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Jesus Christ is our Lord!

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Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour

and nothing can change that. He was

cruxified, died, and buried. And on

the third day He rose again from the

dead. If you have eyes to see and ears

to hear then better believe in Him who

is our Lord. It is only by faith alone

that one can be saved from sin. If you

have faith in Christ then you shall be


Praise God and Allelujia!


[This message has been edited by mateo (edited 11-08-2001).]

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Mr Valaya, I`m not here to fight or debate

without direction an issue I`ve just posted.

If certain issues can be compromised then

its better than none at all. If we don`t

agree up to a certain point, I do hope you

will not leave your dust on the floor. Wipe

it, Sir, before you leave. But if you want

to make this discussion a bit livelier then

I will cooperate so that we can reach at a

certain point something to agree with. I

know my father and brother were harsh to

you. Please do forgive their trespasses. I

am here on a PEACE mission, but of course

with a gun at my side. So let us praise

the Lord Above who gives each one a reward

if we are good.

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Melvin, Marco, Cosmic and now Mateo. Now to be known as Cosmic MelMarteo.


Originally posted by mateo:

Mr Valaya, I`m not here to fight or debate

without direction an issue I`ve just posted.

If certain issues can be compromised then

its better than none at all. If we don`t

agree up to a certain point, I do hope you

will not leave your dust on the floor. Wipe

it, Sir, before you leave. But if you want

to make this discussion a bit livelier then

I will cooperate so that we can reach at a

certain point something to agree with. I

know my father and brother were harsh to

you. Please do forgive their trespasses. I

am here on a PEACE mission, but of course

with a gun at my side. So let us praise

the Lord Above who gives each one a reward

if we are good.


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Lord Jesus Christ may well be MY LORD, but Ill never agree to call Him Our Lord unless the character of the entire "our" is analyzed.


I suggest that the so called "Jesus" people try to understand His actual position, minus the phony pledges of allegiance that even He cringes at, or haven't you read His teachings at all?




Haribol, Valaya, enjoyed your posts about the gatherings with you-know-who's friends and students. Hope all is well with you and give them all my regards.

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The Title, Jesus Christ is our Lord, is mine.

Not Jesus is Lord or Christ Is Lord or Jesus

is my Lord(something personal). Our Lord is

Jesus Christ is the theme of my family be-

cause we all worship "Our" Lord Jesus. Why?

Because Lord Jesus Christ is God who became

flesh and dwelt amongst us.

In the practical sense, Christ is God whom

we can see and interact day to day, as we

consult Him about our problems. When we get

sick, Lord Jesus Christ heals us. When we

need someone to talk and listen to our per-

sonal problems, He`s always there to lend us

our ears(even if it`s in the middle of the


Lord Jesus Christ do not bother this dis-

tractions at all even if he`s busy with some

of His patients confined.

If only you knew what Lord Jesus Christ did

to save humanity from the religious tyrants.

When Judas betrayed Lord Jesus to the San-

hedrin for 30 pieces of silver dollars, He

didn`t mind if Judas act would led to His


You Mahak, would you be willing to follow

such a man?

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Ill gladly follow Lord Jesus Christ, but only As He Is.


The idea that god has come under the authority of the romans is ludicrous, and the idea that the son is the father is sumarily rejected by Lord Jesus Christ himself.


So, it is one thing to follow the sadhu, the vaisnava acarya, by scrutinizingly understanding and becoming submissive with inquiry to such an authority, but all this show-bottle pledges of being his is adequately described by Lord Jesus Christ, when he clearly states "There will be many who claim to be mine, but I say to them 'Get away from me, you workers of evil, for you fail to do the will of my Father Whos has sent Me'"


So, the attitude of the real follower of Lord Jesus Christ is fully present in Psalm 40, in which there is confidence that our works in His service are recognized, but at the same time, full understanding of our actual plight prevents all such puffed up declarations of actually being HIS.


I will gladly speak about Lord Jesus Christ to anyone, but not with someone polluted by eccliastic idealism and sectarian "I am better than thou" attitudes. I will gladly share the good news (gospel) with someone who recognizes that "epistles" are perfunctory and absent theology altogether. If I lost you here, then so be it.



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Originally posted by mahak:

Ill gladly follow Lord Jesus Christ, but only As He Is.


