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impeach bush, high crimes and misdemenors

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Okay, the world has witnessed the blatant deception by the Bush administration. He clearly states that there is a possibility that no weapons of mass destruction will be found.


This is admission of impeachable offence, lying to congress. He convinced congress to grant him powers under the War Powers Act by stating that these "known to exist" weapons of mass destruction posed a real and present danger to the security of the Uniteed States. He clearly stated that U.S. intelligence had information as to the existance and whereabouts of such weaponry. He refused to provide the U.N. with this so-called intelligence, stating security and secrecy to our own, but he cannot provide this to the U.S. Marines either, even after the fact.


Congress granted him powers to engage the military to his ends because they were convinced about the WMD issue alone. There was no appeal to congress as to a motive of "freeing the Iraqi people", the main claim today. Such a claim in September, 2002, to congress, would not have stood as a clear and present danger.


In after-sight, there are continual deceptions going on via the public outlets (the unprecedented slant of the U.S. media, as claimed by BBC). Some are so blatant that I have lost a lot of faith in the American people in their silence on the issue. Bush, the butcher, is directly contradicting himself on the "nation-building" issue, where he states that Iraq must adopt democracy, yet will never tolerate such democratic process to establish the theocracy 75% of the Iraqi people want, an Iran-style Islamic state. He continually lies about a motive to make Iraq a puppet of U.S. Corporate interests and Fundamentalist fanatic psuedo religiosity (as in Graham, Robertson and other well known western demagogues). He states that he wants Iraq for the Iraqis, yet he does not consider who actually composes such an operation. Iraqi people must control Iraq, and though it is well known that these butcher/fascist American traitors want to do away with all nationalistic tendencies in favor of world government, which also must include the nationalistic flavor of our own dearly regarded Constitution. They want to call the world America, but such terminology has no meaning because the word "America" has also a different meaning than known to the ignorant masses of our own populace.


While Americans are fooled into Victory celebrations, the sane cry for the dead caused by the fascists. The sane know that this is not a military victory, becauise the other side lacked a military to fight back. This war was a slaughter, and even the opposing soldiers, the vast majority conscripted militias, were innocent victims.


There is no victory because the war has not even begun yet.


I have no faith in the other side of the aisle, either. Other than Ohio's Kusinich, all the contenders are fools, especially the zionist puppet front runner Liberman, who spends his days congratulating the guy he is supposed to be opposed to.


Needless to say, as sung by the great band of the 80s, The Police, there is no political solution. The courts are stacked, the Christian Coalition and their evangelical non-separation of church and state are deeply entrenched in all levels of american politics.


In our conservative protest (i.e. we cannot march witrh pro-abortion and other types who have agendas separate from what is on the table), we have discovered that the fanatic support comes from the churchy folks who either want to help jesus bring about armageddon and returning to bleed again for their right to enhjoy matter by causing all outsiders to suffer greatly or just hurry up and die. While the military may have support for the tactical aspects of their trade, they do not support their temporary CiC. The fact is is that Bush does not support the troops, cutting benefits at an unprecedented clip. The expertise shown in this war cannot be claimed as an accomplishment of the Bush administration, because on TV was clintons military, trim and expert.


Liars must not make policy. Lies will kill Mother Bhumi, as she cries in Srimad Bhagavatam. Or maybe you just conside how I took it. Well, how do you take Rum-head's statement when asked about if the Iraqi folks want to establish a Theocracy for their nation, he stated "There is no way that will happen."


Theocracy is the way of responsible governing, it is our (vaisnava) philosophy as well. True, what we have seen is rather ridiculous, but what did America look like to the Brits in 1812. US was fledgeling, then, taking small steps. If the brits had corrected their loss in 1776-81 by the War of 1812, no one would have known about our own system. The Iraqis want theocracy, and only se4ctarian fanatics will deny them the right to attempt to do this.




hare krsna, praise allah, love jesus, shalom!


ys mudmon (aka mahaksadasa)

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Prostitution is allowed/legal in Vedik Culture.

Khomeini criminalized prostitution.

Is there still polygamy in Iran? Polygamy is Vedik.

If so, then that serves as a kind of rajasik buffer.

Issue by issue all r imperfect, lacking Vedik dynamism.

One whole country following one scripture is great...

if that scripture is truly transcendental.

Bushel could introduce Vedik Culture if he had the right advisors nearby.

Too many rascal lobbyist pressing for so many nonsense items.

And Texas is known for killing & drilling, not chanting & dancing.

