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Kama is the "god" of??

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I am sorry i dint mean to offend Tirisilex posting , i have expressed what i felt like , i thought why to search more about demigods when our supreme personlity is all around and we know the fact that even when he worship demigods the Supreme personality alone gives the power to them and hence we are getting the grace indireclty through Krishna alone.


Thanks to ghari who posted excatly whats there on my mind.


ok Tirisilex let me tell you something i know about kama.


The lord Murugan is Shiva's son , there is story behind his birth.


There was one asura names , edumban and he was giving trouble to people. When everybody worshipped shiva for saving from the asura , shiva was on deep dhyaana and didnot listen to anyone as such.


When people wanted to disturb shiva's dhyaana but was afraid of shiva's anger.


Maa parvathi approched Kama - the god of love to wake up shiva using his arrow of love.


Kama hesitated first and then agreed for world peace.


He used his bow made of Sugarcane and arrow made of good smelling flowers and used on lord shiva.


Shiva opned his eyes and he opened his third eye also, the agni came from the third eye made Kama into ashes and then fell on the nearby pond on six lotus flowers.


Rathi prayed Shiva for giving her husband back and shiva understood the cause for the disturbance and brought Kama back to life.


Six children were born from that ashes on the lotus flowers and they were taken care by six young ladies. When the right time came , all six children were hugged by parvathi devi and became one kid murugan with six heads.


Thats why lord Murugan is also called Aarumugam.

the mantra to please him is SA RA VA NA BHA WA - 6 letts

which means bowing to Saravanan - the Murugan.


Needless to mention that Murugan has told the meaning of Pranavam - the Meaning of OM to lord Shiva and Shiva neeldown to hear that from Murugan , making Murugan has master and himslef as student.


There are soo many stories about lord Murugan and there are 6 great temples in south of india for him.


In Vishnavisam Krishna is called as " Alangaarapriyar " which mean the liker of dressings. We do soo many dressings to our lord idol and take it round the temple.


In Shyvam who are the worshippers of Lord Shiva , the Murugan is called as " Alangaarapriyar " .And Shivites do soo many good dressings to lord Murugan.


I personally like Murugan also a lot and i do feel that Krishna appearance and Murugan appearance are similar , Murugan always have peacock next to him and do all lila like krishna.


Sharanam Sharanam Sharavana Bhava OM !


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !






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Haribol !


Please accept my humble apologies , i didnot mean that way .


Its always good to do research on any subject before taking it up. Even in Bhagwat gita after telling everything to Arjuna Krishna asks Arjuna to decide whats best for him and to take that.


People can only show you the door its upto us to open the door and pass through it to see whats there on the other side.


*****(This isnt the first time I've recieved such responses).


Yes , when you do a right job , there will be soo many obstracles coming on your way , we should not sit back , we should pass through it , and you know why ?


When you take up any good job God will give you some problems to check out whether you are really having will do to that job. And if you stand for it asking his guidance then he will put his hands on you and will show you the next step to take.


All the best !


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !





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Govinda Bholo Gopala Bholo

Ram Ram Bholo Harinam Bholo !



No issues Tirisilex,When there is a argument on a subject especially on ones beliefe and faith , even it is wrong it has to be told in a very polite manner , like removing flower from the plant in very senstive manner .It like dragging ones own faith on God and related things . And i suppose i didnt do it that way , yeah i am learning still /images/graemlins/wink.gif



No one can disturb and harm a pure devotee and even if one do , they will have to face krishna.

I learned this from one of my Colouge.


Can someone ( Ghari too ) pls let me know whats there in the versus about Apology . I know for sure that Jesus will accpet all his devotees once thier mistakes were realised.


I know that similar kind of thing exists in Hinduism

but jus wanted to know the exact thing.


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !



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Regarding apologies (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.10.24-25):<blockquote><center>tan me bhavAn nara-devAbhimAna-

madena tucchIkRta-sattamasya

kRSISTa maitrI-dRzam Arta-bandho

yathA tare sad-avadhyAnam aMhaH


tat--therefore; me--unto me; bhavAn--your good self; nara-deva-abhimAna-madena--by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of it; tucchIkRta--who has insulted; sat-tamasya--you who are the best among human beings; kRSISTa--kindly show; maitrI-dRzam--your causeless mercy upon me like a friend; Arta-bandho--O friend of all distressed persons; yathA--so; tare--I can get relief from; sat-avadhyAnam--neglecting a great personality like you; aMhaH--the sin.

