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Solving the Islam / Israeli Thing

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I must profess complete ignorance here. Somehow we never learned this in school or maybe I played hookey that day, and I can't seem to quickly find any answers on the omniscient net.


From like the Bible and stuff I know that the Hebrews lived around Jerusalem way back. I don't know, however, how they stopped living there nor why the UN(?) gave them that land back after the war. Not very knowledgeable, eh? I know; it's embarrassing, but I am hoping someone here will show me mercy and bring me up to speed with the dispassionate facts.


I see this as the critical world issue now. Well actually terrorism is, but I am trying to address the source of the terrorist mind. I will be pleased with only a few words from anyone giving me the highlights. Thanks.


Of course the Israel issue cannot explain how Islam has invaded India so often. I may be forced to lay the blame squarely on the prophet's shoulders, which will mean reading his words to see whether he really left any instruction for such insane behaviour.



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it is the wealth all are after, by any means. The wealth fro Yudhisthira, perhaps even the very wealth of Vaisravana, was paid in tribute to King Solomon, the worlds last true world leader of righteousness. This wealth has been plundered to a very minor degree, it is what financed the renaissance, all the cathedrals and kingdoms of middle age europe. It is located only 60 feet beneath the Dome of the Rock, in dusty, dirty ol Jerusalem. Tunnels are being dug as we speak, by all parties from the Freemasons, the Secular Zionists, the non-religious Palestinians, and of course, the Sauds.


What we have here is Hiranyaksa wannabes. Byt the Raksasa race is dedicated to protect the underworld, and the Yaksas are dedicated to worship of all the world, so the unfortunate humans will just get blood and holocaust from their quest.


Vaisravana has been given complete control of the wealth of the world, and even Ravana's acquisitions were naturally returned to the Great Treasury Lord of Kailasa Mountain.


The Abyssinians who have the Ark should also be given the wealth to guard as well, then peace in the middle east may happen.


haribol, ys, mahaksa

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Everyone's favorite 20th Century celebrity, Adolph Schickelgruber, recommended all Jews not be killed, but be transferred to Madagascar, to set up their Israel nation there, out of the way, for their own good as well as the world's.

Bush, Ford, Kennedy agreed.

Defunct League of Nations defunctly disagreed.

England didn't want to take Jews in. Then? What to do?

Setting up Israel in/next to Palestine is a really great idea ---

for weapons merchants who happily sell/supply to both sides.

"See! We don't discriminate.

We'll sell to anyone, anywhere, regardless of race, color, greed!"

Ooops! Sshh!

Did I say greed? I meant, of course, to say/type creed.

FFS = Freudian Fingertip Slip.

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The Hebrews deserve a place to live, as do Palestinians. But do secular Zionists? What is a secular zionist?


There is little difference in the philosophy of secular Zionism and other troublesome "superior race" movements which are usually quite fascist. Anytime a group sets itself above another, this creates a war between the two.


The religious Hebrews are content in knowing that their care is from Jahova, that their "land" is the true Holy Mount Zion, not that dusty hell hole located in the middle east. The secular Zionists are never content, for their imperialism, linked with superiority complex that they are chosen at the exclusion of all others, makes it certain that if they could, they would expand beyond Sinai, beyond Golon Heights, beyond Jordan river. Where does it stop?


They are politically astute. There was a mass murder of Hebrews in the forties, but also was an equal murderous holocaust of Gypsies, Abyssinians, Mankingese, Phillipinos. There was no public need to find homelands for the displaced Romas, and North Afrika has never been considered. There is a conspiracy based on big bucks that has created the Mid East crisis, from Suez '55 to the present. Those who run Israel and cry "never again" and "you terrorist" have done it ever since, and engaged in the greatest terrorism, (the killing of schoolchildren), as they threw the british (Templars) out of the sliver of land south of the Armageddon Plain. Menachim Begin is every bit the terrorist that Mr. Arafat is accused of being. Ariel Sharon actually personally created horrible terrorists (ie Abu Nidal) by his demoniac murderous march through palestinian refugee camps in the late 70s.


I would like to see all righteous descendants of Abraham who follow his teachings living in peace as brothers. But the very nature of Canaan prevents that, because Canaan is the very world of Kali Yuga materialistic quarrel, chaos, and confusion that the Vaisnava community should be aware of (but probably not, due to the strong influence of the illusory energy.) So, we have three brothers fighting to control that land of Canaan, and Solomon's wealth is not really there anyway. There will just be dome of the rocks crushing christian pulpits that buried the place of Solomon, and the rubble just grows and grows, and grows.