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Haribol, please do not construe my post as favoring khomeni, his brand of godly government is already mirrored by bush and company. However, a government, run by the clerics, which rumsfeld said that the US would not let happen in Iraq, is the basis of government that cares for the citizens. This is VAD, the politicians followeing the will of the brahmana class.


It is so easy to put things into little boxes, like a khomeni box for all who think that a theocracy in the islamic world is acceptable. Not much different when I use the word "we" when describing that slaughter called the war in Iraq. I am not we, I may be patriotic to the constitution, however, if patriotism means following fascists who bathe themselves in the flag, I think not, that is them to the NTH degree.


Haribol, ys, mudmon

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Mahaksa, I know you are not advocating a Khomeni type, but that's basically what you would end up with anywhere in the world.


In this age any consolidation of power I see as dangerous. It is on that basis that I oppose unbridled capitalism. Unbridled means one corp. swallowing a smaller one until we end up with corporation Earth with one CEO. Same problem with a theocracy. Same problem with so-called communists. Castro still in charge after all these decades in Cuba. And its his brother I think that is in line after him.


Thought police. Religious police. "You must believe in God" or "You may not believe in God"-same infringement on my free will as a soul.


Decentralization I see as the only tiny hope for the common man in this age. That means democracy with all its faults, and there are many.


here is a short clip from one conversation.


Hayagréva: Yes. I mean it will come down to something very basic like this, something very simple. Now you said that according to you it should be burned. According to you... If the president is in charge, then if he says to cut it down, it gets cut down.


Prabhupäda: No. The committee. The majority decision will be...


Hayagréva: That's democracy. That's democracy. That's no good.


Prabhupäda: Democracy? This is the age of...


Hayagréva: I thought you said we should have enlightened monarchy.


Prabhupäda: No. Monarchy is out of date now. When you form a committee... But what can I say? If you disagree in that way, then... If you have to live together, you have to work together; if you disagree in that way, it will be a difficult job.


Hare Krsna


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The people of Iraq are brainwashed into the notion of Islamic fundamentalism that the very truth is veiled from their eyes.


A true democratic government is the one that accepts the will of the people and that is correct, However, when the people themselves are brain washed into the notion of a radical government it is the duty of American Conquerors to stop such an idea from becoming into reality.


You see, this is what we did in Germany, The dictator hitler had every one brainwashed into Nazism that it had a promising future in the government even after the end of his reign. Such a thing was stopped by forcing new bureaucratic and peaceful ideas into the government and banning ideas of Nazism and slavery of the other races from the government.


Today, if we let the people choose a theocratic government to be put in place then the new leader is going to have the power both "Politically" and "Religiously" thus influencing the illiterate as well as literate people in Iraq. The person would get so much power that he will start to abuse it and it will cause another dictatorship which takes a monsterous turn again in history just like the regime of saddam.


The new theocratic leader of Iraq can be compared to Stalin of USSR or Pharoah of Ancient Egypt. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


If we stop the Islamic Fundamentalists from taking over and basically eradicate them forcefully! from the country , then and only then will there be a promise of peace. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif


It is so sad but it is true, there is more violence yet to come and I pity the fallen people there. /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Haribol, thanx for the thoughtful comments.


All said about the flaws of a proposed theocracy, and how it will turn ugly, I agree. However, the alternative is just as gruesome. The PLAN is according to the Roman Empire model, in fact, Ive even heard the phrase "Pax Americana" in reference to the idealism proposed by those in power. So we have become the cops of the world, but our police department is seriously flawed, our democracy is a sham as well with the way things work.


Say we got a president, he is elected "by the people". Does he make policy? No he does not, he is responsible for appointing many agency heads and officers of the administration, and these actual policy makers do NOT undergo scrutiny of the electorate.


So we do not look at the man, we look at who put him in power by their influence of cash, prestiege, etc. These folks are the ones who get the appointments. So the trial lawers ran the country from 1993-2000, because the law fraternity is who made Clinton's presidency possible.


Bush would not be president if not for the Christian Coalition, the right wing evangelicals. They turned out the vote, and received all the appointments, and anyone who does not see a fundamentalist christian agenda running world events, well, I cannot say anything to convince you otherwise.


Iraq is going to be totally controlled by fundamentalist religionists no matter how the cards are cut. The Stalinist secular ruler is gone and defeated, now the holy war, the crusades so-to-speak, begins.


