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is hinduism the TRUTH?

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greetings, my friend.


i'm a christian, saved by God's grace. i came here in this forum not to tell you that there's only one true God and that Jesus in the Messiah. i'm not visiting this forum to force you to accept God's grace. i'm here to learn about hinduism, and why you believe it.


others would say, "because they're stupid" when asked why people is in a certain religion. but clearly, there must be a reason why you believe this. and that reason, i want to find out.


let's just say, let's force each other to believe our own religion.


1. if Jews have Torah, Christians have the Bible, Islam the Koran. what's yours?


2. i heard that the Hindus have different gods, but who remains the superior among them all?


3. what's your basis in believing reincarnation?


4. have there been any account stating that one of your gods had done some miraculous acts? have you experienced one yourself?


5. i've heard about this dude krishna(sp?) and how he was present in the story mahabharata and ramayana. how do you know he truly existed?


6. i've also heard about shiva, vishnu and the brahma. how do you know they really exist?


7. you have many gods, right? what makes a certain god, a god?(like how an a saint be a saint?)


8. have you felt even just for once the presence of your god? if yes, please share your story.


that's all for now. you could probably tell me, "dude. go to google and type hinduism, the answer is there." but i wouldn't want that. the things written on those sites are the so-so taken from some sources without a real soul. i want real witnesses, real hindus and real people with real belief. i want to know why you personally believe hinduism teaches you.


if you have questions regarding christianity(at least, the basics) feel free to ask me. like i said, let's convince each other.


while i spent my time surfing a hindu site, please do the same and ponder on the belief of us christians.


thank you.

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I believe in hinduism because it works for me. Anyway, Hinduism is not a religion it is a way of life, even though it is branded a religion.


My answers to your questions :


1. if Jews have Torah, Christians have the Bible, Islam the Koran. what's yours?

answer - Vedas, Bhagavath Gita, Upanishads, and many hundreds of scriptures written by sages before christ and after christ. (The main one is bhagavath gita)


2. In reality there is only one God in Hinduism, the rest of them are demigods. For Vaishnavas its Vishnu, For shivaites it Shiva... they are the same thing.


3. Vedas and other various hindu scriptures say so. Our basis in believing in reincarnation is like your basis in believing the Garden of Eden /images/graemlins/smile.gif


4. I experience them every single moment of my life.


5. He existed because he is the speaker in Bhagavath gita, Also, there have been many places he visited and there are many clues of existence of the supreme personality of the Godhead. One clue is the island city of dwaraka, it still exists today, except it had drowned into the ocean but is still there on the sea bed of the arabian sea.


6. Let me ask you this, How do you know that god exists?

but our belief in brahma, vishnu, shiva etc. are gotten from the vedic scriptures. However, the scriptures not only talk about religion but also about Cosmology. It seems that the "Creations in creations and worlds with in worlds" that is in hinduism is being proven to be true by the string theory in modern day physics.


7. We have many demigods, but only one God- call him anything you want anyway you want (Most of the vaishnavas call him Vishnu or Krishna, Rama etc).God in hinduism is like your personal friend and we believe that we have a very personal relationship with him such as, mother-child, friend-friend, Master - servant, Husband-wife... many more. ANd also, The God can be viewed in any form you want... In reality all forms are his or her's alone.


8. Even just for once? If the miracles in my life happen every day, How can I feel him only once?


I have pondered on Christian beliefs and they are really wonderful. However, I believe that Hinduism works for me and I am happy with it /images/graemlins/smile.gif


/images/graemlins/grin.gif If i am wrong in some of the concepts some one from this forum please correct me!!! thank you!







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Dear sir,

Hinduism is a label attached by foreigners to a way of life embraced by people living in regions in and around what you know now to be India.

Because hinduism is not a 'religion', in the way that christianity and judaism are, there is no head religious figure, head religious book, etc. Each 'hindu' has their own way of making a connection with God.

The thing that I like about Hinduism, is that there is no rejection of anything. I for one believe that there are many ways to the truth. You can get to the truth by reading spiritual texts or by talking to spiritual people. You can get to the truth by prayer, by repeating mantras, or by meditation, etc.

