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John sang Krsna 'fore George

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Think about this phrase: "letter to JayAnanda after he left his body"

Who is this letter for? JayAnanda or us?

Please carefully consider for whom SP wrote this letter.


As for IMAGINE transcending mundane religion, that is exactly what Lennon did, at least theoretically, verbally, with his lyrics.

Ergo, he was assassinated by tamoguN-rajoguN ruthless reptiles.

sarva-dharmAn parityaja...

KRSNa also says: without peace, how can there be happiness?

Can bombing self-sufficient, self-sustaining villages from 7 miles high bring peace?

To introduce increased dependency = worldwide World Order interdependency?

SP advised: Give them land! Let them grow their own food!

Castro did this with some success.

Chile's democratically elected President Allende tried to do this, but Kissinger assassinated him b4 he could complete the task.

Venezuela's democratically elected president is now doing this though our CIA is doing its best to impede him.

Same with Colombia, Brazil, Africa, everywhere.

R such Air Force pilots heroes or naradhamAH = 10 rungs below tamoguN.

Village life is ideal life.

Demons love to destroy ideal life in favor of their own exploits.

Lennon's Imagine will long outlive all these flesh-eating fools & rascals.


Furthermore, it's mostly India's fault so many became Muslim.

Because these so-called sAdhus don't know any zAstra, they misinterpret - they condemn rather than purify.

Bite the bullet? u become Muslim.

Can cow grease condemn one forever?

Is cow grease more powerful than Vedik mantras?

SrI Caitanya NityAnanda SrI Advaita-candra...

Hare KRSNa Hare KRSNa KRSNa KRSNa Hare Hare...

If so, then all ItihAsas, Vedas, PurANas become trash, fit for your local dustbin, that's all.

Jerks dressed as sAdhus: what could be more dangerous?

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  • 2 weeks later...

>>Elsewhere SP mentioned JayAnanda Prabhu could also have gone to some heavenly planet. I remember reading this back in 1977.

No harm. "With KRSNa" can mean anywhere, relative or absolute. <<


True, and tho I don't have the quote on me right at this moment, I am almost sure that what he said was, Jayananda COULD have gone to the heavens, but he DID go to the Vaikunthas.


I agree, Krsna can be anywhere. Actually, wherever Krishna is, that IS going back to Godhead. I suspect this is the type of BTG George Harrision achieved. According to Krishna Book - a place where we get further training. However, Prabhupada said Jayananda went to the Vaikunta planets, to the best of my understanding anyway.



Prtha dd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus assured all of us:

If u want to see God, to see Krishna face to face, u must be pro-peace.

"Blessed r the Peacemakers, for they shall see God"

"All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance"

True Buddhists, True Christians, Ture Hindus, True Jews, True Muslims TRUE DEVOTEES OF THE SUPREME LORD can unite, cooperate peacefully.

"The best way to neutralize your enemy --- is to make him your friend." - 16th US President

Thank God for France! Viva La France!

UN French delegate announced:

"This United Nations is meant to promote PEACE, not war."

Everyone cheered, even Rupert Murdoch, though privately.

Manhattan's 1st Avenue is totally filled from 52St to 72St both sides.

Similar Peace rallies r going on in 660 cities worldwide.

Over one million gathered for PEACE in Rome today.

In Gita KRSNa tells Arjun:

Without Peace, How there can be Happiness?

What is the question of happiness without Peace?

Can u eat/honor your chapatis, dahl, rice, sabji while your country is blocking all food supplies to millions of people worldwide?

Paying for 100 yr old Olive Trees to uprooted by US Army Tanks?

One Olive Tree is worth millions of falsely selected rip-off presidents.

Withholding food, destroying crops...

Is this what PrabhupAd preached? Or your own disgusting concoction?

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Is this what PrabhupAd preached? Or your own disgusting concoction?



I find this to be an inappropriate comment, especially use of the word "disgusting."