Since the will of the Iraqi people is subserviant to propaganda regardless, my position is that the U.S. should go home and quit trying to be something quite outside the constitutional guidelines. I do not wish Graham junior and Pat Robertson to get a foothold, because their religion is a gutter religion that demands jesus to die over and over again so we can wipe our bloody sins away. The gutter christian expansionism lays waste to all it touches, just like in America, where a christian fanaticism called "manifest destiny" enables the stronger influx of euro stock to wipe out indigenous tribes at will. Genocide.


So the Islamics who want control will do their evil, make life difficult for all not in tune with their "vision", but the U.S. is a mirror of the same thing, or the other side of the same coin.


My point is that I do not allow our national resources to be wasted any more. It is not national security that motivates the present government, it is self-appointed and ill-advised meddling in the affairs of a sovereign nation, and where does it stop?


Like another great appointee of reagan the forgetter, James Watt, in religious fervor, as Secretary of Interior, wanted unrestricted harvest of national resources because Jesus was coming soon anyway.


I have more faith in trial lawyers that christian fanatics, all day, any day. At least lawyers must follow the law, whereas, fanatics believe they are above all such laws.


Haribol, ys, mahak

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mahak, I don't disagree with much you say but I think you over state the influence of christian fundamentalists. If they really ran the world abortion would be gone and prayer would be back in schools.


I have come to believe in strong interventionism. Just because of some imaginary line did that really give legitemacy to Saddam's tortuous reign?


I rather like the idea of the strong protecting the weak. Even though the weak may resent the very strong who saved them, the strong should do their duty without seeking so much as a thank you.


I also see the dangers of our govt. and society. However I see the greater threat coming from the ultra liberal establisment of lawyers and the Hollywood purveyors of hedonistic smut. In fact their mentality actually threatens the world.

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Haribol, theist, and let it be said that you are my fave war-monger.


I am not opposed to intervention, I cried for the stacked bodies in Haiti for many years, to no avail, for Papa Doc was our boy, and the bodies were still stacked. Intervention has its place.


But, case by case, especially by the Bushes, they run to the aid in the wierdest and most motivated places. It seems that they use war (and our military employed children) to get back at former partners who now have gone aloof. Saddam was a partner against fundamentalism ayatollahism, but now he gets attacked. Noriega was our boy against the castros and ortegas, but he got attacked.


A drug deal gone bad? An oil deal gone bad? No, the intervention we see is not good faith from a noble country for a noble cause, it is motivated by other agendas.


And what makes you think that christian fundamentalists are against abortion? Maybe they are against their congregation having abortions, but do you really think they cry when an inner-city crack whore gets one? They have the rhetoric, and use it loud and clear, just like bush and his "support the troops" rhetoric will be as shallow as "read my lips" when it comes time to pay for PTSD therapy and repair of damaged families by the service call.


Fascism always sounds attractive in an insecure and fearful society. This is the standard call for fascism rise to power. And they always sound so damn christian, but in reality, it is just brutal.


so, mon, me close for now. Feel bad for allah us, but our good training in spiritual matters is meant for times of dissolution, and if we cant handle the apocalypse, what good are we, eh !


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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And, I am deadly opposed to prayer in school, the whole phrase has connotations of evil.


I dont pray to their perverted ideas of god, and If I pray, no law makes me stop under any circumstance. Prayer in school is just another holier-than-thou trick of the fascist religionists.



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Well as usual we disagree on social issues. If I knew your address I send the Jehovah Witnesses by to straighten you out. Or maybe the Young Republicans. Now there is a threat huh? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


The thing with prayer in school is that is proposed as a moment of silence, not school enforced prayer to any particular conception. The atheist could use it as a moment of contemplation or thinking about the breasts of the chick next to him. The same for the Buddhists without the chick. The Hare krsna's could repeat a couple of mantras etc. basically the idea is to remember that we are all dependent on some higher power or supreme person. Why would you be against that?


Your liberal political heros are against breaking up the educational sysytem because some of the people's money would go to theistic schools. Couple that with and education where it against the law to mention God and you have forced atheism. Now what would Prahlad say?

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Haribol, theist, and especially gHari. Unfortunately, I cannot separate the multiple identities from the spirit that occupies them all. Id love to do my songs, but then again, they are all not of "winter moon" quality. Some of them are rather dylanesque in these days.


About my "liberal" heroes, well, I dont seem to have any. I liked bubba a lot, because he was smart, and he was a workaholic, and he truely wanted the best for america. I liked Carter as well. But, this does not mean that I blindly support the liberal cause.


What I do support is the idea of a godly government, based on a VAD model. This is why I am leaning toward the Rep from Ohio, kusinich, who is not really a liberal. He is firmly a pro-life person, but he has social idealogy that does not quit on the issue post-partum, so to speak.