I for one prefer the track of meditation. If you have ever sincerely meditated, sir, you will begin to feel God.

As for which Hindu God is superior, etc. If you have ever read any hindu spiritual texts, sir...you may notice that they may read for face value, or they may be read and studied deeply. And each gets out of it what he chooses to.

As for reincarnation, I believe in it. I have friends, who due to many years of meditation, were able to see their past lives.

When you believe in reincarnation, life makes sense. An innocent child who suffers for a reason that we do not understand, does not suffer due to 'the sins of the father', but because of his/her own negative karma.

By the way, I also do not reject anything. I believe that Jesus Christ and Buddha are great teachers, just like Lord Shiva, Lord, Krishna, etc.

Anyway, I hope this helps you

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In the Vedic literature there are three sections:


rituals like the worship of the demigods to attain material success

meant for people who are very materialistic, which by acquaired success gain also faith in the scriptures)

2.jnana kanda

by which one develops detachment from the material world, and acquaire knowledge about the existence of the transcendence in the form of the white loving light, (which they cannot accept that it is the radiance coming from Lords body.

This is an impersonal realization of the Absolut Truth.


This realization should be rejected.


3.Upasana kanda


The sütra sloka of DaS-müla, wherein the

ten ontological truths of DaS-müla are set out in a condensed form.


1. PramANa:

The teachings of the Vedas received through

guru-paramparä(disciplic succession) are known as ämnäya.

The infallible evidence of the Vedas, of the smriti-shästras headed

by the Srimad-Bhägavatam,

as well as evidence such as direct sense perception

(pratyaksha), that concur with the guidance of the

Vedas, are all accepted as pramANa (evidence). This pramANa

establishes the following prameyas (fundamental truths):

2. Parama-tattva:

Sri Hari (The One that steals all the material attachements, sins and miseries from the heart of His devotees) alone is the Supreme Absolute Truth.

3. Sarva-Saktimän:

Sri Krishna (The all Atractive One) is the possessor of all potency.

4. Akhila-rasämrita-sindhu:

He is the ocean of nectarean


5. Vibhinnamsa-tattva (or tatashta shakti, the marginal energy of the Lord):

Both the mukta (liberated) and baddha

(conditioned) jivas(souls) are His eternally separated parts and parcels.

6. Baddha-jivas (belong to the marginal energy of the Lord):

Conditioned souls are subject to the control

and covering of maha mäyä (material, illusory energy of Krishna).

7. Mukta-jivas (belong to the marginal energy of the Lord) :

Liberated souls are free from maha mäyä, and

beeing shuddha sattva (absolutely pure) in the pure atmosphere of the

spiritual world they are assistents in the pastimes of the Lord there.

8. Acintya-bhedäbheda-tattva:

The entire universe, consisting

of the conscious (cit) and unconscious (acit), is Sri Hari’s

acintya-bhedäbheda-prakäsh, that is to say, it is His manifestation

which is inconceivably both different and non-different

from Him.


Pure devotional service is the only practice

(sädhana) to attain perfection.


Transcendental love and affection for Krishna

is the one and only final object of attainment (sädhya-vastu).


In the vedic system (so called hinduism) everbody comes in one of the processes acording the stage attained in the present life, that is why it should not be used institutionalized compulsory means for practicing religion.



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The self-evident Vedas, which have been received in the

SampradAya (disciplic school) through the guru-paramparä (disciplic succession)

by recipients of Sri Hari,s mercy such as BrahmA (the engineer, the first being in the univers) and others, are known as ämnäya-väkya.

The nine prameya-tattvas are established by

these ämnäya-väkyas with the help of other pramANas that follow the guidance of these shästras (scriptures), such as evidence obtained by direct sense perception (pratyaksha).

Reasoning that is only based on logic is always lame in the matter of

evaluating inconceivable subject matters, since logic and

argument have no access in the realm of the inconceivable.


