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Artifical equality

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There seems to be a natural tendancy to want to see others as equals, to experience the commonality of life.But this will never be realized on the bodily platform.Never.


We are very fortunate to have been shown the glory of the Gita.



Stereotypes About Stereotypes


Vanderbilt University is one of a number of academic institutions that are making a special effort to attract Jewish students. The idea is that these students tend to have higher test scores, which will raise the average test scores of these institutions -- which in turn will cause them to rise in academic rankings.


Whatever one thinks of this goal, or about academic rankings themselves, reaching out to Jewish students seems fairly innocuous, especially after colleges and universities have made special efforts to attract foreign students and students from various domestic minorities. Nevertheless, there have been hostile responses from a number of individuals and organizations, including some who are Jewish.


Officials of some predominantly Jewish high schools have called it "reprehensible" to single out Jews, even for special recruitment. A spokesman for a high school in suburban New York said, "a positive stereotype is just as pernicious as a negative one."


But is it just a stereotype that some groups do better at some things than other groups do? Do blacks not really play basketball any better than whites? Do our eyes deceive us when we notice the racial make-up of the NBA?


Is it just a coincidence that people of German ancestry produce the leading brands of beer in the United States -- and the leading brand of beer in China, not to mention Germany's position as the leading beer producer in Europe? Can anyone deny that people of Italian ancestry have long been over-represented among the world's leading figures in music -- classical and popular, vocal and instrumental?


It is one thing to say that everyone should be equal before the law or is entitled to equal opportunity. It is something else to deny the most blatant facts before our eyes, and insist on a dogma of equality of performance, when virtually every individual or group is better at some things than at others.


More is involved than incidental pious nonsense. Such ideological make-believe has come to dominate public policy and even judicial decisions in the highest courts in the land. Statistical disparities among groups are routinely equated with discrimination, as if there could not possibly be any differences in behavior or performance among the groups themselves.


It gets worse. Whole nations and civilizations are equated, despite enormous disparities between them. People may be living in air-conditioned homes with all the modern amenities in one culture and in huts and shacks without running water or adequate sewage disposal in another. People in one culture may have better health, longer life, more advanced technology, more stable government, and greater personal freedom and safety than others. Moreover, people from other cultures are constantly migrating to these cultures, which fashionable dogmas say are no better than the cultures they are leaving.


Those people who say that all cultures are equal never explain why the results of those cultures are so grossly unequal. Anything that goes against the prevailing social dogma is virtually certain to be dismissed as a stereotype.


To find anything comparable in its blind denial of facts before their eyes, and such fierce and ruthless insistence on an arbitrary party line, you have to go back to the worst days of 20th century totalitarianism. Ironically, it is in our most elite prep schools and colleges that this totalitarian mindset is most deeply entrenched and most intolerant of any other views.


Institutions that force-feed students the new trinity of race, class, and gender victimhood throughout the academic year are often unwilling to risk allowing even one lecture by a visiting spokesman for an opposing viewpoint. Like the Communist regimes which electronically jammed broadcasts from the Voice of America during the Cold War, the new academic totalitarians apparently fear lest their years-long propaganda efforts be knocked over like a house of cards by one brief exposure to a few facts and a different vision.


Why do parents send their children to such places, much less pay tens of thousands of dollars a year to have them brainwashed with political correctness? The harm is not limited to the particular social dogmas they are taught. The larger harm is in being forced to accept dogmas imposed by authorities, rather than learning to use their own minds.





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I personally don't believe in the equality of all people and cultures. By which I mean, while everyone should be treated in a polite manner, it is simply a fact that some peoples have done more than others (in science, art, literature, medicine, philosophy, economics etc...). The head hunters of the Amazon might be nice folks, but quite frankly I don't think they have a very great civilization.

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blacks don't play better basketball because they are black, it's because they play more as kids ,being more motivated by economic incentives, and they generally have less options of what to do for recreation, and it's a cultural thing.


germans making better beer, well that's debatable, who is the judge when it comes to taste?


Italians being better singers and musicians ?...i don't so. Again it's a cultural thing. Where are the italian groups or singers at the top of the charts?

I don't see them.

I do see a lot of blacks,latinos, brits etc.


What are you suggesting?

We should start relegating people into preconcieved niche's due to their bodily heritage?


Should we lable children and defeat their aspirations because of their body?


What is your point?


I don't think schools are teaching that all cultures and people are completely allike.

They teach respect for other cultures,not blind acceptance of their good /bad characteristics.