I am more like Malcolm X in regard to accusations of being a liberal. I have no use for kennedy, h.clinton, liberman and the cast of thousands that are so wishy washy that they cannot possibly defeat any republican. Liberals do not stand for the down-trodden, they make great bureaucratic dividends by their motivated positions. The only two that have upset the repugnantian run of three decades, carter and clinton, did so because they stood apart from the liberal causes.


Republicans are too fanatic to give credit where credit is due. The mean-lean-fighting machine we just witnessed in Iraq is a clinton creation, and the tactics used to separate leadership from undedicated militaries is also a clinton strategy, used quite excellently with virtual no loss of life in Haiti. But republicans are still talking about the sex scandal as if it mattered to the American people. The cannot see a balance, thus alienate half the population of the country.


I see a balance. I had no problem with a more conservative government, and actually thought america was better off with bush than gore. But with 9-11 and the unconstitutional invasion of Iraq, the loss of rights of americans via the patriot act and the creation of the homeland security agency, I will not give a criminal good press just because he supports a pet idea of mine.


My position on prayer in school is contained in Srila Prabhupada's initial instruction to the general audience of America and the west. "Milk touched by the lips of a serpant has poisonous effect." I will never sign off on the idiotic pledge of allegiance just because "under God" is acknowledged. The rest of the pledge is anti-vaisnava as well. I agree that the athiest has been overly protected by the liberals and the ACLU, and the "religion" of the atheist is disproportionately taught in public institutions. I agree that it is absurd that one can get books from a public school library dealing with voodoo, wiccanism, satan worship, but Bhagavad Gita as it is is on the banned list. And I agree that students should be given facility if they wish to congregationally organize prayer groups outside of the curriculum. But I cannot support anything that merges the state with sponsorship of any religious activity in public institution. Hell, it is bad enough that kids are forced to do peace rallies or support the troops rallies according to the whims of the teachers. I reject any such potentiality to be accepted as far as prayer goes. You may think that it will be a non-denominational moment of silence, but any community that is church based (like every school district in this state other than Spokane, Tacoma, and Seattle whose mere size prevents such motivated and planned christian fundamentalist takeover of school boards) will have teachers inserting their own version (poison). The prohibition is fine with me, the excesses (such as the library issue) can be easily corrected.


Now, back to the impeachment issue, there are issues that are there. Go to http://www.votetoimpeach.org to find a credible case against the entire administration. I dont really care because the election will come before any such legal action, and if he is reelected, I will accept bitter defeat at the hands of the American will. You see, this has been the perfect format for changing our government into democratically desired fascism.. Fascists use fear as a weapon against their own so that the people opt for less freedom and more security. We have lost much protection from the bill of rights, yet we are much less secure. The fear mongering waged by the fascistas does not satop at the attainment of objective, it must be maintained. Yesteryear produced fear-mongering against socialism and zionism, today, all that is needed to get the fear going so we all vote to go to our junkyard doghouses and hope the owners gun is loaded is the mere mention of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism.


So we probably will soon see the film of the back lot of Rahim's Body and Fender Repair being cordoned off because of all the 55 gallon drums of chemicals discovered there. All that benzine, all that nerve agent (isocyanate), we were justified to kill tens of thousands to rid the worlds of this maniac painter with lousy hazmat program.


But I will end with a song, because I am beholdin to my ol internet compadre. Mad mahax is still mahaksadasa, and his madness is just somethin to do between innings of this baseball game called life.




Forget the Fiyeh


c. 1995 mahaksadasa


Words are hurled like rocks on a lake, agitate the waters for awhile

I take what I said back for now, but the waves bounce around for miles

I should only do what Jahmon say, and go about business, turn other cheek

Don't lose real treasure and break my heart by all worldly things I seek


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Barking dogs defend the land, angrily showing their teeth

Do I join their kind today, all this anger burning beneath

Or should I do what Jahman say, and always tolerate

All these waves of illusion crashing down, and forget the fiyeh of hate


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Trouble all around me crumbling down, but why should I think Im alone

The culprits surely pay for their crimes, someday we all must atone

I should just follow what Jahmon say, forgive the demon who will slay me

The theif with my shirt deserves my coat, if I understand this he will save me


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Tresspasser, just go your way, retaliation is not up to me

I forget this fiyeh, it burns me. et it fade into history

I should always do what Jahmon say, no need to worry any more

"Vengeance is Mine" says the Lord, this is what He said it for


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history




haribol, ys, mahaksadasa



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