In the MuNDaka Upanishad (1.1.1) it is stated:


brahmA devänAM prathamaH sambabhuva

vishvasya karttä bhuvanasya goptA

sa brahma-vidyAM sarva-vidyA-pratiishthäm

atharvAya jyesshtha-puträya prAha


BrahmA, who is the creator of the entire universe (in the second part of creation), and the protector of the worlds, was the first deva (demigod) to appear. He gave

complete instructions on brahma-vidyä, the basis of all

knowledge, to his eldest son, Atharva.


It is also stated further on in MuNDaka Upanishad (1.2.13),


yenAksharaà purusaM veda satyaM

provAca tAM tattvato brahma-vidyAm


Brahma-vidyä is knowledge that reveals the true svarüpa (true form) of

para-brahma (supreme truth), the indestructible Puruñottama (Supreme Enjoyer).



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First part of creation

which takes part outside of the material realm


The source of the material world is to be found in the world of absolute.

In the spiritual world Maha Vishnu (The Maintainer of the worlds) ,

which is an expansion Maha Shankarshan

which is an expansion Shankarshan

which is an expansion of Sri Balarama

which is the direct expansion of Sri Krishna,

accomplish the first part of creation.

He let a fluid from His body, which is called karana jala, the causal ocean,

which is also called the viraj river,

who separates the spiritual world from the material one.


As principle of material world in its primordial not agitated feature

the causal ocean is known under the name of pradhan.


As Maha Vishnu enter the causal ocean and stir it with His glance

the pradhana becomes maha tattva,

and by that agitation of pradhan emerged the three gunas (modes of material nature)

As Maha Vishnu glance upon the gunas and agitate them

the material subtle elements were created :

- from tama guna (the mode of ignorance) emerged ahankar (the false ego)

- from raja guna (the mode of passion) emerged buddhi (the intelligence)

- from sattva guna (the mode of goodness) emerged mana (the mind).


Beside the three inner senses,

false ego, mind and intelligence

there is a fourth one the consciousness (cittam)

which is the substance of the jiva.

The consciousness is the place of attachment.

The four inner senses are shaktis of the cathur viyuha,

the quadruple expansion of Sri Krsna in Vaikuntha.

In other words They are the presiding spiritual deities over these shaktis.


Vasudeva is the spiritual deity which grant pure Consciousness

Shankarshan is the Supreme Personality who grant liberation from false ego.

Anirudha is the Supreme Personality who grant pure mind.

Pradiumna is the Supreme Personality who grant a powerful intelligence.


The three modes of the material nature are the pilars that sustain the material world.

The Presiding Deity of the three modes of nature is the Maha Maya.


Than were created the

sense objects and

the senses.


By the glance of Maha Vishnu

the sense objects were obtained as a so called mixture (transformation) of the false ego (ahankar)

in the material mode of ignorance (tama gun)

in other words

the sense objects are a transformation of egoism in ignorance.

So one who is on the level of enjoing the sense objects, should understand

that FIRST one is in the position of egoism in ignorance.


But not only that,

the senses are a transformation of the false ego in the material mode of passion (raja gun)

So one who is on the level of enjoing the sense objects, should understand

that secondly one is in the position of egoism in passion.


The more one try to enjoy the sense object through one s senses

one will be strongly under the influence of the false ego and externally

controlled by the material modes of ignorance and passion.


1.1 The first created sense object was the material sound

as a transformation of ahankar through tama guna and the sexual energy of Maha Vishnu.

The sound is the origin of all material objects of property.

The form of the sound is the Ether.

The Ether make available the Space, the field of activity of the life air, mind and all senses.

1.2. The Hearing Sense is created from the transformation of Ether in raja guna.

The Hearing Sense is the most important sense to acquire knowledge


The material existence can be disintegrated through the sound.

Liberation through the sound (anavriti shabda) or

Liberation at the root: Mantra

Special Mercy: Maha Mantra.

Hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.



2.1 Prana (the principle of lifetime)

was created by the agitation of the sound

through the false ego mixed with tama guna

The form of prana is the air

full of sound and the principle of lifetime

2.2 The sense of touch

is created by the transformation of air through raja guna


3.1 By the excitation of prana through ahankar in the material mode of ignorance done by the glance of Maha Vishnu was created the principle of Form.

