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Quoted from above:

The actual distinction between eggs and milk is that Vaishnavas and Brahmans are to avoid that which is produced from blood and semen (which an unfertilized egg certainly is - there is the female equivalent of semen, called rakta, even though it was not penetrated by a sperm cell). Milk does not fall under that category. One could argue that plants have their own semen, but in this case it is about animal products produced from blood and semen.


Good point. I actually did not know that. However, in a biological sense milk is produced from blood. Human or animal milk is composed by the use of the lipids, carbohydrates and proteines circulating in a mother's blood. Sometimes milk may even include hormons or medical drugs if the mother took them or if the mother animal was given them. That's why young mothers must not feed their babies if they are under a certain medical treatment. As a simplification one can clearly say that milk too, is produced from blood. How about that?

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As I already said: That which is produced from blood AND semen. Since milk is produced from blood alone, it is distinctly different from that designation.


I had heard that onions and garlic are prohibited because they are stimulants. On the other hand, you do find the widespread use of onions among all castes in India, and to a lesser extent garlic. I doubt that any temples are offering those to Deities, however.


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When I first met SP, he said:

"We don't give any credit to vegetarians. Our proposal is we shall only eat foodstuffs offered to KRSNa. And KRSNa says, "PatraM puSpaM phalaM toyaM..."

Egg-eaters r not grossly killing, yet they r stealing.

Y? Because eggs can't be offered: yo bhunkte stena eva saH

Nowhere near as serious as killing, though still tamasik.

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With regard to eating eggs consider this for a moment. Suppose we were able to take the genetic material from a person and grow a human heart (which will be possible soon). Physically it looks like a heart, it feels like a heart, it TASTES like a human heart. Now no human was ever killed or harmed in any way to make this human heart. Would you be willing to eat such a "human" heart? To me Jijaji's phrase of "liquid flesh" is right on. Its the same genetic material, even if a chicken wasn't harmed.

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Dear nachiketa2,


I personally believe that many people pray to mythological or other gods because their parents did so. They were told, at a very young age, to believe and pray to gods. Their parents were told the same by their own parents and so on, generations after generations. This is known as mental child abuse. A child at the age of 3 believes in everthing we tell them - i.e. about Santa Claus, fairies, unicorns, dragons etc. I sincerely believe that a child should grow up free from any imposed beliefs and thoughts and explore life and world on his/her own. Equal time should be alloted to reading religious and science books, i.e. books on creation theory and evolution by natural selection.


With regard to eating eggs and meat, please take a look at your teeth the next time you brush. You will notice that each one of us has four canine (sharp) teeth. If these canine teeth are a bit longer we would look like chimpanzees. I believe that we evolved from primates that ate meat. If we were meant to eat only vegetables our teeth will look like goat teeth, but they don't. There are many more scientific evidence that humans evolved from primite life forms. Please devote equal time to find some answers from the book by Richard Dawkins 'Blind Watchmaker', the website:www.talkorigins.org and other science books such as History of PreHistoric World by Discovery Channel.

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Dear mmaranr,


You are saying that children should not be told anything related to religion at all. They should not even be told if there is any God. I can point several problems with this approach. Let me start with one. I will add more as discussion progresses.


Assume that some religious festival is going on in the house. Should children be involved or not? If they are not involved, won't they feel alienated? And if they are involved, then the elders are, in a way, teaching them

about religion which, according to you is child abuse.

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Hare Krishna MR. Myanmar,

For your kind information, let me tell you that a human digestive system is made exactly like that of a herbivorous animal there are 4 points which differentiates from a meat eater


1.)Have you ever seen a cat or dog(carnivorous animal) drinking water....... now have you ever seen a cow or buffalo(herbivorous animal) drinking water.... they will suck the water, we too will drink in the same fashion & not like like cat & dogs.


2.)Intestine of all the carnivorous animals are 7 times the size of your their stomach, where as in case of herbivorous animal it is 15 times, & same for the human beings, do you know the reason for it, because meat gets rotten soon as compared to vegetables, so in order to let it out soon, as soon as it get digested, the intestine of carnivorous animal is small.


3.)when the carnivorous animal is exhausted after a long run it will take it out his tongue & will do huf.. huf.., they don't get sweat, but not in case og herbivorous animal & same for the human beings.


I have forgotten the 4th point, I will write after recollecting it.


So all the points indicates that we(human beings) are by nature Vegetarian.


Hari Bol,


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"The saliva of carnivoa contains no ptyalin and cannotpredigest starches; that of vegetarian animals contains ptyalin for the predigestion of starches.Flesh eatting animals secrete large quatities of hydrochloric acid to help dissolve bone;vegetarian animals secrete little hydrochloric acid." Steven Rosen Diet for Transcendence.


Animals are to be treated like children.That is,cared for with love.


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  • 3 years later...

good lord...


oranges grow on trees. vegetarian comes from the word vegetation or vegetable...


pls visit www.petatv.com and view the movie Meet Your Meat. see the poor chickens who are described as The most tortured creatures on the planet...


lets call upon our understanding of mothers love to solve this question - i once saw a ghastly picture in National Geographic of a burnt bird standing upright, looking upwards.. it had been burnt by the heat in a forest fire.. the photographer felt disturbed seeing it like that, so he knocked it over after taking the photo... and he was stunned to see several little birdlings run out from under its mothers wings - can you imagine what pain the mother underwent to save her children .....


once, after a long and fruitless discussion with a lady who did not want to think, i told her - i will believe you that an egg is vegetarian when you can convince the mother hen who laid that egg that it is not her child! i assure you any hen will draw blood from your hand if you try to touch her eggs.... ever seen a so called timid hen dare to fight with a hawk to protect her young uns...


this may seem very gross but a sannyasi wrote in one of his books, the egg is the unwanted menstruation of the chicken.


also cholestrol is found only in meat products. it is found in eggs.


just some thoughts to help you consider the issue.




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