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The Death of the West

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Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

Looks from here like Leyh IS the new guru after all.

Tarun, some of the stuff you say is funny, sometimes interesting and sometimes makes me sick to know we have the same guru. I'd actually forgotten about your pro-Hitler/holocast-denying stance. It's not too late to repent; Hitler was extreme demon, and he was fuelled and empowered by people who ignored or minimized the monsterous evil he inflicted on innocent human beings. He tried to imitate Vishnu, steal His symbols, much like your president Bush with his Operation Enduring Freedom, while innocent people who have nothing to do with what happened on Sept. 11 die horrible deaths in caves,through 'calateral damage' and as 'brave souls' sacrificing their lives for another New World Order.



I do not have the qualifications of a guru.



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Originally posted by Love:

Whenever I am next in india I could try to quote something really surprising from theier. One of them as it was written in Hindi was:


Make friends wiht non-believers if you have to, but remember to stab them in the back when the opportuninty comes. A non-believer is doomed for hell (dozakh) where he will be eternally punished for not believing ALlah and his only messenger Mohammad. (Now which Hindu rishi says that I ma the only one sent by God). We believe that it is possible for all beings to go closer to God provided they endeavour for it.


A man can give up his woman simply or even kill her if even as much as he suspects her of being unworthy.


I am sure you will not find things like these in the Hindu scriptures as they are really philosophies while neither Bible nor Koran are philosophical works but laws that tell you what to do. The closest in Hinduism to these would be Manu's book. It is strange that no one sees through the thing when it is all clear in the Koran as to what it is all about. It is the book of adharma.


Tell me one thing - have you ever read Koran yourself. If not, I sincerely suggest that you do go out and read it.

Well, let's not dare bring out any of the things in Manu-samhita which may also be a little shocking.


Yes, I've read quite a bit of Quran.



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Originally posted by leyh:

You are entitled to your opinions and your writings,just as I am entitled to speak up when I see misrepresentations of Krsna Consciousness.


I hope my choice of words have not offended you.Hare Krsna.


I am extremely offended by your words!! I curse you to become a fanatic muslim in your next birth.




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Originally posted by abhi_the_great:

I am extremely offended by your words!! I curse you to become a fanatic muslim in your next birth.





You may curse all you want,but please be careful of the karmic consequences.Hare Krsna.



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You are entitled to your opinions and your writings,just as I am entitled to speak up when I see misrepresentations of Krsna Consciousness.



Oh so your the protector of the dharma...give me a break and stop with the self-deception, if you want to debate debate but stop this silly idea of yourself as someone who 'Checks' the offenders or else you'll end up nuts.

I'm just given ya a heads up their chief...

I've seen this behaviour before, you NEED some balance in your life, your gettin all wound up in a frenzie and are headed for a tailspin!

Go listen to some Led Zepplelin or something!






[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 03-08-2002).]

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Originally posted by Avinash:

I am extremely offended by your words!! I curse you to become a fanatic muslim in your next birth.


Why did you write 'fanatic muslim' and not just 'muslim'? Does it mean you accept that there are muslims who are not fanatics? Should they be converted?



I do agree that there are muslims who are not fanatics, but they are lesser than fanatics who are non-muslims.


I have had muslim friends who were very very close to me, 1 who have stayed in my hse (where my parents are initiated devotees in ISKCON) and ate in my hse and studied together during exams.


I have visited their home too.


I know there are non-fanatics, but I don't feel they are many like my old friend.


Should they be converted?


No, if they allow the peaceful propagation of KC, why shd we bother them. But, if they are hell bent on converting India into an Islamic state, certainly we shd overpower them. The majority are in the second category. If they oppose the building of Ram temple, they shd be driven out like Sankara drived out out the Budhists.


Good luck


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Originally posted by leyh:



You may curse all you want,but please be careful of the karmic consequences.Hare Krsna.


What about offending me??? What happenss then??


Don't worry, I withdraw my curse on you. tak-ta-tka-ta-tak.





[This message has been edited by abhi_the_great (edited 03-08-2002).]

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gHariji: You're right. No need for Prophet contempt.

ZrIla ZrIdhardev was asked y there r so many different religions.

First he stated: "It's a jungle out there."

Then he went on to explain:

"Different Levels of God Realization."

Perhaps you've read his "Search for ZrI KRSNa"?

Another point:

PrabhupAd stated - "If u want to hate someone, hate KRSNa. Gradually you'll be purified."

So these different sects love & hate God to different degrees.

Bhaktavasyaji: SP had so many ziSyas. He also stated.

Free Will. There is ample info on Nazi Holocaust truth & myth.

In Kaliyuga everyone has a bad side.

What is that zloka?

In Kaliyuga, devotee & demon r born in same body, right?