Solomon and Mekeda kept their wealth and reside in Holy Mount Zion, which cannot be approached by the mammonites under any condition, any more that Kailasa can be climbed by the fools of this earth.


mad mahax

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chasidik or Hassidic Jews don't believe in Israel's exitence until the new Messiah pronounced MesiyA' (accent on A') arrives.

Instead, since 1975, Mayor Beame's short but sour regime this particular Jewish group has literally taken over (been allowed to seize)Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

How much so?

So much so, they are legally registered as an "Emerging Nation".

What does that mean?

They're eligible for Foreign Aid.

And boy oh boy! did they ever get a bunch of that.

Enough to invest in huge plots upstate. Clever aren't they?

Downstate they have a separate School Board, even though they a la fois control Crown Heights ordinary local school board (although none of their kids attend those secular schools).

Even ordinary Jews are not welcomed. Only themselves.

Indeed, non-hassidic Jewish Doctors have been driven out.

Wait. This is only the tip of the Goldberg. I mean Iceberg.

Oops! My eraser got stuck. Oh well. satyam eva jayate!

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You are in: World: Middle East

Low Graphics Friday, 18 January, 2002, 00:04 GMT

Seven killed in attack in Israel


The hall was full of guests at a Bat Mitzvah


Seven people have been killed and more than 30 injured after a man attacked a reception hall in the northern Israeli town of Hadera.

Initial Israeli reports said that a man entered the Armon David banquet hall and opened fire on hundreds of guests attending a teenage girl's Bat Mitzvah celebrations.


Israeli army radio said the attacker was a Palestinian suicide bomber who tried to detonate explosives attached to his body at the entrance to the hall, but was overtaken by security guards.

The attacker then threw a hand grenade into the crowd, the radio reported.

The attacker was later shot dead by Israeli police.

Israel's government immediately blamed the attack on the Palestinian Authority and said its leader Yasser Arafat had "chosen the path of terrorism".


Israeli government spokesman Avi Pazner said: "We hold the Palestinian Authority and (Palestinian President Yasser) Arafat directly responsible for the deaths of those who died today in this horrible terrorist attack".


The United States condemned the killing as a "horrific act of terrorism" and told Mr Arafat to act against militants.


"Chairman Arafat must take immediate action against those responsible for these acts and confront the infrastructure that perpetuates terror and violence," deputy State Department spokesman Philip Reeker said.




"We are going to respond in a manner which will teach the Palestinian Authority a lesson they will not forget," he said.


Forensic scientists collected evidence after the attack


An emergency services official said that dozens of people have been injured in the attack, some of them seriously.


The attacker was apparently gunned down by police from a nearby police station. It is not yet known whether he was acting alone.


The attack comes after a number of militant Palestinian groups announced they are no longer obeying a ceasefire ordered by Mr Arafat last month.


The militant Palestinian group the al-Aqsa Brigade, an armed group associated with Mr Arafat's Fatah organisation, said the attack was carried out by Fatah member Abed al Salem Tsadek Hasson, from the West Bank town of Nablus.


The Al Aqsa Brigades said the attack was in revenge for the killing of Fatah member Raed Karmi on Monday.


Raed Karmi died when a device exploded outside his home in the Palestinian-ruled town of Tulkarm, a killing which prompted Al-Aqsa to say it was calling off its ceasefire.


Thursday night's attack was close to a bus stop where four Israeli women were shot dead by two Palestinian police officers on 28 October, 2001.


The BBC's James Reynolds reports from Jerusalem

"Just as guests were leaving the hall, the attack began"


Israeli government spokesman Arie Mekel

"We are determined to protect our citizens"


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Dont go talkin Spain, bro, I dont want to hear about Spain, I have a problem with the word "Spain" mentioned in political terms, got bad remote viewings about the role of Spain in all of this crusades crap going on for over 1000 years.


If Spain hits the news majorly, everyone duck, and break out yer Y2K leftovers.



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Divorce & City


50:1 Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.

50:2 Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst.

50:3 I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering.


59:1 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.


60:17 For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.

60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.


65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

65:25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.


66:1 Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?

66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.


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