The idea that god has come under the authority of the romans is ludicrous, and the idea that the son is the father is sumarily rejected by Lord Jesus Christ himself.


So, it is one thing to follow the sadhu, the vaisnava acarya, by scrutinizingly understanding and becoming submissive with inquiry to such an authority, but all this show-bottle pledges of being his is adequately described by Lord Jesus Christ, when he clearly states "There will be many who claim to be mine, but I say to them 'Get away from me, you workers of evil, for you fail to do the will of my Father Whos has sent Me'"


So, the attitude of the real follower of Lord Jesus Christ is fully present in Psalm 40, in which there is confidence that our works in His service are recognized, but at the same time, full understanding of our actual plight prevents all such puffed up declarations of actually being HIS.


I will gladly speak about Lord Jesus Christ to anyone, but not with someone polluted by eccliastic idealism and sectarian "I am better than thou" attitudes. I will gladly share the good news (gospel) with someone who recognizes that "epistles" are perfunctory and absent theology altogether. If I lost you here, then so be it.




Haribol Mahak prabhu! I received an Email attachment from: minimag@gopaljiu.org, that is very relevant to these points you are making and others on this forum, but I don't know how to `copy-paste` it , technically speaking, as it's on Acrobat Reader. The title is KK Bindhu #16 and I highly recommend reading it. Perhaps someone can transfer it here.


If you put your name on their subscription list they'll send a free `mini-mag` every two weeks. I really would like to see this latest one on `Spiritual Discussions` somehow so we could all address some of the more important points quoted from Srila Prabhupada and others.


valaya RR




[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 11-10-2001).]

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Dear Mahak, It seems you don`t really know

who Jesus Christ our Lord As He Is. You may

be good at words you picked up from the

Holy Scriptures. Even the evil one can quote

from the Lord`s Gospels in the New Testament

of the Bible. God, Lord Jesus can only be

known by His works and deeds, not through

twisted words not even the lay man could

understand. Can you therefore describe to me

the word " perfunctory?" And what does it

convey to the reader? If you want to preach

the Good News, use words that can be under-


Praise the Lord and Allelujia!

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You have never 'preached' the good news here nor do you likely even know what the good news was that Jesus brought. It has all been just building your silly ego. "My dog's bigger than your dog".


The Christian who rebukes Krsna and Hindu who rebukes Christ are both neither Christian nor Hindu, but simply pretenders.


Just like the seminary - you remain just a chronic liar, a poseur. May Lord Jesus have mercy on you.



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Ghari, with due respects, please don`t

try to leave your trash in my forum. I

didn`t invite you here, but everyone is

welcome to take a look. But if you leave

your trash inside this forum, I`d rather

be glad you step-out and don`t ever bo-

ther again disturb the peace of those

who come in here. In fact, my Muslim

brothers are also invited to share what

they think of God, Allah. It`s almost

Ramadan, the day when the Islamic world

shall fast and reflect to pray to Allah.

Our Muslim brothers in other words will

refrain from using violence to others,

even Born-again Christians and Catholics.

Ghari, I know that you profess the Hin-

du religion, but if you are democratic

please don`t spray your biases inside

this forum. You should leave them outside

where vultures can feed on it.

Praise the Lord and Allelujia!

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Don't be calling GHari's posts trash. He is intelligent and honest which is far more than can be said for you Mr. Cosmic MelMarteo.


Originally posted by mateo:

Ghari, with due respects, please don`t

try to leave your trash in my forum. I

didn`t invite you here, but everyone is

welcome to take a look. But if you leave

your trash inside this forum, I`d rather

be glad you step-out and don`t ever bo-

ther again disturb the peace of those

who come in here. In fact, my Muslim

brothers are also invited to share what

they think of God, Allah. It`s almost

Ramadan, the day when the Islamic world

shall fast and reflect to pray to Allah.

Our Muslim brothers in other words will

refrain from using violence to others,

even Born-again Christians and Catholics.

Ghari, I know that you profess the Hin-

du religion, but if you are democratic

please don`t spray your biases inside

this forum. You should leave them outside

where vultures can feed on it.

Praise the Lord and Allelujia!