The principle of Form is the fire

3.2 Fire transformed by the mode of passion gave birth to the visual faculty.


4.1 By the agitation of fire

through the glance of Maha Vishnu and

through the false ego (ahankar) in the mode of ignorance (tama gun)

was created the taste.

The form of taste is the water.

4.2 The water agitated by raja gun gave birth to the taste faculty


5.1 By the agitation of water through the glance of Maha Visnu

mixed with the false ego and tama gun was created the smell .

The principle of smell is the earth.

5.2 The earth transformed through raja guna gives birth to the faculty to smell.


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3. what's your basis in believing reincarnation?



Semitic religions that do not accept reincarnation have a hard time explaining why some are born into terrible circumstances. Why is one innocent child born with no sight, with a terrible disease, in abject poverty, etc.? Is God just playing a giant lottery, randomly passing out suffering to innocent people who have done no wrong? Even if one tries to explain it as some "original sin" that was performed by our forefathers, we should all suffer that original sin equally. But God chooses to make some children be born in rich families, some in poor; some healthy, some with terrible diseases; some starving, some with ample food, etc. Is this the way of the Supreme controller, the supreme intelligence behind all existence: a random lottery system of suffering.


Taking this one step further, we may ask the question of those who God punishes by putting them in circumstances where there is no information of Jesus Christ. By their thinking, only through Christ can one attain eternal life, so what of all those people born in the heart of Africa, in the forests of the Amazon, etc., where the name of Christ has never been heard. It is no fault of their own that God has not spread His message in their remote corner of the world, yet God will make them suffer in hell eternally for not having accepted Christ as their saviour. Is this a fair and just God? What makes him decide which children will be born "in a good christian family" and which will be born in the families of the heathens, or even in an isolated place where His message has never reached? What happens to all the countless millions of tribals and aborigines who have died over the last 2,000 years with no chance to know of God? God has put them into such circumstances with his random lottery of suffering, and now they must be punished for not accepting Him.


What about the innocent child who dies while 1 or 2 years old? God does not give the child the chance to accept Christ, for the child is too young to know anything. Why does God make one child suffer this way, and give another child the chance to grow up and live a long life, wherein He can accept Christ and attain eternal life? What happens to all the countless millions of children who died in infancy due to God's lottery system? Does he make them suffer in hell for not accepting Christ, or are there vague "exceptions" where God just says, "Oh, I messed up, you all can go into heaven anyway." If there are such exceptions, then again God has unjustly rewarded these children instead of the rest of us. He has randomly chosen that they will be born in a situation where heaven is automatic, whereas with the rest of us He throws us into families and cultures of heathens and expects us to spontaneous convert from our native cultures and religions to His without any assistance or guidance. Is this the work of a fair and just God? If Christ was born in a Hindu family in South India, do you think he would have spontaneously followed a semitic religion, despite none being known or existing in the region at the time? What logic is it to expect mere mortals to do the impossible, all because God randomly chose to put us in this part of the world instead of the "Holy Land".


In summary, the laws of karma and reincarnation perfectly explain the apparent illogical and random actions of God with regards to our own fate and suffering. Why do the innocent suffer? Because they are not innocent. They have existed before this life and performed actions that have brought about karmic reactions. In the present we all experience the reactions to our past activities, and thus what ever happens is not God's fault, but rather our own doing. Where we are born, how we grow up, and what happiness and suffering we experience is all due to our own previous activities. God is the perfect judge, and His laws are enforced perfectly by divine arrangement of Nature. No one can escape the divine laws of God, for His eyes are everywhere.

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Well 'Christian' guest, you clearly have no idea about what you think is called Hinduism. Just arrogant wives' tales. Your interest is not genuine enough to spend time correcting, but I will point out so you can realize that when Jesus said that he knew us before the beginning of the world, it necessarily means that we did not come into existence with our birth on this planet.


My advice would be to continue to perfect your own life in the way that you feel you have had some success, and not get involved arrogantly with things you know nothing about. You will only offend Lord Jesus and God here. This is a religious heritage for those who really want to know God; not for poseurs who could care less who He really is.

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there is a dharma called hinduism

whose original name is sanatana dharma.

you know it, or you will not ask so may questions about it.