Whatever you have spoken appears to me to be contradictory. O best friend of the distressed, I have committed a great offense by insulting you. I was puffed up with false prestige due to possessing the body of a king. For this I have certainly become an offender. Therefore I pray that you kindly glance at me with your causeless mercy. If you do so, I can be relieved from sinful activities brought about by insulting you.



SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu has said that by offending a VaiSNava, one finishes all his spiritual activities. Offending a VaiSNava is considered the mad elephant offense. A mad elephant can destroy an entire garden which has been developed with great labor. One may attain the topmost platform of devotional service, but somehow or other if he offends a VaiSNava, the whole structure collapses. Unconsciously, King RahUgaNa offended JaDa Bharata, but due to his good sense, he asked to be excused. This is the process by which one can be relieved from a vaiSNava-aparAdha. KRSNa is always very simple and by nature merciful. When one commits an offense at the feet of a VaiSNava, one must immediately apologize to such a personality so that his spiritual advancement may not be hampered.



<center>na vikriyA vizva-suhRt-sakhasya

sAmyena vItAbhimates tavApi

mahad-vimAnAt sva-kRtAd dhi mAdRG

naGkSyaty adUrAd api zUlapANiH


na--not; vikriyA--material transformation; vizva-suhRt--of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is a friend to everyone; sakhasya--of you, the friend; sAmyena--because of your mental equilibrium; vIta-abhimateH--who has completely forsaken the bodily concept of life; tava--your; api--indeed; mahat-vimAnAt--of insulting a great devotee; sva-kRtAt--from my own activity; hi--certainly; mAdRk--a person like me; naGkSyati--will be destroyed; adUrAt--very soon; api--certainly; zUla-pANiH--even though as powerful as Lord Siva (SUlapANi).

O my dear lord, you are the friend of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the friend of all living entities. You are therefore equal to everyone, and you are free from the bodily conception. Although I have committed an offense by insulting you, I know that there is no loss or gain for you due to my insult. You are fixed in your determination, but I have committed an offense. Because of this, even though I may be as strong as Lord Siva, I shall be vanquished without delay due to my offense at the lotus feet of a VaiSNava.



MahArAja RahUgaNa was very intelligent and conscious of the inauspicious effects arising from insulting a VaiSNava. He was therefore very anxious to be excused by JaDa Bharata. Following in the footsteps of MahArAja RahUgaNa, everyone should be very cautious not to commit an offense at the lotus feet of a VaiSNava. SrIla VRndAvana dAsa ThAkura in the Caitanya-bhAgavata (Madhya 13) says:


<center>zUlapANi-sama yadi bhakta-nindA kare

bhAgavata pramANa----tathApi zIghra mare

hena vaiSNavere ninde sarvajJa ha-i

se janera adhaH-pAta sarva-zAstre ka-i


"Even if one is as strong as Lord Siva, who carries a trident in his hand, one will nonetheless fall down from his spiritual position if he tries to insult a VaiSNava. That is the verdict of all Vedic scriptures." He also says this in Caitanya-bhAgavata (Madhya 22):


<center>vaiSNavera nindA karibeka yAra gaNa

tAra rakSA sAmarthya nAhika kona jana


zUlapANi-sama yadi vaiSNavere ninde

tathApiha nAza yAya----kahe zAstra-vRnde


ihA nA mAniyA ye sujana nindA kare

janme janme se pApiSTha daiva-doSe mare


"One who blasphemes a VaiSNava cannot be protected by anyone. Even if a person is as strong as Lord Siva, if he blasphemes a VaiSNava, he is sure to be destroyed. This is the verdict of all zAstras. If one does not care for the verdict of the zAstras and dares blaspheme a VaiSNava, he suffers life after life because of this."



Here are examples of Srila Prabhupada apologizing, and recommending apologies:<blockquote>8 November, 1970

Birla House



Dear Sri Birlaji,

Please accept my greetings. I beg to apologize for not keeping our scheduled appointment on the morning of November 3rd. I became ill due to exhaustion from too much travelling and was not able to leave my room.

I have been told by my disciple that you have kindly agreed to donate 500 rupees to our society. There are many beautiful books which our society has published within the last few years and which many of the gentlemen of Bombay are now receiving as life member of our society, and take advantage of these wonderful Krishna Consciousness books. The membership fee is 1111 rupees.

