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A friend of mine had sent me a link to a diet, that I am thinking seriously of trying.I would like some of you to look at it, and see if possibly you think it would be healthy,to do in duration.It fits right in, with it being vegetarian friendly, until at least the fifth and sixth day, which contains beef..He had actually gave me two links with the second, having a alternative to the beef, being to eat paneer.In researching, I think it is somewhat equal to cottage cheese, but I am not sure. On day five, tomatoes and paneer is to be eaten.My question is, is it possible, I might could put cottage cheese on top and maybe bake it, and it would be eatable or would it be better to eat each alone. I will be starting this Monday. I would appreciate any suggestions. It is called the GM diet..You can access it by going to:


and the other one,which has the alternative to beef is: http://weddingsutra.com/bride/diet.asp

I know this diet lacks some things, but it seems to have alot of what I eat already,with the exception of beef, just leaving off breads,etc...I thought I would at least give it a try..Let me know if you think it would be safe and can be used for the duration..I know 10 -17 lbs in a week is a bit much, and I would really be surprised if that happened, but if nothing else, maybe it would at least give me a jump start to losing some of this excess weight,and a thourough cleansing. I have already started going to the gym regularly,and I hope this will help too..Thanks in advance. Debbie



I edited this because I had typed the link incorrectly.

Sorry /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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On day five, tomatoes and paneer is to be eaten. My question is, is it possible, I might could put cottage cheese on top and maybe bake it, and it would be eatable or would it be better to eat each alone.


I'm not a nutritionist, but I see nothing wrong with taking the paneer and tomato together. Baking them sounds fine. Subjis at the Sunday Feasts often contain preparations made with tomato sauce and curd (along with other veggies.) Paneer is the same as curd. You can either make it yourself by curdling milk and then straining the whey out, (I prefer to use a strainer covered with a Handiwipe, and then let it sit for 4 to 6 hours to get all the whey out, until it's firm enough to be cut into squares.) I guess you could use cottage cheese, but it still has some whey. I've never actually tried straining it, and it might be a bit more difficult to do, being that the manufacturers usually put some thickening agent in the cottage cheese. However, I suppose you could pre-bake it at a low temperature to get the excess liquid out.


I clicked on the second link, for the paneer, but got a message saying the page was not available.


Let me know if you think it would be safe and can be used for the duration.


Myself, I really can't say. For a week, I suppose it would be okay. The diet doesn't sound very scientific or anything. After all, it was saying that one could use canned fruit on the "fruit" days, and that one could drink wine or beer. Of course, I know you will stay away from the unhealthy aspects of the diet and just take the essence. (Where have I heard that phrase before?) I can't predict what kind of long-range effects this might have on your health. For the short term, I would think it to be okay. Beyond that, I would simply be speculating. As you said, though, one week of this diet would give you a jump-start if nothing else, along with some cleansing.


But do let us know how the diet works out and if indeed you are able to lose 10 to 17 lbs a week. If it works, you may be on to something here!

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Thanks for your comments. I was not planning on drinking the beer and the wine. Anything I am not to have, I can surely substitute for some-thing else. You must have clicked on the other link before I edited it, because it will work for me, now.

As much as I would like to continue on this diet, if it does in fact do as it said it does,like you say "I can't predict what kind of long-range effects this might have on your health." I know normally, in most situations, it is said two pounds per week is a safe weight loss, and a person has a better chance of keeping it off at this rate.

But still, with this diet, it seems to have so much of the things I eat already, leaving off alot of bread and junk foods, that it doesn't sound too, bad..I am not sure..I know I have about 80 pounds to lose,but I do want to do what is safe for my health,too But for now, I will try it the first week, and let you know. Thanks Debbie

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In the scriptures it is stated that one should fast from grains on the 11th day after the new moon and 11th day after the full moon. These days are known as ekadasi, and Hare Krishna devotees generally eat only fruits, vegetables and milk on these days. Some people observe a complete fast, drinking only water or sometimes juices.


This austerity is performed as an offering to Lord Krishna, but it will also have the natural effect of a diet.


Those who observe a complete fast on these days have cut down 1/15th of their food consumption throughout their life. This will certainly have a positive effect on one's health if done properly.



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Srila Br Sridhar Mhrj pointed out:

"Devotees never eat, they honor."