"i'm a christian, saved by God's grace. "


good for you. then why you waste time here?


"let's just say, let's force each other to believe our own religion."


christians and islam do it. hindus dont.

now, the hindus will not tolerate missionary conversion activities in india also.


what final outcome you would like to achieve after the discussions you are proposing here?


to debate about dharma in public and in most civil and non violent way is ages old tradition of the vedic society or hinduism. in such debates, each party agrees to surrender to the winner if he/she looses the debate. you have no such interest to give up christianity even if you loose in debate. so what is the use of debating.


many here have gone throu such debates, and your questions are not new. we alos have reasons why we do not prefer to practice christianity. no use telling you becaue you have come with closed mind and with an attitude of looking down upon hindism as something very inferior.


hindus discuss/debate to seek the truth.

when they find/realize it, they live by it.


so enjoy christianity. live by it.

but never entice any one into christianity

at least from india. it is dangerous now.



bible says:


'thou shall not kill.'

so never eat cow or animals or birds.


jai sri prabhupada!


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We could better use the word vedic instead of hinduistic


“Vedic is an English term meaning related to or of Veda and has been much bandied around to cover anything that is archaic and Indian -- inaccurately in most cases.”


Of course from the point of view of the western world, this is right.

Maybe we can take another point of view.

Let us say vedic is a Sanskrit term, because it is derived from veda which is a Sanskrit notion that, meaning Knowledge, True Knowledge; that is spiritual knowledge, which is knowledge about the Absolute Truth.

So when the term vedic is attributed to a noun,

it must be understood that the noun is connected with knowledge about the Absolute Truth.


Of course it might be that ignorant people use the term vedic quite inappropriate.


Let us take the noun culture.

When we say vedic culture,

how is the noun culture related to the the Absolute Truth?

Not by time, not by place (planet ) nor by style of dress, diferent eatting styles, different looking religious rituals…

In other other words by no material circumstances.

The vedic culture is the one that is God centred,

posses the spiritual knowledge about

1. jiva (the soul),

2. bhagavan (the Lord),

3. maya (the energy of the Lord) and

4.their relations

and promote that knowledge and practice.

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1) One of the 10 Commandments is: Thou shalt not kill. Can you please explain why Christians have taken that to mean non-killing of just humans?


2) The Christian church actually believed in reincarnation up till 553 AD, and then abolished it. Speaks volumes for the integrity of the church.


3) The Christian church has a pitiful human rights record. It is all the more ironic that church leaders like the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury denounce war, but their churches have committed some of the worst atrocities in history. It is sad that most indigenous religions have been annihilated by Christians e.g. Mexican, African, Aboriginal. This is continuing today with the destruction of Hindu society in India and Nepal. When will Christians get the message - LEAVE US ALONE.

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because this dude is already enlightned about their motives of coming here.


this dude believes that there is no need to be nice to the enemies. this dude has kshatriya mood.


without kshatriyas, the brahmanas like you will not be able to keep the freedom to have a temple or freedom to do sankirtana in india. then it will take several births to get really enlightened.


krishna has made the society with four vranas.

there is no need to make the whole society only one varna- brahmana. each varna has its place and each varna respects others. so i thank for your respect, dear enlightened.


jai sri prabhupada!



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The guy who came here to learn about hinduism "The guest in the first post" has not come here with a sword or a gun saying " BELIEVE IN JESUS OR I WILL KILL YOU!" or " SURRENDER YOUR TEMPLE NOW!" /images/graemlins/smile.gif.


What he was saying is "please look at our religion as we are looking at your's"


Even though he said "Lets force our people to believe in each other's religion"....


we can say " Please, I am very satisfied with me being in hinduism, we don't have to convert to your religion, because in reality all paths lead to one" /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Compassion conquers all man, and you should please krishna by showing compassion to others, krishna doesn't care if you are a hindu, christian or Islamic person... he is in the heart of everyone.


Hate is not a good thing nor is adversity to other religions ever a good thing.


Realize the truth ... Krishna wants you to realize the truth ( he says it in bhagavath gita).


