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"No Harsh Word....."

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PN Prasad

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Haribol !


There is another saying in tamil meaning ..


" If the superior persons are teacing the inferior "

" Then God will teace the superior persons "


although it doesnot mean exactly , teacing the weak souls either by words or by action is considered as sin.


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala



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I have found it very difficult to stop teasing others. I do speak lot of harsh words when I feel dissatisfied with a particular result/event.


I'm trying to reduce all such demonaic qualities/mentality. I think it will take the whole lifetime....or the chanting of the Holy Names might trigger the process.

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Haribol !


I am here the company to you , Even i am of no good in this subject , but i am trying my level best to be humble to everyone. Especially to the inferior ones.


I have changed alot and still changing , every single event is a lesson . Whenever i think i have overcome anger and harsh words, there will be a slight test , a event which will make me feel that i am still unchanged.


These bad habbits will always hide in us , and we will feel we have overcome that , but once the chance is got it will come out !


So by contious practising of good things and vyraaghya alone will keep these things away.


I have learnt , practising now .. lets hope for the best.


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !




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At times, when I'm not very angry or when I'm able to overcome the habit of speaking harsh words, I'm immediately proud of myself.


I start thinking about how great I should be to reduce my anger. So....when I control anger, I fall for False ego. If I come out of False Ego...I don't know what I'll fall for.

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Haribol !


Seems like we are reading each others minds, i felt the same way .. but how can one give up bad habbit , takeup another habbit and give up this.


I read it somewhere


" when i read about the consequences of drinking

i gave up reading ! "


But replacing one good habbit for bad habbit is very very high level .


Being human forms we are always fall for false ego , we expect results we fall for apreciation from others and we will feel bad if none appreciates us or feel depressed if someone betrays us.


But there is tamil proverb


" potruvaar potralum , thuutruvaar thuttralum , pogattum krishnanukkey ! "


means that what ever appreciations ppl give , what ever curses ppl give let it go to krishna itself, he is the reason for every result.


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !





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  • 1 month later...

"I've was mistaken before once.

I thought I was wrong."

And similarly,

"It is my humility which makes me the truly great person that I am."

More seriously, good advice is given in the original posting. As much as we resolve not to be the source of anxiety and trouble for other living entities, big and small we will find reciprocation coming back in a similar way. Thank you for the wise words Prabhu.

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