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Originally posted by shiva:

blacks don't play better basketball because they are black, it's because they play more as kids ,being more motivated by economic incentives, and they generally have less options of what to do for recreation, and it's a cultural thing.


It's a cultural thing but that not's the whole story either.there are slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.Can't remember which does which but some are built to provide speed and the other is better for strength.Blacks have more of the fibers that provide speed which is why they do better in mst competetive sports where tiny fractions of speed provide just enough of an edge.Black bodies are among the tallest also.Can't discount genetics.


If you have ever seen those world strongest men competitions on ESPN they are 100% dominated by white men and amongst them the scandinavians do best.Blond blue eyed.Different muscle fibers.Genetics.


We simply get different machines according to our karma.

Italians being better singers and musicians ?...i don't so. Again it's a cultural thing. Where are the italian groups or singers at the top of the charts?

I don't see them.

I do see a lot of blacks,latinos, brits etc.


Popular may not be better.Pavarati and crew come to mind.


What are you suggesting?

We should start relegating people into preconcieved niche's due to their bodily heritage?


Should we lable children and defeat their aspirations because of their body?


Certainly not.These are just generalzations but why pretend these obvious differences don't exist as generalities?


What is your point?


My point was that there is this natural urge towards equality that works it way to the surface.But when it is not combined with real knowledge it gets expressed in all these confused social engineering attempts.



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Very often, whether there is any discrimination or not depends on how we analyze things. Let us take a simple example. Two students write the same exam. One of them answers the question very well and gets good marks. Another does not do well and gets less marks. Assume that the same examiner checked their answer scripts. Did the examiner indulge in any kind of discrimination? If we just see the marks given, then we find that there was discrimination. But, if we also see the reason, then we find that there was no discrimination.

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Black bodies are also among the shortest, pygmies.

the so called difference in muscles has not been proven and is a theory,with little to no acceptance in the medical field.

Blacks do better in competiive sports?

No, it appears that way because there are more of them in some professional sports then is the percentage of the general population.

Black youth are more motivated,and spend more time and energy cultivating athletic skills then others.


The strong man competion is won mostly by whites because they put more time and energy into it,but there are also polynesians and blacks in the competions,and an argument could be made when looking at the general population of a race that polynesians are the strongest,and largest.


Pavarotti, thats one.

how about charlotte church? she's the best.

Or how about the female operatic singers, the big ones are many races,latino black,white, etc.

Why do the Italians impress you so much?

The phillipinos are the most musical people.

They sing all the time as a cultural thing.

All over S.E.Asia you will find phillipino bands playing in nightclubs.


What social engineering attempts?

giving people a chance to succeed when ther economic condition is holding them back?


[This message has been edited by shiva (edited 05-23-2002).]


[This message has been edited by shiva (edited 05-23-2002).]

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Originally posted by gHari:

A man's worth is defined by his ability to play hockey. We Canadians treat all as equals desipte our obvious innate superiority. Yet deep down inside we see you all as inferior subhuman awkward creatures.



Give up that warm weather envy, thaw out, and follow Gretzsky's example;move to LA.



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gHari, as Canadian, I am surprised for you allowing the cultural slur about them Germans making the best beer pass. Good thing beer doesnt play a major role in our lives, otherwise is would be all out war between Bonn and Ottawa.


seriously, all are not created equally, because no one is created. Only material forms are created, and they are all different. There isnt the slightest equality between any two individuals. Even clones have myriad of differences.


The equality scam is just a tool to make war. All are equal, but some are more equal than others.


I love headhunters, some of my best friends are headhunters, but I admit my uneasiness if a headhunter wants to marry my daughter.


I gotta go find a head, see yall after lunch.


[This message has been edited by mahak (edited 05-24-2002).]

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Originally posted by shiva:

what part ..exactly.. do you think was wrong.?



Note the smilie icon.The real point is I don't want to get into that side of the discussion.Trying to work it out that all can become equal on the material platform is hopeless.My old body is not even equal to the one I had 10 years ago.


It will just be I say Zulu's are taller and you will counter that pygmies are smaller.


I had just noticed something in soul-pyschology that I thought was a little interesting, but didn't make it clear in my original post.


In a similar way to our desire to be eternal which makes the idea of death feel so abhorrant and alien to us, I think I see a similar urge in our desire to see others as equals, noting that as it expresses itself in this material dimension it becomes perverted and confused.


My post to you was just in jest.It is an interesting sociological topic though but perhaps for later.


Hare Krsna brothersoul,




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