So Don't be so mean! because you don't have to be!


Okay? good /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif







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<<because in reality all paths lead to one">>


yes, all paths that are given in gita or the vedas.


christianity is not listed in there, nor islam.


if any one here can discuss with this 'saved' christian like SP discusses and debates, then i would be interested to see that debate.


just think what would SP would have respond to his questions. i am very much intereted in it.


jai sri prabhupada!



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The visitor's words say one thing, but his tone says quite another, and his heart something even worse. He has nothing but disrespect for the Vedas, for Krsna, and for us. God sent him here to wake him out of his delusion, and awaken in him the necessary humility to advance in his development of love of God.


As a Christian I am ashamed of him. As a Vaishnava I am angered by his offences towards Sri Krsna. We cannot give him any more than God allots; and chastisement is all he deserves for now. He will either become angry or humble. Anger means he is not worthy of knowing God; and it was all just ego maintenance, this whole religious thing.

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Yes. Hinduism is the TRUTH. and the TRUTH is bad. Which is, in kaliyuga, the FALSE appears to be TRUTH.

Analyze this:

What you see is not the TRUTH. What you dont see is the TRUTH.

TRUTH does not change. As a corollary to this, what changes is not the truth. Which means that the WTCs which were brought down by the so called terrorists were not "true". Why? Because, they changed, One day they were standing tall, next day they were down.

Similarly, the body is not the truth. Why? Because it changes. From a child, to a boy/girl, to youth, to old finally leading to death. What dies is the body which is false. What does not die is the soul, which is the truth.


Ever wondered why all the "superpowers" of the world are western in culture? Because it was "planned" by some people who claim to be GOD (read, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed etc). Now, after the terrorits attacks, suddenly Islam appears to be a power to reckon with. Hence, both Christianity and Islam are false. Why? because they changed. Christianity was attacked by Islam. Both changed. Who won and who lost will be decided by time, but both changed. And since what changes is FALSE, both of them are false.

America talks about all types of "freedom". If there is true freedom, why is it that Christmas is a holiday but not Eed Ul Juha Or Diwali? All the talk about freedom is under a GARB called religion (read Christiality).

Why is only Hinduism true: It does not claim to be true. Does truth need to prove that its the truth? No it does not. If you are trying to prove something, its inherently FALSE. The terrorist who brought down WTC tried to prove something : Islam is true, America/Christianity is False. Which makes them FALSE. America in turn tried to prove something else: America is true, Iraq is false. Which makes America FALSE.


Hinduism does not try to prove anything. Which means its the only TRUTH.


We all know the christian missonaries working day and night across the globe trying to preach the Jesus is the truth. India is the worst victim of these missionaries who try to "buy" religion. But again, the fact that these missionaries are out to prove/preach something makes them FALSE. When a child is born, Christians do Baptism, Islam does something called Khatna. What religion is the child born with? Is the child "religion-less" if Baptism or Khatna is not performed? No. A child is Born Hindu. Conversion is the basic goal of all other religions of the world. Christianity was always the leader of these conversion missions (it being the Super Power around the world). Now Islam joins the bandwagon of the "FALSE appearing to be the TRUTH". Islam always did that before, with the WTC attacks, it became global. So the fight between America and taliban is actually the fight between Jesus and Mohammed. The irony is, these are two WRONGS trying to prove each other WRONG.

To be successful in life, a human does not need religion. GOD is just a matter of belief. The world operates in a very simple fashion: YOU belive in something, its true. YOU dont believe in something, its false. What u believe in is immaterial. What u believe in might be Jesus or Mohammed or 36 crores Hindu God and Goddesses. Going by this statement, Hinduism is the only true religion. Why? Because its the oldest belief and irrepective of the belief, if you believe in something it is true.

Finally, why none of this is accepted globally? Simply because Hinduism does not even attempt to do that. Simply because this world is a lie. Simply because the WRONG triumphs in Kaliyuga. TRUTH may not win in kaliyuga, but truth is independant of who wins or loses. Satyam Ev Jayate.

I am a 24 year old guy who is educated and modern (in terms of what the world thinks is educated and modern) and I sincerely hope and believe that some Avataar will appear soon to let the world know what I just said.