So Bushman has his bright side:

1) no abortion, pro-life

2) promoting celibacy

3) school vouchers

His dark side:

1) He's not pro-life when it comes to Afghanis & others

2) He's not pro-life when it comes to environment issues

Personally I believe he and/or those around him attacked WTC.

NYC vikarma <-> viphalam? Who can say for sure?

Also, y did ENRON attack California? Same reason.

Neither CA nor NY voted for Bushel.

How r Jews involved?

Some Jews r more demon-like, some r more devotee-like.

Some Jews know u must b vegetarian 2 b Kosher. Others don't.

Was Hitler all bad?

R Germans discriminated against due to WW2 propaganda?

SP had at least 170 German-born ziSyas.

RavindranAth ThAkur aka Tagore advised our ZrIla BhaktisiddhAnta to preach in Germany first.

"British & French r not ready."


HDG's 1st western ziSya was Teutonic. Maybe there were 2.

SP sometimes referred to one. They were friends.

U r in Canada, no?

U have laws outlawing speech or print in favor of WW2 Revision.

Doesn't that make u at least a bit suspicious?

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I do agree that there are muslims who are not fanatics, but they are lesser than fanatics who are non-muslims.


I also think so.


Should they be converted?


No, if they allow the peaceful propagation of KC, why shd we bother them. But, if they are hell bent on converting India into an Islamic state, certainly we shd overpower them.


I agree with you. My position is that we should use force on those muslims who use force on Hindus. But there is no reason to forcibly try to convert all muslims to Hindus.


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Originally posted by Avinash:

I agree with you. My position is that we should use force on those muslims who use force on Hindus. But there is no reason to forcibly try to convert all muslims to Hindus.

It seems our wave lengths match as much as our names abhilash and avinash.


But when there will be a mass murder, no-one can differenciate who is a fanatic and who is not. Many innocent people die, like in Gujarat. It happens, and it will happen again and again.


As the collective backlash karma of Islam unfolds we might witness terrible cruelty, i'm afraid. It won't be a delightful experience to see poeple dying, though they may be muslims. WE might have to act and speak in not so pleasurable words even so to our own hearts.


sweet dreams and g'nite


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Originally posted by Tarun:

Jijaji-ji: Led Zeppelin? You mean like "Baby Squeeze My Nimbu?"



More like.....


"When The Levie Breaks"




"Dazed and Confused"




"Kashmir"...yeah that's the ticket, "KASHMIR"


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Originally posted by abhi_the_great:

What about offending me??? What happenss then??


Don't worry, I withdraw my curse on you. tak-ta-tka-ta-tak.





[This message has been edited by abhi_the_great (edited 03-08-2002).]



Thank you for withdrawing your curse,which I never took very seriously at all in the first place.


What about offending me??? What happenss then??

My intention was not to offend you.I had to speak out when I see that you are using Krsna Consciousness to justify ethic cleansing and eradication of Islam


I fully support defence of Dharma.That is a devotee's duty.But a devotee should not engage in any "ethnic cleansing process"You wrote in an earlier post that:"There needs to be some planned action to reduce the faith of Muslim people in their religion - which is being totally misused."This is extremist behaviour and will only provoke even more rage against Muslims.There should be planned action to educate Muslims about how the fundamentalist Muslim terrorists are misusing Islam,instead of trying to erode the religion of Islam as you seem to be implying.


Maybe there was some kind of miscommunication between us.If you're saying that Hindus should defend themselves and their culture from attacks by Muslim fanatics,then I fully agree with you.But I totally disagree if you're saying that ethic cleansing should be practiced on Muslims and that propaganda should be made against Islam. Fanaticism in the name of Islam should be denounced.Not Islam.


Here in Singapore,there is a large Muslim community and I personally have many Muslim friends.They are not fanatics --- just ordinary people trying to go through life and seeking happiness.Muslims come in all varieties as Islam is NOT a monolithic bloc.Show me a fanatical anti-Hindu Muslim and I can show you a peace loving Muslim.


To try to "eradicate or "thwart" Islam just because of the violence of some fanatics is an extremist measure.It is also futile.Islam is here to stay on this world and we should co-operate with peaceful Muslims while defending against those who perpruate evil in its name.


"So do not think that this movement is trying to convert you from Christian to Hindu.Remain a Christian,a Jew,a Muslim.It doesn't matter.But if you really want to perfect your life,then try to develop your dormant love for God.That is the perfection of life." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,during a lecture at Northeastern University in Boston in the summer of 1969)


Here,we have Srila Prabhupada's statement that it doesn't matter whether one is a Christian,a Hindu or a Muslim.This is an implicit acceptance of Islam as a bona-fide religious process and if those who aspire to follow Srila Prabhupada's teachings should not take it upon themselves to reject what he has accepted.






[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 03-09-2002).]

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