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Babru is "Stonehearted". But I have to admit to being a bit pleased that you would think my posts are his although I am not sure he would agree. Babru is so much more advanced than I am. /images/graemlins/wink.gif



The meat is him , the eater is he, the non eater is he, and also the act of eating and non eating is he, for he is the only and one and only brahman.



I, too, do not know what version that is!! But, my understanding is that the word "meat" has changed meanings from ancient times - the word "meat" actually meant "food" not "flesh". This is also true for the use of the word "meat" in the Christian bible. It appears that people have used translated this ancient term to justify their sinful habit of eating flesh.


Basically, we are all eternal spirit souls trapped in different bodies due to our karma. We do not know what form we will take in our next lives so it is important not to murder the bodies of other eternal spirit souls that are encased in forms of lower consciousness and eat them. Quite simply, it is murder and screws up the laws of nature because that spirit soul does not have the opportunity to burn off karma in that body and then must start again. Very very basic explanation.


Reminds me of something I told someone that was preparing to kill a spider when I was a teenager - "That could be your grandmother!!!"

Thanks Priita for joining in this conversation. I always appreciate your posts.








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I just noticed Pritha's note. I was a little embarrassed that she attributed livingentity's wonderful texts to me, and a little flattered that she'd think I was working so hard. le has been carrying all our weight on this one, and I haven't been able to think of a way to respond to enlightened that would straighten him out. I've been swamped by grading papers and heven't been able to gather my wits about me.


I hope enlightened will see it clear to read Bhagavad-gita As It Is. If he starts by carefully reading the Introduction, and then reading the Gita in the mood Srila Prabhupada recommends, I have every confidence he'll not remain confused. I know because that's what happened to me in 1969. When I read this book, following Prabhupada's advice to begin by accepting, at least theoretically, that Krishna is just who He says He is in the Gita, I saw that everything I had understood up to that moment was empty. I was relieved of anxiety that's hard for most of us to imagine, and I began to realize that a personal connection with Krishna was the only thing I was missing.


So, our dear enlightened friend (whose comments on this thread appear benighted to those with vision), give yourself to using your great intelligence to honestly studying the divine conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, make friends with those who have taken it to heart, and share all your misgivings with them. I have friends who were more enlightened than you who, when they did so, found out what light really is.


A couple of quick notes to enlightened. You seem to have some understanding of brahman. According to the sages, there are three levels of enlightenment. The basic level, sort of a foundational level, is the brahman vision you have been referring to. It gives us a perspective on the world conducive to a sense of unity. The next level is that of seeing Paramatma, which is the feature by which the Supreme more personally pervades and influences everything, in which the Supreme lives in the essential being of all entities, sentient and nonsentient. The ultimate realization of the Supreme is Bhagavan, the Lord's personal form. In this there is also a great variety and many levels of realization. The pinnacle of God realization is that of Krishna--yep, the blue, cowherd with the peacock feather and the flute. Each of us can have a personal, loving relationship with Him if we cultivate such a pure desire. This is very rare and impossible for us to comprehend with our feeble intellects. It's only possible by His grace, which come in the form of the company of devotees advanced in this love.


Another note: Eating meat is terribly detrimental to spiritual progress because of the cruelty involved. In fact, meat-eating is one of the pillars of godless life. In Bhagavad-gita Krishna lists ahimsa, nonviolence, among the items that constitute knowledge, asserting that anything contrary is simply ignorance. Krishna shows by His example how to worship cows. For those with any connection with Krishna, it's not even a matter open for discussion. You either get it, or you don't. Only divine grace can enlighten those who don't.


Good night, all.

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It requires empathy. The world has so little empathy these days.


I see myself in the eyes of a stranger staring back at me.


There is also a great little book on vegetarianism put out by ISKCON. Can't think of the name right now. It's a small paperback.


It begins with a long list of celecrities who are vegetarian. Then goes into some logic like we don't have claws or teeth like carnivores, no do we have the short intestines required for passing the putrid decay rapidly.


So after a discussion like this it gives some scientific evidnce and statistics I believe.


Then it gets into the spiritual reasons and scripture, the whole nonviolent philosophy.


It's great reading actually.


Hopefully, I'm gonna go find it and post this resource.


Guess Guest.

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Follow the link that Priitaa suggested to you and also the link that Guess Guest offered. Prabhupada has answered your questions in both those books. You will find the answer to your question about Arjuna in Priitaa's link. You will also find answers to questions that you have not yet asked here. There are several sites that have on-line books and if you like I can provide the links for you. These books would be very helpful to you.






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You have never told us which translation of Bhagavad Gita you have and read. Can you please tell us?


As the title indicates, Srila Prabhupada presents Bhagavad Gita "As It Is"? It would be to your great benefit to read Bhagava Gita As It Is.


Just by reading this one book of Srila Prabhupada many many people have become devotees - Srila Prabhupada helps us to understand in such a wonderful way!!



