept this traditions. Only because of them Sanatana dharma were kept there.


Prabhupada's goal is to reistablish Sanatana Dharma in a whole world.


And a proof of that you and me talking about it in this forum....


As for external things - if you ask any passing by "hindu" who works in some software company What is Sanatana Dharma is - most of them won't be able to answer what it is and how do you eat it... (if you get my joke)...


Many hindus have no clue what Sanatana Dharma is - and those who can tell you they will quote somehting what they seen in a movie...


On other side you can ask any devotee - even that one who joined 2 days ago and ask him what is Sanatana Dharma is - they will tell you - I'm eternally servant of God, Krishna. Eternally - they won't miss that point even if you wake them up in a middle of the night or catch them in some night club. They may not be able to explain what it is but they know that they eternally servants of Krishna - because Prabhupada puts this on every single page of his book.


And to end on happy note - most furtunate people on this planet are those who took birth in India for they have chance to know it from a birth...


And to answer directly on yoru question - NO ISKCON is here to stay to establish Varnasrama and Sanatana dharma. Person from whom you heard may wanted to say - we not hindus... and do not follow hinduism (because general understanding of hinduism in a west is to worship 33 millions gods and western people can't digest it - becuase of that we say we not hindus and later we explain what it means).



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iskcon is not a person, but an org. and not eternal, and not aged either.


the real quetion you are asking is:

are Hare krishnas hindus?


my answer is yes.


below is the rationale to prove it:


- chaitanya mahaprabhup was a varnasrmai (sanatana dharmi)

- Hinduism is just a new name of varnasrama.

- chaitanya preached vaishnavism.


- vaishnavism is a major part of hinduism.

- disciples and followers are vaishnavs (prabhupada was a vaishnava)

- therefore hare krishnas are vaishnavas


- therefore hare krishnas are hindus.

- what they practiced has been practiced by the hindus since a long time.

- hindus can worship only deity, or can worship more than one. hare krishnas choose to worship krishna only.


if any of the above is not true, then please tell how?

else accept the fact that hare krishnas are hindus.

i say the same to the hindus too.


unity is needed bady. terrorism every where.


when hare krishnas see unity among a cow, dog, chaandaal, and a brahmana, what is so sinful to see unity between hare krishnas and hindus?


praise hindus for keeping vaishnavism alive against muslim destructions for the hippies and the world.


praise HK's for spreading KC all over the world.


jai sri krishna!


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ISKCON, Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement is not fixed on any religion. It is meant for all people. It is the dharma of the Age. Whether one is a Christian or a Muslim or a Jain they should engage in chanting the mahamantra. Then their religious endeavours will be marked with success.


Lord Caitanya's mercy is available to even the dog-eater, therefore there is no longer a need for the lower paths in the Hindu dharma of paying homage to various demigods, that raise one to the level of being able to worship Lord Visnu. By Sri Caitanya's mercy in this fallen age, anyone can take to the chanting of the Holy Name.

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Prabhupada rejected the term Hindu and said that it was a term used by peoples west of the Indus river to refer to peoples east of the Indus river. It is not a Sanskrit term to describe the Vedic dharma that ISKCON is supposed to be founded on.

Prabhupada said the proper designation of ISKCON was "Varnashrama". ISKCON was meant for establishing Varnashrama dharma in a society of devotees. ISKCON is not even properly a Gaudiya Vaishnava institution in terms of the vaishnava smrti given by Sanatan Goswami. Prabhupada rejected much of the smrti that Sanatan Goswami advocated. He said that it meant to keep pace with the smarta vidhi that the brahmanas practiced and established by Sanatan Goswami for that purpose.

ISKCON is Varnashrama according to Srila Prabhupada and since he is the one who founded it I guess his description should be the most authoritative.

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Haribol !


You have been to that temple ...So you were indian , i hardly see some indians here , You know what thats why i like this forum , because when foreigners are able to appreciate and follow our culture why not us ?


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !




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Thank you all very much. I'm very happy to learn that ISKCON follows Sanatana Dharma. I was afraid that if I joined it, would I be drifting away from the so called Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma.


I would certainly hate to leave Hinduism in all its glory and ancientness and practicability to enter a neo-modern religion. Good, thats not going to be the case! Even if I join ISKCON I do not want to be a Hare Krishna. I think calling oneself that or a group of people simply Hare Krishna is stupid and meaningless. Why don't we just call ourselves some Krishna followers or Krishna bhakts or something meaningful like that?

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<<ISKCON is Non-Sectarian>>


why talk of iskcon and not of vaishnavism?


hinduism ( vaishnavism included) is not sectarian.

sure, it is for all the people of all the times and places and planet and galaxies.


but then so say the muslims and xians etc.

about their religions too.


still there is a lot difference between them and hinduism.


jai sri krishna!



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ISKCON is is non-profit religious organization that Srila Prabhupada registered under the laws of the United States as all churches and religious groups are. ISKCON is also a spiritual organization established by Srila Prabhupada for specific purposes. ISKCON is one branch of the great tree of Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan movement.

The great authorities of Vaishnavism have described the movement as a great tree with many branches. ISKCON is one such branch. Each branch has it's own unique features and design. There is no two branches on a tree that is exactly like another. Therefore ISKCON has it's own unique character and qualities.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism is not always one big happy family. There are sibling rivalries and differing viewpoints on a few issues. ISKCON was not meant to be a carbon copy of the Gaudiya Math. ISKCON has it's own special design and purpose based upon time, place and circumstance. Such demands of time, place and circumstance command special concessions and considerations depending upon the situation.

Therefore, there will be a difference of opinion between the different branches of Mahaprabhu's tree and that should be accepted and understood. We should not expect that all devotees will always agree on all things. That is not going to happen. Just find the circle of devotees that you feel most suited for and take your stand with them.

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<<Therefore, there will be a difference of opinion between the different branches of Mahaprabhu's tree and that should be accepted and understood. >>


The above says to unite the stated branches.


I am saying the same, but for Hinduism tree (sanatana dharma tree of which vaishnavism is just a branch):


Therefore, there will be a difference of opinion between the different branches of Hinduism tree and that should be accepted and understood.


the need is to unite against the islamic terroism that is spreading like caner all over the world.


jai sri krishna!


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