Devotees honor prasAd.

jndas' stressing Ekadasi is super-excelllent advice.

As for choosing foods to offer & eat (oops! I mean honor!) as we spiritually advance we get more in touch with our inner requirements, including physical nutrition.

Watch your eye.

Watch how your eye moves over the bhoga available at your local fruit & veggy market.

Be aware of what natural items (not packaging) attracts your vision. That is best for u.

I know one 48 yr old mataji in Amsterdam who has not eaten any grains or vegetables in 19 yrs.

Only fruit, milk products, nuts.

Panir & barfi r her favorites.

She took this vow in 1984 as a sacrifice to the Lord.

She asked her gurudev SSM for permission.

Disease is literally afraid to approach her.

No exaggeration = LITERALLY!

"Forget this one, better take our notorious business elsewhere"

In Aquarian Gospel, Jesus's states (paraphrased)

The laws of nature r the laws of health. Anyone who breaks nature's laws becomes ill. Anyone who follows nature's laws does NOT."

Similar to Ayurvedik 3 doSa balance. which reminds me..

May I recommend South India dosa, sambar, idli...

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Debbie, I was mistaken, the second link does work, although for some reason it won't work on my Netscape browser. I just now switched over and tried it on Internet Explorer and it worked fine. And sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you would be partaking of the bad stuff in that diet such as wine. I guess I was trying to make the point that the author(s) of this diet don't sound all that knowledgeable in regards to nutrition and health, even if the diet does indeed help one to lose weight. At any rate, I suspect the diet would be okay to do for a few weeks anyway.


Also, I'm glad JNdas prabhu mentioned the Ekadasi fasting. Ekadasi comes once every 2 weeks. Actually, according to my calendar, Tuesday is Ekadasi here in the U.S. So, we try to fast from grains and legumes. If I eat anything on Ekadasi, it is usually just potatoes and maybe some peanuts, just to keep things simple. A full fast is great, as JNdas suggested, although it may not always be feasible, if you have to work and be active. I know for myself, whenever I do a full fast on Ekadasi, (water only, or possibly some juices), I feel GREAT the following day, really super-rejuvenated. There is something wonderful about observing Ekadasi.

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In so doing, this fast on the days,11th day after the new moon and 11th day after the full moon, as an offering to Lord Krishna, can it not be done the rest of the days, as well.

Even though I try to eat as I should, I admit I am a emotional eater, at times, and consume more than I should.

This is the first diet that I have seen, that for the most part seems vegetarian friendly. I realize it has some things that must and will be substituted, but all in all, I need to do something,in addition to exercise, which I am doing, to keep me in better health. I have managed to keep my blood pressure down to normal, but am still struggling to get my cholesterol down to an acceptable level. I had gotten off medication and do not want to get back on it..Any suggestions would be appreciated. Debbie

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I cannot recommend this appliance enough. It greatly simplifies healthy dieting, particularly increased consumption of whole fruits and seeds, and should not be confused with ordinary blenders. This company is also very easy to deal with and always helpful. Please give them a call to receive a brochure or just chat. I always tell friends about this remarkable machine, although I receive no financial compensation and do not represent the manufacturer or any distributor. I'm simply an extremely satisfied user with over ten years experience.




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Glad you saw the site I was talking about. And,I did not feel that you thought I was going to be partaking in the bad stuff of the diet..So the second day(Tuesday)of the diet eating vegetables would fall right in line with Ekadasi fasting,right? I could try the total fast, but I am unsure, with working, and my workouts at the gym, how that will go..I will definitely try it sometime.. Debbie

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Debbieji: Do u drive manual = stick shift? In Germany I saw 6 speed transmission vans.

Fasting + any other devotional service done on Ekadasi is like 6th gear = overdrive = quicker advancement.

This Ekadasi personified Dutch woman in Holland has been observing her fruit/milk/nut fast everyday 19 yrs.

If u want u can email her son Jay GopAl.

As for your gym workouts, I can recall being careful to eat enough veggies while competing on College teams.

Also consult www.GaryNull.com

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So the second day(Tuesday)of the diet eating vegetables would fall right in line with Ekadasi fasting,right?