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Originally posted by mateo:

Ghari, with due respects, please don`t

try to leave your trash in my forum. I

didn`t invite you here, but everyone is

welcome to take a look. But if you leave

your trash inside this forum, I`d rather

be glad you step-out and don`t ever bo-

ther again disturb the peace of those

who come in here. In fact, my Muslim

brothers are also invited to share what

they think of God, Allah. It`s almost

Ramadan, the day when the Islamic world

shall fast and reflect to pray to Allah.

Our Muslim brothers in other words will

refrain from using violence to others,

even Born-again Christians and Catholics.

Ghari, I know that you profess the Hin-

du religion, but if you are democratic

please don`t spray your biases inside

this forum. You should leave them outside

where vultures can feed on it.

Praise the Lord and Allelujia!

Your forum?




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 11-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by leyh:

Your forum?


[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 11-12-2001).]

C'mon, leyh...in all fairness, he meant `his` thread, because he started it. That said, all here must accept that threads meander as they may and their wanderings can't be expected to comply with our wishes any more than life itself.


Unfortunately many so-called religious people attempt to contriol others while still unable to fully control themselves, usually in pseudo-service to their supposed guru/master or personal vision of `God`. It's often a form of megalomania...


valaya RR



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What I mean here is that I don`t want to

be a spark that would start a war inside

this thread. Lord Jesus forbids His disci-

ples to start a war against those who op-

pose the Christian religion, a form of ri-

tual, which prohibits the use of violence

against those who may contradict it. If

you want to challenge the author of this

thread, it`s best that it should be conduc-

ted in another thread or "venue." There`s

always a space for everything, good or bad.

In other words, I welcome all to visit this

thread, gatecrash or not, but let us please

observe the peace among those who wish to

participate in the discussion, whatever, it


We have our own beliefs and desires. We were

given this freedom by our Maker to do what

is best and for the good of all. The Lord

even healed a man who was possessed by de-

mons. The man that was possessed by these

bad characters even thought Lord Jesus was

his enemy before the evil-minded man was

diagnosed to have harbored inside his body

seven kinds of evil characters.

In other words, our Ministry is of healing

not destroying anybody, all being done in

the name of Lord Jesus Christ. This is our

ultimate goal, no more no less.


Praise the Lord and Allelujia!

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The Christian who rebukes Krsna and the Hindu who rebukes Christ are both neither Christian nor Hindu, but simply pretenders.


If the shoe fits wear it.


Vultures? Learn that at seminary school? You did not approach us in the Holy Spirit, but instead through childish games. Lord Jesus is the external manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It would seem that if he sent you here, it is to learn, perhaps to find the Holy Ghost who is more than a concept or feeling in the heart, but rather the person who you claim to follow.





Gary Stevason

Seeking the Kingdom of God

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I repeat here for the nth time.As a re-

presentative of our Lord Jesus Christ, I`m

not challenging anyone who profess the Hindu

or Muslim faith. I respect what God you be-

lieve in, whether it`s Allah, Krishna, Shiva,

Jehovah, Yaweh, Buddha, etc. God worship I

believe is a personal endeavor and one need

not impose his beliefs on others who are not

interested in what one thinks about this God

he loves to serve and worship. Everyone, in

other, words has the freedom to embrace what

he feels is the religion that could best

serve his needs in order to be happy in this

present life.

If you think I`m speaking non-sense, then

it`s not your right to impose your opinions

on what I feel is good, even if they are not

in accordance with the scriptures? But who

are you to judge this particular book by its

cover? Only the Almighty God can judge the

person if he deserves to go to hell, in pur-

gatory, or heaven.

This thread I opened is for the believers of

Lord Jesus Christ, although others could pay

a visit and observe what the people here are

discussing. But to destroy the peace inside

this forum, for the heck of it, is not only

undeserving but speaks of bad taste. Please

don`t let me think you are that kind of per-

son. Why don`t you just...


Praise the Lord in stead.

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You are obviously too dull to hear good advice. Saying that equating Sri Krsna to myth is not challenging only documents your insincerity and dullness.


Your alter-egos may cut and paste from Hindu sites and try to fool us, but don't think for a moment that any of your nonsense has anything to do with Christ or the Holy Spirit. Grow up and get serious about your life. Being a follower of Christ is more than just professing it. A tree shall be known by its fruits.