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enlightened: if krishna talked about ahimsa and compassion toward other beings then why did

he persuade Arjun to fight in the war.


Please shed some light on the above question.


stone: That's an excellent question; in fact, I had precisely the same question in the 1960's. The best place to find the light you seek is in Bhagavad-gita itself. I believe that last night I suggested that you read it, and I repeat that suggestion this morning. If you actually desire to know, go to the source. As you read it you may clear up any questions you have by posing them to those who have some experience with Bhagavad-gita.

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Thank you both LivingEntity and StoneHearted.


I must confess, I could have sworn I once read an old post where you said you were the same person, thus Babru. :-) Are you sure you are not playing games? If so, busted! ha If not, oh well.


Yes, in the Bible (but not the Gita) the word "meat" has often been conveniently mistranslated, a result of Chruch meddling. I have done some research on this, have a web page that includes a bit of it. Always more to uncover but the basics are there. Tho even if 'meat' just meant 'food,' the reader of the Bible or any tampered scripture, would not know what had been intentionally hidden from their sight. Thus, they ate meat thinking it was no big deal. (Poor grandma.) Essenes have cleared a lot of this up and we as devotees benefit. Though they are just one source, but have brought to light the very strong possibility, and probability, that Christ was a vegetarian.


Babru (wherever you are), my English and spelling will surely fail your paper grading. :-) Thanks for your tolerance.



Prtha (Priitaa) d.d.


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The gita that i read is not a new book or anything, its been there since the time of my grandfather who was one of the "acharyas" in South India who used to follow "alwars". I guess thats a group of the spiritual men but who knows. Anyway, I don't understand a thing in BG, cuz its in sanskrit, however i do go to various sites to get bits and pieces of info on what krishna said in this verse or that verse. Anyway, thanks for revealing my own ignorance to me. I did say krishna might have eaten meat because it is in our history books that aryan kshatriyas used to eat meat. So, when krishna himself was supposed to be a kshatriya, i thought "hey what the heck, he must of eaten meat too". Well, that was my speculation, but in truth i guess krishna never ate meat, but i know some people who are crazy about krishna but they can't get over eating meat.



Thanks for you enlightening messages yall. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

And oh yeah, i Keep asking you living entity, how did you get that "Namaskara thing" I want to get it on here too, it looks cool!, tell me how. thanks!


Sudszy /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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I am so impressed by your post! Such honesty. Often people's false ego's get in the way and they cannot admit to any misunderstanding, but you have done otherwise. I also think you made good points, explaining why you thought what you thought, which everyone has the right to do IMHO.


I wish to add, most of us here, we are not Sanskrit scholars, yet, I don't think we appear too stupid. ha That is, Prabhupada has been so kind translated it all into English for us, and his translations are perfect and pure, so nothing to worry about. We got it. Though having the one of your grandfather will always be special to you. Just, as you read Prabhuapda's words, now your grandfather's Gita will actually make more sense and hold more value! That's how I see it anyway. Haribol.



Prtha dd

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but i am wrong, i guess, cuz my parents and all the other people that i have questioned this were very opposing saying the same thing living entity and others were saying.

Oh well, we are all human.

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  • 3 months later...

The total insanity of using the names of famous spiritual personalities to promote the most repugnant of behaviors is beyond my ability to even try to reason out.

Yesterday a friend who is going to the whirlpool of hell known as Las Vegas was looking for vegetarian restaurants there on the internet. One rung up on a search and she was happy to see it was Indian...named after Gandhi... A man of peace...a hindu... a vegetarian, surely she had found a decent place to eat while she was there, right?


Apparently the Mahatma Gandhi these folks know of is merely an identifiable name serving to lure people to their meat (with some vegetarian items) restaurant.

They must be relatives of the same Bastards who feel no hesitation to exploit the name of Prabhupada in a similar manner.

What's next, Bhagavan Sri Krsna's lap dance palace?

Better I shut up, such bottom feeders my be trolling about looking for fresh ideas.

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yes, it really is quite disturbing.


Is your friend moving to Las Vegas? There are devotees there believe it or not. At least there were a couple of years ago. There is also a devotee in a town just north of Vegas. Right now his name slips my mind but I can try to remember. He lives in a town called Pahrump, Nevada.





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I live in Northern Nevada and it is no better. Las Vegas is just bigger and more advertised. This state thrives on vice - gambling, intoxication (free drinks while you are gambling) legal brothels and the list goes on and on. I live in the middle of nowhere and rarely go into any of the closest towns - I hold out until I am on the brink of no food at all in the house so as not to have to deal with the chaos.


View from front door: (no flashing neon signs around my house)


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To believe that the head priest of the Jagannath temple (a brahmin) would rent out his restaraunt and not ask whether they were going to cook nonveg items is being gullible.


This priest was just after money and a nonveg restaraunt will pay them more than a veg restaraunt.


What to speak of restaraunts, even when renting out a house brahmins will ask whether the tenent is veg or nonveg.


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