Its ok to have different opinions and try to come full circle thru discussion, politely. And the facts can be presented more clearly than in your last confusing post. It's hard to tell if you are speaking to others or chastizing the devotees of the Lord. Incidentally, none of what you used were quotes from Prabhupada. If you are going to straighten us out regarding what is concoction and what his real teaching are, then it should be from his works. While Srila Prabhupada respected all paths, he did not practice "inter-faith." Only full Krishna, bas.


Anyhow, to honestly understand what Prabhupada preached, each day we must read his books, listen to him speak (which can be done at home), follow all 4 of the regs and not 3 1/2, attend morning and evening program (which can also be done at home), chant 16 rounds, fully surrender to what Srila Prabhupada has to say cent per cent, & engage in regular devotional service. One who is not there should not criticize others. (Nor do I know, or judge, who is following and who isn't.)


The next road block to understaing going btg is when someone is attached to a specific opinion. Then ya can show them all the Prabhupada quotes in the 3 worlds which reveal that anyone can go back to Godhead in this one life, especially if they are fortunate to chant or hear the Maha Mantra at the time of death (no matter how fallen they were in life!), and STILL such a person will not accept. Why? Because it is their belief "system" one is up against, and not facts.


But no offense intended, just trying to make a point.



Prtha dd

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CORRECTION to the recorded words of Jesus of Nazareth from Matthew 5.8-9:<blockquote>"<font color="blue">Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.</font color>" </blockquote>

How do we make peace? Promote Hari nama to purify the atmosphere.


How do we see God? In the 38th verse of his Samhita, Lord Brahma concurs with the above quote of Lord Jesus:<blockquote><blockquote><table border=0 cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="70%"><td valign ="center" width="60%">"<font color="blue">I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.</font color>"</td><td width="40%" align="center" valign ="center"><img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/syama.jpg width=108 height=176></td></table></blockquote></blockquote>gHari

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I only have a few minutes and therefore can only give a short reply, but just wanted to make it clear I never said Prabhupada was against Jesus, or anyone for that matter, or that he never made quotes about him. Only that he came here to spread Krishna consciousness.


I remember reading how Allen Ginsberg suggested to Prabhuapda to call his (SP's) society the International Society for God Consciousness, but Prabhupada refused, pointing out how he wanted it to be specific about Krishna. I dont have the quote on hand but can find it if anyone wants me to.


Gotta run. Thanks! /images/graemlins/smile.gif



Prtha dd

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  • 1 month later...

Iraq War seems to be at least partially over today.

Ever since Bush's 48 hr ultimatum to Saddam, Capetown's Bush Radio station has been playing 48 hrs of John & Yoko's Plastic Ono Band singing:

"Give Peace a Chance" Tues-Thurs 48 hrs straight over & over again, last 5 lyrics of which repeat:

Hari Hari Krishna Hari Krishna

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  • 5 months later...

Will u b present Thursday Evening at Strawberry Fields?

"What Goes On" in your mind?

"Act Naturally", perform devotional service.

"Matchbox" for lighting pUjA incense or agnihotra-yajnas, not otherwise.

Even Srila Narayan Mhrj gave an example:

"When cool-sun guru is NOT physically present? Carry matchbox."

Hey Prabhus, "U Know It Don't Come Easy"

May Octopus' Gardens & Yellow (sattvik) Submarines b engaged in Srila RUpa Goswami's yukta-vairAgya spirit?

Y not? Any objections?

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We were busy last night singing all those Beatle 60s songs that gradually brought us nearer to, got us ready 4 Sri Guru & GaurAnga... when this control group strolled on over, saying, proclaiming we can't play... only silence = QUIET ZONE.

Supposedly Yoko across the street heard us.

She supposedly only wants John's birth & deathdays celebrated, not others.

If this is true:

Amazing how little she knew/knows about muziek, specially Fab4 harmony.

Discord devi dasi? u bet.

We were talking... abot a world that's grown so cold... Kaliyuga: shoot the piano player.



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