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it`s kaliyuga age happening, arguing just for

the sake of it. one wants to be converted to his fold and vice versa, leaving behind ruins

and rubble of what was once a great edifice. people of whatever persuasion who possess an

intelligence easily criticizes others think-

ing himself to be great as if he can`t lose.

but you can`t win `em all! people have differ

ent mentalities and therefore it would be imp

ossible to get them to agree with one`s point

of view. even Krsna wasn`t able to win people

to his side because others favor to join Kams

a. that`s nature working as it should. hence i would advice that one refrain from giving o

thers trouble. mrgari, a hunter, for example in his life left his prey flip-plopping to di

e in pain because he loved to see them suffer

first before they die. and the great sage nar

ada questioned mrgari regarding this and left

the hunter amazed when narada revived the dea

d animals back to life. out of fear, mrgari b

e came a follower of narada and bowed not to

kill animals again. i do hope that you also b

e come one of narada`s followers.


praising the lord, by the way, is a good idea

and keep up with your godly work. just call me whenever you need me.


[This message has been edited by naradadeva (edited 11-13-2001).]

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You seem not to mind that Krsna is referred to as a myth. I'm not too sure that your master, His divine grace Prabhupada swami would find such toleration commendable. But maybe he would. All glories to His divine grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Thakura and his wonderful compassion for fallen souls!


You would enjoy reading the story of Gajendra the elephant. It is best read out loud. It shows the special compassion of God that is available to us all. Perhaps I can post it for you if you can't locate it on the net.






Gary Stevason

Seeking the Kingdom of God

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Maybe there`s no harm in visiting gary stevenson`s web site, Kingdom of God. I respect everyone`s religious beliefs.

Misunderstanding sometimes take place

because what we believed. I believe that

if we serve God, our Maker, with love and

devotion I guess He`ll be pleased with us.

It`s in serving God that I find true hap-

pines in this life.

The first step is to Praise the Lord with

in one`s heart. That wouldn`t be difficult,

isn`t it?


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people are saying that krsna is a myth then

let them say that but if we can convince them

that krsna is not what they think he is then

that would be a success. i repeat people have

different mentalities and it is not our job

anymore if what they believe is right. what i

s important that we can convince people to ac

cept krsna as their worshippable lord. if we

can do it without enforcing them to become krsna conscious then the effort is worth it.

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Even if you knew that Krsna is the original existence, the Primal Person from and for whom all that exists comes into being, upon whom everything rests, in whom we all exist, would you do anything about it? Would you continue to behave like this in other forums and shame Krsna like you shame Christ here?


Frankly, I would think that Krsna wants even less to do with you than we do. Ditto from Christ; he knows you not.



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if you really respect the belief of others why do you bother them? If you bother them do you really have some respect? Either you do accept the fact that you cannot force someone to believe in Jesus Christ if she/he does not want to - which is respect. Or you don't - "Jesus-Christ-is-Our-Lord-and-If-you-do-not-want-to-believe-you-will-all-go-to-hell." At least this would be appreciable, frank and honest.

Trying to convert others is also always a form of re-converting oneself, especially if one does not succeed to proselize others. May God bless you.



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Originally posted by mateo:

Maybe there`s no harm in visiting gary stevenson`s web site, Kingdom of God. I respect everyone`s religious beliefs.

Misunderstanding sometimes take place

because what we believed. I believe that

if we serve God, our Maker, with love and

devotion I guess He`ll be pleased with us.

It`s in serving God that I find true hap-

pines in this life.

The first step is to Praise the Lord with

in one`s heart. That wouldn`t be difficult,

isn`t it?

I see nothing wrong with this particular post, in content or otherwise. Are we not in agreement here that praising God by chanting His Holy Names, preferably in unison as a group, while attempting to develop a humble and tolerant attitude as the lowly servant of all (God), is both the means and the end of our religious activities?


Also, for the record, I accept Lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour. Without him I do not believe I would have come into the personal presence of His Divine Grace Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and all that followed in his wake. In fact, I still pray to Jesus and his help is always there almost immediately.


Now, however, my personal focus is on Srimati Radharani as the ultimate source and personification of Divine Love and Grace. Service in devotion and to devotion remains my aspiration. After all, bhakti is bhakti, isn't it?


valaya RR



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