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Ayurveda Ch. 6

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jyeSThe bhUta-dine mande, nizAyAH prahare gate |

zophaxayAt xayaM yAti, saptamAxara lopataH ||149||

If 7th letter becomes invisible, then patient, afflicted by oedema & consumption, succumbs to death at night after one prahara's (3 hrs) passage on bhUta day, manda tithi, JyeSTha month.

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ASADhe zrAvaNe mAsi, site viSNu-dine zanaiH |

nizAyAH prathame nazyen, navam Axara hAnitaH ||151||

If 9th letter becomes invisible, then patient succumbs to death during night's 1st part, ViSNu's day, zukla-paxa (bright fortnight), either ASADhA or ZrAvaNa month.

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Azvinasya tathA'STamyAM, kRSNAyAm aparAhlataH |

jvarOdareNa nAzaH syAd, yadA rudrAxa-raxaye

If 11th letter becomes invisible, then jvara (fever) and udara (obstinate abdominal disease including ascites)afflicted patient succumbs to death kRSNa-paxa 8th afternoon Azvin month.

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zrInivAsa saMhitAyAm

mumUrSutad bandhu suhRj-janAnAM, pRSTo-pi mRtyuM kathayet tu na vai |

dukhaM mahat tat kathanAt tu teSAM, cikitsituM nApi mumUrSu micchet ||155||

Even if requested by moribund patient or his relatives or friends, physician should not disclose about/of his death.

If this IS disclosed to them, then they'll b extremely ag/grieved.

Such moribund patient should NOT b treated.

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bhUta-preta pizAcAz ca, raxAMsi vividhAni ca |

maraNAbhi mukhaM nityam, upasarpanti mAnavam ||156||

tAni bheSaj aviryANi, pratighnanti jighAMsayi |

amoghAH yAH kriyAstA hi, viphalAs ca bhavanti hi ||157||

Toward moribund patient, different evil spirits viz., bhUtas, pretas, pizAcas etc. + rAxasas r daily attracted.

They counteract drugs' potency due to their desire to kill patient.

Ergo, even most effective therapy may fail to produce desired result.

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asAdhyaM hi gadaM dRSTvA, dRSTvAriSTaM bhiSak tamaH |

tirye yatnaM prakurvIta, dAnaM caiva vizeSataH ||158||

kuryad vApi pratIkAraM, kathayitvA nirAlasaH |

gado'yaM tIrya-sAdhyaH syAd, viSNuH zAntiH kariSyati ||159||

If physician meets incurable patient or one in whom negative prognostic signs & symptoms r clearly manifest, then he should advise patient to visit holy places & offer charity.

He may also initiate treatment, but b4 that patient should b informed sans delay:

condition will b cured only by pilgrimage to religious shrines wherein Lord ViSNu shall alleviate such illness.

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vaidikoktaM smaren maNtraM, sadA mRtyuM jayAmakam |

viSNoH sahasra-nAmAni, mahA-kAlaM smaret tathA ||160||

|| iti dvAdazAxara kAla-jnAna-vidyA ||

To overcome such situations one should recite MRtyunjaya mantra as described in Vedas, ViSNu-sahasra-nAm (Supreme Lord's 1,000 Holy Names) & MahAkAla mantra.

Thus ends KAlajnAna (death/time determination) descriptions based on 12 syllable chanting.

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||iti zrI mahArAjAdhirAja ToDara Malli vIracite ToDarAnande Ayur-veda saukhye nAdI parIxA mUtra parIxA netra parIxA jihvA parIxAdIpa devatA vaikuNTha dvAdaSAxarI kAla-jnAn vidyA-kathanaMnAma SATho harSaH||

Thus ends 6th Chaptr Ayur-veda SaukhyaM in ToDarAnanda, composed by great king ToDara malla dealing with following important topics:

1) Pulse exam

2) Urine exam

3) Eye exam

4) Tongue exam

5) Determining good & evil events with God's help in lamp form

6) Determining person's death time based on VaikunTHa dvAdaSAxara mantra

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# 5 determining good health and evil events with Gods help in lamp form.

question: is it necessary in your opinion after the process of adopting vaikutha dvadasaxara mantra for time of death, prudent to continue chant of MRtyunjaya mantra--having overcome such situations with alleviation by the Lord primarily by instruction' to b cured-- by pilgrimage to religious shrines.'?


thnax yr reply


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Depending on interpretation level, audience etc. our 2 main mantras cover all these others plus much more.

Then again, KRSNa says in 18th Chaptr: "Sacrifice, penance & austerity should never b given up."

Still Equivocal? Go to any seniormost vaiSNav asap to further clarify.

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