I should very much like to see you, as this is one of the reasons I have returned here to Bombay. So when you are feeling fully rested, I hope you will arrange an appointment at your convenience. I hope you are feeling better.


Yours sincerely,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami




31 August, 1975



Dear Sri Rameshji Mahalingam:

Please accept my greetings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 12, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. I am very sorry for the incidence which has taken place between you and my devotees. So you may please note it that I am dealing with these foreign students and teaching them to become Krishna devotees, and some of them being neophytes may sometimes commit some offense. There is nothing surprising in this, but their ardent desire to convey the idea of Krishna consciousness is always laudable.

Of course we have to speak the truth but very palatably. These neophyte devotees have not yet learned how to speak the truth palatably, but gradually they are learning. Certainly Hindu culture does not allow illicit sex, eating meat, fish or eggs, taking intoxication, or gambling. If Indians, after going to the foreign countries, learn this behavior, certainly it is not good. The only fault on the part of the devotee is that he could not present the things very politely. So you know the nature of the Western young men, so toleration is needed by you considering the position of the other party. Anyway I beg to apologize on behalf of my student, and shall solicit the pleasure of your goodness to visit our temple regularly. One should not be angry and eat his meals on the floor just because someone has stolen his plates. This is a Bengali saying. The logic is that if one's plates are stolen by a thief, we should not become angry and decide not to purchase new plates and eat on the floor.

I hope this meets you in good health.


Yours sincerely,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami




5 November, 1967



My Dear Rayarama,

Please accept my blessings. In replying your letter of Oct 21, I offer to you my sincere most blessings for the most kind words that you have sent me as a sincere devotee. This attitude of service will help you progress in Krishna Consciousness and perfect Krishna Consciousness will help us to go back to home, back to Godhead. I have already sent you my congratulations for improving the get-up of BTG and I am sending news to Gaurasundara for his wonderful service to the cause. I've received one letter from Hayagriva expressing his sorrow about Kirtanananda's plight in relation with his God-brothers. He has complained that some of the boys had spat upon Kirtanananda's body and it is a fact it is the most regrettable incident. The fact is that once combined in Krishna Consciousness, one cannot be separated at any time but the incident of separation from the society of Kirtanananda and Hayagriva is accidental. I had advised that Kirtanananda should be asked to not speak but I never asked that he should not enter the Temple. We invite outsiders to come and hear our kirtanas but I think Kirtanananda might have been disturbing the peace of the Temple and therefore you all asked him not to enter the Temple. I do not know what had actually transpired but the incident is not very happy. If possible the boy who had spat upon Kirtanananda in the presence of Hayagriva must be requested to send a letter of regret and apology for the mistake he had done. I have already given you a list of good behavior for the devotees. The person who is a devotee must develop those good qualities. Kirtanananda's attempt to defy me might have provoked all these undesirable incidences, but in the future we shall be very much careful to deal in such provocative situations; I can understand the provocation in this situation was set in motion by Kirtanananda's uncalled for behavior. Hope you are well.


Your ever well-wisher

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



Srila Prabhupada chose wonderful verses to illustrate the lessons in those two Bhagavatam verses. They are both about offending vaisnavas and being forgiven. The first, Caitanya Bhagavata Madhya 13 is the story of Jagai and Madhai who apologized after attacking Lord Nityananda. The second, Caitanya Bhagavata Madhya 22 tells how Lord Caitanya's mother could not be forgiven by God for her offense against Advaita Acarya (Nada); to be forgiven, she had to apologize to Sri Advaita directly.



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Haribol !


I see you as living encyclopedia for Gita and Bhagawatam. Thanks a lot ghari , i think i can ask you some more questions.


Please can you brief about the four varnaas , and pls also get me traces to prove that no one is becomes a part of particular varnam just by birth.


The Brahmin , Sudraas , Vishnavas and kshthiryaas.


is this vaishnavas told here ( one who does buiness and make money ) , i am just confused about this term used to mention a part of brahmin society.


Thanks in advance


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala !


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Question about contents of and differences between Mahabharata and Bhagawatam:


Which work contains the Gita?


Which was published earlier?


Which is considered older?


What language are they published in originally?

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Which work contains the Gita?

Gita is a part of Mahabharata.


Which was published earlier?

According to Bhagavatam, Ved Vyas first wrote Mahabharat. Then, he wrote Bhagavatam.


Which is considered older?

See the answer to the previous question.


What language are they published in originally?


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