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Replies to the questions.

1) All texts.

2) 'Superior' is a base and worldly concept used by those who have not reached the spiritual path

3) The same as yours in believing in life-after-death.

4) Open your eyes, and witness first hand the profound miracle of God.

5) 'Existence' is presupposed in your question. What if the idea of existence itself is flawed? Krishna left his mark, just as Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha.

6) See the answer to question 5. Do you believe in creation, existence, and destruction? Then you also believe in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

7) If you can rephrasse this in a manner which isn't incoherent, maybe it can be answered.

8) Every moment, every single moment. Nothing you have ever experienced has been outside the presence of God.


Here are eight plus one questions for you.

1) By what means do you think you can force anyone to follow a religion?

2) By what -universally- accepted authority do you claim that the Bible is God's word?

3) If God gives you free will, why does he tell you what to do?

4) If the soul is created at birth, why should it not be destroyed at death?

5) What is your answer that most 'miracles' that Christians talk about are little more than the dreams of materialists, and generally don't even break the laws of thermodynamics?

6) What is existence? What do you mean by existence? And how can you verify that the meaning you give to it is true?

7) If Christianity took it's nature of the saviour from the Egyptians, social responsibility from Judaism, it's cosmology from Zoroastrianism, and it's teaching on compassion and tolerance from Buddhism, (of which there is plenty of evidence for all), what makes Christianity nothing more than a load of middle-eastern early neo-syncretic pseudo-religious politics?

8) How can an omniscient being and a free will co-exist? (If you cannot see the paradox, don't bother to answer).

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"The visitor's words say one thing, but his tone says quite another, and his heart something even worse"


you see, In this forum there is no voice based messaging so how did you know what kind of tone he is writing in?


"He has nothing but disrespect for the Vedas, for Krsna, and for us. God sent him here to wake him out of his delusion, and awaken in him the necessary humility to advance in his development of love of God."


woah, first you do not know his tone because he is writing not talking. Also, how do you know that he has no respect for the vedas? have you met him? have you known him ? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


"As a Christian I am ashamed of him. As a Vaishnava I am angered by his offences towards Sri Krsna."


Offenses? All he said was " I want to know more about your religion" ," knowing what you believe or trying to know other's beliefs are offensive? What age are we living today my friend?


We do not know the intentions of the visitor, all we know is that he wants to know about hinduism, it is not so bad to tell him about it.


I am sorry to say, what ever you have said about his intentions are nothing but mental speculation ... you know nothing about this person and brand him such ... it is not right... and not right according to vedas or bhagavath gita.








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As most of the earlier replies to already explain the principles of Sanathana Dharma which was later named as Hinduism, I am just giving you an idea how free and wonderful it is to practise.

Yes you will find truth in Sanathana Dharma, because the Dharma does not force anybody for anything right from your beliefs in GOD itself. We never force anyone to convert like you christians converting people by exploiting their poverty. We are not asked to kill others if they dont have beliefs in Krishna/GOD Himself like how it is said in Qaran. One has to realise GOD by him/herself to get renounced. We dont have to register in any temples right from birth and we dont have to strictly follow any rules and regulations. It is upto the individual to remain good, kind and be helpful to every other life including the animals if he or she is interested in realising the Supreme Power. It is certainly truth by all means about which you can comment only after properly reading Bagawat-GITA. If you have not read, and blindly comment, it just shows your childishness irrespective of your age.



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In case if you have commented about Krishna out of your childishness without reading or understanding GITA, still you will be blessed by the Supreme power Shree Krishna because he resides in you also and He is the one who is making you to talk like this for you to realise HIM at some time point in your life.



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Guest guest

<, all we know is that he wants to know about hinduism,>>


he says so, but he is not. he is 'saved' he thinks.

so his interest noe iw to riducle hinduism

,a nd doign he so, he hopes that some here will give KC and become christian.


this is called reading between the lines.


he flatly say he has no interest to learn from authority web pages; why, because he thinks he will dervie some tamasic pleasure by ridiculing the hindus in the discussion.


jai sri prabhupada!


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