Yes, Ekadasi falls on Tuesday the 28th, and the first 6 days of this diet are actually compatible with Ekadasi, provided you don't use any peas, corn, beans, or grains (or Lipton Soup Mix) in the Wonder Soup on Day Four. For making the soup, I would recommend boiling your veggies and then take half the veggies out, blend them up, and put them back into the pot. This way, the veggies themselves serve as a thickener, and makes the soup rich.


I went back and looked at the diet again and actually, it doesn't sound bad at all. What stands out is that only on Day 7 are grains allowed, in the form of brown rice. The first 6 days you will be taking fresh fruit and veggies, some soup (Day 4), and some paneer (Days 5 and 6.) Since you will be working out in the gym, I'm guessing that you might start to feel a need to eat more grains, for protein and strength. But, I suppose you could always adjust the Diet just a bit and perhaps take rice (and perhaps some oatmeal) on Days 5, 6, and 7, assuming you continue this diet beyond the first or second week.


I hope my previous posts didn't sound discouraging. I think this diet may very well be quite good, provided you make any needed adjustments for allowing grains as the diet progresses. After all, any diet that recommends lots of fresh fruit and veggies, along with drinking lots of water, can't be too bad. My original concern was with the somewhat dramatic shifting from one day to the next of fruits, then veggies, then a combination of both fruits and veggies, then bananas and milk, then curd and tomatoes, then curd and veggies, then brown rice/veggies/juices. But if your system can handle it, and it helps with the blood pressure concerns, then I say give it a go. I hope it works out well, and please let me know if you have some success with it.


Also, as far as Ekadasi goes, just do what you can reasonable handle at this time. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or pressured in the beginning stages of Bhakti. I don't think I observed my first Ekadasi until after I had chanted for about 6 months and had read the Bhagavad Gita and a couple of other books. So, just go at your own comfortable pace. From what I've been reading on other threads, you are doing great thus far. It is already tough enough as it is trying to learn about Bhakti Yoga when there's no Temple or devotees nearby.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Hi Debbie and all you guys who tried the GM diet...



Did it really work? I can't seem to find a post from someone who actually tried it and got 10-17 lbs lighter...




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Would like like to know what all you can drink while you are on this diet. Black Coffee ?? Tea?? Juice?? Milk. As i would like to go on this diet but am not very clear as to what all I can drink apart from water.

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Okay, since everyone here is simply asking if it works, and no one is willing to try it... I thought I would go ahead and do it!


My fiance is a doctor, and he looked at the diet and said that along as I was not starving myself, it is sounds alright. He did say that 10 - 17 lbs seems a bit much. As a general rule of thumb, the more overweight you are, the easier it is to lose weight. And since I am pretty much at my ideal weight, I have to work a lot harder to lose weight.


I am 5 foot 7 and weight 130 lbs. I would like to be 120 - 125 lbs so I am about 10 lbs shy of my goal weight and I want to lose it before our wedding in December. I would be very happy to lose 5 lbs with this program and then get back to sensible eating and strength training to tone up the oh soo jiggly parts /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I will put up the day by day details!



WEIGHT @ 8:30 am - 130lbs


I ate mostly watermelon & canteloupe. I did have an orange, a plum, and half a tomato. I drank a cup of chinese green tea with nothing added. I also drank 11 glasses of water (It really helps to carry a water bottle around to keep track of how many ounces you have consumed).


Basically I felt bloated the whole day. Since its extremely hot out these days, the fruit was VERY refreshing. The only thing that stinks is that you get hungry every hour, but since there is no limit to the amount of fruit you can eat, this is easy to overcome. My bladder and kindeys are in overdrive so I had to run to the restroom a lot! But that's common when you are consuming so much fluid!


No work out. Other than moderate walking here and there in the mall and at work. The heat was enough to deal with.





Needless to say, I am extremely impressed. The bloating is gone, and really I can see that my stomache seems to have shrunk slightly. I started my morning off with black tea (again nothing added). I am planning to have as many raw veggies as possible. I made dressing with lemons and spices. ... Will report back tomorrow morning!


~ Anjali



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  • 2 weeks later...
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dear debbie my name is lavender and im twelve i fasted twice

and it worked but then i flunked and now im 200 pounds i lost my confidence and now i don't know what to do can you help me?

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where i live we do have a pool i know everyone wants me to exercise but i don't have time the only problem i have is snacking i can't controll myself when it comes to food nobody understand how much i want to be skinney huh plese try to understand

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